What in your opinion is the single most dishonest profession?

Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

The best you can come up with is mechanic, ol' blue collar worker that probably takes an extra $25 for a service he provides.

There's really no excuse for getting fleeced by a mechanic nowadays.  Information and second opinions about your car is out there.

The most dishonest professions tend to wear white collars...and scrubs.
 They ain't $!#@!

Tell that to the Doctor that your life might depend on one day.....I can't believe the %*%# that comes out of you guys mouths sometimes
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

The best you can come up with is mechanic, ol' blue collar worker that probably takes an extra $25 for a service he provides.

There's really no excuse for getting fleeced by a mechanic nowadays.  Information and second opinions about your car is out there.

The most dishonest professions tend to wear white collars...and scrubs.
You shouldn't have to get a second opinion. They should give it to you straight the first time. Besides overcharging for damn near everything mechanics habitually find problems where there are none. The simple fact of the matter is the vast majority of people have a minimal amount of knowledge on car upkeep. Most mechanics pray on this. Add the fact that there is little to no accountability and to me it becomes the worst. Lawyers and doctors get sued for malpractice every day. And 9 times out of 10 its not for lying. It's for doing something unethical. This thread is about straight up dishonesty.

Not true.
Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Those saying Doctors please explain!

Doctor checking in

I was going to say doctor but I haven't really had many bad experiences with them, so I'm going with dentists.

The reason why doctors/dentists can be dishonest is because they get paid so much and have knowledge of their field that the common people don't have, so it wouldn't be hard for them to prescribe something, make some solid cash and the average person would never know they just got played. That, and the whole health field scares people because no one wants to live with something wrong with their body, so they're easily gullible if a doctor/dentist wanted to fool them.

My dentist insisted on me getting fillings for cavities, charging me an arm and leg for each one. I went to another dentist and he told me the cavities were incredibly shallow and would recover just from careful brushing and told me to wait before committing to getting fillings. Meanwhile, the original dentist was trying to rush me into getting it done, saying it was urgent.

Again, this is all generalization. Lots of doctors are honest, good people. But there is huge potential for there to be dishonesty.

See the Super lube(or was it jiffy lube?) scandal. Straight up recommending services and charging for stuff they didn't have the slightest intention of doing.
+@#$ if anything LAWYERS is probably the most dishonest profession, being that even if they feel their client is guilty, they will defend them in order to win the case...still in awe at dudes talking about Doctors being dishonest.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

NT never ceases to amaze me-

Something to keep in mind before you go around calling doctors "dishonest"

-Doctors are under a microscope 24/7
Everything get documented and reviewed by third party organizations-People at the hospital I work at got in trouble for putting "unintentially" charting procedures they didn't do

-Half of the effort many doctors expend in medicine is covering their $!%es-it is very difficult for doctors to do unethical/dishonest/shady sh** without getting caught

-Seeing how hard most doctors work for their degree and license, most of them will tell you it just isn't worth it

-What exactly are doctors known for lying about? The diagnosis? I'm curious, what have doctors lied to you about
Are you saying a majority of the history taking, procedures, diagnoses, assessments and management doctors dispense on a daily basis are simply LIES?

-As a profession medicine is EVIDENCE driven, doctors base their decisions on current standards and evidence from research are you saying the research they base their decisions on are LIES as well?

-Do xrays/mris and a lot of the technology used by doctors to come up with diagnoses LIE?

-I'm not even saying doctors are Saints, but the profession being synonymous with dishonesty or any more dishonest than you average profession is beyond me-maybe I'm biased

Anyone who says doctors are dishonest, along with lawyers, or politicians needs to actually come up with a good reason as to why they think so.

With that said, I don't think most people are so much dishonest as they are willing to push for their client to pay some extra money. Doctors can't make up a diagnostic, but if something was wrong with their patient, they could easily push for the patient to do something about it. However, like I said above, I've never had any issues with doctors.

My issue is with dentists though. They can easily spin something extremely small into insisting that you take care of it right away, with them, for a large sum of money. I've had dentists who said something was wrong with my teeth every time I went and I've had dentists who said my teeth were looking fine and there was no need to do anything.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by raptors29

 They ain't $!#@!

Tell that to the Doctor that your life might depend on one day.....I can't believe the %*%# that comes out of you guys mouths sometimes

NT never ceases to amaze me-

Something to keep in mind before you go around calling doctors "dishonest"

-Doctors are under a microscope 24/7
Everything gets documented and reviewed by third party organizations-A few people at the hospital I work at got in trouble for putting "unintentially" charting procedures they didn't do

-Half of the effort many doctors expend in medicine is covering their @+$es-it is very difficult for doctors to do unethical/dishonest/shady sh** without getting caught

-Seeing how hard most doctors work for their degree and license, most of them will tell you it just isn't worth it

-What exactly are doctors known for lying about? The diagnosis? I'm curious, what have doctors lied to you about
Are you saying a majority of the history taking, procedures, diagnoses, assessments and management doctors dispense on a daily basis are simply LIES?

-As a profession medicine is EVIDENCE driven, doctors base their decisions on current standards and evidence from research are you saying the research they base their decisions on are LIES as well?

-Do xrays/mris and a lot of the technology used by doctors to come up with diagnoses LIE?

-I'm not even saying doctors are Saints, but the profession being synonymous with dishonesty or any more dishonest than you average profession is beyond me-maybe I'm biased

I will say a good example of doctors being dishonest is billing for unnecessary procedures and things of that nature but every profession has its bad apples

I just had this image of a doctor telling someone they had cancer when evidence clearly shows they don't just to perform expensive surgery on the patient-
Someone else chime in, is this even possible to get away with in the field?

I rarely agree with you on the female related threads, but I definitely agree with you here, even though I'm also a bit biased cause I plan on going
into that field. I was wondering how doctors would even be placed in this thread too. I could definitely see lawyers, mechanics, and car salesmen,
but I would not have ever put doctors, unless everybody saying that here are fully basing their opinions off of Conrad Murray & Nip/Tuck.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by raptors29

 They ain't $!#@!

Tell that to the Doctor that your life might depend on one day.....I can't believe the %*%# that comes out of you guys mouths sometimes

NT never ceases to amaze me-

Something to keep in mind before you go around calling doctors "dishonest"

-Doctors are under a microscope 24/7
Everything get documented and reviewed by third party organizations-People at the hospital I work at got in trouble for putting "unintentially" charting procedures they didn't do

-Half of the effort many doctors expend in medicine is covering their $!%es-it is very difficult for doctors to do unethical/dishonest/shady sh** without getting caught

-Seeing how hard most doctors work for their degree and license, most of them will tell you it just isn't worth it

-What exactly are doctors known for lying about? The diagnosis? I'm curious, what have doctors lied to you about
Are you saying a majority of the history taking, procedures, diagnoses, assessments and management doctors dispense on a daily basis are simply LIES?

-As a profession medicine is EVIDENCE driven, doctors base their decisions on current standards and evidence from research are you saying the research they base their decisions on are LIES as well?

-Do xrays/mris and a lot of the technology used by doctors to come up with diagnoses LIE?

-I'm not even saying doctors are Saints, but the profession being synonymous with dishonesty or any more dishonest than you average profession is beyond me-maybe I'm biased
Good stuff Anton,

All the doctors i work in coordination with from all fields. Never have I heard a fellow physician say lets order this study/test/procedure/drug so we can get paid. Lol it just doesnt work like that. You have to have a reason to perform these procedures etc in order to get reimbursed. There is also ridiculous amounts of regulation to avoid against self referrals etc.
I guess a surgeon could consistently recommend surgeries that arent indicated but it would catch up to him/her quickly.
Also if you order certain tests procedures the dr ordering the studies may not get anything from the said test. for example internal medicine doctor orders a CT Scan of the head down to the pelvis. That internal medicine doctor isnt going to be paid for ordering that study its the radiologist that gets paid for interpreting it.

Doctors arent even allowed to get pens/ bring lunch or provide kleenex boxes etc from drug companies anymore to avoid being influenced to prescribe certain drugs. Years ago they were able to take drs on trips to hawaii etc to pitch them on the benefits of their drug.
Originally Posted by scshift

Anyone who says doctors are dishonest, along with lawyers, or politicians needs to actually come up with a good reason as to why they think so


C'mon man, are you serious? Have you ever watched a politician do the 180 no look dunk after they get elected? Just watch the debates that are going on, see who gets elected and then watch how many promises they break for an example and "good reason."
i dont know what auto technician did to you guys but i dont believe 95% of them are more like 20%. all im saying is you use your car everyday and eventually !@*% breaks down on you. just getting service like a oil change paying $19.99 at jiffy lube isnt really servicing your car..they dont even do a inspection like real technician at a real shop...and when you do get inspection get surprised with a bogus service recommendations from the tech that you need a alignment tires fluids belts blah blah blah...its not like they lying it will fail on you, they work there and see hundred cars come in a out and see people not getting these services and watch them come back with bigger !@*% on their hands...but besides that politicans...salesmans are the worst..sales manager BOPPED HIS OWN SALESMAN'S MOTHER FOR 5 RACKS!
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Anyone who says doctors are dishonest, along with lawyers, or politicians needs to actually come up with a good reason as to why they think so.
+@#$ if anything LAWYERS is probably the most dishonest profession, being that even if they feel their client is guilty, they will defend them in order to win the case...still in awe at dudes talking about Doctors being dishonest.

I think some of ya'll need to really get a grasp on what you're talking about. Lawyers don't typically defend clients they think are guilty just to win the case. They do it because its their job. Even criminals have the right to an attorney. And what a lawyer thinks is irrelevant. What can be proven in a court is what matters. What if a man is innocent but every single lawyer out thinks he's guilty, does he not deserve legal representation? Maybe you should do some research on how our legal system works lol.
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Originally Posted by scshift

Anyone who says doctors are dishonest, along with lawyers, or politicians needs to actually come up with a good reason as to why they think so


C'mon man, are you serious? Have you ever watched a politician do the 180 no look dunk after they get elected? Just watch the debates that are going on, see who gets elected and then watch how many promises they break for an example and "good reason."


Then that was a good reason. I was just trying to say that people need to actually give evidence instead of just calling others dishonest.

And again, there are good and bad people in every field. I'm sure there are decent, honest politicians out there that are obscured by all these big name dudes we see. But then again, I guess if the majority of them are dishonest then it's a dishonest profession
Pawn brokers
Anyone working at a dealership: salesman or technician

Leave your heart, soul and morals at home unless you want to be the crappiest in your field.
Yea man depends on the people. I would refuse to do a job I did not feel was correct. To a certain point! Most big business owners are %$#+*+%* though.
Great response UTVol the bottom line is, people saying doctors CLEARLY have no idea how the medical profession works
I can't order a 100 tests and 20 different procedures without rationale and expect to get paid for it

-Doctors are in a position of great power, and patients are extremely vulnerable, however the medical profession is not a barren wasteland of lawlessness and deceit-We are taught that the patient should have full control of his or her own treatment and should be the prime decision maker

Human beings are almost programmed to be cynical of anyone with that much power and that's understandable, but do a little bit of research before you go making accusations-

I can't stick a needle in someone's back without telling them what it's for, alternatives to treatment, risks of the treatment, risks of forgoing treatment, make sure they understand what the procedure is and make sure I don't coerce them in anyway-this is the basic protocol for informed consent in medicine-do some doctors sway from it? Sure, but this is the standard of care by which most physicians are expected to abide by-Everything gets documented, and documented carefully otherwise you risk losing your license

Sry about the poor grammar, a few of my keys don't work
Originally Posted by RavageBX

+@#$ if anything LAWYERS is probably the most dishonest profession, being that even if they feel their client is guilty, they will defend them in order to win the case...still in awe at dudes talking about Doctors being dishonest.
I think some of ya'll need to really get a grasp on what you're talking about. Lawyers don't typically defend clients they think are guilty just to win the case. They do it because its their job. Even criminals have the right to an attorney. And what a lawyer thinks is irrelevant. What can be proven in a court is what matters. What if a man is innocent but every single lawyer out thinks he's guilty, does he not deserve legal representation? Maybe you should do some research on how our legal system works lol.

All that is true, but you have to look at it as in some cases, a lawyer is defending someone who is 100% guilty, in the most serious crimes. Yes, they do need representation,
but I think the posters mentioning lawyers relating to morals, instead of professionally. If I was a lawyer, I don't ever think I could take on a case were the facts are that some
guy murdered 100s of kids. Even if I could prove in court that he didn't, that wouldn't sit well with me, and I would like to think it would be the same for quite a few others.

As for the latter part, you're getting into a whole different subject right there. Of course THAT person deserves legal representation, and they should be the first one to have it
with the best of lawyers. That's where you get into the subject of people being wrongly convicted and on trial for 5-99yrs over a stolen candy bar, with a jury of "your peers".
Whole different topic. 

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