What is your Definition of being Successful in life?

happiness during the journey of life

we're programmed to never be satisfied, to always want better or different

i just hope i can be content while striving for these things i guess
Air JustinXI wrote:

If youre happy with what you have in life, you are successful
Accomplishing goals
Having knowledge of who you are
Knowing your purpose
Staying individual and not conforming to ill's of society
Maintaining an amazing family biological or not
Exploring the full extent of your potential.
To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children; to earn the approbation of honest citizens and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to give of one’s self; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived—this is to have succeeded

- wrongly attributed to emerson
the day i am content with what i have done, will be the day i die

i always think i can do something better than what i did before
Because money gives you opportunities to do whatever you desire.
It opens doors and opportunities that might have been impossible to attain while broke.

Then of course... find love and happiness.... Though I'm sure happiness is much easily attainable with cash.
Originally Posted by frenchhustler19091

Because money gives you opportunities to do whatever you desire.
It opens doors and opportunities that might have been impossible to attain while broke.

Then of course... find love and happiness.... Though I'm sure happiness is much easily attainable with cash.
"Money isn't real, George. It doesn't matter. It only seems like it does. "

great gatsby

but whats it all worth? cant take it with you under this earth, rich man died and tried, but none of it worked.

i dont feel like typing a coherent response so.. interpret that
just enough money to not worry about it, good family and friends, and a job that you actually enjoy.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by frenchhustler19091

Because money gives you opportunities to do whatever you desire.
It opens doors and opportunities that might have been impossible to attain while broke.

Then of course... find love and happiness.... Though I'm sure happiness is much easily attainable with cash.
"Money isn't real, George. It doesn't matter. It only seems like it does. "

great gatsby

but whats it all worth? cant take it with you under this earth, rich man died and tried, but none of it worked.

i dont feel like typing a coherent response so.. interpret that
I disagree with what you're trying to say.
Tell someone who is stressin' day to day because of money that it doesn't matter?
Money makes things easy... Not having money makes life really hard.
With an easier and stress-free life, happiness is closer to reach.

I get annoyed with people who act like money isn't important.  Saying they know rich people who aren't happy.  That just straight #!@@*@@@. 
Money shouldn't be earned just to be earned.  It should be earned as a medium to attain other things.  The hell's the point of money if you can't enjoy life?
If you can be happy being poor, you can be happy being rich.  Hell it makes it that much easier. 
I want to be loaded so I can do what I want to do.  I want to see the world, I want to experience things I just can't currently experience because of my financial situation. 

You can't seriously tell me that being broke makes a man happy.  In this world and age, that's just straight illogical.
Originally Posted by frenchhustler19091

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by frenchhustler19091

Because money gives you opportunities to do whatever you desire.
It opens doors and opportunities that might have been impossible to attain while broke.

Then of course... find love and happiness.... Though I'm sure happiness is much easily attainable with cash.
"Money isn't real, George. It doesn't matter. It only seems like it does. "

great gatsby

but whats it all worth? cant take it with you under this earth, rich man died and tried, but none of it worked.

i dont feel like typing a coherent response so.. interpret that
I disagree with what you're trying to say.
Tell someone who is stressin' day to day because of money that it doesn't matter?
Money makes things easy... Not having money makes life really hard.
With an easier and stress-free life, happiness is closer to reach.

I get annoyed with people who act like money isn't important.  Saying they know rich people who aren't happy.  That just straight #!@@*@@@. 
Money shouldn't be earned just to be earned.  It should be earned as a medium to attain other things.  The hell's the point of money if you can't enjoy life?
If you can be happy being poor, you can be happy being rich.  Hell it makes it that much easier. 
I want to be loaded so I can do what I want to do.  I want to see the world, I want to experience things I just can't currently experience because of my financial situation. 

I see my parents killing themselves to survive due to the economy.  They're doing all they can to support me through college, and I can see how painful their lives are just because of money.  They're getting old and want to be able to travel, take a damn vacation, and retire... but they can't.  They're not in a financial position to do so.

You can't seriously tell me that being broke makes a man happy.  In this world and age, that's just straight illogical.
Originally Posted by frenchhustler19091

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by frenchhustler19091

Because money gives you opportunities to do whatever you desire.
It opens doors and opportunities that might have been impossible to attain while broke.

Then of course... find love and happiness.... Though I'm sure happiness is much easily attainable with cash.
"Money isn't real, George. It doesn't matter. It only seems like it does. "

great gatsby

but whats it all worth? cant take it with you under this earth, rich man died and tried, but none of it worked.

i dont feel like typing a coherent response so.. interpret that
I disagree with what you're trying to say.
Tell someone who is stressin' day to day because of money that it doesn't matter?
Money makes things easy... Not having money makes life really hard.
With an easier and stress-free life, happiness is closer to reach.

I get annoyed with people who act like money isn't important.  Saying they know rich people who aren't happy.  That just straight #!@@*@@@. 
Money shouldn't be earned just to be earned.  It should be earned as a medium to attain other things.  The hell's the point of money if you can't enjoy life?
If you can be happy being poor, you can be happy being rich.  Hell it makes it that much easier. 
I want to be loaded so I can do what I want to do.  I want to see the world, I want to experience things I just can't currently experience because of my financial situation. 

You can't seriously tell me that being broke makes a man happy.  In this world and age, that's just straight illogical.
So by your logic. Not being broke makes a man happy? If you need money to enjoy life then you have no life. Money is there for the moment, not your life.

Think about it
To me success is a state of mind.
Its nothing that can be a grasped.
In order to endure success you must be succeeding.
It all comes down to what are your values and goals in life are.
My version of success cannot be measured by the value of
attention or the amount of the salary.
As long as I'm doing something I love to do, living a stable
and steady life, venturing and expanding into new territory
regularly, I will be on course in my own mind frame of success.
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