What is your next "must have purchase(s)"

- Oakley Gascan in Matte Black
- new running shoes
- cargo shorts and tee's

That's basically it.. trying to spend less lately.
Originally Posted by Put em up

2300...I've heard the bay is expensive but dam, hats rape there. Please tell me that's more then a 2 bedroom?
haha yea its a 3 bedroom 2 bath. Its located near UC Berkeley, thats why the rent is so high because of convieniece. And forgot to add thatI'm splitting the rent with 2 friends..
^^ just graduated, moved out of the house i was in on warring

if I get this job I'm interviewing for in LA next week, gonna get a ps3, a new suit, shoes... all kindsa stuff

if I don't get the job, i'll buy a 8 and just keep chillin with my friends
^ I used to have a Chow-Chow, so it won't be anything new. Alaskan Malamutes shed even WORSE.
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