What year will religion finally be extinct?

Just because more people have smartphones and computers to access the Internet doesn't mean it'll be the downfall of religion. Family traditions and culture will continue to get passed down. I'd like to see the atheists go out to the Holy Land and tell those people about how their religions will be dying off.

Even if the major religions become extinct at some point, something else will replace it. Maybe more science based religions that worship spirits in machines or worship A.I. / robots. People will always look for something to believe in. It's just like all the other arguments on NT, you think the way you view something is right and surprised that people think differently.
Just because more people have smartphones and computers to access the Internet doesn't mean it'll be the downfall of religion. Family traditions and culture will continue to get passed down. I'd like to see the atheists go out to the Holy Land and tell those people about how their religions will be dying off.
Even if the major religions become extinct at some point, something else will replace it. Maybe more science based religions that worship spirits in machines or worship A.I. / robots. People will always look for something to believe in. It's just like all the other arguments on NT, you think the way you view something is right and surprised that people think differently.

Sounds like one of the tenets of Sillyputyism.
The day someone explains where all the energy that caused the big bang came from. Did it just magically generate?....oh wait, isn't that why atheists refuse to believe in any sort of religion? They don't want to believe in anything that has no explanation for it's existence, is that correct?

Sooooo many theories, yet no actual facts regarding the big bang's creation......sort of like religion eh?

These are just my thoughts. Not trying to impose anyone to believe the same way as i do, like most atheists such as yourself usually intend.
When we make contact with any sort of intelligent life from another planet, that'll be the end of religion.

Like, how did no one see that coming? How do you explain them?
The day someone explains where all the energy that caused the big bang came from. Did it just magically generate?....oh wait, isn't that why atheists refuse to believe in any sort of religion? They don't want to believe in anything that has no explanation for it's existence, is that correct?
Sooooo many theories, yet no actual facts regarding the big bang's creation......sort of like religion eh?
These are just my thoughts. Not trying to impose anyone to believe the same way as i do, like most atheists such as yourself usually intend.
First of all there is a possibility that the universe has 0 energy (Zero-energy Universe) which means it could come from nothing.(A Universe From Nothing)

Second, the fact that we don't know how the universe came into existence is not evidence for gods, that's a god of the gaps argument, just like how people didn't know what caused lightning so they attributed it to gods.

"To surrender to ignorance and call it God has always been premature, and it remains premature today."
this thread is going nowhere. you wish it would go extinct because you dont believe in it. cool. How is it affecting your life again?
Your post wasn't directed to me but, I'd like to share some info with you.
There was a survey done that found that some theists think of non-believers as less trustworthy then rapists.

How would negative attitudes such as those toward non-theists not affect non-theists' lives?
So do away with the whole concept of religion because some people who believe dont trust people who dont believe? How often do you encounter someone who says they dont trust you because you're an atheist?
How you got that implication from my post is beyond me.

Your second question doesn't work because that assumes that a person already knew that I was an atheist. Which is very rarely the case. I don't go around telling people that unless they're my friends or directly ask me. Most people I encounter assume that I'm a Christian.
There is nothing wrong with believing in a God, just as long as you do not press those beliefs upon others through religion. For some of you, knowledge is God, and there is nothing wrong with that, but you should not press your measure of supposed intelligence upon others either.

Some people come around to their enlightenment in their own time.

That also includes coming around to their own spiritual enlightenment as well.

If you don't think that having a strong belief in self is important, which is what most people call a true spiritual base, one of enlightenment, you are fooling yourself.

The problem with religion, in some of them, is that they take away that belief in self, then placing it in the higher being, one that has not been proven to exist.

It is a con, a ruse, one used to manipulate and create followers. 

Science can be used in that same exact way.
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When we make contact with any sort of intelligent life from another planet, that'll be the end of religion.
What if people from other planets believe in something as well? What if they believe themselves to be gods and want us to worship them?
There is nothing wrong with believing in a God, just as long as you do not press those beliefs upon others through religion. For some of you, knowledge is God, and there is nothing wrong with that, but you should not press your measure of supposed intelligence upon others either.

Some people come around to their enlightenment in their own time.

That also includes coming around to their own spiritual enlightenment as well.

If you don't think that having a strong belief in self is important, which is what most people call a true spiritual base, one of enlightenment, you are fooling yourself.

The problem with religion, in some of them, is that they take away that belief in self, then placing it in the higher being, one that has not been proven to exist.

It is a con, a ruse, one used to manipulate and create followers. 

Science can be used in that same exact way.

Science is merely a method of analysis... please explain how this can be used to manipulate and con people?
:lol: How you want him to understand that ppl are different than him when you're saying it's human nature for ppl to believe?

perhaps you can highlight the part where i said it's human nature for people to believe.
My fault as already quoted "basic human psychology" which is a bit worse if you look at it a certain way and I'm fully aware of you using the word "why"

You'd be better off saying ppl are hopeful and gullible.
can you try elaborating and making this coherent? there's a difference between saying what i said and saying what you think i said. you're not making a case for yourself.
I'm going off what you said as far as coherency goes. The incoherence/contradiction is what I intiially pointed out.
Religion has become an increasingly unpopular idea on the interwebs. I think I should remind those who call for the end of religion of the Chesterton's Fence paradox.

In the matter of reforming things, as distinct from deforming them, there is one plain and simple principle; a principle which will probably be called a paradox. There exists in such a case a certain institution or law; let us say, for the sake of simplicity, a fence or gate erected across a road. The more modern type of reformer goes gaily up to it and says, “I don’t see the use of this; let us clear it away.” To which the more intelligent type of reformer will do well to answer: “If you don’t see the use of it, I certainly won’t let you clear it away. Go away and think. Then, when you can come back and tell me that you do see the use of it, I may allow you to destroy it.”

View media item 162834
This paradox rests on the most elementary common sense. The gate or fence did not grow there. It was not set up by somnambulists who built it in their sleep. It is highly improbable that it was put there by escaped lunatics who were for some reason loose in the street. Some person had some reason for thinking it would be a good thing for somebody. And until we know what the reason was, we really cannot judge whether the reason was reasonable. It is extremely probable that we have overlooked some whole aspect of the question, if something set up by human beings like ourselves seems to be entirely meaningless and mysterious. There are reformers who get over this difficulty by assuming that all their fathers were fools; but if that be so, we can only say that folly appears to be a hereditary disease. But the truth is that nobody has any business to destroy a social institution until he has really seen it as an historical institution. If he knows how it arose, and what purposes it was supposed to serve, he may really be able to say that they were bad purposes, or that they have since become bad purposes, or that they are purposes which are no longer served. But if he simply stares at the thing as a senseless monstrosity that has somehow sprung up in his path, it is he and not the traditionalist who is suffering from an illusion.

— G.K. Chesterton
There is nothing wrong with believing in a God, just as long as you do not press those beliefs upon others through religion. For some of you, knowledge is God, and there is nothing wrong with that, but you should not press your measure of supposed intelligence upon others either.

Some people come around to their enlightenment in their own time.

That also includes coming around to their own spiritual enlightenment as well.

If you don't think that having a strong belief in self is important, which is what most people call a true spiritual base, one of enlightenment, you are fooling yourself.

The problem with religion, in some of them, is that they take away that belief in self, then placing it in the higher being, one that has not been proven to exist.

It is a con, a ruse, one used to manipulate and create followers. 

Science can be used in that same exact way.
How is knowledge god or a form of it?  More importantly though, how is science used to con and manipulate to create followers? Science is a method or approach based on empiricism to understand the workings of the universe. 
Never going to happen. Religions evolve and change when they feel their customers worshipers are starting to think logically steering away from the flock

The Earth used to be flat, it used to be a cardinal sin to eat meat on Fridays, and women couldn't wear pants. The church had to adapt and are more lax on these issues because it cannot simultaneously hold on to those beliefs while recruiting new worshipers and maintaining the ones it already has.

when you got over a billion paying members, you not gonna let ur numbers fall off that easy.
Religion won't be extinct anytime soon. It will continually be rehashed and made to be fitting for the the current spirit of the times. 
Science is merely a method of analysis... please explain how this can be used to manipulate and con people?
I don't see how you can say anything about you being logical yet you don't see this being possible or happening right in front of your very eyes as we live life.  This is just a perfect example of people thinking the way they want, and not the way they should.  This is exactly what I mean when I say science is a religion, because the thinking and the logic of the followers of science is still the same, and no different then that of a Religion follower. So to say that religion makes people act a certain way is not logical at all, and instead what should be said is people are going to act like people no matter what they follow or believe in.  Plus you guys say science isn't absolute but defend it as if it is; when in actuality alot of science assertions are built on sand.  They change at any given time and the science believers follow them like it's the truth the way and the light.  Till they prove themselves wrong then you follow the latest assertion like it's the gospel, and so on.  So in my book science has been made into a religion thanks to atheist.  Whether we want to or not we all worship something whether it be God, money, work, yams, etc. I believe that as human beings that is how we are wired, and whatever is on your mind the most is what you worship IMO.    
How is knowledge god or a form of it?  More importantly though, how is science used to con and manipulate to create followers? Science is a method or approach based on empiricism to understand the workings of the universe. 
It's pretty simple actually. If you seek knowledge, you are seeking your form of a higher power. There is something greater than you out there, be it a higher being, or simply put, a higher level of learning.

Basically, it's all the same thing.

How is science used to con people?

Here's another example, a bit different from what's in the post above.
The Tuskegee syphilis experiment[sup][1][/sup]  (also known as the Tuskegee syphilis study  or Public Health Service syphilis study) was an infamous clinical study  conducted between 1932 and 1972 in Tuskegee, Alabama  by the U.S. Public Health Service  to study the natural progression of untreated syphilis  in rural black men who thought they were receiving free health care from the U.S. government.[sup][1][/sup]

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I don't see how you can say anything about you being logical yet you don't see this being possible or happening right in front of your very eyes as we live life.  This is just a perfect example of people thinking the way they want, and not the way they should.  This is exactly what I mean when I say science is a religion, because the thinking and the logic of the followers of science is still the same, and no different then that of a Religion follower. So to say that religion makes people act a certain way is not logical at all, and instead what should be said is people are going to act like people no matter what they follow or believe in.  Plus you guys say science isn't absolute but defend it as if it is; when in actuality alot of science assertions are built on sand.  They change at any given time and the science believers follow them like it's the truth the way and the light.  Till they prove themselves wrong then you follow the latest assertion like it's the gospel, and so on.  So in my book science has been made into a religion thanks to atheist.  Whether we want to or not we all worship something whether it be God, money, work, yams, etc. I believe that as human beings that is how we are wired, and whatever is on your mind the most is what you worship IMO.    
Great post!  I would give you reps if I knew how to,
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SLEAZY Dog science will have a much bigger and catastrophic part played in WW3 over religion and anything else.

And the media paints a bad picture of them in general when it's the radicals that kill there own, because they want things to stay the same while others want the freedom to be who they want to be; and all around equality.  Meaning men and women being looked at as equal.  Some see this as a religious radical push when in actuality they don't want western culture to take over there land, because they don't want us to move in on there women and there natural resources.  What makes us hated by so many is that they feel like we impose on smaller weaker country's and try to take them over.  They see us as being out for world domination.

You can go to yahoo, MSN, youtube, and you will find atheist losing their minds at the simple word "God", and trying to throw God in as the reason blah happen.  Even when there is no mention of religion or God.  There are people involved with science that go to crazy extremes "all in the name of science".  Like the guy that was doing the Anthrax attacks; he was a scientist trying to get his vaccine some recognition.  Plan and simple science has it's radicals extreme followers that persecute, belittle, and ridicule those that don't believe or think like they do.  And everything science says hasn't been proven as fact.  Evolution for one, and if it takes two weeks for my food to digest; well then why is it when I eat something hot not even hours later or the next day when I take a dump is my bum hole set a blaze during the act.

Yes there where ancient worshipers that believed in Gods, but at the same time they're where believers that believed in God.  Just like today.  The belief in God has made it this far, and will continue to press on because it's real.  No matter what logic tells you.  Just because you haven't experienced or seen God doesn't mean he doesn't exist.  There are tons of species of animal out there that you have no clue about.  Just because you don't know doesn't mean they don't exist.  If you haven't experienced it's because you haven't whole heartily but your entire all in it.  I did and during that time a man by the name of Mike Murdock prophesied in my life through the TV.  Not just a vague description my exact situation it was so real it brought me to tears.  It's a long drawn out story but if you like I could get into to it, but it's to real.   

1. of course science will have a major impact. risk of chemical weapons being deployed got real a couple days ago I think. but religion, while not being the direct CAUSE of WW3, will have a lot to do with it starting.

2. I'm well aware of this. I know not all Islamic people are like what we see heavily publicized on TV and in newspapers. I know the worst get the bad press. the circles I've interacted with online have shown me that other side, the ones who just want our country to leave them alone and stop killing their innocent men, women, and children. the radicals get that front view because they're radicals. kind of like how some atheists use the Westboro Church to talk down on Christians. every group has it's evils..

3. see I have seen atheists going super hard online (hell I've seen it here), but not in person yet. I have seen plenty a religious person acting a complete *** in public over very trivial matters. again, I agree with you that all groups have their evil members. it's well known that science doesn't have all the answers. the difference here is that science admits that, and actively searches for answers to unanswered questions. even when not 100% proven, experimentation and analysis are done to get to a point where the scientists can be more positive than unsure. copious amounts of research, experimentation, data analysis, retrials, etc are used to bring about a conclusion. it's not as simple as "science said this, so it's true". it's "science is trying to figure this out, please bear with us. in the mean time, this is what we have so far".

4. I understand where you're coming from. I was a believer for a long time but certain events destroyed my faith in organized religion and the word of God/gods. it's great that you still have yours though, I hope it's helped you so far and in your future. I will poke fun at religion and it's followers often but it's in jest, mostly :lol: I know that it does great things for a lot of people. in my mind though, the story of creation does not add up. I get the "just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist" argument a lot, but that is a purely faith based statement. you haven't seen it, no living human being has any proof of seeing it, but you and plenty of others believe it's there. share your story if you'd like, I am interested.

The day someone explains where all the energy that caused the big bang came from. Did it just magically generate?....oh wait, isn't that why atheists refuse to believe in any sort of religion? They don't want to believe in anything that has no explanation for it's existence, is that correct?

Sooooo many theories, yet no actual facts regarding the big bang's creation......sort of like religion eh?

These are just my thoughts. Not trying to impose anyone to believe the same way as i do, like most atheists such as yourself usually intend.

the difference is scientists are working to find out where all of this came from. instead of saying an omnipotent (you can't even really call God omnipotent but it will fit for now) being built this all himself.

in short, the theory is that our universe came about from a singularity billions of years ago. at this point in time, we do not know where the singularity came from. it's THOUGHT that they exist at the core of black holes, and they completely **** on our current knowledge and understanding of physics. science is ever changing. there is no real answer to the creation of the universe. I suggest you research the big bang if you want more information, I'm not going that far into something you can easily attain information on from a Google search.

When we make contact with any sort of intelligent life from another planet, that'll be the end of religion.

Like, how did no one see that coming? How do you explain them?

the current Pope covered that base by saying if there are aliens out there, God created them. and of course people ate that up. there is no doubt in my mind that if intelligent life comes here people will find a way to twist it into something religious. but for all I know, it could be religious. angels and demons could very well be alien beings. I have no way to know.

but hey they could just be aliens with their own set of gods that they worship. ready to invade us and convert us to their way of thinking. maybe show us that their God and his son are the only true creators.
It's pretty simple actually. If you seek knowledge, you are seeking your form of a higher power. There is something greater than you out there, be it a higher being, or simply put, a higher level of learning.

Basically, it's all the same thing.

How is science used to con people?

Here's another example, a bit different from what's in the post above.
The pic you posted has nothing to do with science. If anything, it shows that marketing and advertising manipulates people into profiting their business. But to a certain extent you are correct. The thing about science is that methods of experimentation are performed impartially. So, it will on some occasions due to unethical scientists lead to manipulation and conning.  But these cases are rare and few, so to disregard science as a whole due to some rare cases is a rash decision. Overall,  It's safer to logically deduce a set of laws and improve upon them than be given a set of predefined ones.
People "search" for what they believe. Atheists search for information relating to atheists. Christians search for Christianity stuff.
You say they can people can go on youtube and see real video from animal planet. Yea they can also search "Famous Person. sells his soul to a religious character". Which do you think is getting more views?
You can go into the "Blow My Mind" thread and see people believing in supernatural stuff because of Youtube gives them "evidence".
People will believe what they believe and feed their beliefs with "information and technology" that support those beliefs.

I don't think you understand Atheism. For Atheist the nonexistence of god is indisputable. We don't search for things that prove our point as much as we read things that don't give credence to something that we know doesn't exist. When I read a book by Hitchens or whoever, it isn't to reaffirm my disbelief. I choose to read it because I know that its been written by someone who isn't going to give any credibility to god. There is a huge difference. Hitchens' book God Is Not Great isn't about why god doesn't exist. It's about the pitfalls of religion and god. This isn't exclusive to Hitchens either, this is most writers who don't believe. When a Christian or whoever reads a book, often the book's goal is to reaffirm their faith.
Religion isn't going anywhere , it gives a people a reason to be judgemental and feel superior to others.
Science is merely a method of analysis... please explain how this can be used to manipulate and con people?
I think I mentioned this already in this thread and I recall Meth bringing up eugenics when we were discussing this. The main difference here is that there are religions that preach intolerance. You don't tolerate the intolerant. Especially when it's hate and murder speech. I can show you the passages in alleged "holy" texts thathave it where as with science there's peer review, they're constantly checking each others theories for credibility and validity. Bull **** will be checked at the door (unless the corruption goes deeper than science).

That's the main difference I was always able to tell apart. A person with an agenda may be able to use science to further their goals but it'll be revealed. You got ppl referencing the bible or quran talking about this is why white ppl are superior than black ppl or this is howwe should kill ppl that don't believe in what we believe in. Many of them base everything off these books. A scientist can and will change their mind though.

So once again miss me with all that science is a religion, scientists are no different than religious zealots, atheism is a religion, atheists are the same as religious fundamentalists garbage. It's such a fallacy at this point it should be apart of the list.
Are you saying its wrong to belief scientific research if you yourself arent able to do the research?

I'm saying it's wrong to belittle other's belief structure while pretending you don't have one of your own.
If that belief structure is founded on illogical reasoning, gullibility, and ignorance I don't see why not.

There's a huge difference in believing in the reasoning behind the law of gravity and believing that if you pray enough a powerful being will change things in your life for the better, no?
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