What's the consensus on the "packages"?

Originally Posted by Props to the King

I haven't posted here for a while and was wondering what the consensus feeling around here is about the "packages" marketing. My opinion? I'm
only interested in "classic" Jordans, which for me is I throught XIII, so i see it as a way for Nike to force me to buy a shoe i don't want (like
a XVIII) to get one i do want (like a IV).

Thus, i wish they'd go back to selling the early retro Jordans singly, by themselves, like they will do with the Is coming up.

i agree.
that being said, the 1st pack was on point all the way and i copped.
the 2nd pack was pretty cool. wasn't too excited about the xiv, but i couldn't pass up on the ix so i copped.
the 3rd pack was a let down. i really liked the II's, but i was and still am very disappointed in that XXI (and i love the XXI). i passed on the 3rd pack.
the next 2 packs are obvious must haves.
al in all, i think things could be worse so i'm not really complaining too much.
I think everyone agrees it could of been better, but you have people like me who will buy all of them, because it will be my last year of actively collectingJordan's other then they fact of the rumored Space jams coming out next year. Then you have people who are buying maybe for the top 4 packages, and ofcourse JB saved the best for last 11/12 CDP, and we know everyone will cop that one.
I have no complaints with paying 155 for each shoe.... But some of the colorways could have been better thought out IMO.
packs were a good idea...its just the colorways
^^ Agreed, the packs were a good idea. It's just that the execution was severely flawed, at least so far.

Oh btw, I also passed on all packs b/c they had one pair of shoes in them that were not worth buying to me. That will change this month with the drop of theCarmines and XVIIs (still not worth writing home about), so I plan on selling the XVIIs as soon as I get them. What can I say, the Carmines are a must copp,seriously. Then next month the REAL heat drops in a pack!
The best pack for me by far will be the 11/12. i feel what "Props..." is sayin although i thought the 2/21 pack was decent and the 10/13 was buyableif ya love the original 13 colorway. i think its a big roll of the dice for a collector to spend $300 wait 5-10 and hope they are worth something. because sofar i havent seen anyone wearing them
I dont mind the packages.

Personally, they're too expensive for me to buy. Every once in awhile I'll buy a package but doing it on the regular is tough.
personally, the countdown packs failed hard. They should have just released single shoes. JB knew that they released hella ugly J's, so they partner upwith the sick once in an attempt to do something decent. We need another DMP type pack... with just good nice shoes
Consensus on the packs?

They're disappointing, just like JB has been for about 6 years now.
Originally Posted by SickKickGAME23

I kinda agree with the guy with the bad math. If you look at the packs, with the exception of say my fave 3, XVI+VII, XVII+VI, and the XI+XII, Nike is essentially forcing you to buy a shoe most of us wouldn't. The X's were a decent sell, but nowhere near as good as the XIII, I know for a fact I haven't seen or heard of any lines or urgency to buy the latest package of the II and XXI in neither Cleveland nor Columbus, Ohio, which were both extremely soft sellers at time of release and as retros. These packs are gonna end up fizzling themselves out and Mark my words, before 2008 Closes, we will see a slough of packs moving at the tune of 250 and possibly even 230 at large chain retailers... There is already a large degree of price resistance amongst consumers that already buy large amounts of nike merchandise to invest in a low quality 310 Package. So yeah, I think in the coming months, the Packages will suffer the same fate as all lukewarm retros do and that is Sales racks. I'm not saying we are going to have the backlash of the XIV, or the recent XI LE but I do believe there will be some pissed of people that bought 310 packs and will witness a drop of 50 bucks or more....CHURCH

^^^^ Well Said my man
Im also in the Cleveland/Akron area and these packs are a flop in my opinion. Looking at the economy and how money is being spent,shoes are at the bottom of the barrell. The 7/16 pack is starting to get some buzz but the price tag is REAL STEEP over an 11 month period.
I guess am the only one here that is feeling the packs. I agree that the colorways could have been better, but am getting my collection back.
to me, the packs were just a marketing stragety. they're just trying to cash in while they can..the whole jordan hypebeast era peaked in 06-early 07, andit's slowly declining. so they're just trying to cash in while they can. some collectors will remain loyal, while most consumers (younger kids) willjust move onto the next big trend.

as far as the packs go, i haven't seen one where i actually like both shoes enough to where i would pay $155 for each separately.
Yeah like others have said I like the packs but the colors of some are in the words of kriss kross wiggety, wiggety, wiggety, wack!!! Besides the colors Iwould cop most packs great example is this pack comming up I don't want no suede 17's esp after the suede 21's ripped after only wearing them 2times. Everybody wants the 6's so I think these are going to sell.
love em- gives everyone a chance to get shoes they want for reasonable prices one last time....blah blah blah about all the *****ing- dont buy em!
i like this idea, you get some classic js with this stuff.

i kinda see it as getting a pair to chill in or whatever and one to ball in. ex 3/20 pack
od on the focus on the #23. it woulda been way better if it was like originals package. 1,2 . 3,4. 5,6. or whatnot. but i guess for jb it makes the most bankfor them
they get to charge 155 as retail by force, even for the higher up shoes.
they sell 2 pairs on each release date.

prob will only cop the 6,17 and maybe the 11/12. the rest arent worth it cuz the trash theyre packaged with
I will take those dreadful 16's and 17's and wrap them around a telephone wire where they belong. Just give me my Carmines and Hares.
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