What's the hottest cell phones in the Phil. right now??

I got a RAZR2 V8 myself... I've seen a lot of people using the new Nokia music phone though...
Nokia N series... theres a lot of cheap PPC phone style from china but pinoy still buy expensive mobile phone like nokia and sony ericsson.

i've seen a lot of samsung phone last time i was in manila.(dec07)
china phone a.k.a tv phone...but i call it Giant phone because it's big/bulky..

also the n95 Clone
i got the nokia 6120 and have no complaints. i don't really need or want a super gadget-y or bulky phone.

i am however, intrigued by the new 2 SIM phones i've heard about. been thinking about using my SUN again, but i don't wanna be carrying around twophones.

anyway, i have a couple friends in the cellphone business, so feel free to PM me if you're a serious buyer interested in a specific model. maybe i can beatthe quoted price in stores. peace.
Originally Posted by dako akong otin

i got the fake iPhone with the fingerprint security... this phone's a trip
Is that the one with the Windows startup/shutdown tune?
Or the one with the biteless logo?
Whats the word with the 2 sim phones? I saw one of those Chinese made ones they look interesting but nothing beats the hype of the iPhone locally sad thing isyou wont be able to make the most out of it here
if you're looking for a quality phone that can run 2 sims/networks at the same time, i've seen samsung advertise their new dual network sim. its ablack slide phone that also looks slim. but i havent seen any in stores or tiangges yet. cant recall the model no though.......
here are some pics:

to access my menu, inbox, vids, or pics, it needs my fingerprint... a feature the real iphone doesn't have

2 sim cards:
Ey not bad looking hehe... and it takes 2 sim cards! haha how much did it set you back?
original price was P10,000 but i got it down to P8,500. Should be cheaper now though since i got this a few months ago.
like edu mansano said, god made men and women.. everything else is made in china!
Don't you just love chinese ingenuity!?! I heard there's one that's a copy of the exact iphone. with all the functions. touch screen,lanscape view by flipping it. everything. also for 10t i think.

Anyways, as for the hottest, its depends... right now, i would really want the nokia 8800arte.. that's hot! but it depends on who's using it.
Nokia 6300 is a good phone for everyday use...quite durable for a slim phone.. ilang beses ko nang nabagsak pero the scratch marks are not that visible
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