whats the most racist thing that has happened to you? vol. everyone respond

Originally Posted by solefood229

being called %#%%$@ by a bus school bus driver when I was in middle school,

everytime some thing went missing in school I was the first person they looked at and searched in front of the whole class, I'm talking they took off my shoes flipped my pockets out and dumped my bookbag, they even was on some just tell us where you hid it steez, all that %@@$ for a @@@%$@# tomagachi sp? that %@@$ will %$!+ your head when you're a lil kid
Originally Posted by solefood229

being called %#%%$@ by a bus school bus driver when I was in middle school,

everytime some thing went missing in school I was the first person they looked at and searched in front of the whole class, I'm talking they took off my shoes flipped my pockets out and dumped my bookbag, they even was on some just tell us where you hid it steez, all that %@@$ for a @@@%$@# tomagachi sp? that %@@$ will %$!+ your head when you're a lil kid
Ive worked in various Restaurants and there's been plenty of times when my "White" co-workers automatically assume that I can't speak english and try to talk to me in Spanish..
Ive worked in various Restaurants and there's been plenty of times when my "White" co-workers automatically assume that I can't speak english and try to talk to me in Spanish..
i was in the military and had to do a patrol with some guys from the Army. The first thing one of the guys told me was that if missed up and got one of them killed they would kill my ninja mass. I told him that just because i was black does not mean that my weapons had blanks and if it came down to it we would just be some friendly firing mfer's. I took it in stride held my own and by the end of the patrol i had gained their respect. still dont care for them but at the time i had to work w/ them.
i was in the military and had to do a patrol with some guys from the Army. The first thing one of the guys told me was that if missed up and got one of them killed they would kill my ninja mass. I told him that just because i was black does not mean that my weapons had blanks and if it came down to it we would just be some friendly firing mfer's. I took it in stride held my own and by the end of the patrol i had gained their respect. still dont care for them but at the time i had to work w/ them.
I had two events recently in my life(I am black FYI):

-I have a 2011 Camaro SS, I drove it to Lunch one day from work. I got stared at so bad at Subway, and then some guy proceeds to come up me and ask "How do you afford that car????", I told him, "With my food stamp and drug money".

-This situation is an HR issue from my old job in Louisiana....I am a black mechanical engineer, we all know that a lot of older engineers that hold managerial roles are Caucasian decent. Well one of my old boss would never help me with any projects, show me anything, pawned all his work on me, and would try to insult my intelligence as much as possible. Only thing he did was listen to Rush Limbaugh all day and look at his 401K he did nothing. Then my other boss flat didnt talk to me at all. I know it wasnt my performance because the corporate engineers, and VPs loved me, the would always say how bright I was to my boss. And my boss would always say yes we are glad to have him. Then we hired a white engineer who is a mining engineer, and things got bad. My two bosses would give him all sorts of cool stuff, they bought him a nice handheld computer(that I requested for months ago), and really looked out for him and made sure he was taken care of. Then what made me find a new job and report this to HR, was one night all the VP of Engineering were down visiting and they invitied our whole Engineering department to dinner, well everyone but me. They made sure to not tell me and keep it hush. Well my GF happned to want to go the resturante they were in that night, and they saw me and I got a lot of "Oh No" faces. THe VPs came to me and told that my bosses said "I was busy tonight", all I did was laughed and told them to enjoy.
I had two events recently in my life(I am black FYI):

-I have a 2011 Camaro SS, I drove it to Lunch one day from work. I got stared at so bad at Subway, and then some guy proceeds to come up me and ask "How do you afford that car????", I told him, "With my food stamp and drug money".

-This situation is an HR issue from my old job in Louisiana....I am a black mechanical engineer, we all know that a lot of older engineers that hold managerial roles are Caucasian decent. Well one of my old boss would never help me with any projects, show me anything, pawned all his work on me, and would try to insult my intelligence as much as possible. Only thing he did was listen to Rush Limbaugh all day and look at his 401K he did nothing. Then my other boss flat didnt talk to me at all. I know it wasnt my performance because the corporate engineers, and VPs loved me, the would always say how bright I was to my boss. And my boss would always say yes we are glad to have him. Then we hired a white engineer who is a mining engineer, and things got bad. My two bosses would give him all sorts of cool stuff, they bought him a nice handheld computer(that I requested for months ago), and really looked out for him and made sure he was taken care of. Then what made me find a new job and report this to HR, was one night all the VP of Engineering were down visiting and they invitied our whole Engineering department to dinner, well everyone but me. They made sure to not tell me and keep it hush. Well my GF happned to want to go the resturante they were in that night, and they saw me and I got a lot of "Oh No" faces. THe VPs came to me and told that my bosses said "I was busy tonight", all I did was laughed and told them to enjoy.
Countless occasions of driving while black (DWB).

One time when i was a kid I went swimming over some white peoples house in my neighborhood. When I asked to use the restroom they asked which one I had to do which already had me feeling violated. Told them I had to do the number 2 and they said I had to go to my house and do that. I guess their toilet was too good to take my boo boo or they didn't want to have to disinfect the whole bathroom because a little negro came in there and made it so unbearable.

They should have let me use their restroom. I wouldn't have thrown so much dog s#!^ in their pool if they treated me kindly. My feelings were really hurt as a young lad.
Countless occasions of driving while black (DWB).

One time when i was a kid I went swimming over some white peoples house in my neighborhood. When I asked to use the restroom they asked which one I had to do which already had me feeling violated. Told them I had to do the number 2 and they said I had to go to my house and do that. I guess their toilet was too good to take my boo boo or they didn't want to have to disinfect the whole bathroom because a little negro came in there and made it so unbearable.

They should have let me use their restroom. I wouldn't have thrown so much dog s#!^ in their pool if they treated me kindly. My feelings were really hurt as a young lad.
Me & my girl were the only black people at IHOP & we had a white waitress & we ordered pancakes with bacon (i forget the name of the dish) & the lady brought us 3 different brands of hot sauce. I didn't see her give that to any of the other patrons.
Me & my girl were the only black people at IHOP & we had a white waitress & we ordered pancakes with bacon (i forget the name of the dish) & the lady brought us 3 different brands of hot sauce. I didn't see her give that to any of the other patrons.
My school which was mostly black school got shut down and we had to combine schools with this mostly white school. The football coach from my school who was black became the head coach. There was alot of tension between the black and white players and even the parents. A BUNCH of racist stuff happened but our coach was a G and gave excellent speeches he helped us face the adversity, learn to get along and we ended up winning the championship
This is really random but...

I was at the batting cages when I was like 16 or 17. I was wearing a hat from my babe ruth league that just has a big G on it (Grant High, Portland people know). This kid walks out of the facility, looks at my hat and then looks at me. He gets this really weird, angry expression on his face and calls me a cracker. I couldn't believe it.
A damn cracker! And to hammer it home the kid says it again. His dad was right there with him, too. I played in an all-black basketball league and never had a racist thing said to me and this random kid in Beaverton of all places calls me a damn cracker for wearing my team's hat. I was kinda hurt at the time but now it's just humorous.
This is really random but...

I was at the batting cages when I was like 16 or 17. I was wearing a hat from my babe ruth league that just has a big G on it (Grant High, Portland people know). This kid walks out of the facility, looks at my hat and then looks at me. He gets this really weird, angry expression on his face and calls me a cracker. I couldn't believe it.
A damn cracker! And to hammer it home the kid says it again. His dad was right there with him, too. I played in an all-black basketball league and never had a racist thing said to me and this random kid in Beaverton of all places calls me a damn cracker for wearing my team's hat. I was kinda hurt at the time but now it's just humorous.
My school which was mostly black school got shut down and we had to combine schools with this mostly white school. The football coach from my school who was black became the head coach. There was alot of tension between the black and white players and even the parents. A BUNCH of racist stuff happened but our coach was a G and gave excellent speeches he helped us face the adversity, learn to get along and we ended up winning the championship
Originally Posted by HipHopDoc09

My school which was mostly black school got shut down and we had to combine schools with this mostly white school. The football coach from my school who was black became the head coach. There was alot of tension between the black and white players and even the parents. A BUNCH of racist stuff happened but our coach was a G and gave excellent speeches he helped us face the adversity, learn to get along and we ended up winning the championship
this sounds like remember the titans..

Originally Posted by HipHopDoc09

My school which was mostly black school got shut down and we had to combine schools with this mostly white school. The football coach from my school who was black became the head coach. There was alot of tension between the black and white players and even the parents. A BUNCH of racist stuff happened but our coach was a G and gave excellent speeches he helped us face the adversity, learn to get along and we ended up winning the championship
this sounds like remember the titans..

Originally Posted by HipHopDoc09

My school which was mostly black school got shut down and we had to combine schools with this mostly white school. The football coach from my school who was black became the head coach. There was alot of tension between the black and white players and even the parents. A BUNCH of racist stuff happened but our coach was a G and gave excellent speeches he helped us face the adversity, learn to get along and we ended up winning the championship

tc williams in va?
Originally Posted by HipHopDoc09

My school which was mostly black school got shut down and we had to combine schools with this mostly white school. The football coach from my school who was black became the head coach. There was alot of tension between the black and white players and even the parents. A BUNCH of racist stuff happened but our coach was a G and gave excellent speeches he helped us face the adversity, learn to get along and we ended up winning the championship

tc williams in va?
I was called an abomination because I'm mixed race. Gotta love the boonies of Florida 
I was called an abomination because I'm mixed race. Gotta love the boonies of Florida 
got lost in australia. was driving down the street in a fairly nice neighborhood. little kid on the side walk was watching me drive by and pulled one of these "slant eye" poses

lil man even added on the buck teeth/bugs bunny smile. funny thing is i probably look more hispanic or filipino than asian (i'm japanese). 
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