whats the most racist thing that has happened to you? vol. everyone respond

Nothing really comes to mind except for once- I was in a market buying a big bag of rice (hey, I'm Asian), and the checker casually says, "wow you guys sure eat a lot of rice." She was this big, greasy obese woman, so I told her that's how we avoid looking like her...

I do have fun messing with my fellow Asian friends when we go out to eat, esp at "American" restaurants. I'll sometimes take the waiter aside and make sure he asks, "Would you guys like chopsticks and soy sauce?" They're usually good sports and play along. Guaranteed stoneface from my friends every time. I've also done something like this before with some of my Black friends- i'll encourage the waiter to go on and on about their chicken specials, and also pose the hot sauce or strawberry soda question.
Nothing really comes to mind except for once- I was in a market buying a big bag of rice (hey, I'm Asian), and the checker casually says, "wow you guys sure eat a lot of rice." She was this big, greasy obese woman, so I told her that's how we avoid looking like her...

I do have fun messing with my fellow Asian friends when we go out to eat, esp at "American" restaurants. I'll sometimes take the waiter aside and make sure he asks, "Would you guys like chopsticks and soy sauce?" They're usually good sports and play along. Guaranteed stoneface from my friends every time. I've also done something like this before with some of my Black friends- i'll encourage the waiter to go on and on about their chicken specials, and also pose the hot sauce or strawberry soda question.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i was called the N-word my first day of school in the states...it hurt but i got over it...

"...in the states..."  Where are you from?

Nonetheless, I've :

1. Been spat in the face.  We promptly scrapped after that. 

2. Been accused of stealing, with no proof.

3. Been to nice restaurants and offered a table allllll the way in the back next to the toilets (the place wasn't even half full). 

4. Stood at countless bars waiting for drinks while white folk around me are served. 

5. Recently got into a situation at my former tennis club (yes I'm black, and I play tennis) with them making reckless unfounded accusations, then denying it later. 

6. Been called a N so many times I can't even remember. 
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i was called the N-word my first day of school in the states...it hurt but i got over it...

"...in the states..."  Where are you from?

Nonetheless, I've :

1. Been spat in the face.  We promptly scrapped after that. 

2. Been accused of stealing, with no proof.

3. Been to nice restaurants and offered a table allllll the way in the back next to the toilets (the place wasn't even half full). 

4. Stood at countless bars waiting for drinks while white folk around me are served. 

5. Recently got into a situation at my former tennis club (yes I'm black, and I play tennis) with them making reckless unfounded accusations, then denying it later. 

6. Been called a N so many times I can't even remember. 
Originally Posted by eiddyfouw

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i was called the N-word my first day of school in the states...it hurt but i got over it...

"...in the states..."  Where are you from?

Nonetheless, I've :

1. Been spat in the face.  We promptly scrapped after that. 

2. Been accused of stealing, with no proof.

3. Been to nice restaurants and offered a table allllll the way in the back next to the toilets (the place wasn't even half full). 

4. Stood at countless bars waiting for drinks while white folk around me are served. 

5. Recently got into a situation at my former tennis club (yes I'm black, and I play tennis) with them making reckless unfounded accusations, then denying it later. 

6. Been called a N so many times I can't even remember. 

i had moved back from Germany that summer...
Originally Posted by eiddyfouw

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i was called the N-word my first day of school in the states...it hurt but i got over it...

"...in the states..."  Where are you from?

Nonetheless, I've :

1. Been spat in the face.  We promptly scrapped after that. 

2. Been accused of stealing, with no proof.

3. Been to nice restaurants and offered a table allllll the way in the back next to the toilets (the place wasn't even half full). 

4. Stood at countless bars waiting for drinks while white folk around me are served. 

5. Recently got into a situation at my former tennis club (yes I'm black, and I play tennis) with them making reckless unfounded accusations, then denying it later. 

6. Been called a N so many times I can't even remember. 

i had moved back from Germany that summer...
People round my way aren't racist. Everybody messes with everybody. 

But as soon as I turn on Xbox live its a rap. They stay hating
People round my way aren't racist. Everybody messes with everybody. 

But as soon as I turn on Xbox live its a rap. They stay hating
a few years ago some dude on the street said something to my girl that he shouldn't have. I lost my cool and knocked the guy over with a huge shove. So happens, his boys were circling the block in their truck and they saw what was going on. I was about to pound the dude, but before I knew it their truck stopped in the middle of the road and out hopped 4 other guys. I was gonna go down swinging, but I was totally expecting to take some sort of beating. 5 on 1 (not counting my girl) aren't good odds at all....anyways, I was wearing an Adidas track jacket w. "Honduras" on the back...of ALL the slurs the dude could have called me...he said I was a dirty **#+!*% Mexican
Long story short, police were called and everyone went their own way....there's more to it, but I got lucky in getting out of there....
a few years ago some dude on the street said something to my girl that he shouldn't have. I lost my cool and knocked the guy over with a huge shove. So happens, his boys were circling the block in their truck and they saw what was going on. I was about to pound the dude, but before I knew it their truck stopped in the middle of the road and out hopped 4 other guys. I was gonna go down swinging, but I was totally expecting to take some sort of beating. 5 on 1 (not counting my girl) aren't good odds at all....anyways, I was wearing an Adidas track jacket w. "Honduras" on the back...of ALL the slurs the dude could have called me...he said I was a dirty **#+!*% Mexican
Long story short, police were called and everyone went their own way....there's more to it, but I got lucky in getting out of there....
I'm not one that is quick to be offended, so most of the racist things that happen to me have gone by noticed. I look African American so I get hit with a lot of the stereotypical slurs and comments against them.
I'm not one that is quick to be offended, so most of the racist things that happen to me have gone by noticed. I look African American so I get hit with a lot of the stereotypical slurs and comments against them.
Originally Posted by donttalkitlivit

People round my way aren't racist. Everybody messes with everybody. 

But as soon as I turn on Xbox live its a rap. They stay hating

how they know you black on xbl i always wondered this?
Originally Posted by donttalkitlivit

People round my way aren't racist. Everybody messes with everybody. 

But as soon as I turn on Xbox live its a rap. They stay hating

how they know you black on xbl i always wondered this?
I've been called a terrorist way too many times. 
Have been accused of stealing by some red neck folks

Also, Asian lady quickly closed her car door and locked it when she saw me.
I've been called a terrorist way too many times. 
Have been accused of stealing by some red neck folks

Also, Asian lady quickly closed her car door and locked it when she saw me.
Originally Posted by MontellGriffin97

Originally Posted by donttalkitlivit

People round my way aren't racist. Everybody messes with everybody. 

But as soon as I turn on Xbox live its a rap. They stay hating

how they know you black on xbl i always wondered this?

easy bro the way they talk and their voice
Originally Posted by MontellGriffin97

Originally Posted by donttalkitlivit

People round my way aren't racist. Everybody messes with everybody. 

But as soon as I turn on Xbox live its a rap. They stay hating

how they know you black on xbl i always wondered this?

easy bro the way they talk and their voice
I'm a 21 year old black man and I live in the south and I have never really ever experienced any racism , except for the cops following me home because I was driving a 2007 Corvette. Which was my parents car. It was like 3 of them and they sat in front of my house and waited until I walked inside and turn on the lights.
I'm a 21 year old black man and I live in the south and I have never really ever experienced any racism , except for the cops following me home because I was driving a 2007 Corvette. Which was my parents car. It was like 3 of them and they sat in front of my house and waited until I walked inside and turn on the lights.
growing up playing hockey against 99.9% white people, many from small towns. there were a couple times i got called the n word. im not black, but it's not like these ignoramuses could tell. anyway, one kid kept doing it in one game. i ended up breaking the kid's jaw on a clean open ice hit during the game. felt awesome
growing up playing hockey against 99.9% white people, many from small towns. there were a couple times i got called the n word. im not black, but it's not like these ignoramuses could tell. anyway, one kid kept doing it in one game. i ended up breaking the kid's jaw on a clean open ice hit during the game. felt awesome
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

growing up playing hockey against 99.9% white people, many from small towns. there were a couple times i got called the n word. im not black, but it's not like these ignoramuses could tell. anyway, one kid kept doing it in one game. i ended up breaking the kid's jaw on a clean open ice hit during the game. felt awesome

What are u?
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

growing up playing hockey against 99.9% white people, many from small towns. there were a couple times i got called the n word. im not black, but it's not like these ignoramuses could tell. anyway, one kid kept doing it in one game. i ended up breaking the kid's jaw on a clean open ice hit during the game. felt awesome

What are u?
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