whats the most racist thing that has happened to you? vol. everyone respond

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce


coming from a heavy military area, this #!*! happens just about everyday i leave the house.

the wildest i remember was me and 2 of my bros was walking the strip (oceanfront), hasn't been 15 minutes and out of nowhere a ford taurus pulls up. 2 undercovers hop out, dude reaches for his gun and literally, pulls me to the side on some "step over here" #!*!. both of my lil brothers didnt see what happened so their gone. im in some random store while they take my ID and run to the car and copy my information while the undercover bish ask me a bunch of +%*$@$%$ questions. never got a reason why either. i was trippin cause i had a good amount of weed on me so i didnt wtfudge was going on. had me like "damn, these _s got me on some cool #!*!."

being blacc and beautiful is a hard thing to grasp to these white folks
coming from a heavy military area, this #!*! happens just about everyday i leave the house.

the wildest i remember was me and 2 of my bros was walking the strip (oceanfront), hasn't been 15 minutes and out of nowhere a ford taurus pulls up. 2 undercovers hop out, dude reaches for his gun and literally, pulls me to the side on some "step over here" #!*!. both of my lil brothers didnt see what happened so their gone. im in some random store while they take my ID and run to the car and copy my information while the undercover bish ask me a bunch of +%*$@$%$ questions. never got a reason why either. i was trippin cause i had a good amount of weed on me so i didnt wtfudge was going on. had me like "damn, these _s got me on some cool #!*!."

being blacc and beautiful is a hard thing to grasp to these white folks
Where do I began first of Alabama and goto the University now so I got stories for days but when I was a kid twice in the same parking lot I'm chillen in the car while my mom runs in the store white lady gets out walks around to every door on her car checs them looks me in the face and walks in the store and thinking the nerve of this white lady thinking that was stop me from gettin her car c'mon son
Where do I began first of Alabama and goto the University now so I got stories for days but when I was a kid twice in the same parking lot I'm chillen in the car while my mom runs in the store white lady gets out walks around to every door on her car checs them looks me in the face and walks in the store and thinking the nerve of this white lady thinking that was stop me from gettin her car c'mon son
Only read the first page- but our grandparents would laugh they're **** off @ this crap being the most racist. Kids today = SOFT
Only read the first page- but our grandparents would laugh they're **** off @ this crap being the most racist. Kids today = SOFT
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by 18th letter

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce


I always thought you were Puerto Rican.
people who meet me in real life will guess at least 10 different things before guessing indian. i get dominican, spanish, egyptian the most. most people on this board probably assume white if they havent seen my pics in pyp
Man I thought you were extra double chalky white all this time.

Anyways I grew up half hispanic in a 98% white community in upstate NY... Lots of redneck types around there but mostly good people. Naturally the redneck dudes were dumb as hell so they'd have the worst insults and were fun to counter back... They never had the balls to put hands on me though.

Im also half German but no one ever gave me #!$! about that.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by 18th letter

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce


I always thought you were Puerto Rican.
people who meet me in real life will guess at least 10 different things before guessing indian. i get dominican, spanish, egyptian the most. most people on this board probably assume white if they havent seen my pics in pyp
Man I thought you were extra double chalky white all this time.

Anyways I grew up half hispanic in a 98% white community in upstate NY... Lots of redneck types around there but mostly good people. Naturally the redneck dudes were dumb as hell so they'd have the worst insults and were fun to counter back... They never had the balls to put hands on me though.

Im also half German but no one ever gave me #!$! about that.
I'm Colombian. At school during linguistics the teacher asked if anyone spoke spanish so they could demonstrate the trill r sound. Its the r that rolls. I raised my hand and made the trill r sound. She told me that it was good.and that she wouldve done it but she's a " native" speaker so it gave her trouble. But I was born here and English is my first language. I just ice grilled her.

Another time at Dave n busters a white waitress asked if we were all 21 and we were then she went on about how she has to ask because there so many Mexican moms under 21 and they are cheap and their kids make a mess and how they don't speak english and that thankfully the menus have pictures. I was the only Spanish person at the table and Im light skinned so i gguess she thoight i was wwhite. Doesn't help I date a white girl.I get under handed comments all yhe time .
I'm Colombian. At school during linguistics the teacher asked if anyone spoke spanish so they could demonstrate the trill r sound. Its the r that rolls. I raised my hand and made the trill r sound. She told me that it was good.and that she wouldve done it but she's a " native" speaker so it gave her trouble. But I was born here and English is my first language. I just ice grilled her.

Another time at Dave n busters a white waitress asked if we were all 21 and we were then she went on about how she has to ask because there so many Mexican moms under 21 and they are cheap and their kids make a mess and how they don't speak english and that thankfully the menus have pictures. I was the only Spanish person at the table and Im light skinned so i gguess she thoight i was wwhite. Doesn't help I date a white girl.I get under handed comments all yhe time .
On campus old white ladies will stop walking when they see me comin

when I walk thru parkin lots I can hear people who are sittin in there cars lock their doors

Walked in a store one day and an older white lady clutched her granddaughter closer to her when she seen me walk in

Black homeless dudes on campus didnt believe I was a student cuz I looked too hood..im black btw

I showed hospital security my school id she concluded that I worked on campus cuz I couldnt possibly be a student

Pool security automatically told me that the pool party was for students only as soon as I walked in....i walked in with 5 girls but I was the only one who had to show id

Old white lady in the lab wouldnt talk to me until I cut my hair

after I came home from college people thought I was in jail for 4 years

people assumed that since i was in college that I went on a sports scholarship..i had an academic scholarship

The state of va aint wanna consider me in state tuition cuz I was too poor

I worked at a major major company over a summer to help with remodeling , the dress code for the regular office workers was business casual ,and they told me to wear tshirts and jeans.......when I did they told I looked to thugish and to not wear that anymore
after I left, the entire company chaned the dress code to tshirts and jeans

Some of that may not be racial but intresting nonetheless
On campus old white ladies will stop walking when they see me comin

when I walk thru parkin lots I can hear people who are sittin in there cars lock their doors

Walked in a store one day and an older white lady clutched her granddaughter closer to her when she seen me walk in

Black homeless dudes on campus didnt believe I was a student cuz I looked too hood..im black btw

I showed hospital security my school id she concluded that I worked on campus cuz I couldnt possibly be a student

Pool security automatically told me that the pool party was for students only as soon as I walked in....i walked in with 5 girls but I was the only one who had to show id

Old white lady in the lab wouldnt talk to me until I cut my hair

after I came home from college people thought I was in jail for 4 years

people assumed that since i was in college that I went on a sports scholarship..i had an academic scholarship

The state of va aint wanna consider me in state tuition cuz I was too poor

I worked at a major major company over a summer to help with remodeling , the dress code for the regular office workers was business casual ,and they told me to wear tshirts and jeans.......when I did they told I looked to thugish and to not wear that anymore
after I left, the entire company chaned the dress code to tshirts and jeans

Some of that may not be racial but intresting nonetheless
Hold up the worst...

Old white lady in the physics department wouldnt let me sharpen my pencil in her office. I inderstandif she aint want me too cuz its her office.

But the pencil sharpener was on the desk next to her

Instead of letting me in her office to sharpen it she told the lady that was standing in line in front of me to sharpen my pencil for me. The lady in front of me was asian
Hold up the worst...

Old white lady in the physics department wouldnt let me sharpen my pencil in her office. I inderstandif she aint want me too cuz its her office.

But the pencil sharpener was on the desk next to her

Instead of letting me in her office to sharpen it she told the lady that was standing in line in front of me to sharpen my pencil for me. The lady in front of me was asian
Everytime I get pulled over in Cheverly MD, the first thing the white police offcer always says is" Do you know who I am"? I tell him yeah your the police, He says" I am but Im looking for Drugs". im like hwat does that have to do with me, is it because you see me riding with tinted windows so now im supposed to have or sell drugs. #smdh at the Justice System
Everytime I get pulled over in Cheverly MD, the first thing the white police offcer always says is" Do you know who I am"? I tell him yeah your the police, He says" I am but Im looking for Drugs". im like hwat does that have to do with me, is it because you see me riding with tinted windows so now im supposed to have or sell drugs. #smdh at the Justice System
actually one of the most racist moments that happened to me is also the most racist i've ever been and I don't want NT's jewish population to start hating me because of it because at the time I felt like my back was against the wall and I was young and didn't know any better at the time.

When I was a teen I went to a comedy show and I was sitting in the front of the stage and a jewish comedian comes on and starts making fun of people in the crowd...normal comedy b.s. and it's just part of the show to get made fun of...but then he got to me and since I look I guess arabic even though i'm west indian the dude was like [arabic voice] Hello my friend did you just drive here from the airport [arabic voice] then he's like "are you muslim" and i'm like no i'm hindu and he's like "oh well its the same thing anyways" and i'm like "not really" and then he says "how stupid is a religion that they believe in a cow for gods sakes, they probably worship the cow's +### that's why they smell so bad"

and then I felt very offended even though I shouldn't really have so I noticed he was sweating so I was like "damn bro I haven't seen someone sweat so much since I saw pictures of holocaust victims"

he was dumbstruck... and he was like "oh really, oh really" and everyone in the audience was slightly laughing and slightly in shock.

Now that I look back at that situation I def. feel bad that I had to resort to using that kind of tactic but luckily he was the only jewish person at that venue from my knowledge...I would have felt really bad if there were audience members that were jewish.

needless to say it was a bad situation all around.
actually one of the most racist moments that happened to me is also the most racist i've ever been and I don't want NT's jewish population to start hating me because of it because at the time I felt like my back was against the wall and I was young and didn't know any better at the time.

When I was a teen I went to a comedy show and I was sitting in the front of the stage and a jewish comedian comes on and starts making fun of people in the crowd...normal comedy b.s. and it's just part of the show to get made fun of...but then he got to me and since I look I guess arabic even though i'm west indian the dude was like [arabic voice] Hello my friend did you just drive here from the airport [arabic voice] then he's like "are you muslim" and i'm like no i'm hindu and he's like "oh well its the same thing anyways" and i'm like "not really" and then he says "how stupid is a religion that they believe in a cow for gods sakes, they probably worship the cow's +### that's why they smell so bad"

and then I felt very offended even though I shouldn't really have so I noticed he was sweating so I was like "damn bro I haven't seen someone sweat so much since I saw pictures of holocaust victims"

he was dumbstruck... and he was like "oh really, oh really" and everyone in the audience was slightly laughing and slightly in shock.

Now that I look back at that situation I def. feel bad that I had to resort to using that kind of tactic but luckily he was the only jewish person at that venue from my knowledge...I would have felt really bad if there were audience members that were jewish.

needless to say it was a bad situation all around.
I'm from Minnesota, and we have black people here and stuff but there are some very, very ignorant people here. I've experienced run of the mill racism, blatant, disrespectful racism, all that. But there's one instance that really stood out for me. It's not too bad, but it's the first time I remember really feeling like "Damn...
" because it was from someone I respected.

As a kid I was always very musically inclined. As soon as I was old enough to play in band I was a first chair percussionist. And I mean first chair in everything under the umbrella of "percussion." But in concert I always played snare for the more complex pieces and would switch to bass on the simpler stuff so that everyone else could play.

Anyways, one time my mom's car broke down and because the band instructor and I were so close I asked if he could give me a ride home (could of rode the bus but I ran into him while leaving school.) We talked about music all the time (I've been an avid jazz fan since I was an infant, so we had that in common) and he was my favorite teacher cause he seemed like a cool cat. When I finished asking him, this look like
came over his face. He said "We aren't supposed to do that" which might have been true, but I said where I lived and he looked relieved and said sure. He starts driving and the radio was playing Charles Mingus. He looks over at me, says "Oh, I'm sorry" and changed the station to hip-hop (and he had to go through the stations manually because he didn't have the station saved.) I got pissed and was like "What are you doing? I like Charles Mingus." He said "Oh! It slipped my mind" and then he changed it back.

Normally we'd always talk before and after class, and I legitimately thought dude was a friend to me. That quickly turned into one of the most quiet, awkward car rides ever. I stopped talking to him and pretty much lost all my motivation towards band. He asked me what was wrong like a week later and I looked at him and just kept it moving. I'm still kinda mad I let him affect my motivation and drive like that. I was a virtuosic musician at that point and I'm convinced that I would have at least gone on to be in a couple bands if I would have kept it up. But after that experience I just kinda let it fall by the way side.
I'm from Minnesota, and we have black people here and stuff but there are some very, very ignorant people here. I've experienced run of the mill racism, blatant, disrespectful racism, all that. But there's one instance that really stood out for me. It's not too bad, but it's the first time I remember really feeling like "Damn...
" because it was from someone I respected.

As a kid I was always very musically inclined. As soon as I was old enough to play in band I was a first chair percussionist. And I mean first chair in everything under the umbrella of "percussion." But in concert I always played snare for the more complex pieces and would switch to bass on the simpler stuff so that everyone else could play.

Anyways, one time my mom's car broke down and because the band instructor and I were so close I asked if he could give me a ride home (could of rode the bus but I ran into him while leaving school.) We talked about music all the time (I've been an avid jazz fan since I was an infant, so we had that in common) and he was my favorite teacher cause he seemed like a cool cat. When I finished asking him, this look like
came over his face. He said "We aren't supposed to do that" which might have been true, but I said where I lived and he looked relieved and said sure. He starts driving and the radio was playing Charles Mingus. He looks over at me, says "Oh, I'm sorry" and changed the station to hip-hop (and he had to go through the stations manually because he didn't have the station saved.) I got pissed and was like "What are you doing? I like Charles Mingus." He said "Oh! It slipped my mind" and then he changed it back.

Normally we'd always talk before and after class, and I legitimately thought dude was a friend to me. That quickly turned into one of the most quiet, awkward car rides ever. I stopped talking to him and pretty much lost all my motivation towards band. He asked me what was wrong like a week later and I looked at him and just kept it moving. I'm still kinda mad I let him affect my motivation and drive like that. I was a virtuosic musician at that point and I'm convinced that I would have at least gone on to be in a couple bands if I would have kept it up. But after that experience I just kinda let it fall by the way side.
Originally Posted by 757bred

Me and one of my boys (we're both black), decided to go check out a Minor league hockey game.  When we tried to get tickets, the white guy at the ticket booth said "Hey guys, the John Legend concert is tomorrow night.  It's a hockey game in here tonight." We told him we know and just give us our tickets.  He then said "No, no, no.  You don't understand.  The...John....Legend....concert....is....tomorrow....night.  There...is...a...hockey...game...here...tonight." We gave him the 
and went to another booth.

WOOOOOW!!..smhh that is awful..

Originally Posted by 757bred

Me and one of my boys (we're both black), decided to go check out a Minor league hockey game.  When we tried to get tickets, the white guy at the ticket booth said "Hey guys, the John Legend concert is tomorrow night.  It's a hockey game in here tonight." We told him we know and just give us our tickets.  He then said "No, no, no.  You don't understand.  The...John....Legend....concert....is....tomorrow....night.  There...is...a...hockey...game...here...tonight." We gave him the 
and went to another booth.

WOOOOOW!!..smhh that is awful..

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