whats the most racist thing that has happened to you? vol. everyone respond

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

I'm white.

Just last December at this christmas party. Now this was an upscale party in Los Angeles with a predominately white demographic. My old neighbor invited me and despite me being cool with her (smashed out a couple times) she is definitely somewhat of the stereotypical snobby white girl (UCLA, sorority, works at an upscale women's clothing store). The part is semi-Formal attire, people walking around serving appetizers and champagne on trays. A couple celebrities were there as well. 

So since I haven't seen my neighbor in a while I decide to bring a date with me and I even RSVP'd as +1. The girl I bring was a chick I was talking to at the time who is a black girl. Now this wasn't your stereotypical black girl, she goes to Spelman, comes from a well off family, has amazing manners with virtually no "hood" in her, and is an absolute dime with an amazing fashion sense. Knowing the pretenses of the type of people that are going to be at the party I decide that this was not going to be an issue at all to bring her.

I was wrong.

Now I'm a pretty sociable dude and have a fairly simple time making friends with people along the lines of the party because I attend a very prestigious university myself. Through this I'm invited to dinners and other social events where very upscale rich alumi are present in order to upgrade my social networking. 

The minute I walk into the party and am seen with my chick at the time I am just given this vibe like I don't belong there. Even though people were talking to us I'd say a good 60% seemed like they were trying to shrug us aside and generally tried to hurry out of the conversation or they would just appear extremely fake in conversation trying to act like they were extremely interested when you just knew they were being fake. Although no one was saying anything blatant you could just feel people were uncomfortable with her being there with me and its like I was now associated with her as "the guy who brought the black girl". She wasn't even the only black person there. We had a good time despite this as not everyone was giving us this vibe but it just had me shook that I was experiencing what it is like to be black at an upscale party through association. Straight up it was like I was instantly at a disadvantage among the people there and I had to work that much harder to gain the approval of the people around us. 

I never really mentioned it to her but I dwelled on it for some time. 

Ever since then I've had a newfound respect for black people trying to make it in this society. 
i thought you was a brotha for the longest
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

I'm white.

Just last December at this christmas party. Now this was an upscale party in Los Angeles with a predominately white demographic. My old neighbor invited me and despite me being cool with her (smashed out a couple times) she is definitely somewhat of the stereotypical snobby white girl (UCLA, sorority, works at an upscale women's clothing store). The part is semi-Formal attire, people walking around serving appetizers and champagne on trays. A couple celebrities were there as well. 

So since I haven't seen my neighbor in a while I decide to bring a date with me and I even RSVP'd as +1. The girl I bring was a chick I was talking to at the time who is a black girl. Now this wasn't your stereotypical black girl, she goes to Spelman, comes from a well off family, has amazing manners with virtually no "hood" in her, and is an absolute dime with an amazing fashion sense. Knowing the pretenses of the type of people that are going to be at the party I decide that this was not going to be an issue at all to bring her.

I was wrong.

Now I'm a pretty sociable dude and have a fairly simple time making friends with people along the lines of the party because I attend a very prestigious university myself. Through this I'm invited to dinners and other social events where very upscale rich alumi are present in order to upgrade my social networking. 

The minute I walk into the party and am seen with my chick at the time I am just given this vibe like I don't belong there. Even though people were talking to us I'd say a good 60% seemed like they were trying to shrug us aside and generally tried to hurry out of the conversation or they would just appear extremely fake in conversation trying to act like they were extremely interested when you just knew they were being fake. Although no one was saying anything blatant you could just feel people were uncomfortable with her being there with me and its like I was now associated with her as "the guy who brought the black girl". She wasn't even the only black person there. We had a good time despite this as not everyone was giving us this vibe but it just had me shook that I was experiencing what it is like to be black at an upscale party through association. Straight up it was like I was instantly at a disadvantage among the people there and I had to work that much harder to gain the approval of the people around us. 

I never really mentioned it to her but I dwelled on it for some time. 

Ever since then I've had a newfound respect for black people trying to make it in this society. 
i thought you was a brotha for the longest
My friend was driving his mom bmw ran out of gas, he was on the side of the road near a lady house we came to give him gas. she came out yelling get away from the car, and yelling she is going to call the cops. and said 'you kind of people always messing up a area'

black male
middle of no where Florida.
My friend was driving his mom bmw ran out of gas, he was on the side of the road near a lady house we came to give him gas. she came out yelling get away from the car, and yelling she is going to call the cops. and said 'you kind of people always messing up a area'

black male
middle of no where Florida.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Some dude just assumed I was super smart and good at math and engineering. Stereotypes man... just have to live with them I guess. I just tell myself to not think about it that much. Can't lie though, that comment cut me deep. Real deep.

stereotypes are awful but i'd replace my stereotypes with this anyday. People assume I have a big penis and can play ball, both of which are true but that's besides the point. They shouldn't have assumed.

One of the two is pure fables
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Some dude just assumed I was super smart and good at math and engineering. Stereotypes man... just have to live with them I guess. I just tell myself to not think about it that much. Can't lie though, that comment cut me deep. Real deep.

stereotypes are awful but i'd replace my stereotypes with this anyday. People assume I have a big penis and can play ball, both of which are true but that's besides the point. They shouldn't have assumed.

One of the two is pure fables
Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

High school. I was one of two non-white people in my biology class. Guy next to me handed back my calculator since he was done. Teacher saw the black TI-83 and asked me what it was. Questioned me and made me empty my belongings in front of the entire class accusing me it was a bag of weed. He made some racist remarks and tried to get some lols out of the class at my expense. Apology was administered to my father but not me by said teacher after I told on him. He retired the next year and I still wanted payback.

Not the most racist, but it was quite a scary situation. At a predominately white park there was a confrontation between myself, my brother, and a few friends with these white kids and this filipino kid. They called us the n-word and terrorists, and then we said something that really upset them cause a few minutes later 3-4 cars pulled up with all white guys and some girls with baseball bats and other weapons. They surrounded as outside the cage at the basketball park but then the police drove by and they all dipped 

Not racist, but when I went looking for a new car the the Mercedes dealership the guy asked me if I wanted to test drive the S550 or any other car on the lot. They gave me the keys with the quickness
They probably just finished watching Get Rich or Die Tryin' or Exit Wounds and thought you were flagrant with that D-boy money
Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

High school. I was one of two non-white people in my biology class. Guy next to me handed back my calculator since he was done. Teacher saw the black TI-83 and asked me what it was. Questioned me and made me empty my belongings in front of the entire class accusing me it was a bag of weed. He made some racist remarks and tried to get some lols out of the class at my expense. Apology was administered to my father but not me by said teacher after I told on him. He retired the next year and I still wanted payback.

Not the most racist, but it was quite a scary situation. At a predominately white park there was a confrontation between myself, my brother, and a few friends with these white kids and this filipino kid. They called us the n-word and terrorists, and then we said something that really upset them cause a few minutes later 3-4 cars pulled up with all white guys and some girls with baseball bats and other weapons. They surrounded as outside the cage at the basketball park but then the police drove by and they all dipped 

Not racist, but when I went looking for a new car the the Mercedes dealership the guy asked me if I wanted to test drive the S550 or any other car on the lot. They gave me the keys with the quickness
They probably just finished watching Get Rich or Die Tryin' or Exit Wounds and thought you were flagrant with that D-boy money
Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

High school. I was one of two non-white people in my biology class. Guy next to me handed back my calculator since he was done. Teacher saw the black TI-83 and asked me what it was. Questioned me and made me empty my belongings in front of the entire class accusing me it was a bag of weed. He made some racist remarks and tried to get some lols out of the class at my expense. Apology was administered to my father but not me by said teacher after I told on him. He retired the next year and I still wanted payback.

Not the most racist, but it was quite a scary situation. At a predominately white park there was a confrontation between myself, my brother, and a few friends with these white kids and this filipino kid. They called us the n-word and terrorists, and then we said something that really upset them cause a few minutes later 3-4 cars pulled up with all white guys and some girls with baseball bats and other weapons. They surrounded as outside the cage at the basketball park but then the police drove by and they all dipped 

Not racist, but when I went looking for a new car the the Mercedes dealership the guy asked me if I wanted to test drive the S550 or any other car on the lot. They gave me the keys with the quickness
They probably just finished watching Get Rich or Die Tryin' or Exit Wounds and thought you were flagrant with that D-boy money
Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

High school. I was one of two non-white people in my biology class. Guy next to me handed back my calculator since he was done. Teacher saw the black TI-83 and asked me what it was. Questioned me and made me empty my belongings in front of the entire class accusing me it was a bag of weed. He made some racist remarks and tried to get some lols out of the class at my expense. Apology was administered to my father but not me by said teacher after I told on him. He retired the next year and I still wanted payback.

Not the most racist, but it was quite a scary situation. At a predominately white park there was a confrontation between myself, my brother, and a few friends with these white kids and this filipino kid. They called us the n-word and terrorists, and then we said something that really upset them cause a few minutes later 3-4 cars pulled up with all white guys and some girls with baseball bats and other weapons. They surrounded as outside the cage at the basketball park but then the police drove by and they all dipped 

Not racist, but when I went looking for a new car the the Mercedes dealership the guy asked me if I wanted to test drive the S550 or any other car on the lot. They gave me the keys with the quickness
They probably just finished watching Get Rich or Die Tryin' or Exit Wounds and thought you were flagrant with that D-boy money
Originally Posted by 940sicc3

i came in to work one day dressed up kinda nice (sweater vest over a button up) and one of the nurses here at work asked "what, you got a court date after work or something?"

i laughed because we throw shots at each other all the time. still was

Originally Posted by 940sicc3

i came in to work one day dressed up kinda nice (sweater vest over a button up) and one of the nurses here at work asked "what, you got a court date after work or something?"

i laughed because we throw shots at each other all the time. still was

I got pulled over in the middle of the night in Arkansas several years ago. Cop said I was driving "funny" cuffed me, made me son on the wet grass, asked me why I was in Arkansas. I said I was driving through Arkansas to get to my Uncle's house in Oklahoma. Dude said we have a lot of problems with young kids with california plates driving drugs through Arkansas. Asked me if I minded if he searched my car, I said I did. So he called for back up, three more cars come, they debate amongst themselves what to do. Ask me why I was going to oklahoma, I said I was a college student on spring break going to visit family, asked to see my college ID and then let me go.

I really should have filed a complaint, but at the time I just wanted to get the +#$* out of Arkansas before the Klan came for me
I got pulled over in the middle of the night in Arkansas several years ago. Cop said I was driving "funny" cuffed me, made me son on the wet grass, asked me why I was in Arkansas. I said I was driving through Arkansas to get to my Uncle's house in Oklahoma. Dude said we have a lot of problems with young kids with california plates driving drugs through Arkansas. Asked me if I minded if he searched my car, I said I did. So he called for back up, three more cars come, they debate amongst themselves what to do. Ask me why I was going to oklahoma, I said I was a college student on spring break going to visit family, asked to see my college ID and then let me go.

I really should have filed a complaint, but at the time I just wanted to get the +#$* out of Arkansas before the Klan came for me
Originally Posted by daffy 016

Ive worked in various Restaurants and there's been plenty of times when my "White" co-workers automatically assume that I can't speak english and try to talk to me in Spanish..
Originally Posted by daffy 016

Ive worked in various Restaurants and there's been plenty of times when my "White" co-workers automatically assume that I can't speak english and try to talk to me in Spanish..
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

a few years ago some dude on the street said something to my girl that he shouldn't have. I lost my cool and knocked the guy over with a huge shove. So happens, his boys were circling the block in their truck and they saw what was going on. I was about to pound the dude, but before I knew it their truck stopped in the middle of the road and out hopped 4 other guys. I was gonna go down swinging, but I was totally expecting to take some sort of beating. 5 on 1 (not counting my girl) aren't good odds at all....anyways, I was wearing an Adidas track jacket w. "Honduras" on the back...of ALL the slurs the dude could have called me...he said I was a dirty **#+!*% Mexican
Long story short, police were called and everyone went their own way....there's more to it, but I got lucky in getting out of there....
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

a few years ago some dude on the street said something to my girl that he shouldn't have. I lost my cool and knocked the guy over with a huge shove. So happens, his boys were circling the block in their truck and they saw what was going on. I was about to pound the dude, but before I knew it their truck stopped in the middle of the road and out hopped 4 other guys. I was gonna go down swinging, but I was totally expecting to take some sort of beating. 5 on 1 (not counting my girl) aren't good odds at all....anyways, I was wearing an Adidas track jacket w. "Honduras" on the back...of ALL the slurs the dude could have called me...he said I was a dirty **#+!*% Mexican
Long story short, police were called and everyone went their own way....there's more to it, but I got lucky in getting out of there....
I was in LA last sumer @ The Laugh Factory. So Tony Rock was on stage and he was making so many damn Asian jokes. There were a group of Asians that were sitting next to me that were having a good time all night. The minutes Rock started that talk, there was this Big Asian dude, think Bolo with hair like Edge, just sitting there cracking his knuckles. I thought it was over for Tony Rock. Dude didn't do anything though. I know he wanted to.
I was in LA last sumer @ The Laugh Factory. So Tony Rock was on stage and he was making so many damn Asian jokes. There were a group of Asians that were sitting next to me that were having a good time all night. The minutes Rock started that talk, there was this Big Asian dude, think Bolo with hair like Edge, just sitting there cracking his knuckles. I thought it was over for Tony Rock. Dude didn't do anything though. I know he wanted to.
Got a few.

- One time me and my boy went to a spot to blaze and parked behind some white guys that were blazing. The cops rolled up, talked to the car in front of us and when he seen us in the car behind he had the front car drive off and pulled us out asking us if we were in gangs, had ever been in trouble with the cops, etc. He didn't give us a ticket tho so it worked out in the end.

- I was driving to Vegas with girl and one of my friends and I got pulled over by a cop. He told me he pulled me over for going 62 in a 55 and he called in 2 more police units. I got tint on my windows and my girl was in the back. They made all of us get out and when they seen my girl was white they starting interrogating her on why she was in the car with us and where we were going. The cop let us go but he didn't hesitate to write the ticket lol

- A couple weeks ago I was getting a ride home from white dude in my class and we starting talking bout some individual test he took that he didn't pass. I asked him who tested him and his only description was the n****r that wears a doo rag. Dudes from south dakota and he grew up thinking people talked like that on the regular. He stopped thinking like that tho after he got that black eye and had to explain what happened for the following week
Got a few.

- One time me and my boy went to a spot to blaze and parked behind some white guys that were blazing. The cops rolled up, talked to the car in front of us and when he seen us in the car behind he had the front car drive off and pulled us out asking us if we were in gangs, had ever been in trouble with the cops, etc. He didn't give us a ticket tho so it worked out in the end.

- I was driving to Vegas with girl and one of my friends and I got pulled over by a cop. He told me he pulled me over for going 62 in a 55 and he called in 2 more police units. I got tint on my windows and my girl was in the back. They made all of us get out and when they seen my girl was white they starting interrogating her on why she was in the car with us and where we were going. The cop let us go but he didn't hesitate to write the ticket lol

- A couple weeks ago I was getting a ride home from white dude in my class and we starting talking bout some individual test he took that he didn't pass. I asked him who tested him and his only description was the n****r that wears a doo rag. Dudes from south dakota and he grew up thinking people talked like that on the regular. He stopped thinking like that tho after he got that black eye and had to explain what happened for the following week
Originally Posted by hometownhero25

- A couple weeks ago I was getting a ride home from white dude in my class and we starting talking bout some individual test he took that he didn't pass. I asked him who tested him and his only description was the n****r that wears a doo rag. Dudes from south dakota and he grew up thinking people talked like that on the regular. He stopped thinking like that tho after he got that black eye and had to explain what happened for the following week

You give him a racoon eye ?
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