Whats the most Simpish thing you've ever witnessed

GrimlocK wrote:
Dathbgboy wrote:
LDJ wrote:
Yea thats true but if you are around nothing but ppl who promote this type of behavior, alot of times these dudes become products of their environment. Add that with low self-esteem, outside pressures, hormones, and wanting to be social accepted. Then finnacial status plays a big role as well. Alot of these guys especially in the single mom dept. they mom tries to provide all of these worldly possessions, to make up for the fact that they ran the daddy off and/or he is a deadbeat, or/and to do this whole i want you to have all the things I never had trip. So then you have a guy with everything he wants, money in his pocket, low self-esteem, a mindframe from a woman who has lead him to overvalue womens worth, and is horny and desperate. Since he has no game/confidence etc to pull the chick, the only other means he has to get the chick is money.

Then add to the fact he grew up with a person struggling, and lacking a man to help, and all these lipstick alley type chicks who drop bugs in his ear about a man should do this that and the other. So then he sees the chick and thinks of all those instances, life examples, etc and therefore he is trying to right the so call wrongs he was lead to believe by his single mom and other outside sources.

I aint saying chivalry is dead, but the main issues are over-evaluatingvaluation  women. Not to degrade woman like cars, but to many dudes spending treating woman like s class mercedes, but really have the value of a mercury marquis. And also just going offa external things like looks etc.

Alot of what LDJ has written is the truth.  I for one was raised by a single mother...but she never put forth that I should treat women on a pedestal.  She herself told me to never get married and be a bachelor for the rest of my life because she knows first hand that marriage wasn't where it was for her.  I can def co-sign with the money thing...that's how I used to be in H.S. but I wised up quick.  No matter how much money you have it will NEVER replace confidence in one's self and high self-esteem.  You should wake up everyday confident in your role as a human being.
BUT don't get so cocky as to disrespect women by de-valuating them.  Because that just makes it that much harder for the next man to face.  If need be...put her +%% in her place and after your done get on with your life.  Don't play into the vicious cycle of degrading someone.  Realize all the outcomes that happen to you of are your own doing.  

Really i keep seeing alot of the young cats hooking up with these "hard luck oes". The ones who never point the finger at the person in the mirror and do self evaulation as to why they life is in shambles/turmoil. Why is it that they keep so call getting these not "real men" Why do every guy they talk to or relationship they enter follow the same path/course? The ones who time and time again take 3 steps foward and end up 4 steps back.

That or the ones who think because they have the looks etc... it outweights all the other factors like personality, humility, intellect, hard-working, domesticated skills, etc...

And there is always the dillusional chick, sometimes its the i know i got multi baby daddies and got a lil pudgy but not really i still look good i get guys to holla at me all the time. Im so i n d e pent. I got my own spot (govt asst). I got my own job (govt asst+ ppl feeling sorry for them cause having so many kids) I really aint got to many assets as a person, nor as far as possessions of value because everything i own is things with no value at all (clothes etc..) or depreciate in value (furniture etc high end purses etc).

The sad part is that alot of these chics run into so many tricks/marks/lames etc that they have inflated egos and not in touch with who they are and are really hiding behind this over-evaluation of themselves they just seek suckers to keep them going. And alot of these dudes who had the single mom/trick of a dad grew up in that emotional hurt,attentioned deprived, etc environment. So in kinda is like the want to right the wrongs of what they percieve happen to there moms (this is subconciously of course). So they go looking to be the savior of the damsel in distress guy.

Sad thing is most of these chicks are so far gone and cant be saved, and if so its gonna take a guy who is trill, and almost be like a father figure to them and not pacify/cater to their flaws and insecurities, but rather expose them and get them out of that habit, and build them up make them stronger.

But the thing is not to compare woman to dogs but as time progress it becomes harder and harder to get them out of those ways and it just becomes a facet of there life. Just like trying to domesticate a 10 yr old dog who lived outdoors all of his life. Not gonna be as easy to get him not to pee on the floor etc, chew on shoes rip furniture. As it would be a dog that maybe a feew months old a yr old or so.

Then you have those guys who dont think they are good enough or worthy of aa decent good woman so they just lowball themselves to low class bottom of the barrel type chicks.
GrimlocK wrote:
Dathbgboy wrote:
LDJ wrote:
Yea thats true but if you are around nothing but ppl who promote this type of behavior, alot of times these dudes become products of their environment. Add that with low self-esteem, outside pressures, hormones, and wanting to be social accepted. Then finnacial status plays a big role as well. Alot of these guys especially in the single mom dept. they mom tries to provide all of these worldly possessions, to make up for the fact that they ran the daddy off and/or he is a deadbeat, or/and to do this whole i want you to have all the things I never had trip. So then you have a guy with everything he wants, money in his pocket, low self-esteem, a mindframe from a woman who has lead him to overvalue womens worth, and is horny and desperate. Since he has no game/confidence etc to pull the chick, the only other means he has to get the chick is money.

Then add to the fact he grew up with a person struggling, and lacking a man to help, and all these lipstick alley type chicks who drop bugs in his ear about a man should do this that and the other. So then he sees the chick and thinks of all those instances, life examples, etc and therefore he is trying to right the so call wrongs he was lead to believe by his single mom and other outside sources.

I aint saying chivalry is dead, but the main issues are over-evaluatingvaluation  women. Not to degrade woman like cars, but to many dudes spending treating woman like s class mercedes, but really have the value of a mercury marquis. And also just going offa external things like looks etc.

Alot of what LDJ has written is the truth.  I for one was raised by a single mother...but she never put forth that I should treat women on a pedestal.  She herself told me to never get married and be a bachelor for the rest of my life because she knows first hand that marriage wasn't where it was for her.  I can def co-sign with the money thing...that's how I used to be in H.S. but I wised up quick.  No matter how much money you have it will NEVER replace confidence in one's self and high self-esteem.  You should wake up everyday confident in your role as a human being.
BUT don't get so cocky as to disrespect women by de-valuating them.  Because that just makes it that much harder for the next man to face.  If need be...put her +%% in her place and after your done get on with your life.  Don't play into the vicious cycle of degrading someone.  Realize all the outcomes that happen to you of are your own doing.  

Really i keep seeing alot of the young cats hooking up with these "hard luck oes". The ones who never point the finger at the person in the mirror and do self evaulation as to why they life is in shambles/turmoil. Why is it that they keep so call getting these not "real men" Why do every guy they talk to or relationship they enter follow the same path/course? The ones who time and time again take 3 steps foward and end up 4 steps back.

That or the ones who think because they have the looks etc... it outweights all the other factors like personality, humility, intellect, hard-working, domesticated skills, etc...

And there is always the dillusional chick, sometimes its the i know i got multi baby daddies and got a lil pudgy but not really i still look good i get guys to holla at me all the time. Im so i n d e pent. I got my own spot (govt asst). I got my own job (govt asst+ ppl feeling sorry for them cause having so many kids) I really aint got to many assets as a person, nor as far as possessions of value because everything i own is things with no value at all (clothes etc..) or depreciate in value (furniture etc high end purses etc).

The sad part is that alot of these chics run into so many tricks/marks/lames etc that they have inflated egos and not in touch with who they are and are really hiding behind this over-evaluation of themselves they just seek suckers to keep them going. And alot of these dudes who had the single mom/trick of a dad grew up in that emotional hurt,attentioned deprived, etc environment. So in kinda is like the want to right the wrongs of what they percieve happen to there moms (this is subconciously of course). So they go looking to be the savior of the damsel in distress guy.

Sad thing is most of these chicks are so far gone and cant be saved, and if so its gonna take a guy who is trill, and almost be like a father figure to them and not pacify/cater to their flaws and insecurities, but rather expose them and get them out of that habit, and build them up make them stronger.

But the thing is not to compare woman to dogs but as time progress it becomes harder and harder to get them out of those ways and it just becomes a facet of there life. Just like trying to domesticate a 10 yr old dog who lived outdoors all of his life. Not gonna be as easy to get him not to pee on the floor etc, chew on shoes rip furniture. As it would be a dog that maybe a feew months old a yr old or so.

Then you have those guys who dont think they are good enough or worthy of aa decent good woman so they just lowball themselves to low class bottom of the barrel type chicks.
Originally Posted by zk1MPLS

Originally Posted by draydray87

what about this simp named bruno mars? singin bout he gonna catch a live grenade for you n %%$#. softest %%$# i ever heard
Yeah. Dude gasses up women way too much.

first thing that popped in my mind:



Well I once intertwined fingers with a girl while she was topping me off. I think thats considered simpish no?
Well I once intertwined fingers with a girl while she was topping me off. I think thats considered simpish no?
Originally Posted by k3stacks

Well I once intertwined fingers with a girl while she was topping me off. I think thats considered simpish no?

you held hands with a jump-off  
Originally Posted by k3stacks

Well I once intertwined fingers with a girl while she was topping me off. I think thats considered simpish no?

you held hands with a jump-off  
Slept on this thread.

Finally went through all 15 pages and sweet Lord these stories.

I've done some "simpish" things in the past but nothing to level of things I've read in this thread.
Slept on this thread.

Finally went through all 15 pages and sweet Lord these stories.

I've done some "simpish" things in the past but nothing to level of things I've read in this thread.
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

we def need some stories from some womens perspective


i was listening to Bruno Mars...

and was like

that dude is bananas...

how do you combat the simps, though? my girl wants me to do some simp stuff, and i'm just not down for it.
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

we def need some stories from some womens perspective


i was listening to Bruno Mars...

and was like

that dude is bananas...

how do you combat the simps, though? my girl wants me to do some simp stuff, and i'm just not down for it.
...and this all goes to show that you should never put the P on a pedestal.
...and this all goes to show that you should never put the P on a pedestal.
I remember one time having a sleep over when I was in the 4th or 5th grade and one of my friends told me his sister told him that a guy she really liked told her how beautiful her eyes were and how she ate it up.

Next schoold day on the bus I remember trying find one of the few empty seats because her stop was right after mine, hoping she sat next to me. She did, and I mustered up the courage to look at her straight faced to tell her "Sarah, you have beautiful eyes." Never really remember much after that with her
I remember one time having a sleep over when I was in the 4th or 5th grade and one of my friends told me his sister told him that a guy she really liked told her how beautiful her eyes were and how she ate it up.

Next schoold day on the bus I remember trying find one of the few empty seats because her stop was right after mine, hoping she sat next to me. She did, and I mustered up the courage to look at her straight faced to tell her "Sarah, you have beautiful eyes." Never really remember much after that with her
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

I remember one time having a sleep over when I was in the 4th or 5th grade and one of my friends told me his sister told him that a guy she really liked told her how beautiful her eyes were and how she ate it up.

Next schoold day on the bus I remember trying find one of the few empty seats because her stop was right after mine, hoping she sat next to me. She did, and I mustered up the courage to look at her straight faced to tell her "Sarah, you have beautiful eyes." Never really remember much after that with her

real tears, b.
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

I remember one time having a sleep over when I was in the 4th or 5th grade and one of my friends told me his sister told him that a guy she really liked told her how beautiful her eyes were and how she ate it up.

Next schoold day on the bus I remember trying find one of the few empty seats because her stop was right after mine, hoping she sat next to me. She did, and I mustered up the courage to look at her straight faced to tell her "Sarah, you have beautiful eyes." Never really remember much after that with her

real tears, b.
got to put this one here...

(girl was the chiq of my friend)

invited a girl to go to the beach.
she told me she was willing to go and says that she will pay me back after i bought her a plane ticket.
i bought her one and tried to contact her for the payment but it was all @@*$*$%#.
girl did not show up at all. did not pay me as well.
ended up going with no one but just with my friends..

thus, lesson learned.
got to put this one here...

(girl was the chiq of my friend)

invited a girl to go to the beach.
she told me she was willing to go and says that she will pay me back after i bought her a plane ticket.
i bought her one and tried to contact her for the payment but it was all @@*$*$%#.
girl did not show up at all. did not pay me as well.
ended up going with no one but just with my friends..

thus, lesson learned.
iight yall.. after reading all of this, i HAVE to post this one.

this is about my boy.. a very good friend since middle school.

he gets with this chick from school but she has crazy baby daddy issues.. he proceeds knowing this too.

after about a month, he comes at me with his problems on some super sad tip.. obviously, girl cheats on my homie for her baby daddy. he is devastated and i tell him "dude, just let her go, no matter what, BD is always gonna be around.. dead that beezy." he comes back at me with the "its so hard bc i love her.." i hit him back with the
 but i keep hearing him out.

this dude has talked to ALL of our friends, even homegirls too and we all tell him that she aint the one, what she's doin to him is F'd up and to have more respect for himself..

fast forward to this past month.. she starts flakin out on dates w/ him, not getting back to his texts and calls. at this point, he's desperate to win her over. well, what do you know? the garden tool has been chillin with BD this whole time. after a few days of no call/no text, this herb i call my friend goes with his instincts and drives by BDs pad and guess what, her car is there!!

to make a long story short, she finally comes clean with my homie and tells him SHE GOT PREGNANT again by BD but she got an abortion and that "she's done" with baby daddy..

and to no one's surprise.. THE HOMIE GETS BACK WITH HER!!!!!!!!!!
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