Whats the most Simpish thing you've ever witnessed

I had an ex friend who would get guys to simp hard for her. They would buy her all kinds of stuff and they would not get anything in return. But, simping can also be done by women. I know some girls that would simp for the guy and he would just take advantage of it.
i drove about an hour after work to take my ex, whom i knew i would not be smanging, to the movies, with no gas, and was going to take her out to eat afterwards, but it was late.
i drove about an hour after work to take my ex, whom i knew i would not be smanging, to the movies, with no gas, and was going to take her out to eat afterwards, but it was late.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

I had an ex friend who would get guys to simp hard for her. They would buy her all kinds of stuff and they would not get anything in return. But, simping can also be done by women. I know some girls that would simp for the guy and he would just take advantage of it.

Damb...Male gold diggers
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

I had an ex friend who would get guys to simp hard for her. They would buy her all kinds of stuff and they would not get anything in return. But, simping can also be done by women. I know some girls that would simp for the guy and he would just take advantage of it.

Damb...Male gold diggers
Originally Posted by Kaws

2) Her phone was getting fixed cause the screen broke and I offered her my phone for a week. Was phone less while she was using the phone.

Something like this has happened to me before,

Some broad got in trouble and her parents took her phone away for some time, and she asked me if she could borrow my phone (this was at school). I was like yea sure, the first day she used it for one class period. The next day she asked me again I let her borrow it, she was jammin to my music taking pics with my phone, asked me if she could keep it for a while (thought it was for a class period or two) and I just let her keep it for like a week til she got hers back.
Originally Posted by Kaws

2) Her phone was getting fixed cause the screen broke and I offered her my phone for a week. Was phone less while she was using the phone.

Something like this has happened to me before,

Some broad got in trouble and her parents took her phone away for some time, and she asked me if she could borrow my phone (this was at school). I was like yea sure, the first day she used it for one class period. The next day she asked me again I let her borrow it, she was jammin to my music taking pics with my phone, asked me if she could keep it for a while (thought it was for a class period or two) and I just let her keep it for like a week til she got hers back.
Lmao i once payed half for a girls cellphone bill.. but that was when money was coming in like no oyher
No bills so i was stacking up chips.. still, looking back at it.. i was a fool for paying 150 for a girl i dint get nothing from. Haha
Lmao i once payed half for a girls cellphone bill.. but that was when money was coming in like no oyher
No bills so i was stacking up chips.. still, looking back at it.. i was a fool for paying 150 for a girl i dint get nothing from. Haha
"Hope I made your day like a glass of Gatorade"

Here's a story I witnessed during my 7th grade year/ they're 8th grade year:

I was in middle school band and we would always have a trip toward the end of the year so we decided to go to Six Flags. This dude was trying to get at my boys sister for the longest but she just wasn't having it. Anyways, we get there and everybody does there own thing. We would come across them at the park and it was like every time we would bump into them, she was never empty handed, rather it was a drink, food, playing some games, etc. We even bumped into them in the little stores there but wouldn't actually see him pay for it, so I assumed he would put the stuff he had back. The day's finally over and we have to board the bus but before we get on, everybody has to meet up in the front. Everybody's waiting and here dude come's with a bag full of stuff and I'm not talking about one of those Walmart type bags. I'm talking about a clear trash bag full of stuff animals, basketballs, little bags from those stores, etc. She's behind him carrying a little Tweety bird and had on a Brand new Lot 29 shirt
. I still didn't think anything of it b/c I thought they were all his stuff due to him carrying it himself and b/c I didn't ever see him buy her anything. (Side story we thought was funny) We were on our way home and she falls asleep so we thought we would start trolling. Her brother is sitting behind her and I'm sitting in the aisle across from her, oh yeah I almost forgot, she didn't even sit next to that dude on the way up nor on the way back. We we're in the front and he was in the very back. Trolling was over when she woke up but when she hit a stretch in, that stuffed tweety flew out the window
, She noticed it was gone and got upset at us, hit her with the "You Mad?", and kept it moving lol. Making NT moves before discovering NT. We finally get to the school, and dude starts taking stuff out the bag and handing it to her. We're waiting for our ride, the crowd dies down and that dude's friend approaches and we started talking then he metioned that dude came w/ like $100 dollars and only had $25 left. My facial expression
. Dude wasn't even with her and spent all that money on her
"Hope I made your day like a glass of Gatorade"

Here's a story I witnessed during my 7th grade year/ they're 8th grade year:

I was in middle school band and we would always have a trip toward the end of the year so we decided to go to Six Flags. This dude was trying to get at my boys sister for the longest but she just wasn't having it. Anyways, we get there and everybody does there own thing. We would come across them at the park and it was like every time we would bump into them, she was never empty handed, rather it was a drink, food, playing some games, etc. We even bumped into them in the little stores there but wouldn't actually see him pay for it, so I assumed he would put the stuff he had back. The day's finally over and we have to board the bus but before we get on, everybody has to meet up in the front. Everybody's waiting and here dude come's with a bag full of stuff and I'm not talking about one of those Walmart type bags. I'm talking about a clear trash bag full of stuff animals, basketballs, little bags from those stores, etc. She's behind him carrying a little Tweety bird and had on a Brand new Lot 29 shirt
. I still didn't think anything of it b/c I thought they were all his stuff due to him carrying it himself and b/c I didn't ever see him buy her anything. (Side story we thought was funny) We were on our way home and she falls asleep so we thought we would start trolling. Her brother is sitting behind her and I'm sitting in the aisle across from her, oh yeah I almost forgot, she didn't even sit next to that dude on the way up nor on the way back. We we're in the front and he was in the very back. Trolling was over when she woke up but when she hit a stretch in, that stuffed tweety flew out the window
, She noticed it was gone and got upset at us, hit her with the "You Mad?", and kept it moving lol. Making NT moves before discovering NT. We finally get to the school, and dude starts taking stuff out the bag and handing it to her. We're waiting for our ride, the crowd dies down and that dude's friend approaches and we started talking then he metioned that dude came w/ like $100 dollars and only had $25 left. My facial expression
. Dude wasn't even with her and spent all that money on her
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by LDJ

Dathbgboy wrote:
I dig what u sayin. Once the image is painted in the you plant the seed.  However, there also has to be responsibility of the male who has the simpish actions. Some dudes have low self-esteem and get no play so they go out on a limb to perform these simpish actions and finds it works. Even if they get burned later, the satisfaction of knowin they had the girl's attention at some point is gratifyin to them. 

Yea thats true but if you are around nothing but ppl who promote this type of behavior, alot of times these dudes become products of their environment. Add that with low self-esteem, outside pressures, hormones, and wanting to be social accepted. Then finnacial status plays a big role as well. Alot of these guys especially in the single mom dept. they mom tries to provide all of these worldly possessions, to make up for the fact that they ran the daddy off and/or he is a deadbeat, or/and to do this whole i want you to have all the things I never had trip. So then you have a guy with everything he wants, money in his pocket, low self-esteem, a mindframe from a woman who has lead him to overvalue womens worth, and is horny and desperate. Since he has no game/confidence etc to pull the chick, the only other means he has to get the chick is money.

Then add to the fact he grew up with a person struggling, and lacking a man to help, and all these lipstick alley type chicks who drop bugs in his ear about a man should do this that and the other. So then he sees the chick and thinks of all those instances, life examples, etc and therefore he is trying to right the so call wrongs he was lead to believe by his single mom and other outside sources.

I aint saying chivalry is dead, but the main issues are over-evaluatingvaluation  women. Not to degrade woman like cars, but to many dudes spending treating woman like s class mercedes, but really have the value of a mercury marquis. And also just going offa external things like looks etc.

Alot of what LDJ has written is the truth.  I for one was raised by a single mother...but she never put forth that I should treat women on a pedestal.  She herself told me to never get married and be a bachelor for the rest of my life because she knows first hand that marriage wasn't where it was for her.  I can def co-sign with the money thing...that's how I used to be in H.S. but I wised up quick.  No matter how much money you have it will NEVER replace confidence in one's self and high self-esteem.  You should wake up everyday confident in your role as a human being.
BUT don't get so cocky as to disrespect women by de-valuating them.  Because that just makes it that much harder for the next man to face.  If need be...put her +%% in her place and after your done get on with your life.  Don't play into the vicious cycle of degrading someone.  Realize all the outcomes that happen to you of are your own doing.  
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by LDJ

Dathbgboy wrote:
I dig what u sayin. Once the image is painted in the you plant the seed.  However, there also has to be responsibility of the male who has the simpish actions. Some dudes have low self-esteem and get no play so they go out on a limb to perform these simpish actions and finds it works. Even if they get burned later, the satisfaction of knowin they had the girl's attention at some point is gratifyin to them. 

Yea thats true but if you are around nothing but ppl who promote this type of behavior, alot of times these dudes become products of their environment. Add that with low self-esteem, outside pressures, hormones, and wanting to be social accepted. Then finnacial status plays a big role as well. Alot of these guys especially in the single mom dept. they mom tries to provide all of these worldly possessions, to make up for the fact that they ran the daddy off and/or he is a deadbeat, or/and to do this whole i want you to have all the things I never had trip. So then you have a guy with everything he wants, money in his pocket, low self-esteem, a mindframe from a woman who has lead him to overvalue womens worth, and is horny and desperate. Since he has no game/confidence etc to pull the chick, the only other means he has to get the chick is money.

Then add to the fact he grew up with a person struggling, and lacking a man to help, and all these lipstick alley type chicks who drop bugs in his ear about a man should do this that and the other. So then he sees the chick and thinks of all those instances, life examples, etc and therefore he is trying to right the so call wrongs he was lead to believe by his single mom and other outside sources.

I aint saying chivalry is dead, but the main issues are over-evaluatingvaluation  women. Not to degrade woman like cars, but to many dudes spending treating woman like s class mercedes, but really have the value of a mercury marquis. And also just going offa external things like looks etc.

Alot of what LDJ has written is the truth.  I for one was raised by a single mother...but she never put forth that I should treat women on a pedestal.  She herself told me to never get married and be a bachelor for the rest of my life because she knows first hand that marriage wasn't where it was for her.  I can def co-sign with the money thing...that's how I used to be in H.S. but I wised up quick.  No matter how much money you have it will NEVER replace confidence in one's self and high self-esteem.  You should wake up everyday confident in your role as a human being.
BUT don't get so cocky as to disrespect women by de-valuating them.  Because that just makes it that much harder for the next man to face.  If need be...put her +%% in her place and after your done get on with your life.  Don't play into the vicious cycle of degrading someone.  Realize all the outcomes that happen to you of are your own doing.  
Originally Posted by j4ck

Originally Posted by UptownsDotNetStacky

Originally Posted by shoefreek23

Back when I use to work at wal-mart I had a co worker who would do anything for this chick that also worked there and one day I was ringing her groceries up and when I was done she was like im waiting for geoffries card and I was like you can use my discount card and she was like "no,his credit card",I was speechless,I dont even think homie ever even got to cop a feel.

He was nourishing that tramp
Do you remember the total?

Dont remember the total,thank god he got a different job so im hoping thats the end of her taking advantage of him but then again she gots his cell,he use to buy her phones too since they both worked in the cell phone department,dudes use to flirt with her and shed give out her info and everything while he just sat there,he'd even cover for her while shed go take a long break to hang out with the guys she just met!
Originally Posted by j4ck

Originally Posted by UptownsDotNetStacky

Originally Posted by shoefreek23

Back when I use to work at wal-mart I had a co worker who would do anything for this chick that also worked there and one day I was ringing her groceries up and when I was done she was like im waiting for geoffries card and I was like you can use my discount card and she was like "no,his credit card",I was speechless,I dont even think homie ever even got to cop a feel.

He was nourishing that tramp
Do you remember the total?

Dont remember the total,thank god he got a different job so im hoping thats the end of her taking advantage of him but then again she gots his cell,he use to buy her phones too since they both worked in the cell phone department,dudes use to flirt with her and shed give out her info and everything while he just sat there,he'd even cover for her while shed go take a long break to hang out with the guys she just met!
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