What's the worst city you ever been to?

Cheesaw, Washington....yes, It's called Cheesaw, and it has a pop. of 56. It sux when your dad lives in the middle of nowhere and you go up to spendsummers with him
(He moved Finally, thank god)
Originally Posted by offbad

Originally Posted by horchata kid

uhm, im puerto rican/ panamanian. True, I'm probably a small majority of latino's here, and yes there are alot of Asian people in Irvine, and alot of white people as well, but that's just how alot of Orange County is. Go to Westminister, 90% asian i would imagine. I've lived in Irvine for 10+ years, and it can get boring yes, but it's not as bad as I think you're chalking it up to be. But hey, I'm not going to go on a rant about how you're wrong, or right, it's your opinion and you're entitled to it. Personally, I wouldn't mind raising a family here, it's safe and that's the #1 priority for me when I raise a family.
well, it is bad for me. it is a safe city, yes. an ideal suburbia, high ranking schools, low crime rate, and nearly impeccable infrastructure.
probably a great place to raise a family, i wouldn't doubt it.
but as you said, this is my opinion. i thank you for acknowledging that. and i do recognize the admirable strong/selling points the city has to offer.
however, this guy...

Originally Posted by marath0n

Talking about smog, Irvine would be one of the last cities to come to mind, but you're from the bay so you probably wouldn't know either way.
Irvine is the WORST CITY YOU'VE EVER BEEN TO because of "rabbits, water fountains, and Target stores?"

You need to get out more.
it's interesting that you chose the three most trivial things on my list to stoneface me for.

it's one of the worst cities i've been to because of the relentless amount of irrigation the irvine company deems necessary. how many water fountains are necessary? when are there too many? there are never enough for Irvine. it's a huge waste of resources.
additionally, you do realize that palm trees are not natively grown there right? the cost of importing a palm tree is cheap initially, but the upkeep of one is of high maintenance-- and not cheap. please bear in mind that although you might equate palm trees with deserts, the fact is that palm trees thrive in an oasis type climate. and i don't think i have to tell you (or maybe i do) that Irvine has an arid, dry desert-like climate, which is not conducive to the life of a palm tree (which requires lots of water). so this is something that is not only not affordable, but not even environemtally sound. and that is precisely where the problem lies, a fixation of the superficial and image over practicality.

i don't really mind the rabbits. they're just everywhere, and they leave their poop everywhere.

and i actually like target a lot more than walmart, but i guess you can't have competition in Irvine (this is more so due to the Irvine corporation itself, i believe).

i do get out more. i get out to a lot better places than irvine. however, it was my own undoing that i chose to go to UCI. you're not even from Irvine, your profile says. why are you getting so upset?

but i guess you're not from the bay, so you probably wouldn't know either way.


Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

i went to uci and lived there for 6 years. you must not be used to any air pollution if you are seeing smog. the wind comes in from the coast and blows all that %*$% out east bro. every coastal city in so cal is like that. always good air quality in irvine.
I wasn't replying to you man

I know Irvine has no smog.
Originally Posted by dollabill1

i'm going with anywhere in new jersey, that is the worst place on the planet, that isnt currently at war

Heres the ranking of New Jersey's worst towns seeing i LIVE in new jersey (Paterson) and new jersey isn't bad at allthough it has its bad neighborhoods...

1.Camden (just a straight up horrible place...was once on the top 10 most dangerous neighborhoods of the U.S.)
2.Newark (car jack central of the whole damn country i would say...especially in 08...death rates and car jacks rose this year)
3.Toss up between Jersey city and Paterson i would say...

J.C. -drugs,gangs,ransom the rapper etc..

Paterson-drugs and gangs there was a dvd called king of the north which was about the most notorius drug dealer in paterson back in the days he was at onepoint the biggest drug lord of NJ but i cant find the DVD ANYwhere

Other places i heard were bad were Orange,Irvington,Englewood,
Originally Posted by chris steez

Originally Posted by dollabill1

i'm going with anywhere in new jersey, that is the worst place on the planet, that isnt currently at war

Heres the ranking of New Jersey's worst towns seeing i LIVE in new jersey (Paterson) and new jersey isn't bad at all though it has its bad neighborhoods...

1.Camden (just a straight up horrible place...was once on the top 10 most dangerous neighborhoods of the U.S.)
2.Newark (car jack central of the whole damn country i would say...especially in 08...death rates and car jacks rose this year)
3.Toss up between Jersey city and Paterson i would say...

J.C. -drugs,gangs,ransom the rapper etc..

Paterson-drugs and gangs there was a dvd called king of the north which was about the most notorius drug dealer in paterson back in the days he was at one point the biggest drug lord of NJ but i cant find the DVD ANYwhere

Other places i heard were bad were Orange,Irvington,Englewood,
3. Jersey City easy..

Irvington is a runner up, being right next to Newark, you get everything that comes through there..
The Oranges..excluding West Orange are kinda bad

Elizabeth too..

I thought this list was about worst cities as far as crime and gritty-ness..not by whats there to do..
Heres the ranking of New Jersey's worst towns seeing i LIVE in new jersey (Paterson) and new jersey isn't bad at all though it has its bad neighborhoods...

1.Camden (just a straight up horrible place...was once on the top 10 most dangerous neighborhoods of the U.S.)
2.Newark (car jack central of the whole damn country i would say...especially in 08...death rates and car jacks rose this year)
3.Toss up between Jersey city and Paterson i would say...

J.C. -drugs,gangs,ransom the rapper etc..

Paterson-drugs and gangs there was a dvd called king of the north which was about the most notorius drug dealer in paterson back in the days he was at one point the biggest drug lord of NJ but i cant find the DVD ANYwhere

Other places i heard were bad were Orange,Irvington,Englewood,

I don't know about Englewood, but................
The rest of the state is full of rich suburbs with one of the highest per capita incomes & percentage of people with college degrees. One of the highesthigh school graduation rates in the country. It costs a grip to live in Jersey. Most could not afford to live in this "armpit". Beaches, mountains,cities, suburbs all within close proximity.
There are close to 9 million people living in one of the smallest states in America, the physical appearance of rich & poor, residential & industrialare obvious because there is no where to hide it like the rest of the country.
^ I lived in Monterey, CA for a minute. I enjoyed it but, yea, there are some rough spots.

My vote goes to Buffalo, NY (esp during winter). Probably the dirtiest, most depressing city in the country.
i think the worst cities/towns tend to be in the states that have the highests costs of living because you have the wealthy who all group together and the poorall flow into one spot. while as in a place that is less densly populated with low standards of living tend to have violence spread out instead ofconcentratted to one area. i heard detroit is very bad, never been.

camden, east orange, orange, paterson, newark in nj are all bad
bridgeport, meriden, hartford, waterbury, willamantic, new britain in ct are all bad
nyc is bad in some parts, the rest of ny besides long island is hickville

just an example, im a senior in hs in the town over from new britain ct. my town population of 40,000 is basically all white, upperclass. there are noproblems in my school, no violence or fights really. go a town over to new britain, its the exact opposite. barely any white kids. everyday ther is at leastone fight, dont go a week without one stabbing or bomb threat, cops in every hall way. teachers have gotten stabbed before.
Rock Springs, WY

It's cool to visit for a day otherwise stay far far far away........actually just make that the whole entire state of Wyoming!!!! It's hell to visitand 10 times worse to live in.

It really was looking like Resident Evil out there. I aint never been so shook to drive through a city like that before.
Columbus/Athens, Ohio.

I should have littered more.

Both those towns are terrible.
Richmond, VA
Passed through there on my way to NC
the city smelled like crap..worst thing i've ever smelled
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