Whats your opinion of the situation...vol Aint Loyal

As long as their faithful and their past doesn't affect their current situation, people need to chill out.

A person's past is their past and all that but dam. If you married a girl who told you she's a virgin and now she's on a porn site giving head for a ride to the airport? That's a tough pill to swallow.
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Is he being insecure?
He's a virgin who's worried about his penis size.
What makes him believe he has a small penis?
Probably because he watches porn
He watched it, she made one.
Both of them have issues stemming from their actions of perversion.

Should he get over his wife's past?
Idk if he can. Idk if he has to.
Sexual liberation could solve everything.
But I don't live in their society, no idea what it's like in that culture

There's no one to blame here.
If she told him about her sexcapades , he would've never given her a chance
If she lied about her past, then she can't be trusted.
When it comes to a woman's past - ignorance is bliss
God damn the person that sent him the video
Sounds like it was done with malicious intent
... Like who does that
If there wasn't a kid on the way I'd say drop her.

Got a kid on the way. Dude needs to suck it up. After he leaves her he's just gonna end up stalking her and watching her vids anyway. Plus with his tiny dong, he's gonna go out into the dating scene with no confidence and get no yambz anyway.. If you were happy before then just take it in stride. Pics still needed for final approval though.

depending on how "traditional" they are... he should just get a couple more wives. Oh and oral is your new favorite activity until that baby drops lady. lol jk ... kinda
This is how it plays out for these folks though. The Virgin and the reformed thot. May as well ride it out.
This literally sounds like a nightmare. I feel for dude. In no way is she absolved from any blame. You can't be a roller for 4 years without enjoying that lifestyle.

Whoever sent that is the worst type of person. I mean how many years were you waiting to do that? Scum.

The whole BJ aspect to the story might be worst part of it all.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: It's a wrap for this relationship.

Sad this is what hos gotta go through just to get married. Lie about their past, lie about what they've done, etc. just cuz it's convenient. She pretty much deserves to be divorced especially for not giving up the bjs.

I will also add this guy is super insecure. He sounds like the typical NTer wanting a virgin to marry and can't handle a chick that's had a healthy sex life but this whole penis size stuff takes it over the top. Kinda not surprised he went through the route of getting married by arrangement and looking for the stereotypical virgin.
I never knew about this video, or anything like it.
My husband called me a stupid *****, told me hated me. He told me that he hopes I miscarry, so that way he can divorce and have nothing to do with me. For the next couple hours he just yelled at me while I cried.
Is this real life? :rofl:

So cold.

Any pics of this chick?
Damn what a story.

I really do feel bad for dude. Girl literally did mess up his life from being such a *** when she was younger. That **** catches up to you one way or another. It was her fault. Should have been honest. Now she got such a ****** up situation on her hands. Best believe if the parents don't find out any other way it will be the (ex)husband.

I would feel the same way. No one wants to find out that their potential wifey was a professional *** back in the days. A man has to feel that some things in this world are special and only for him. Now he has to share his wife with the world cuz of da internetz.

I think he has a definite right to be emotional but me personally, I would have left for a day think about everything and just file that divorce. To me....what she was up to is non-reparable.
i mean, if you married a chick and found a video of her online doing that you wouldnt be mad? i would divorce my wife on the spot whether i knew she slept around or not. just disgusting IMO to know my wife is out on the internet being viewed by others doing that crap

You ever made a home video?

No and even then i dont see an issue unless its on the internet :lol: when the whole world including friends and family can see it. thats just :smh:

you want people to see a video of your wife doing that and have family and friends secretly see it? come on man

No I'm just saying when people are young and dumb they record stuff with their significant other thinking they'll be together forever and then it's a bitter break up and somehow pictures and videos end up out there. I think if you would divorce your wife over something that happen before you, you probably shouldn't of married her to begin with :lol:

im saying, there is sometuing out there for people to see that will embarrass you and your wife. thats not cool with me to have people seeing it and talk crap behind my back because she took a video and someone posted it.

she didnt even agree to record it. im just saying something out there for people to see aint right, what you do behind close doors, its what ever. once it hits the net, its a wrap.
They found the video and posted it on her reddit thread but the mods deleted it... They wildin like misc over there.
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She didn't have to go into detail about her past but to flat lie that certain events never happened is ****** up

Dude sounds ****** up as well so maybe meant to be
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brah. how they get her information like that? :x internet is scary man
This is sad, that guy who exposed her should be ashamed of himself. Just destroyed a family because a girl stopped sleeping with you in college :smh:
Plenty of women was getting their jaws blown...yall probably dating one

Sucks there was a vid online but it is what it is.....dude more insecure he got a lil **** :lol: ******
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