When it comes to working out, where do you find your motivation?

How i learned how to learn.

So i've been on and off on the whole getting in shape thing. I've done every diet, and almost every workout possible, from all protein, to all carbs. From HIIT to long 3 hour basketball sessions. I have always been on the "search" to find the best way to get in shape. I've ben 210 pounds and ive also been 160 pounds. Some of these "quick fixes" did help....but i was never able to make a new lifestyle. I would either go back to how i was before or... i would lose motivation.

Now that i have a certain goal in mind, i have never been more motivated, but its tough. There will always be days where i just don't want to do anything. That's when i start talking to myself.
"5 years from now...will this ONE day really affect me?" I then get up...grab a glass of water, and go back to bed.

Now you might think...wait...thats how you motivate yourself?
YES. because one thing i always "knew" but really didnt know was the age old fact (that really is a myth) that "no pain no gain, work till you die, blood and sweat on the floor, worout 7 days a week" poop.

Our bodies are built to be built while we rest, while we sleep, and from what we eat. Not only are literally just tearing muscle fibers while we workout, but if we dont rest and get enough sleep, we are literally just taking a step back ( i dont know why i said literally).

I used to be the guy who worked out, 2 times a day, 6 days a week, and on sundays i try to sneak in a little workout. Not only did i not see any results, but my performance on the court was going no where, i was always agitated, and i was downright exhausted.

after years and years of "research" and trial & error, ive finally hit it on the spot.
Not only am i seeing results daily/weekly, but i wake up every morning excited, ready to go, and with a rejuvenated feeling.

Somethings i've incorporated:
9-10 hours of sleep
40-50 glasses of water through out the day
foam rolling
contstant self massage (ha .. ha. . ha.) aka foam rolling
daily stretching
buy a notebook write down these things (what you eat, your workouts, and how much you lifted)
no need to count calories, BUT estimate (overestimate calories and underestimate protein)
and just make sure youre eating every 3 hours.

Here's my workout for now:
(i must admit, this will not work for anybody but me, because every person is different, so why should every person have the same workouts? Try different things and see what works for you, trust me, the time you take to see results will bring results)

My basketball workouts will NEVER EVER last longer than 1 hour, they incorporate skill work and a 15 minute conditioning at the end. After the 1 hour workout, i shoot free throws for a good 5-6 hours. (and no...im not exaggerating to sound cool, i literally just find the free throw to be one of the most important and underrated parts of the game) Monday is endurance day (suicides, mile run) , wednesday is plyo vertical day (depth jumps, tuck jumps), and friday is agility day (sprints, lateral work)

My weight training sessions will NEVER EVER last longer than one hour, but i give every humanly possible ounce of man juice i can put into that 45-60 minute session.

some of these are not technical terms, because i have no idea what they are called....but its just what i called them. (sorry, if youre interested, i can make a video...but i highly doubt anyone has read this far)

Mondays -
Gym- Basketball skill work (1pm-2pm)
10 suicides in 10 minutes
1 17's
1 sub 7:30 mile
5 hours free throws and form shooting, dribbling in place

Tuesday - Leg work
Squats 3x6
deadlifts 3x6
Pistol squats 3x8
jump squats 3x8
wood chop (abs) 3x10
leg lifts (Abs) 3x8
Calf Raise 3x12-15
Quad Raise 3x8

wednesday - (1-2 pm)
bball skill work
Plyo work
Tuck jumps- 3x10
1 Leg Bench Jump- 3x10
Depth Jumps- 3x10
Rim Jumps- 3x8
5 hours free throws and form shooting, dribbling in place

Thursday- Upper body work
Pullup Workout
(6,5,4,3,2,1 2 sets
25 negatives)
Standing Press 3x6
1 Arm Bench Press 3x8
1 Arm Bench Lift 3x8
weighted situps 3x12
ab rotate 3x10
Shoulder row 3x10
2 arm bench 3x6
Bicep tricep circuit (not much)

Friday (1-2pm)
bball skill work
zig zag defense
5 chair defense drill
defensive stance for 3 minutes (2 sets)
backpedal, lateral work, sprints
5 hours free throws and form shooting, dribbling in place

saturday Full body work
Clean & press 3x5
Squat press 3x8
1 arm stand press 3x8
1 Foot Step up w/dumbbells 3x8
Jump press to bench w/ 15kg plate
Pullup Workout
(6,5,4,3,2,1 2 sets
25 negatives)
3 min ab plank (2 sets)

eat alot of chicken
rest sleep rest
How i learned how to learn.

So i've been on and off on the whole getting in shape thing. I've done every diet, and almost every workout possible, from all protein, to all carbs. From HIIT to long 3 hour basketball sessions. I have always been on the "search" to find the best way to get in shape. I've ben 210 pounds and ive also been 160 pounds. Some of these "quick fixes" did help....but i was never able to make a new lifestyle. I would either go back to how i was before or... i would lose motivation.

Now that i have a certain goal in mind, i have never been more motivated, but its tough. There will always be days where i just don't want to do anything. That's when i start talking to myself.
"5 years from now...will this ONE day really affect me?" I then get up...grab a glass of water, and go back to bed.

Now you might think...wait...thats how you motivate yourself?
YES. because one thing i always "knew" but really didnt know was the age old fact (that really is a myth) that "no pain no gain, work till you die, blood and sweat on the floor, worout 7 days a week" poop.

Our bodies are built to be built while we rest, while we sleep, and from what we eat. Not only are literally just tearing muscle fibers while we workout, but if we dont rest and get enough sleep, we are literally just taking a step back ( i dont know why i said literally).

I used to be the guy who worked out, 2 times a day, 6 days a week, and on sundays i try to sneak in a little workout. Not only did i not see any results, but my performance on the court was going no where, i was always agitated, and i was downright exhausted.

after years and years of "research" and trial & error, ive finally hit it on the spot.
Not only am i seeing results daily/weekly, but i wake up every morning excited, ready to go, and with a rejuvenated feeling.

Somethings i've incorporated:
9-10 hours of sleep
40-50 glasses of water through out the day
foam rolling
contstant self massage (ha .. ha. . ha.) aka foam rolling
daily stretching
buy a notebook write down these things (what you eat, your workouts, and how much you lifted)
no need to count calories, BUT estimate (overestimate calories and underestimate protein)
and just make sure youre eating every 3 hours.

Here's my workout for now:
(i must admit, this will not work for anybody but me, because every person is different, so why should every person have the same workouts? Try different things and see what works for you, trust me, the time you take to see results will bring results)

My basketball workouts will NEVER EVER last longer than 1 hour, they incorporate skill work and a 15 minute conditioning at the end. After the 1 hour workout, i shoot free throws for a good 5-6 hours. (and no...im not exaggerating to sound cool, i literally just find the free throw to be one of the most important and underrated parts of the game) Monday is endurance day (suicides, mile run) , wednesday is plyo vertical day (depth jumps, tuck jumps), and friday is agility day (sprints, lateral work)

My weight training sessions will NEVER EVER last longer than one hour, but i give every humanly possible ounce of man juice i can put into that 45-60 minute session.

some of these are not technical terms, because i have no idea what they are called....but its just what i called them. (sorry, if youre interested, i can make a video...but i highly doubt anyone has read this far)

Mondays -
Gym- Basketball skill work (1pm-2pm)
10 suicides in 10 minutes
1 17's
1 sub 7:30 mile
5 hours free throws and form shooting, dribbling in place

Tuesday - Leg work
Squats 3x6
deadlifts 3x6
Pistol squats 3x8
jump squats 3x8
wood chop (abs) 3x10
leg lifts (Abs) 3x8
Calf Raise 3x12-15
Quad Raise 3x8

wednesday - (1-2 pm)
bball skill work
Plyo work
Tuck jumps- 3x10
1 Leg Bench Jump- 3x10
Depth Jumps- 3x10
Rim Jumps- 3x8
5 hours free throws and form shooting, dribbling in place

Thursday- Upper body work
Pullup Workout
(6,5,4,3,2,1 2 sets
25 negatives)
Standing Press 3x6
1 Arm Bench Press 3x8
1 Arm Bench Lift 3x8
weighted situps 3x12
ab rotate 3x10
Shoulder row 3x10
2 arm bench 3x6
Bicep tricep circuit (not much)

Friday (1-2pm)
bball skill work
zig zag defense
5 chair defense drill
defensive stance for 3 minutes (2 sets)
backpedal, lateral work, sprints
5 hours free throws and form shooting, dribbling in place

saturday Full body work
Clean & press 3x5
Squat press 3x8
1 arm stand press 3x8
1 Foot Step up w/dumbbells 3x8
Jump press to bench w/ 15kg plate
Pullup Workout
(6,5,4,3,2,1 2 sets
25 negatives)
3 min ab plank (2 sets)

eat alot of chicken
rest sleep rest
Originally Posted by copped

Originally Posted by hotshots24
seriously....get a life.
this is my life 
Personal Health 

People who can do amazing athletic stuff

Females (that's a given in our superficial society)
Lastly looking at pictures of me slacking in this department ( a rude awakening) 
Personal Health 

People who can do amazing athletic stuff

Females (that's a given in our superficial society)
Lastly looking at pictures of me slacking in this department ( a rude awakening) 
smh i skipped today. I've been sick but that's no excuse

Originally Posted by VeryAnalytical85

Females (that's a given in our superficial society)
I don't think any females ever liked fat guys, so no
smh i skipped today. I've been sick but that's no excuse

Originally Posted by VeryAnalytical85

Females (that's a given in our superficial society)
I don't think any females ever liked fat guys, so no
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