When was the last time you thrown hands with someone?

Tropix in queens blvd met up with a chic from pof and the night was going good. Had a few drinks and I accidentally stepped on some kids shoes and the dude took a swing at me and hit me on the back of my head pure sucker punch.I countered with a one two combo on his jaw and he went down.then I get rushed by three bouncers and they kicked me out the spot smh
back in hs and years after i was bout that life scrapping crazy

but nah now a days we get into a brawl here or there

but we settle things in more grown up ways
A few months ago, got knocked out in what was basically 7 or 8 other dudes against me on some sucker punch @#$#, wasnt exactly a high point in my life
About 2 months ago 
Long story short my ex was at a party, dude was kinda refusing to take no for an answer and was feeling up on her to much.  She told me about it later, next week outside the club I was drunk and just hauled off on that fool.  I was so gone I was throwing straight haymaker rights, connected 3/4 tho 

In retrospect it was immature.  I mostly did it because 1.) I was drunk, 2.) Dude has herpes and a baby on the way, yet he's always trying to smash somebody's girl.  So I in general just aint like him.

Oh and ironically son got washed just the night before at a different club 
.  Dude is like 0-5 in fights since he got to college.

I'm not a fighting type of person though actually, that was the first fight I had been in since like Jr. year of high school.
Ok here it goes.

Dude slapped my !$*. I said Whats your issue? Then my boyfriend starts attacking him and I jump in and we smashed the mess outta dude.
like a year and a half ago? i swear i wasnt about that but she wanted to pick a fight and she got one. i swept the floor with her and her homegirl, then they got arrested. i felt like king leonidas.
i guess since everyone is posting stories i'll post it.

i was at a bar with my homegirl catching up, having a couple of beers. chill %@+@. my boy was djing so a few beers in i go to the booth to introduce my girl and my boy. theres these two really stank girls standing infront of the booth and i could have walked through them but i'm polite so i said excuse me to which one of them replies "NO" i shrugged like its not that serious and walked through them anyway. me and my boy are chatting and i look over my shoulder and these two girl have my homegirl who is pretty drunk; cornered berating her. theyre telling her to tell me to watch myself whatever. i grab my homegirl and i calmly tell the hoodrats "its not that serious, i have no issues. don't grab my friend shes drunk and she's little." they suck their teeth and say some nonsense. i just turned around and go back to chatting with the dj until i notice out of the corner of my eye that they have my homegirl again. i grab her and im like "yo what is your issue? i want no beef im here to talk to my friend you dont want it." the one of them tips some beer on my jeans to which i just dump my whole beer on her head. i grabbed her my the hair and swung her to the floor and i just start wailing on her. picking her head up and banging it on the floor. the other girl is pulling my hair but i'm not letting up. it took the manager ands both djs to get me off her, they throw me into the booth. i must have lost it because apparently i just sat down calmly fixing my hair like "i dont know what her problem is." they got kicked out and started a ruckus outside calling the cops claiming discrimination and sexual harassment. they just got arrested for being drunk and disorderly.
in 7th grade at homec class i was washing dishes and this kid just slaps me in the butt with the towel and i got pissed and went up to him and snuff him... he push me and we're like grappling on the ground... this guy was on top of me and im trying to get him off and then the class breaks it up.... he aint hit me or nothing but i got a clean shot on him and his face was bleeding... was suspended for the week... the school called my pops and i was scared but he just asked me what happen and i told him... he was cool about it because he knows i was just stickin up for myself... now i try to avoid fights... its not really my thing...
Originally Posted by Fig Neutonn

Ok here it goes.

Dude slapped my !$*. I said Whats your issue? Then my boyfriend starts attacking him and I jump in and we smashed the mess outta dude.
your grimy
Like Freshman year in highschool.


I Don't usually try and start anything on the streets with anyone cuz we all know how messy a situation that could lead to.

Eventho I'm extremely confident in my boxing abilities to take someone out with the quickness.

I just stay throwin down at the boxing gym (sparring).
last weekend at a bar.

im white btw , these spanish girls i was with was getting pressed by this black dude

dude tried to act tuff and was talking trash , i was buzzin and dude balled up his fist so i spit in his face and hit him with 2 piece and dude fell
down ,then his boys tried to jump me but my squad was behind me so they back up.
never been in a fight. Worst was in 5th grade over a game of pogs, I called "snatchies" which was a new call that had just came out in Pogs where you just get to grab them and win and it was over an 8ball or one of those premium type pogs. So Mike grabbed the other half of it and we were both pulling, me being stronger than him caused him to go falling into a bush. He got up and snuffed me in the eye unexpectedly and ran, I threw my basketball at it. 30 minutes later we were back cool and everything was forgiven and forgotten; completely different era back then
Originally Posted by polorico

last weekend at a bar.

im white btw , these spanish girls i was with was getting pressed by this black dude

dude tried to act tuff and was talking trash , i was buzzin and dude balled up his fist so i spit in his face and hit him with 2 piece and dude fell
down ,then his boys tried to jump me but my squad was behind me so they back up.
Sucker move my dude 
I slap a guy in the face about a year ago for disrespecting a female friend at a bar.

However, the last time I actually threw a fist was at one of my last college house parties. It was at one of my good buddy's crib and everybody is having a good time getting wrecked off beer pong, flip cup, and jungle juice. It's like 2 am and another friend of mine accidentally bumps into a female while a lil tipsy and she spills some of her beer on herself. She gets incredibly pissed and throws the rest of her beer on my friend. My buddy is usually very relaxed and tries to avoid any kind of conflict when sober but since he's tipsy, he throws his whole beer on her. Of course he's like 5'7 at best and the chick's boyfriend is standing right next to her and is like 6'6. The boyfriend starts talking about beating my friends %%$ but I saw the whole situation go down and I'm cool with the boyfriend since we've played pick up ball at the gym many times and I'm able to defuse the situation. He leaves with his girl and I start to think everything is fine and dandy and all of a sudden, some random %%$ dudes just attack like a pack of jackals. Their is probably like 10 of them and they just pounce on my friend. At first I'm just throwing dudes off him since they are trying to stomp his cranium in but eventually one of them come swinging and misses and hit him square on the jaw and dude falls fast. As soon as that happens, like 15 of my friends come out of nowhere and start scrapping. A few take a couple L's but for the most part we took care of them and kick them out of the house. When leaving though, they start yelling about how they were gonna come back with some ratchets and really finish it. The majority of my friends are white and have no idea what a ratchet is and actually think they meant the tool until I explain it to them. Fortunately they never came back and nothing worst happened.

Worst part was I got hit once pretty good in the eye during the big %%$ brawl and had a presentation for class the next week. I told the professor I got hit in the eye while playing in the softball league on campus but there were a couple kids in the class who were at the party and I could just see them shaking their heads in disapproval.
I never go around provoking people or causing any trouble, I show respect as long as it is shown back and I don't try to initiate any fights since I'd probably get knocked the @+@% out since I'm not really built like that, but some people just deserve a hard cold, beat down.

1st grade - 2nd day of school... I called this kid a %+!$-eating %%$#+ in Cantonese (word I learned from my Dad
), he decked me in the face twice and blacked my eye
. Became best friends since then, he died in 2007 (RIP)

9th grade - I thought I had lost my $300 Sony CD player... I always kept it in my locker or in my backpack whenever we had gym class or practice. Couple days later, found this white kid with it in the cafeteria at lunch, I knew it was mine since it had my sticker on it. Asked him where he found it and told him it was mine, he kept telling me he got it as a XMAS gift. Didn't say a word and just swung at his face a few times, got suspended for 3 days

10th grade - This kid I was friends with from Taekwondo class and I were both trying to get with the same girl. I ended up dating her for 3 months. Dude started to act so strange whenever we would talk, like he had some deep secreted hatred for me... kept sending me threat messages on my Xanga and Asian Avenue (
) page/message box claiming that he knew where I lived and that I was gonna get jumped by a gang for being a cocky %%$#+. My xanga message box had an IP address tracker, and I knew this dude lived 2 towns away from me. IP address matched his exact town and location...

Next class, our grandmaster pitted us both against each other in a practice sparring match. I literally kicked at his shins like 20 times with the ferocity of Chun-Li, my foot whacking at his shins non-stop. I ended up jump-turning kicking right him right in the head and he fell down awkwardly and started crying like a %%$#+
, wouldn't look me in the eye after that.

Last Saturday - Went to a pitch and putt range with my Cousin and his GF. This white guy and his chick in is late 30's decided to be *!%$@#+$ and raid our course while we were still playing, hitting his balls into our holes (NH) and knocking our balls off course in the process. Cousin confronted him and racial slurs were exchanged. He landed a punch on my cousin, cousin tackled him to the ground while I kicked him in the head/neck several times, dude was knocked out cold... ran the @+@% out of the golf range
5th grade I believe. We were playing basketball. Dude shot a corner 3 and hit the side of the backboard. I laughed and mustve said something and he heard. Anyway, technically I didnt throw hands because he grazed my eye. Its sorta like getting poked. I wanted to swing one though.

Funny thing is that a year later we became friends up until 9th grade high school
Mine was like last year around this time. I dont usually like fighting either but this guy had it coming. I walk into a bar with my boys and we head over tryna get a drink. We are waiting and this drunk +$$ dude comes up talking a mess to us. I wasnt drunk/not tryna fight so I told him to leave us alone. He keeps at it callin us gay and all that so I tell him again to leave us alone before something goes down. Well he didnt like that too much and while I was getting my drink he caught me with a headbutt and a weak right hand and took off running. Im a little stunned like wow this dude really just hit me. The bouncers grabbed him quick but he got outta their hold so by that time Im like "ok here is my chance to get him back". I hit him with 3 right hands (probably the hardest ive ever thrown). I had to of broke his nose bad because it was instantly bleeding like crazy. The bouncers kicked us out and I got outta there before the cops came in.

I went back the next day and this girl bartender said he called looking for my info bc he woke up in the hospital (he was probably black out drunk). He wanted to press charges but the girl told him they had video of it and he obviously started it, and that she was actually looking for his info. He got shook and hung up real quick and that was the end. She bought me a drink that night too but didnt smash
A couple of years back. Some guy pushed some girl I was chilling with like a man so I got in his face and he pushes me so I swung, next thing you know cats are trying to jump me and and 5 of my boys take like 7 of them I am raining punches as I got this kid pinned on the ground and some one cracks me with a corona bottle. I still got his homie pinned. Next thing you know security grabs us. This is citiwalk in LA so you know its crawling with sheriff, cop pulls me to the side and says your bleeding I didnt even notice. He says they got the guy who hit me with a bottle he brings him over, and I said I dont know what he is talking about I fell and I got to go to the er. Sheriff gets all riled up so I just rolled to the hospital and got 11 staples to my head, went to vegas the same weekend and got #$%!$ all weekend cause of the staples and my story about defending some girl.
I've never been involved in a 1 on 1 fight, all of the times I just went up to the guy and snuffed him out cold, kinda like a sucker punch
... they deserved it, though.

I forgot, almost got knocked out cold by a basketball in the 9th grade
. This teammate and friend of mine had the WORST speech impediment ever. We were in Humanities class and the teacher asked people around the class to read out loud. This dude pronounced 'master baker' like 'masturbator', whole class erupted in laughter
. I mocked him in practice every time he shot free throws and whenever we would kick it together. One day, he got so tired of me imitating him he just kept hammering a basketball away at my head, it was like he blacked out and kept whacking me with it, I was literally seeing stars.

I apologized and we been cool since. Humbling experience
Aint nothing sucker move bout getting some one before they get you

i was 1 deep and dude had his slimes with him , he balled up his fist so i popped off simple as that.......

everything go out the window in a street fight .....
^ I think he was talking about spitting in the dudes face, but I think thats funny as hell
In first grade my friend and I traded action figures for a week. I forgot what he lent me, but my dumbarse lent him my Leonardo TMNT figure. Anyways, he keeps it for more than a week and I become irate. If it was Donatello I probably let it slide, but Leo was my favorite (because back then I liked the fact that he was the leader, had the blue bandana and used katana's as his weapons of choice). Anyways, I confront him one day during lunch. To be honest, I forgot the content of our conversation. The fight itself was a blur, but last thing I remember I threw a haymaker that landed square on his nose and he started gushing blood. After he hit the ground, I Carl Lewised out of there. I have no idea why I never got in trouble for it, but I assume it's because he didn't want to tell the teachers the reason for the altercation. In the end I never got the figure back and Casey Jones had to lead my Leo-less TMNT. In many ways I admired Leonardo more, because if a kid would rather get hit in the face than give him up, that's saying something.
Originally Posted by polorico

Aint nothing sucker move bout getting some one before they get you

i was 1 deep and dude had his slimes with him , he balled up his fist so i popped off simple as that.......

everything go out the window in a street fight .....

I understand throwing hands but spiting in the mans face? Females do that @@$,mad disrespectful even if y'all were fighting.
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