When was the last time you thrown hands with someone?

Might sound unbelievable, but I've been in a fight in every school I've been to...
Fought in 4th Grade, twice in 6th Grade, twice in 8th Grade, and once in 11th grade 

Went to alternative twice, and payed for about $750 in tickets by the time I was 18...

It's not that I have anger issues, nor am not easily to get along.

It's just that dudes try to to test me, 'cause I have a baby-face. 

For some reason they tend to find out after, I'm from the hood 

Only if they knew before hand, 5'9 with the soul of a 6'4 @$%#*
a few years back my girl at the time told me how some dude that worked at one of those shoe magic carts where they sold shoe cleaner at the mall i used to work at kept hitting on her and talkin reckless about me.  one day me and a few people were at the mall on my day off.   i see this frail little 5'8 dude staring at me hard and i heard him say something slick under his breath. i gave him a look that was a mix of 
and that just pissed him off more.  words were exchanged and i told him to go outside so we could deal with this.  dude didn't wanna go outside.    i went to the food court to get something to eat, went back by where he was at, he was trying to talk to some girl that worked at the store in front of the cart he worked at. i got inbetween him and the girl,  told the girl pardon me but me and him need to talk.   i told him to get his %%!!@ %$% to work and clean my shoes up in front of his little lady friend.   dude tried to defend his honor since i embarassed him in front of that girl, he swung at me twice and missed, i got about 5 good hits in, and took 2 of those shoe magic cleaning kits home with me. had all my shoes lookin nice for a while

next day at work, dude came in lumped up snitching to my manager about how i "started a fight with him and how i stole stuff from his job"    me and my manager were friends outside of work and he didn't do anything about it, he was actually laughin at how dude got beat up

later that day my girl at the time called dude i beat up, pretended to be interested in him and found out where he lived. i went over there that night with a friend of mine to punish him for going to my job trying to cause problems after he got beat up the first time. dude got beat up again. my friend took his wallet, i took his psp, dude was never a problem after that.
sunday, my friend. well not anymore. but anyways my friend at the time was drunk. it was his girls b-day who is also my friend, his roomate and his room mates girl. dude is wild drunk and starts acting up in my car and calls his girl a +!%# and his room mates girl a +!%# right before we get to their house. i get to his house and tell him to get the @#!@ out of the car. he gets out and his room mate rocks him good. but dude didn't go down so he swung back and busted his room mates eye and it goes to the ground. then dude gets up and comes after me and chokes me up. i wasn't having it. i hit him then his room mate sidelined him for me while he had me by the throat still. my ex friend chocking me has 70-80 pounds on me... he didn't come after me again for a second.

by this time his girl, who is my friend too is off crying the next block over. i go grab her cause it's 5 am and she's from the happy country of norway and doesn't have the best street smarts. anyways we comes back and he gets the genius idea i was trying to get at his girl. i forgot to mention it was her b-day... i told him "nah dude. i was just making sure she was cool since you're the *@*##$%+% who sent her off crying and ruined her birthday" dude try's to grab my throat again and i knocked him into a fence and he just layed there for a second so i just went and checked on his room mate.

his room mate was !#+$+# up pretty bad cause he was the main dude throwing hands. had a knot on his eyebrow the size of an egg and a dislocated shoulder. cops get called, i talk to the cops and bounce and no one goes to jail but they warn the drunk dude who tried fighting us all.

did i mention we all work together...
so today at work i go clock in and walk right by dude like eff it he's a ho. dude puts his head down all embarrassed. he sends me a text while we're at work apologizing. i didn't respond. then he asks my good friend to tell me to come talk to him at the bar after i'm off. (he's a bartender at my job) i ignored that too and just bounced out.

if he tries to apologize to me in person i'm gonna keep it short. i'm gonna let him know he's not the homey anymore and he needs to save his apologies for his girlfriend and room mate.

long read smh
In hs, dude said something about moms, had to fight him, and won... Now I try to stay away from trouble
Originally Posted by zapatohead408

Originally Posted by Fig Neutonn

Ok here it goes.

Dude slapped my !$*. I said Whats your issue? Then my boyfriend starts attacking him and I jump in and we smashed the mess outta dude.
why do all your posts have to represent your homosexuality?

Why are you behaving as if something is wrong with it? If I was hetero and talked about how a dude slapped my chicks $++, would that have made it better for you?
any time i was ever about to fight, it was always difused.

almost knocked the *&^% outta some yuppie in Chelsea over this past weekend though
Originally Posted by Fig Neutonn

Originally Posted by zapatohead408

Originally Posted by Fig Neutonn

Ok here it goes.

Dude slapped my !$*. I said Whats your issue? Then my boyfriend starts attacking him and I jump in and we smashed the mess outta dude.
why do all your posts have to represent your homosexuality?

Why are you behaving as if something is wrong with it? If I was hetero and talked about how a dude slapped my chicks $++, would that have made it better for you?
I'm not behaving as if something is wrong with it, because in fact there is nothing wrong with it.
I just still believe you are a troll since not many people use their first posts on Niketalk to say they are homosexual, thus leaving me to believe you are a troll.
Originally Posted by hongcouver604

Last Saturday - Went to a pitch and putt range with my Cousin and his GF. This white guy and his chick in is late 30's decided to be *!%$@#+$ and raid our course while we were still playing, hitting his balls into our holes (NH) and knocking our balls off course in the process. Cousin confronted him and racial slurs were exchanged. He landed a punch on my cousin, cousin tackled him to the ground while I kicked him in the head/neck several times, dude was knocked out cold... ran the @+@% out of the golf range

You're from Vancouver right? Where was this?
Originally Posted by FOG

Originally Posted by hongcouver604

Last Saturday - Went to a pitch and putt range with my Cousin and his GF. This white guy and his chick in is late 30's decided to be *!%$@#+$ and raid our course while we were still playing, hitting his balls into our holes (NH) and knocking our balls off course in the process. Cousin confronted him and racial slurs were exchanged. He landed a punch on my cousin, cousin tackled him to the ground while I kicked him in the head/neck several times, dude was knocked out cold... ran the @+@% out of the golf range

You're from Vancouver right? Where was this?

hahahaha this is the funniest story so far for me.  damn i've played at some bootleg courses before, but never in my life have i ever seen anything as lowdown as this.  eff the hands, dude is getting clubbed upside the head with my 7 iron if they tryin to raid my round of golf.
i've nver been in a real fight

tussles and slams but no hands have touched the boys million dollar face
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by FOG

Originally Posted by hongcouver604

Last Saturday - Went to a pitch and putt range with my Cousin and his GF. This white guy and his chick in is late 30's decided to be *!%$@#+$ and raid our course while we were still playing, hitting his balls into our holes (NH) and knocking our balls off course in the process. Cousin confronted him and racial slurs were exchanged. He landed a punch on my cousin, cousin tackled him to the ground while I kicked him in the head/neck several times, dude was knocked out cold... ran the @+@% out of the golf range

You're from Vancouver right? Where was this?

hahahaha this is the funniest story so far for me.  damn i've played at some bootleg courses before, but never in my life have i ever seen anything as lowdown as this.  eff the hands, dude is getting clubbed upside the head with my 7 iron if they tryin to raid my round of golf.
FOG - Hugh Boyd Pitch and Putt
.  The thing is we let it slide the first two times... dude did it the third time on the third hole and we were saying "Can't you see we're still playing?"... he replied "It's a free country..." next thing you know my cousin got their golf balls and threw it to the trees, the white guy gets pissed and confronted my cousin and told him to get the %$%% of the course, cousin swung and next thing u know my cousin gets popped right on the side of the face.... gets up and tackles him and unleashes a beating.  I landed a few kicks to his neck and head when he was down... he had like 5-6 inches on me so I just stayed back until he was on the ground
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

a few years back my girl at the time told me how some dude that worked at one of those shoe magic carts where they sold shoe cleaner at the mall i used to work at kept hitting on her and talkin reckless about me.  one day me and a few people were at the mall on my day off.   i see this frail little 5'8 dude staring at me hard and i heard him say something slick under his breath. i gave him a look that was a mix of 
and that just pissed him off more.  words were exchanged and i told him to go outside so we could deal with this.  dude didn't wanna go outside.    i went to the food court to get something to eat, went back by where he was at, he was trying to talk to some girl that worked at the store in front of the cart he worked at. i got inbetween him and the girl,  told the girl pardon me but me and him need to talk.   i told him to get his %%!!@ %$% to work and clean my shoes up in front of his little lady friend.   dude tried to defend his honor since i embarassed him in front of that girl, he swung at me twice and missed, i got about 5 good hits in, and took 2 of those shoe magic cleaning kits home with me. had all my shoes lookin nice for a while

next day at work, dude came in lumped up snitching to my manager about how i "started a fight with him and how i stole stuff from his job"    me and my manager were friends outside of work and he didn't do anything about it, he was actually laughin at how dude got beat up

later that day my girl at the time called dude i beat up, pretended to be interested in him and found out where he lived. i went over there that night with a friend of mine to punish him for going to my job trying to cause problems after he got beat up the first time. dude got beat up again. my friend took his wallet, i took his psp, dude was never a problem after that.

Damn man that was some movie kind of stuff

Was the chick he was talking to attractive?
last August... dude suckerpunched my boy, so he got washed... dropped him then landed 4-5 solids to the back of his head.

then he moved to Alabama like 3 weeks later.

I fight fair when the other party does.
Originally Posted by Space DooDoo Pistols

last August... dude suckerpunched my boy, so he got washed... dropped him then landed 4-5 solids to the back of his head.

then he moved to Alabama like 3 weeks later.

I fight fair when the other party does.
based onyour avy im going to assume you dropped him with a Left High Kick right to the dome?

Originally Posted by ill steelo

i'm playing pickup at a local court and I'm boxin out for a rebound & this herb shoves the hell out of me.

So i'm like iight. i got you. Couple possessions later I'm boxin him out again and I give him one of these: 

Then when I turn around duke catches me with one, he hit like a lil girl though like one of those blows chris childs laid on kobe, and I got him with a two piece. we aint even get to really get down though cause dudes broke it up quick. we was both yellin after each other for about 5 mins, then I left. Came back a fews days later & we squashed it.

seeing this just makes my blood boil again. it was a pretty great series and i would have brawled 1 on 100 against lakers fans if i was out watching this game somewhere. too bad it pretty much led to the end of the yao era.
about 6 months ago at the club.
i want to temple in sf for a friends birthday. wasnt even inside 10 minutes and got into a fight. once i get inside i walk around to find what room the rest of my friends are in. some girls get mad at this guy and trip him. when hes getting up he thinks i did it and tried to pick me up. i was thinking if he picks me up by my legs im falling on my head. so i wiggle out and give him a few shots to the face. he rushed me again and managed grab me. somehow i ended up reversing him we ended up on the ground. i gave him a few more hits to the face before the bouncer puled me apart. the guy ended up with a bloody nose and a cut under his eye. i got lucky because the bouncer witnessed the whole thing happen or i woulda been kicked out and maybe arrested. the bouncer woulda stopped it earlier but he was kicking the girls who tripped the guy out. he just told me to go do my thing and dragged the other guy out.

the whole time i was thinking

*im about to get stomped out because i was there solo besides the girls i came with and dude had friends with him

*i wasted $20 to get kicked out in about 10 minutes and probably get arrested
Originally Posted by zapatohead408

Originally Posted by Fig Neutonn

Originally Posted by zapatohead408

why do all your posts have to represent your homosexuality?

Why are you behaving as if something is wrong with it? If I was hetero and talked about how a dude slapped my chicks $++, would that have made it better for you?
I'm not behaving as if something is wrong with it, because in fact there is nothing wrong with it.
I just still believe you are a troll since not many people use their first posts on Niketalk to say they are homosexual, thus leaving me to believe you are a troll.
Well I've done no trolling therefore I am not a troll
Originally Posted by Fig Neutonn

Originally Posted by zapatohead408

Originally Posted by Fig Neutonn

Why are you behaving as if something is wrong with it? If I was hetero and talked about how a dude slapped my chicks $++, would that have made it better for you?
I'm not behaving as if something is wrong with it, because in fact there is nothing wrong with it.
I just still believe you are a troll since not many people use their first posts on Niketalk to say they are homosexual, thus leaving me to believe you are a troll.
Well I've done no trolling therefore I am not a troll
you sure you havent been trolling but just saying you haven't been trolling to make it look like you aren't trolling even though you are trolling?
2005... knocked out some mexican gang banger in Aneheim at the 7/11.. he spit at my homie for no reason, then his night came to an end.. havent thrown a punch since
2 years ago when i was still in HS, my boy and i were bussing it to get some food and he kept saying dude was "mugging him crazy" so he stepped up to him and son was acting mad scarred and said he wasn't looking at him. So my boy laughs and walks away.

Me and him get to our stop walk out the bus, but little did we know dude that was mugging got out the other side and we didn't see at all i was about 4-5 feet behind my boy, Caught up in a text from my girl at the time..And i look up and dude that was mugging and 2 other mexican cats(i'm mexican as well if that matters) just start pushing my boy and trying to take him to the ground and started throwing hay makers left and right. So as i see this i drop my bag take the lighter out of my pocket Deck one dude he was laid out holding his face but not knocked out (got up 3-4 min later and left) and the 2nd dude tried to act like he spoke no english and wanted no trouble
 Dude left his boys and ran for the bus.

After that my boy and the 3rd dude who was originally mugging him went one on one for a bit then the cops showed up after the bus driver called them me and my boy ran to a bus stop across the street, cop comes over and asks if we seen dudes that were fighting we told him they just took off on bikes down the street dude went gunning it searching.

Since then i haven't seen one of those idiots since.
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