When was the last time you thrown hands with someone?

Originally Posted by marion706

almost got into with my boy on some basketball $+%@ for 10$
1 on 1 to 12 i had him down 10 to 3 he got pissed try to say we'll finish it tomorrow
he walked to the car i called him a bi tch..and fagg0t he walked back to me like he wanted to  fight
i told him i would slap him if he came in my face he then turned around and drove home called me later to apologize

1 month ago

with my sister but it didn't grow. about two years ago. i don't fight random people cause if they go to far left on my scale i could do some real jail time.
Canged my mind my story too long to post
Originally Posted by Fig Neutonn

Ok here it goes.

Dude slapped my !$*. I said Whats your issue? Then my boyfriend starts attacking him and I jump in and we smashed the mess outta dude.
why do all your posts have to represent your homosexuality?
I was walking around with my chain. Some guy and his boy with AK 47's tried to rob me. I went home with a new souveneire.
I'll tell a shorter version of a different story but this was from middle school. Some clown named Jeffrey was spitting spitballs in the classroom while teaacher writing on the board with her back turned turned he aimed for me eventually and hit me. I find no humor in spitballs and I think it's disgusting. I waited till class changed went up to him from behind with a Social Studies textbook and smashed the textbook on the top of his head head as hard as I could. He turns around throws a punch and I block. We start fighting exchanging punches and teachers witness it. People start to break it up teachers tell the principal and we both got suspended for 5 days. I explained to him the principal I lost my temeper because he kept spitting spitballs while I was trying to learn and decided to take my anger out. Principal believed me cas the kid had a history of doing the spitball thing according to the teachers but he told me I should have just told someone instead of doing it the way I did and he told me the consequence would be a 5 day suspension.
Originally Posted by zapatohead408

I was walking around with my chain. Some guy and his boy with AK 47's tried to rob me. I went home with a new souveneire.


Originally Posted by K0BEistheG0AT

Originally Posted by marion706

almost got into with my boy on some basketball $+%@ for 10$
1 on 1 to 12 i had him down 10 to 3 he got pissed try to say we'll finish it tomorrow
he walked to the car i called him a bi tch..and fagg0t he walked back to me like he wanted to  fight
i told him i would slap him if he came in my face he then turned around and drove home called me later to apologize

1 month ago


i'm playing pickup at a local court and I'm boxin out for a rebound & this herb shoves the hell out of me.

So i'm like iight. i got you. Couple possessions later I'm boxin him out again and I give him one of these:

Then when I turn around duke catches me with one, he hit like a lil girl though like one of those blows chris childs laid on kobe, and I got him with a two piece. we aint even get to really get down though cause dudes broke it up quick. we was both yellin after each other for about 5 mins, then I left. Came back a fews days later & we squashed it.
I got in alot of fights in my life... nothing recently but a brawl in march....

but i'll tell a story

sophmore year... kids on my table passing the trash all to me since the guy at the end usually throws the trash away.... since the trash is there.. and someone took my seat. so i wasnt about to throw everyone trash away... so all the trash is piled up.. and im getting heated.. so a kid next to me is laughing... so he done eating and puts his trash there and says throw it away.. and pushes it closer to me... so being me.. i knock all the trash on him with my arm. than he picks some off and throws some on me, so i stand up and he is still sitting... so i push him off his chair... he falls off, and as he is getting up and his head is leveled with the table i throw a punch and he takes it, than i throw another punch.. and people hold me back.. bell rings.. everyone is shaking my hand, im the man n %!+!... so dude is bleeding from his lip and nose.. and he goes and snitches on me.. and i get suspended for a week.
2009- 19 years old. Went to santa barbara to visit my cousin and some mexicans were fighting in front of her duplex as we were arriving. We watched and went in after but one side of the previous fight lived next door and continued making loud noise and stuff afterward, so my cousin went to ask them to go chill out. they weren't listening so my my friend and male cousin went out. i went up to dude and was like a bro chill out, at that time he was pretty close to my female cousin and was yelling. I said "what you say to my cousin" and he sort of made a half step toward me and i instantaneously took off on him with right hook that KO'd him. like 4 of his people were right there and started breaking corona bottles on the step of their apartment (straight out of a movie scene) one of them took off his belt and wrapped it around his hand (this all happened in a blink of an eye). so we all started "throwing hands" including my female cousin. next thing we know like 4-5 more came out of their house one wielding a U-lock for a bike. i set my sight on him and hit him with 2-piece and he stumbled i grabbed a muy-thai clinch (i've never trained only watched anderson silva) and deliver a knee that KO's dude. at this point my male cousin is exchanging with a big dude, me and my friend are literally going around punching any adversary standing, and my female cousin is fighting along side us. She then screams "he hit me!" i go into a rage and run toward her blind siding dude, then i was about to stomp another mans head who was on the ground but my cousins female friend who was present and not about that life grabbed my arm and was like "no don't do that." I see one of them by an alley which her fence is next to who i punch and he folds against the fence. they are pretty F'd up and it's all pretty much over but i was still mad so my male cousin had to grab me and take me behind his sisters fence which i jump over and still try to fight but i am being grabbed. then the police come at this exact time so we go in side. they question us and our opponents we tell them we went to ask them to be quiet and they didn't and that they approached us in a violent manner so we started fighting, they believed us college kids and arrested like 5 of them. the police asked if we wanted to press charges we all said no. they had them sitting on the ground outside faces were bruised badly! my friend got a pretty bad cut on his arm from the bottles used as weapons and my right hand was swollen. i honestly did not get hit once that i can recall.

this is an epic story in among us and every now and then we get together my male cousin says "what you say to my cousin!!!" and punches the air.
this is 100% true
Originally Posted by mke49er

2009- 19 years old. Went to santa barbara to visit my cousin and some mexicans were fighting in front of her duplex as we were arriving. We watched and went in after but one side of the previous fight lived next door and continued making loud noise and stuff afterward, so my cousin went to ask them to go chill out. they weren't listening so my my friend and male cousin went out. i went up to dude and was like a bro chill out, at that time he was pretty close to my female cousin and was yelling. I said "what you say to my cousin" and he sort of made a half step toward me and i instantaneously took off on him with right hook that KO'd him. like 4 of his people were right there and started breaking corona bottles on the step of their apartment (straight out of a movie scene) one of them took off his belt and wrapped it around his hand (this all happened in a blink of an eye). so we all started "throwing hands" including my female cousin. next thing we know like 4-5 more came out of their house one wielding a U-lock for a bike. i set my sight on him and hit him with 2-piece and he stumbled i grabbed a muy-thai clinch (i've never trained only watched anderson silva) and deliver a knee that KO's dude. at this point my male cousin is exchanging with a big dude, me and my friend are literally going around punching any adversary standing, and my female cousin is fighting along side us. She then screams "he hit me!" i go into a rage and run toward her blind siding dude, then i was about to stomp another mans head who was on the ground but my cousins female friend who was present and not about that life grabbed my arm and was like "no don't do that." I see one of them by an alley which her fence is next to who i punch and he folds against the fence. they are pretty F'd up and it's all pretty much over but i was still mad so my male cousin had to grab me and take me behind his sisters fence which i jump over and still try to fight but i am being grabbed. then the police come at this exact time so we go in side. they question us and our opponents we tell them we went to ask them to be quiet and they didn't and that they approached us in a violent manner so we started fighting, they believed us college kids and arrested like 5 of them. the police asked if we wanted to press charges we all said no. they had them sitting on the ground outside faces were bruised badly! my friend got a pretty bad cut on his arm from the bottles used as weapons and my right hand was swollen. i honestly did not get hit once that i can recall.

this is an epic story in among us and every now and then we get together my male cousin says "what you say to my cousin!!!" and punches the air.
this is 100% true
Originally Posted by DajonDondo

Originally Posted by mke49er

2009- 19 years old. Went to santa barbara to visit my cousin and some mexicans were fighting in front of her duplex as we were arriving. We watched and went in after but one side of the previous fight lived next door and continued making loud noise and stuff afterward, so my cousin went to ask them to go chill out. they weren't listening so my my friend and male cousin went out. i went up to dude and was like a bro chill out, at that time he was pretty close to my female cousin and was yelling. I said "what you say to my cousin" and he sort of made a half step toward me and i instantaneously took off on him with right hook that KO'd him. like 4 of his people were right there and started breaking corona bottles on the step of their apartment (straight out of a movie scene) one of them took off his belt and wrapped it around his hand (this all happened in a blink of an eye). so we all started "throwing hands" including my female cousin. next thing we know like 4-5 more came out of their house one wielding a U-lock for a bike. i set my sight on him and hit him with 2-piece and he stumbled i grabbed a muy-thai clinch (i've never trained only watched anderson silva) and deliver a knee that KO's dude. at this point my male cousin is exchanging with a big dude, me and my friend are literally going around punching any adversary standing, and my female cousin is fighting along side us. She then screams "he hit me!" i go into a rage and run toward her blind siding dude, then i was about to stomp another mans head who was on the ground but my cousins female friend who was present and not about that life grabbed my arm and was like "no don't do that." I see one of them by an alley which her fence is next to who i punch and he folds against the fence. they are pretty F'd up and it's all pretty much over but i was still mad so my male cousin had to grab me and take me behind his sisters fence which i jump over and still try to fight but i am being grabbed. then the police come at this exact time so we go in side. they question us and our opponents we tell them we went to ask them to be quiet and they didn't and that they approached us in a violent manner so we started fighting, they believed us college kids and arrested like 5 of them. the police asked if we wanted to press charges we all said no. they had them sitting on the ground outside faces were bruised badly! my friend got a pretty bad cut on his arm from the bottles used as weapons and my right hand was swollen. i honestly did not get hit once that i can recall.

this is an epic story in among us and every now and then we get together my male cousin says "what you say to my cousin!!!" and punches the air.
this is 100% true

To the lost,crazy story but it's really hard to believe that you 3 were able to take on all them dudes and you left without a scratch 
3 months ago I was heading home with a co-worker in his car minding our own business when a passenger in a taxi stares my friend down, rolls down his window, and sticks his middle finger at us and says "*%+* you." with a smug. Words were exchanged. After our little freestyle battle, the guy in the taxi spits at my friend's car. Both of us are pretty heated right now so we follow the taxi bumper to bumper waiting for the next red light. The guy takes sees this and begins to fear for his life. He rolls the window back up and we can see him frantically telling the taxi driver to drive faster or do some evasive driving. Red light. Perfect. I ran out of the car and screamed at the guy if he would like to try to spit again. He apologizes and gives me the ol' sad puppy eyes routine. I asked the taxi driver if he would kindly open the door for me but he replies through the crack of the window with "Please, I don't want any trouble." but I tell him he just spewed his saliva at us. A red upraised hand sign if flashing in the corner of my eye. Green light. +!%#.

I run back to my friend's car and we began our pursuit again. We had to complete the mission. We followed the taxi for about 15 blocks and reached our last stop. I run out and tell the guy to come out again, same answer. Now I'm pacing back and forth around the taxi like a wolf preying on his next victim. The taxi driver rolls down his window about halfway and pleads me to leave the guy alone but his requests fell upon deaf ears. Opportunity. I press the unlock door button on the front door panel and open the back door. The passenger in the taxi looks like he's just seen a ghost and tries to lock the door again. Not this time, buddy. He's cowering on the other door, screaming "SOMEBODY HELP ME! HELP HEEEELP!" I swoon in the back seat and he tries to kick me in the face but I did some wing chun Ip Man +!%# and held his legs down by the knees. BAP! BOOM! BOP! BOOP! I got him with 3 clean hits to the face and 1 to the neck. The taxi jerks forward a bit with my feet hanging out the door but stops. This threw me off guard and I tried to kept balance. I get back up. The guy manages to escape my hold and runs out of the taxi screaming into the cement horizon. I get out of my blind rage and adrenaline spike and saw there was a crowd of people on the sidewalk who saw what just happened. As I walked back to my friend's car, I felt like a UFC fighter walking out of the octagon after winning a match. Pure and unadulterated adulation from the crowd. As we drive out, I threw the taxi driver $15 for the fare and tell him to have a good night. Okay that was a lie. We hightailed it the *%+* out of there because he was on the phone with the police. Felt bad for him, bro.
serious fight? 16.

play fight with my boys all the time but my hand skills are non existent right now.

then again i have a professional career. i can't afford to get arrested for nonsense. i'll leave that to the yungins.
Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by DajonDondo

Originally Posted by mke49er

2009- 19 years old. Went to santa barbara to visit my cousin and some mexicans were fighting in front of her duplex as we were arriving. We watched and went in after but one side of the previous fight lived next door and continued making loud noise and stuff afterward, so my cousin went to ask them to go chill out. they weren't listening so my my friend and male cousin went out. i went up to dude and was like a bro chill out, at that time he was pretty close to my female cousin and was yelling. I said "what you say to my cousin" and he sort of made a half step toward me and i instantaneously took off on him with right hook that KO'd him. like 4 of his people were right there and started breaking corona bottles on the step of their apartment (straight out of a movie scene) one of them took off his belt and wrapped it around his hand (this all happened in a blink of an eye). so we all started "throwing hands" including my female cousin. next thing we know like 4-5 more came out of their house one wielding a U-lock for a bike. i set my sight on him and hit him with 2-piece and he stumbled i grabbed a muy-thai clinch (i've never trained only watched anderson silva) and deliver a knee that KO's dude. at this point my male cousin is exchanging with a big dude, me and my friend are literally going around punching any adversary standing, and my female cousin is fighting along side us. She then screams "he hit me!" i go into a rage and run toward her blind siding dude, then i was about to stomp another mans head who was on the ground but my cousins female friend who was present and not about that life grabbed my arm and was like "no don't do that." I see one of them by an alley which her fence is next to who i punch and he folds against the fence. they are pretty F'd up and it's all pretty much over but i was still mad so my male cousin had to grab me and take me behind his sisters fence which i jump over and still try to fight but i am being grabbed. then the police come at this exact time so we go in side. they question us and our opponents we tell them we went to ask them to be quiet and they didn't and that they approached us in a violent manner so we started fighting, they believed us college kids and arrested like 5 of them. the police asked if we wanted to press charges we all said no. they had them sitting on the ground outside faces were bruised badly! my friend got a pretty bad cut on his arm from the bottles used as weapons and my right hand was swollen. i honestly did not get hit once that i can recall.

this is an epic story in among us and every now and then we get together my male cousin says "what you say to my cousin!!!" and punches the air.
this is 100% true

To the lost,crazy story but it's really hard to believe that you 3 were able to take on all them dudes and you left without a scratch 
my friend after he was cut by the corona bottles i took a picture of the picture and sent it to him like 2 months ago i can't mind OG picture now... 
my hand after the altercation . i tried to resize pictures but it still came up this big. I know these two pictures don't prove it happened but it really did. 
Originally Posted by polorico

last weekend at a bar.

im white btw , these spanish girls i was with was getting pressed by this black dude

dude tried to act tuff and was talking trash , i was buzzin and dude balled up his fist so i spit in his face and hit him with 2 piece and dude fell
down ,then his boys tried to jump me but my squad was behind me so they back up.
When I was 19 I punched 5 teeth out of a guy when I was drunk at a party. My first hand account is hazy, but from what friends told me I can basically piece the whole story together now. Some guy was being a **** all night, talking +++% to everyone (apparently me too, but don't remember), being racist, talking like he was a big time drug dealer, and feeling up/sexually abusing all the girls. He got kicked out a couple times and eventually a mutual friend (who I only met once before) wanted to fight him. They go outside but don't fight, just talk a bunch of +++% about each other. During this time a couple friends went inside to talk me into actually fighting him. Eventually I  said %!#+ it, walked outside directly up to the guy and punched him square in the mouth. I thought I was going to walk away triumphant like the heavyweight champ or some +++%. Instead, blood was everywhere, a tooth was stuck in my knuckle, girls were screaming, and some guy yelled that he was calling the cops.

I ran home drunk to my place 2+ hrs away, which included a stretch along the side of a busy highway. I thought I got away fine except for a bloody hand, INCORRECT. The next morning my hand doubled in size and a couple days later I had to get surgery (+3 weeks of 2 a day IVs) because his dirty mouth infected my hand. Luckily, no one told the cops who I was, but someone did tell him my name. His mom (he's a hardcore dealer) ended up calling my parents around the time of my surgery. In the end I had to pay him $8500 for his dental work to avoid charges being pressed.

Punching someone is usually not worth the risk in my experience.
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