When you first get a girl's number, what kind of stuff do you text her?

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Originally Posted by MALCALA622

Originally Posted by CaBron James 23

you ugly doggy?
...tu si eres cabron


I asked this Dominican girl who speaks Spanish what this mean and she replied, "I don't know because that !%#! is Mexican"
. Someone please explain

Mexican?! That girl is mad stupid. Does she even speak spanish?
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Also, don't EVER send out mass texts to females unless its holiday texts.  Especially if their weird texts to add to that, its makes girls think you dont care about them.  I've learned from experience, putting "Whats up  (insert name)"  has a much higher response rate than just. "Whats up"  Why? Because by simply adding their name they know you ain't just send out a mass text ery girl you talkin to, it makes them feel "special" (even if there not). 

I openly admit it's a mass text...that's the joke. Funny, right?
Like literally I will send something like this:

"I hung out with this blonde last night, trying to switch it up tonight.  You want to come over and watch Step Brothers on Blu-Ray?*

*note: mass test, first brunette to respond wins."

What girl wouldn't laugh at that?
Originally Posted by usherplaylist

Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Also, don't EVER send out mass texts to females unless its holiday texts.  Especially if their weird texts to add to that, its makes girls think you dont care about them.  I've learned from experience, putting "Whats up  (insert name)"  has a much higher response rate than just. "Whats up"  Why? Because by simply adding their name they know you ain't just send out a mass text ery girl you talkin to, it makes them feel "special" (even if there not). 

I openly admit it's a mass text...that's the joke. Funny, right?
Like literally I will send something like this:

"I hung out with this blonde last night, trying to switch it up tonight.  You want to come over and watch Step Brothers on Blu-Ray?*

*note: mass test, first brunette to respond wins."

What girl wouldn't laugh at that?

sounds kind of desperate bro
man to man i thought your texts were legit and something i would do but slightly different. you win some you lose some. be yourself, if they don't like it w/e
Originally Posted by Beast4ya

Originally Posted by usherplaylist

Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Also, don't EVER send out mass texts to females unless its holiday texts.  Especially if their weird texts to add to that, its makes girls think you dont care about them.  I've learned from experience, putting "Whats up  (insert name)"  has a much higher response rate than just. "Whats up"  Why? Because by simply adding their name they know you ain't just send out a mass text ery girl you talkin to, it makes them feel "special" (even if there not). 

I openly admit it's a mass text...that's the joke. Funny, right?
Like literally I will send something like this:

"I hung out with this blonde last night, trying to switch it up tonight.  You want to come over and watch Step Brothers on Blu-Ray?*

*note: mass test, first brunette to respond wins."

What girl wouldn't laugh at that?

sounds kind of desperate bro
You see desperation in that, really? It's just me being playful and sarcastic, but I guess I struggle with how things are perceived.  I'm obviously not desperate, and I assume girls know that. *kanye shrug*
"I just made a Justin Bieber iTunes playlist...you want to breeze by later?"

i used this one lmao...it worked lol
...well it started a convo and set up for this weekend
You are a creep, no wonder the 8/10 or the 9/10 wanted to not get at you

i bet you get 3/10 and 4/10 but then hype em up to 8s and 9s since its the internet

F out here
convo 1:Can you make sandwiches?


depends what type of chick she is...

if she a jo i'll just be rude and say whatever ...trust me they dig that,they dont like nice catz.

if she a girl you really like and know she aint a jo , ask her bout school, when you wann go for lunch, how was her day..etc
Originally Posted by usherplaylist

Originally Posted by purepwrta

Man dude you do sound mad creepy.

Why dont you start off with something like. "Hey whats up, hows your day going"

Yeah, that would be great if I actually cared how their day was going.

I swear I've been complimented on my texting abilities, like to the point where I know a girl is jocking just off the strength of my text humor. 
I suppose a softer transition into funny guy could be effective? I don't know.
Then why are you asking for help???

and btw ""I hung out with this blonde last night, trying to switch it uptonight.  You want to come over and watch Step Brothers on Blu-Ray?"" is the weakest line i've heard in a while... try not to big yourself up so much, talking about all your "women" and your fancy "Blu-ray"
  "sup ma, wanna chill and watch a movie" would of worked alot better... my .2 cents
Originally Posted by usherplaylist

Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

Your first conversation with a female should NEVER be a text conversation
You are sooooooooooooo false. Welcome to 2010.
nah i see what classy freshman means. i mean you text to like set up a chance to hang out or whatever, but if you're actually trying to have a conversation over text, it's better to call. texting back and forth a bit to like just kid around or set up a time to chill is fine imo...but like dude said, getting to know someone happens better over the phone or in person.
either your G is on point or its not...

how you asking for help TEXTING then gonna tell us you get compliments on texting???

"you lookin kinda unfamiliar"
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