Where my Mexican NTers at? Vol. *Dj Khaled Voice* We the bessssssssssss

nero1son wrote:
Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Durango, Mexico

Lol this dude's got him tho lol

alot of Raza here lmao

that second dude is funny as hell!
i saw that this summer when i was in durango with my lil cousin he had it on his phone @!%@ cracked me up
hhe gets down though!
nero1son wrote:
Originally Posted by GottaBdaShoes

Durango, Mexico

Lol this dude's got him tho lol

alot of Raza here lmao

that second dude is funny as hell!
i saw that this summer when i was in durango with my lil cousin he had it on his phone @!%@ cracked me up
hhe gets down though!
Originally Posted by Ahh73k

Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

Mom is from Durango. Everyone from Durango, is it safe right now? I hear kidnappings are getting popular.
What part of Durango are you from?


durango isnt bad wher eyou plan on going?? i know durango durango the city is pretty safe
my mom family is there she goes 4 to 5 times a year nothing too bad
pero en santiago papasquiaro lerdo and gomez palacio durango si esta bien cabron
Originally Posted by Ahh73k

Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

Mom is from Durango. Everyone from Durango, is it safe right now? I hear kidnappings are getting popular.
What part of Durango are you from?


durango isnt bad wher eyou plan on going?? i know durango durango the city is pretty safe
my mom family is there she goes 4 to 5 times a year nothing too bad
pero en santiago papasquiaro lerdo and gomez palacio durango si esta bien cabron
Originally Posted by ballin 2k3

Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

Originally Posted by 951guero

Originally Posted by ballin 2k3

Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

Originally Posted by 951guero

Where at? La Zona Rosa?

Mexican summit @ ADELITAS LOL!

Let make it happen.
THIS!, im down whenever (i live here
), vamos al adelas, a la comida china (hong kong) y a dar vueltas por ahi, si van con un local no pasa nada

PS: oh and nobody takes the i got a feeling cover serious, its an embarrassment, but its funny

 a veces yo i unos amigos nos echamos el viaje, dale vuelta a la calle de atras 

Adelitas en Sabado noche se pone bien bueno, y viejas bien buenisimas
Guero let Socaluis know, he might be down.

Ballin 2K, I know Tijuana like tha back of my hand. Maybe we can have the summit. Head down to THE ZONA rosa, check Revolution, and if you guys want, head to the shoes spots in TJ
wait what?!?!? shoe spots in tj? where?!?!?!....

...about revolucion ave, ive actually never partied there, locals dont go there, unless its 6th street, the whole 6th street has been revamped and its the "hypster/cool" zone right now, i spend fridays or sat's there, cheap drinks, all kinds of bars/music (mostly 80's, indie, electro, pop bars), LOTS of girls everywhere, and even some naco spots (cumbias and stuff
), as for clubs, locals pretty much go to seven nightclub, dubai vip, tiffany's (ex dubai) (all of these near the border, in plaza pueblo amigo) and cheers bar (rio tijuana, about 5 mins from the border) for clubs, and of course theres the bars/clubs that have norteño and banda, theres girls everywhere (think of the mexican girls from mexico posts)...

...and of course all of the congales on 1st street and stuff like that .

tijuana is a good time to party guys, dont believe everything you hear, i mean i understand if your completely wasted en la revu, your just attracting attention to yourself, and will get picked up, but anywhere else your good, or with a local
, hell ive been drunk as hell with a beer in my hand getting into my car infront of a cop, he didnt even look at me twice (yeah yeah, don drink and drive, ive learned my lesson
Of course there are some sneaker spots. I will let you know where one is. Just go to la 5 Y10. There are some cats that carry some AUTHENTIC air jordans and other kicks. In reality Tijuana is very safe but the media makes it out to be like its so kind of dangerous place. There is a lot of things you can do literally lol!
Originally Posted by ballin 2k3

Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

Originally Posted by 951guero

Originally Posted by ballin 2k3

Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

Originally Posted by 951guero

Where at? La Zona Rosa?

Mexican summit @ ADELITAS LOL!

Let make it happen.
THIS!, im down whenever (i live here
), vamos al adelas, a la comida china (hong kong) y a dar vueltas por ahi, si van con un local no pasa nada

PS: oh and nobody takes the i got a feeling cover serious, its an embarrassment, but its funny

 a veces yo i unos amigos nos echamos el viaje, dale vuelta a la calle de atras 

Adelitas en Sabado noche se pone bien bueno, y viejas bien buenisimas
Guero let Socaluis know, he might be down.

Ballin 2K, I know Tijuana like tha back of my hand. Maybe we can have the summit. Head down to THE ZONA rosa, check Revolution, and if you guys want, head to the shoes spots in TJ
wait what?!?!? shoe spots in tj? where?!?!?!....

...about revolucion ave, ive actually never partied there, locals dont go there, unless its 6th street, the whole 6th street has been revamped and its the "hypster/cool" zone right now, i spend fridays or sat's there, cheap drinks, all kinds of bars/music (mostly 80's, indie, electro, pop bars), LOTS of girls everywhere, and even some naco spots (cumbias and stuff
), as for clubs, locals pretty much go to seven nightclub, dubai vip, tiffany's (ex dubai) (all of these near the border, in plaza pueblo amigo) and cheers bar (rio tijuana, about 5 mins from the border) for clubs, and of course theres the bars/clubs that have norteño and banda, theres girls everywhere (think of the mexican girls from mexico posts)...

...and of course all of the congales on 1st street and stuff like that .

tijuana is a good time to party guys, dont believe everything you hear, i mean i understand if your completely wasted en la revu, your just attracting attention to yourself, and will get picked up, but anywhere else your good, or with a local
, hell ive been drunk as hell with a beer in my hand getting into my car infront of a cop, he didnt even look at me twice (yeah yeah, don drink and drive, ive learned my lesson
Of course there are some sneaker spots. I will let you know where one is. Just go to la 5 Y10. There are some cats that carry some AUTHENTIC air jordans and other kicks. In reality Tijuana is very safe but the media makes it out to be like its so kind of dangerous place. There is a lot of things you can do literally lol!
[h1]College student named police chief in Mexico; no one else applied[/h1]By Liz Goodwin

A town near drug cartel capital Juarez, Mexico, had just one applicant for police chief after a spate of killings of public officials in drug-related violence.

So now the new chief in Guadalupe, a town of 10,000 residents near the Texas border, is 20-year-old college criminology major Marisol Valles García.


Public officials have increasingly become the targets of assassination as Mexicancartels try to tighten their grasp on the country. Just this year, 11 Mexican mayors have been slain, http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/yb...-would-apply/38113127/SIG=12tnsggr4/*<a href=/www.azcentral.com/news/articles/2010/10/08/20101008mayors-killed-in-mexico-2010.html">http://www.azcentral.com/...lled-in-mexico-2010.html" style="color: rgb(0, 88, 166); text-decoration: none; ">including the former mayor of Guadalupe, who was killed in June. In the small town, "police officers and security agents have been killed, some of them beheaded," http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/ne...er-no-one-else-would-apply/38113127/*<a href=/news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20101020/ts_afp/mexicocrimedrugspolice_20101020142253">http://news.yahoo.com/s/a...ugspolice_20101020142253" style="color: rgb(0, 88, 166); text-decoration: none; ">according to the AFP.

Valles http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/yb...-would-apply/38113127/SIG=12lvj117j/*<a href=/www.diario.com.mx/notas.php?f=2010/10/20&id=9df1f85ef10105d9a84284e9e4e748d4">http://www.diario.com.mx/...f10105d9a84284e9e4e748d4" style="color: rgb(0, 88, 166); text-decoration: none; ">tells a local paper that she took the job to help the town's people become less fearful. "Afraid? Everyone is afraid and it's very natural. What motivates me here is that the project [to make the community safer] is very good and can do a lot for my town. I know that we are going to change and remove this," she said.

[Photos: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/yb...-would-apply/38113127/SIG=10n59ao3t/*<a href=/yhoo.it/arsYor">http://yhoo.it/arsYor" style="color: rgb(0, 88, 166); text-decoration: none; ">Mexico's brutal drug war]

One Mexican criminology professor http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/yb...-would-apply/38113127/SIG=12tnsggr4/*<a href=/www.azcentral.com/news/articles/2010/10/08/20101008mayors-killed-in-mexico-2010.html#ixzz12uiyTlEZ">http://www.azcentral.com/...-2010.html#ixzz12uiyTlEZ" style="color: rgb(0, 88, 166); text-decoration: none; ">told the Arizona Republic that getting elected to public office in Mexico "is like winning a tiger in a raffle."

"Before, it used to be an attractive job, living on the public payroll," said Dante Haro of the University of Guadalajara. "Now being a town mayor is very difficult, not just because of the economic problems but also this issue of obedience to organized crime."

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/ne...er-no-one-else-would-apply/38113127/*<a href=/news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_upshot/20100909/pl_yblog_upshot/obama-walks-back-clintons-colombia-mexico-comparison">http://news.yahoo.com/s/y...lombia-mexico-comparison" style="color: rgb(0, 88, 166); text-decoration: none; ">said recently that Mexico is "looking more and more like Colombia looked 20 years ago," when drug lords had a chokehold on many public officials.

A young Guadalupe citizen complained to Valles, "We are spending a great part of our lives locked up inside our homes," http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/yb...-would-apply/38113127/SIG=11l68qh5p/*<a href=/www.oem.com.mx/elmexicano/notas/n1824915.htm">http://www.oem.com.mx/elmexicano/notas/n1824915.htm" style="color: rgb(0, 88, 166); text-decoration: none; ">according to a Spanish-language paper. Valles responded that she wants to encourage more events for young people in the town.

"The weapons we have are principles and values, which are the best weapons for prevention," Valles http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/yb...-would-apply/38113127/SIG=12e78jli2/*<a href=/edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/americas/10/20/mexico.female.police.chief/">http://edition.cnn.com/20...ico.female.police.chief/" style="color: rgb(0, 88, 166); text-decoration: none; ">told CNN en Español. "Our work will be pure prevention. We are not going to be doing anything else other than prevention."

More than 28,000 people have died in the country's drug violence since President Felipe Calderon declared war on the drug cartels in 2006.

Cliffs: the baddest chick in Mexico is poh-leese. She just took the deadliest job in the continent and she's 20.
[h1]College student named police chief in Mexico; no one else applied[/h1]By Liz Goodwin

A town near drug cartel capital Juarez, Mexico, had just one applicant for police chief after a spate of killings of public officials in drug-related violence.

So now the new chief in Guadalupe, a town of 10,000 residents near the Texas border, is 20-year-old college criminology major Marisol Valles García.


Public officials have increasingly become the targets of assassination as Mexicancartels try to tighten their grasp on the country. Just this year, 11 Mexican mayors have been slain, http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/yb...-would-apply/38113127/SIG=12tnsggr4/*<a href=/www.azcentral.com/news/articles/2010/10/08/20101008mayors-killed-in-mexico-2010.html">http://www.azcentral.com/...lled-in-mexico-2010.html" style="color: rgb(0, 88, 166); text-decoration: none; ">including the former mayor of Guadalupe, who was killed in June. In the small town, "police officers and security agents have been killed, some of them beheaded," http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/ne...er-no-one-else-would-apply/38113127/*<a href=/news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20101020/ts_afp/mexicocrimedrugspolice_20101020142253">http://news.yahoo.com/s/a...ugspolice_20101020142253" style="color: rgb(0, 88, 166); text-decoration: none; ">according to the AFP.

Valles http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/yb...-would-apply/38113127/SIG=12lvj117j/*<a href=/www.diario.com.mx/notas.php?f=2010/10/20&id=9df1f85ef10105d9a84284e9e4e748d4">http://www.diario.com.mx/...f10105d9a84284e9e4e748d4" style="color: rgb(0, 88, 166); text-decoration: none; ">tells a local paper that she took the job to help the town's people become less fearful. "Afraid? Everyone is afraid and it's very natural. What motivates me here is that the project [to make the community safer] is very good and can do a lot for my town. I know that we are going to change and remove this," she said.

[Photos: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/yb...-would-apply/38113127/SIG=10n59ao3t/*<a href=/yhoo.it/arsYor">http://yhoo.it/arsYor" style="color: rgb(0, 88, 166); text-decoration: none; ">Mexico's brutal drug war]

One Mexican criminology professor http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/yb...-would-apply/38113127/SIG=12tnsggr4/*<a href=/www.azcentral.com/news/articles/2010/10/08/20101008mayors-killed-in-mexico-2010.html#ixzz12uiyTlEZ">http://www.azcentral.com/...-2010.html#ixzz12uiyTlEZ" style="color: rgb(0, 88, 166); text-decoration: none; ">told the Arizona Republic that getting elected to public office in Mexico "is like winning a tiger in a raffle."

"Before, it used to be an attractive job, living on the public payroll," said Dante Haro of the University of Guadalajara. "Now being a town mayor is very difficult, not just because of the economic problems but also this issue of obedience to organized crime."

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/ne...er-no-one-else-would-apply/38113127/*<a href=/news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_upshot/20100909/pl_yblog_upshot/obama-walks-back-clintons-colombia-mexico-comparison">http://news.yahoo.com/s/y...lombia-mexico-comparison" style="color: rgb(0, 88, 166); text-decoration: none; ">said recently that Mexico is "looking more and more like Colombia looked 20 years ago," when drug lords had a chokehold on many public officials.

A young Guadalupe citizen complained to Valles, "We are spending a great part of our lives locked up inside our homes," http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/yb...-would-apply/38113127/SIG=11l68qh5p/*<a href=/www.oem.com.mx/elmexicano/notas/n1824915.htm">http://www.oem.com.mx/elmexicano/notas/n1824915.htm" style="color: rgb(0, 88, 166); text-decoration: none; ">according to a Spanish-language paper. Valles responded that she wants to encourage more events for young people in the town.

"The weapons we have are principles and values, which are the best weapons for prevention," Valles http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/yb...-would-apply/38113127/SIG=12e78jli2/*<a href=/edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/americas/10/20/mexico.female.police.chief/">http://edition.cnn.com/20...ico.female.police.chief/" style="color: rgb(0, 88, 166); text-decoration: none; ">told CNN en Español. "Our work will be pure prevention. We are not going to be doing anything else other than prevention."

More than 28,000 people have died in the country's drug violence since President Felipe Calderon declared war on the drug cartels in 2006.

Cliffs: the baddest chick in Mexico is poh-leese. She just took the deadliest job in the continent and she's 20.
lo que me encontre cuando fui a durango este verano con la familia de mi madre
pinchis chingaderas tan grandes jaja
lo que me encontre cuando fui a durango este verano con la familia de mi madre
pinchis chingaderas tan grandes jaja
Originally Posted by ballin 2k3

Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

Originally Posted by 951guero

Originally Posted by ballin 2k3

Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

Originally Posted by 951guero

Where at? La Zona Rosa?

Mexican summit @ ADELITAS LOL!

Let make it happen.
THIS!, im down whenever (i live here
), vamos al adelas, a la comida china (hong kong) y a dar vueltas por ahi, si van con un local no pasa nada

PS: oh and nobody takes the i got a feeling cover serious, its an embarrassment, but its funny

 a veces yo i unos amigos nos echamos el viaje, dale vuelta a la calle de atras 

Adelitas en Sabado noche se pone bien bueno, y viejas bien buenisimas
Guero let Socaluis know, he might be down.

Ballin 2K, I know Tijuana like tha back of my hand. Maybe we can have the summit. Head down to THE ZONA rosa, check Revolution, and if you guys want, head to the shoes spots in TJ
wait what?!?!? shoe spots in tj? where?!?!?!....

...about revolucion ave, ive actually never partied there, locals dont go there, unless its 6th street, the whole 6th street has been revamped and its the "hypster/cool" zone right now, i spend fridays or sat's there, cheap drinks, all kinds of bars/music (mostly 80's, indie, electro, pop bars), LOTS of girls everywhere, and even some naco spots (cumbias and stuff
), as for clubs, locals pretty much go to seven nightclub, dubai vip, tiffany's (ex dubai) (all of these near the border, in plaza pueblo amigo) and cheers bar (rio tijuana, about 5 mins from the border) for clubs, and of course theres the bars/clubs that have norteño and banda, theres girls everywhere (think of the mexican girls from mexico posts)...

...and of course all of the congales on 1st street and stuff like that .

tijuana is a good time to party guys, dont believe everything you hear, i mean i understand if your completely wasted en la revu, your just attracting attention to yourself, and will get picked up, but anywhere else your good, or with a local
, hell ive been drunk as hell with a beer in my hand getting into my car infront of a cop, he didnt even look at me twice (yeah yeah, don drink and drive, ive learned my lesson

Just to add ARRIBA TIJUANA!! Nacido en el DF exportado a Tijuana via true cachanilla que mi padre es. Funny thing is some stores over here get some good shoes every now and then and they stay on the racks for ages. About two weeks ago I say a pair or Oly VII's from 2 years ago just sitting there. Too bad they were sz 7 if not I would've grabbed a pair.
Originally Posted by ballin 2k3

Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

Originally Posted by 951guero

Originally Posted by ballin 2k3

Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

Originally Posted by 951guero

Where at? La Zona Rosa?

Mexican summit @ ADELITAS LOL!

Let make it happen.
THIS!, im down whenever (i live here
), vamos al adelas, a la comida china (hong kong) y a dar vueltas por ahi, si van con un local no pasa nada

PS: oh and nobody takes the i got a feeling cover serious, its an embarrassment, but its funny

 a veces yo i unos amigos nos echamos el viaje, dale vuelta a la calle de atras 

Adelitas en Sabado noche se pone bien bueno, y viejas bien buenisimas
Guero let Socaluis know, he might be down.

Ballin 2K, I know Tijuana like tha back of my hand. Maybe we can have the summit. Head down to THE ZONA rosa, check Revolution, and if you guys want, head to the shoes spots in TJ
wait what?!?!? shoe spots in tj? where?!?!?!....

...about revolucion ave, ive actually never partied there, locals dont go there, unless its 6th street, the whole 6th street has been revamped and its the "hypster/cool" zone right now, i spend fridays or sat's there, cheap drinks, all kinds of bars/music (mostly 80's, indie, electro, pop bars), LOTS of girls everywhere, and even some naco spots (cumbias and stuff
), as for clubs, locals pretty much go to seven nightclub, dubai vip, tiffany's (ex dubai) (all of these near the border, in plaza pueblo amigo) and cheers bar (rio tijuana, about 5 mins from the border) for clubs, and of course theres the bars/clubs that have norteño and banda, theres girls everywhere (think of the mexican girls from mexico posts)...

...and of course all of the congales on 1st street and stuff like that .

tijuana is a good time to party guys, dont believe everything you hear, i mean i understand if your completely wasted en la revu, your just attracting attention to yourself, and will get picked up, but anywhere else your good, or with a local
, hell ive been drunk as hell with a beer in my hand getting into my car infront of a cop, he didnt even look at me twice (yeah yeah, don drink and drive, ive learned my lesson

Just to add ARRIBA TIJUANA!! Nacido en el DF exportado a Tijuana via true cachanilla que mi padre es. Funny thing is some stores over here get some good shoes every now and then and they stay on the racks for ages. About two weeks ago I say a pair or Oly VII's from 2 years ago just sitting there. Too bad they were sz 7 if not I would've grabbed a pair.
Originally Posted by I Am Georgia

Originally Posted by MrONegative

[h1]College student named police chief in Mexico; no one else applied[/h1]By Liz Goodwin
Cliffs: the baddest chick in Mexico is poh-leese. She just took the deadliest job in the continent and she's 20.

En Paz Descanse.


Secuestro... just wait.

Question regarding my avy though...

... how the $#%* do you change avy's? I've already tweaked the settings but the same avy keeps popping out?
Originally Posted by I Am Georgia

Originally Posted by MrONegative

[h1]College student named police chief in Mexico; no one else applied[/h1]By Liz Goodwin
Cliffs: the baddest chick in Mexico is poh-leese. She just took the deadliest job in the continent and she's 20.

En Paz Descanse.


Secuestro... just wait.

Question regarding my avy though...

... how the $#%* do you change avy's? I've already tweaked the settings but the same avy keeps popping out?
Originally Posted by I Am Georgia

Originally Posted by MrONegative

[h1]College student named police chief in Mexico; no one else applied[/h1]By Liz Goodwin
Cliffs: the baddest chick in Mexico is poh-leese. She just took the deadliest job in the continent and she's 20.

En Paz Descanse.

First thing I thought. Not only did she take one of the most dangerous jobs, she was just put out there in the media as someone who is not scared of the cartels. God protect her.
Originally Posted by I Am Georgia

Originally Posted by MrONegative

[h1]College student named police chief in Mexico; no one else applied[/h1]By Liz Goodwin
Cliffs: the baddest chick in Mexico is poh-leese. She just took the deadliest job in the continent and she's 20.

En Paz Descanse.

First thing I thought. Not only did she take one of the most dangerous jobs, she was just put out there in the media as someone who is not scared of the cartels. God protect her.
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