Whether You Like it or not our Government does things not in our best interest

Mar 21, 2010
Shouts to sleezy for linking me to this article & thanks to buzzfeed for posting it http://www.buzzfeed.com/sarahs28/11-conspiracy-theories-that-turned-out-to-be-true-1yzj

11 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out to Be True

View media item 384313
Wiki Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MK-ULTRA

The CIA administered drugs to, and practiced mind control on Americans without their consent, with the goal to control human actions “contrary to an individual's basic moral principles.”

The Manhattan Project
View media item 384319http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manhattan_Project

A project conducted during World War II to develop the first atomic bomb.

View media item 384321http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asbestos

In 1962 epidemiologists established beyond any doubt what asbestos manufacturers had known for a long time : asbestos causes cancer.

View media item 384322http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watergate

In 1972 The FBI to connect the payments of five men that were arrested for breaking into Democratic headquarters to a slush fund used by the 1972 Committee to Re-elect the President.

The Tuskegee Syphilis Study

Experiments conducted in the 1940s in which US researchers deliberately infected Guatemalan prison inmates, women and mental patients with syphilis.

Operation Northwoods
View media item 384328http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Northwoods

In the 1960s, American military leaders planned to commit acts of terrorism on U.S. cities, in an effort to create public support for a war against Cuba.

View media item 384334http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nayirah

In 1991 “Nayirah” gained support for the Gulf War with her testimony before Congress that she witnessed “the Iraqi soldiers come into the hospital with guns, and go into the room where … They took the babies out of the incubators, … and left the babies on the cold floor to die.” Turns out her testimony had been arranged by the group Citizens for a Free Kuwait and that she had taken acting lessons on request of the CIA.

View media item 384342http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COINTELPRO

The reasoning behind the FBI sending this letter to Martin Luther King Jr. which urges him to commit suicide just before he was to accept the Nobel Peace Prize, was in effort to disrupt dissident from political organizations within the United States.

The Iran-Contra Affair
View media item 384344http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Iran-Contra_Affair

The White House authorized the trade of weapons with the Israel in exchange for the U.S. hostages in Iran.

The CIA/Contras Cocaine Trafficking
View media item 384349http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA_and_Contras_cocaine_trafficking_in_the_US

The involvement of the CIA in the widespread crack cocaine epidemic that swept through many U.S. cities during the 1980s.

The Business Plot
View media item 384352http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Business_Plot

In 1933, group of wealthy businessmen, that included George Bush's grandfather, Senator Prescott Bush, plotted to overthrow then President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

I'm making this thread because over the past few months a lot of tragedy's have occurred and with that come conspiracies. Although plenty make dumb assumptions there are equally an amount of people who act as if out government would never hide or manipulate tragedies and pain to it's own citizens for a bigger purpose.

Here are 11 huge events that people at the time of them happening called conspiracy and probably got laughed at and told to shut up too.

Look at some of the basic explanations to these we would never expect:

1) Our own government to literally have mind control over an individual and being able to then control said person
2) Spread a disease amongst those in jail for a study
3) Place a lethat drug in already poverty stricken communities that since then has led to less development, more poverty, arrest records, medical problems and a whole plethora of problems in the black community.
4) Set out to destroy a movement and a person who's movement was all about unity and working together.... They decided it wasn't good for business and shoved a knife in it.
5) Have a young lady make up lies and have her take acting lessons to swing the public's opinion on a certain subject matter.

These are PROVEN atrocities our gov has pulled and yet people somehow still think it's illogical when people question if the government has anything to do with murdering their own citizens or manipulating media to swing the thoughts of America?

Please keep the trolling out and let's have a serious discussion..... With all these things known (Not including what hasn't been proven) how can you NOT question the government when events occur with sketchy details?
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Every government does things that are not in the interest of the common people. Should they be called out on it? Absolutely. Is our government alone in its corruption? Hardly. That's sadly the nature of a representative democracy. There will never be complete transparency and it sucks, but I don't think the goal of our government is to screw us over. I actually think that Obama is a pretty good guy, he's just in over his head.
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Every government does things that are not in the interest of the common people. Should they be called out on it? Absolutely. Is our government alone in its corruption? Hardly. That's sadly the nature of a representative democracy. There will never be complete transparency and it sucks, but I don't think the goal of our government is to screw us over. I actually think that Obama is a pretty good guy, he's just in over his head.

As a young man who grew up in the Bronx and has been directly affected by the crack epidemic i CANNOT agree.

I do however agree wit watson that the general public as shaped today wouldn't be able to handle stuff like this... Plenty of us me not excluded have been conditioned to believe certain things and just roll with the tide and i'm ******g sick of it.
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A lot of these events happened when we had an INCREDIBLY corrupt government, though (Nixon, the heads of the CIA, etc).

The internet age has made it a lot harder for the government to get over on us. Now that information is so widely available, I definitely think it has made higher ups think twice about trying to fool the public.

If we had complete transparency, people would FREAK THE **** OUT, like EDW said. Just hearing bits and pieces like this is enough to drive people crazy; imagine what it would be like if everyone knew about the inner workings of the gov.
no prob fam.

Operation Northwoods is one of the scariest real life things I've read about.

There's never been a point in my post childhood life where I thought for one second that the government had my best interest at heart. :lol:


Every government does things that are not in the interest of the common people. Should they be called out on it? Absolutely. Is our government alone in its corruption? Hardly. That's sadly the nature of a representative democracy. There will never be complete transparency and it sucks, but I don't think the goal of our government is to screw us over. I actually think that Obama is a pretty good guy, he's just in over his head.

sucks majorly. I agree Obama is in over his head. he came into office in a bad position, he has (some) bad people surrounding him, he has an entire party working to make his presidency be deemed a failure. I can never tell if dude is making the bad decisions himself or if his advisors are pressuring him or what.

when he says things like he'll veto CISPA I gain a little faith, but then I think about the GMO stuff... I can't call it.
Every government does things that are not in the interest of the common people. Should they be called out on it? Absolutely. Is our government alone in its corruption? Hardly. That's sadly the nature of a representative democracy. There will never be complete transparency and it sucks, but I don't think the goal of our government is to screw us over. I actually think that Obama is a pretty good guy, he's just in over his head.
As a young man who grew up in the Bronx and has been directly affected by the crack epidemic i CANNOT agree.

I do however agree wit watson that the general public as shaped today wouldn't be able to handle stuff like this... Plenty of us me not excluded have been conditioned to believe certain things and just roll with the tide and i'm ******g sick of it.
The CIA has been shady all throughout history. That's a fact. But again, that was during a really bad part of our history, and we are still feeling the residual effects of it.

Today there are lots of good politicians, believe it or not. There are a lot of really foul ones as well, but there are definitely some folks that really care about us and go to bat for us.
[COLOR=#red]Trust me on this...if the General Public knew what was really going on there would be widespread panic and apathy...in other words ignorance is bliss.[/COLOR]


gen pub would fall apart. I really think proven theories should be part of high school history curriculum.
Some of these I've never heard of before, good post op.
not to point this guy out....but to one of the posters that said oh its hard....govt...cant pull these type of things now due to internet...This response is a perfect example. Here we are on the internet, and a guy (who i am sure...isnt his first time online ever in life) who says i havent heard of this stuff before, and it is relatively easy to find online.

I mean lets be honest with ourselves, a good vast, overwhelmingly majority of our nation uses the internet for nothing more then social interaction, gaming, seeing latest gossip and media headlines, shopping, gaming, pirating, pron, and work/school/lifestyle related matters. So unless the government out right said hey we gonna do this that and the other...and posted on twitter/facebook/yahoo etc...homepage...majority of our nation would be clueless...kinda like it is now.
son stop it :lol: :lol:

I'm glad you posted reptilians though, that's one of my favorite completely ******ed theories/science fiction stories.
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Some of these I've never heard of before, good post op.
not to point this guy out....but to one of the posters that said oh its hard....govt...cant pull these type of things now due to internet...This response is a perfect example. Here we are on the internet, and a guy (who i am sure...isnt his first time online ever in life) who says i havent heard of this stuff before, and it is relatively easy to find online.

I mean lets be honest with ourselves, a good vast, overwhelmingly majority of our nation uses the internet for nothing more then social interaction, gaming, seeing latest gossip and media headlines, shopping, gaming, pirating, pron, and work/school/lifestyle related matters. So unless the government out right said hey we gonna do this that and the other...and posted on twitter/facebook/yahoo etc...homepage...majority of our nation would be clueless...kinda like it is now.
Uh, he learned about it ON THE INTERNET today, so that kind of proves my point. Also, read what I wrote.
I know about half of the list and I'm still baffled on how we let all of that slide.

People need to wake up but a good majority of us are too stupid or really dont even care to do anything about it. One day it's gonna bite us in the ***.
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