Which is more harmful

smoking on a daily will start to kill your lungs and stamina. sperm count etc depends.

drinking i think can ruin ur stomach?not sure not much of a drinker.

but hey messed up lungs is the more reasons to toke up!(word to half baked)
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

^^^^ I understand the original question and my answer is we don't truly know what's more harmful because people don't drink as much as they smoke. This needs to be quantified......equal amounts of each taken and examined.
That makes no sense. Equal amounts of each? Effective doses of alcohol are thousands of times higher than effective doses of THC+Cannabinoids.

How is that at all relevant? A dose of a fat-soluble vitamin like A equal to a healthy serving (1 drink) of alcohol would probably kill you. Does that make it worse for you than alcohol?

The facts are right in front of you yet you act as though they are inconclusive. Alcohol causes millions of deaths, millions of illnesses, incredible declines in brain and other organ capacities, addictions, etc. etc. How can you possibly argue that marijuana, which in absurdly high doses for decades may or may not cause a slight decline in some memory processes, is even comparable?
I'm saying this can be tested, no one has until I see this I'm still on the fence. I did research in Psychopharmacology (Alcohol/ frustration induced aggression) in college and there are ways to test all of this to know for sure. The first step would be to find out what exactly those effective doses are, and test equal amounts of each doses and measure the short/long-term effects.
Tests on HEAVY (I'm talking absurd amounts), long- and long-term use of marijuana already exist. Plenty of them. Few, if any, irreversibleside-effects have been found.

Alcohol? I don't think I could list all the harmful side-effects if I had all day.

Alcohol is more fun, but it's also way more harmful.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

^^^^ I understand the original question and my answer is we don't truly know what's more harmful because people don't drink as much as they smoke. This needs to be quantified......equal amounts of each taken and examined.
That makes no sense. Equal amounts of each? Effective doses of alcohol are thousands of times higher than effective doses of THC+Cannabinoids.

How is that at all relevant? A dose of a fat-soluble vitamin like A equal to a healthy serving (1 drink) of alcohol would probably kill you. Does that make it worse for you than alcohol?

The facts are right in front of you yet you act as though they are inconclusive. Alcohol causes millions of deaths, millions of illnesses, incredible declines in brain and other organ capacities, addictions, etc. etc. How can you possibly argue that marijuana, which in absurdly high doses for decades may or may not cause a slight decline in some memory processes, is even comparable?
I'm saying this can be tested, no one has until I see this I'm still on the fence. I did research in Psychopharmacology (Alcohol/ frustration induced aggression) in college and there are ways to test all of this to know for sure. The first step would be to find out what exactly those effective doses are, and test equal amounts of each doses and measure the short/long-term effects.
Tests on HEAVY (I'm talking absurd amounts), long- and long-term use of marijuana already exist. Plenty of them. Few, if any, irreversible side-effects have been found.

Alcohol? I don't think I could list all the harmful side-effects if I had all day.

Alcohol is more fun, but it's also way more harmful.
Links to said studies?
You posted one yourself. 20 joints a day for 6 years is ridiculously heavy (if true)
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

[h1]Heavy pot smoking could raise risk of heart attack, stroke[/h1] [h4]Last Updated: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 | 4:51 PM ET [/h4] [h5]CBC News[/h5]

Heavy, long-term pot smoking might raise the risk stroke or heart attack, a new study found.

Researchers at the National Institutes of Health Biomedical Research Centre in Baltimore studied whether heavy, chronic smoking of marijuana changed certain blood proteins associated with heart disease and stroke.

Eighteen participants who admitted to smoking an average of 138 joints per week over an average of six years were recruited. None had major psychiatric illnesses, high blood pressure, head injuries, were HIV-positive or had alcohol or drug dependencies.

Their blood samples were taken and measured against 24 non-drug-using volunteers.

A special protein chip that can identify blood proteins was used to analyze the blood samples.

Researchers found that apolipoprotein C-III was significantly increased in chronic marijuana smokers. Blood levels of the control participants were an average of 91.2 milligrams per 100 millilitres versus 122 milligrams per 100 millilitres for the pot smokers.

The protein, which transports triglycerides in the body, is known to slow their breakdown.

Triglyceride levels were also higher in the marijuana smokers.

Triglycerides are a type of fat that circulates in the blood. High levels of triglycerides can contribute to hardening of the arteries and an increased risk of heart attack.

The researchers believe this accumulation of apolipoprotein and triglycerides could explain why marijuana users are more likely to suffer heart attacks and strokes.

The study was published Tuesday online in the journal Molecular Psychiatry.
Joseph Camel said it the best...
but I drink way more than I smoke...and im not really concerned about becoming an alcoholic if thats one of the points ur getting to...
and to those who keep sayin u get sick after u drink...its because u havent built up a high enough tolerance yet to keep yourself from getting that way...
but AntonLavey also leaked some good info....
i think if ur that worried about it...maybe u just shouldnt do either lol
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

^^^^ I understand the original question and my answer is we don't truly know what's more harmful because people don't drink as much as they smoke. This needs to be quantified......equal amounts of each taken and examined.
That makes no sense. Equal amounts of each? Effective doses of alcohol are thousands of times higher than effective doses of THC+Cannabinoids.

How is that at all relevant? A dose of a fat-soluble vitamin like A equal to a healthy serving (1 drink) of alcohol would probably kill you. Does that make it worse for you than alcohol?

The facts are right in front of you yet you act as though they are inconclusive. Alcohol causes millions of deaths, millions of illnesses, incredible declines in brain and other organ capacities, addictions, etc. etc. How can you possibly argue that marijuana, which in absurdly high doses for decades may or may not cause a slight decline in some memory processes, is even comparable?
I'm saying this can be tested, no one has until I see this I'm still on the fence. I did research in Psychopharmacology (Alcohol/ frustration induced aggression) in college and there are ways to test all of this to know for sure. The first step would be to find out what exactly those effective doses are, and test equal amounts of each doses and measure the short/long-term effects.
Tests on HEAVY (I'm talking absurd amounts), long- and long-term use of marijuana already exist. Plenty of them. Few, if any, irreversible side-effects have been found.

Alcohol? I don't think I could list all the harmful side-effects if I had all day.

Alcohol is more fun, but it's also way more harmful.
Links to said studies?

I'd be happy to do it tomorrow, it's 3:45 AM I'm going to bed.

But one would be the 2005 (I believe) UCLA study that showed no link between heavy, long-term, unfiltered marijuana smoking and lung cancer.

And regardless, you're avoiding my main point- the risks posed by alcohol are collosal, the ones posed by marijuana are, at the very worst, minor. Adiscussion of the risks of marijuana would be interesting, comparing its risks to that of alcohol is riduculous.
Originally Posted by BrAdNoN

Joseph Camel said it the best...
but I drink way more than I smoke...and im not really concerned about becoming an alcoholic if thats one of the points ur getting to...
and to those who keep sayin u get sick after u drink...its because u havent built up a high enough tolerance yet to keep yourself from getting that way...
I get sick when I smoke, it completely incapacitates me. I never understand how people smoke and then go out. I gives me the spins, makes menauseous and puts me to sleep. Alcohol on the other hand, I'm a heavyweight. I need to drink a lot to get sick and hungover.
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

i think drinking...i did a persuasive speech on why bud should be legalized...got an A without pulling out a blunt during the speech
man you totally just reminded me of that incident
Alcohol hands down! Not only with motor skills but in my opinion, it also takes away your restraints. If you drink a lot, whether in public or in isolatedsettings, it makes you forget up from down, right from wrong! But I'd say it affects decision-making WAY more than mary j ever could. All that one does issettles down those who use it, as well as it makes them eat large quantities of ANY kind of treat like chocolate, hard candy and/or cereal late at night... Orwhenever consumed.. that is!
Juices are good too!
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by kiuyt856

Myth: Marijuana's Harms Have Been Proved Scientifically. In the 1960s and 1970s, many people believed that marijuana was harmless. Today we know that marijuana is much more dangerous than previously believed.

Fact: In 1972, after reviewing the scientific evidence, the National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse concluded that while marijuana was not entirely safe, its dangers had been grossly overstated. Since then, researchers have conducted thousands of studies of humans, animals, and cell cultures. None reveal any findings dramatically different from those described by the National Commission in 1972. In 1995, based on thirty years of scientific research editors of the British medical journal Lancet concluded that "the smoking of cannabis, even long term, is not harmful to health."

United States. National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse. Marihuana: A signal of misunderstanding. Shafer Commission Report. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1972.

"Deglamorising Cannabis." Editorial. The Lancet 356:11(1995): 1241.

Other myths and facts can be found here

If you let anything take over your life, fast food, alcohol, weed, then you'll have negative consequences. Yea an occasional beer is fine, and so is an occasional smoke (marijuana).

But over-indulging on alcohol will cause more problems than over-indulging on marijuana.
Someone post the clap gif. I agree with everything you said except the BOLD......that's an opinion not FACT. Let's see some REAL research comparing equal abuse of both.

I didn't go through the whole thread, but you can't be serious with the part you bolded (that I it/underlined)....that is not an opinion. I'm notgoing to look for the stats on google, but I guarantee you will find them--->>Type in Alcohol overdose related deaths..then type in marijuana overdosedeaths...I mean I know some kids up at school that have died from overdosing on alcohol, not on bud.

Now I could be reading into your question a little too simplistic, if that is the case my b, I'll keep it moving
ive done shrooms and weed and i didnt feel as bad as i did after a drink.

plus alcohol poisoning can have long term effects on your body.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

^^^^ I understand the original question and my answer is we don't truly know what's more harmful because people don't drink as much as they smoke. This needs to be quantified......equal amounts of each taken and examined.

You think this hasn't been done before?
Just google it.

Here is a chart by a .org website
Marijuanna is let addictive than alcohol

Originally Posted by BirdsIView

The multiple rolling smilies definitely get your point across! Do you want some holographic graph that gives every single piece of information on each substance? It's a simple graph that takes in account what it is commonly accepted in the medical world when it comes to drugs.


I don't know why you need a chart or a study anyway, use some common sense. One gives you a headache, makes you puke, can make you blackout and is responsible for thousands of deaths a year while the other cures headaches, stomach illnesses and hasn't resulted in a single death EVER. 1+1=2?
a link from a student page isn't exactly gangbusters proof
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Alcohol is far more harmful to your body than marijuana is. Not even close.
Gonna light up right now
Anyway, like others have said, Alcohol is more harmful.. I gave up on liquor, always felt like throwing up after a while

what was you drinkng yo?
hard liq (heavy) ftl

fresh rolled dutch with some stanky smelling like pinesol...o yessssssss

cant lie tho....i like to do both (same time) before the club...crazy as_ed feelings
To the people that are saying "Okay smoking weed may not cause death..but you ARE smoking which is harmful"

Don't forget that smoking is not the only way to get high.
Vaporizing and Cooking Weed in a fat (oil/butter) allow you to get high without unnecessarily burning carcinogens released in smoke.
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Don't have all the research down pat, but I can say that alcoholics when sober act perfectly normal from my experiences. The weed heads that I know, some very good friends, when sober, have gotten progressively dumber sadly to say.

So I'm gonna say alcohol is worse internally and weed is worse externally.

That's from witnessing these issues straight up, so +%%! it if science says anything different.
I agree with this. A lot of people who smoke/smoked weed act like they're missing brain cells
Hundreds of Thousands of alcohol related deaths per year and 0 for marijuana. That should answer your question.
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