White America Has Lost Its Mind

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by Fatal Lightning

Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by oidreez

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

one side feels as strongly about their point as the other.

i'm with nat on the whole "black people can't be racist" though.
hate me if you want to.

i don't even believe in giving white homeless people money. there is no excuse for a white person to be homeless.

what is wrong with you man?
because, being born white in america is like playing a videogame against somebody and you got all the cheat codes and they've never played before. how in the world do you lose?

the %!@@ is served to you on a silver platter. of course there are exceptions to the rule, but for the majority. all you have to do is be average in school and you'll be alright.
What about those white children born to single-parent homes in poor neighborhoods, possibly to a drug addicted parent or within an abusive, neglectful family?  A white child that is not afforded the opportunity to have a quality education?  Or maybe even one who has a mental illness?

ALL white people are privileged?  That's just as absurd as saying ALL black people are (fill in the blank with whatever you see fit).

Racism, prejudging, stereotyping...none if it is fair.  You make of it what you want to but it is all ignorant.
cobra kai is judging people based on the color of their skin, not individually. because you are white your life is great. because you are black your life is automatically so much harder. so he's just showing his ignorance right there

dog, i see it everyday i go to school. drive into the parking lot of whatever college you attend and just lok at the difference in cars being driven around campus.

i hate how in an argument everything is taken at 100%. we are all intelligent enough to know everything isn't 100%. but you can honestly say that from birth, a black baby and a white baby are on the same playing field? 
HONESTLY, it depends on who the parent(s) is/are.  there are far too many variables involved to make a blanket statement like the ones you keep making.
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by Shiner45

Can't we just all get along


Quick question, anybody in here familiar w/ Apartheid?
I doubt anybody will answer you. But yeah we are dealing with systematic racism. A system designed with racism as it's core policy. Money is made off of dividing people so yeah.
And as far as the folks yelling for their country back...I think that smooth went over peoples heads. 
Black people can't be racist though. Racism is an institutionalized, social, economic, legal, political control over others due to being a minority whether that's race or ethnicity. How can black people be racist when we're the minority? Black people do not have an economic, political, and/or legal hold to the extent where they can control others.

Especially and specifically in America.

It's obvious yall confusing prejudice with racism. Anyone can be prejudice.
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

ScarsOrScabs wrote:
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

ScarsOrScabs wrote:
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

oidreez wrote:
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

one side feels as strongly about their point as the other.

i'm with nat on the whole "black people can't be racist" though.
hate me if you want to.

i don't even believe in giving white homeless people money. there is no excuse for a white person to be homeless.

what is wrong with you man?
because, being born white in america is like playing a videogame against somebody and you got all the cheat codes and they've never played before. how in the world do you lose?

the %!@@ is served to you on a silver platter. of course there are exceptions to the rule, but for the majority. all you have to do is be average in school and you'll be alright.
What about those white children born to single-parent homes in poor neighborhoods, possibly to a drug addicted parent or within an abusive, neglectful family?  A white child that is not afforded the opportunity to have a quality education?  Or maybe even one who has a mental illness?

ALL white people are privileged?  That's just as absurd as saying ALL black people are (fill in the blank with whatever you see fit).

Racism, prejudging, stereotyping...none if it is fair.  You make of it what you want to but it is all ignorant.

note where i said "there are exceptions to the rule". Drugs are straying away from the foundation that's been handed to them on that silver platter. nobody forcing a needle into their parents arm, that was their parents conscious choice to do so. and black people make it out of neglectful homes everyday, again not an excuse. there is still no reason to be homeless!

honestly there's no reason for anybody to be homeless period, seek the necessary things provided and work for a better life. with that, this country does provide white people with more oppurtunities than the rest of us.

There's no doubt white people have more opportunities and sure, you added that there are exceptions to the rule.  There is nothing just about that.
My point is that it is reality...there are homeless people everywhere and it is not as easy or idealistic as you make it out to be.  But to say that you wouldn't give money to a white homeless person (YOU specified, you did not say ANY homeless person) because white people are living a video game life served on a silver platter is just wrong.

You're generalizing regardless of your simplistic exceptions to the rule statement and that is unjust. 

From what Nat Turner said earlier, my conclusion is  "I DON'T HAVE TO BE JUST, I'M BLACK. I CAN'T BE UNJUST."  

And the analogy wasn't meant to be used as a video game life, yall read it wrong. It was meant to be said as, if going in to something, you already have the upper hand. there's no reason you "should" lose." just like if I have never played a video game and you have AND you have cheat codes on, how do you not win?

and i agree with the reality of things, but in an argument. people rarely speak in reality, they speak in 100%'s to either prove their point or disprove another persons point. yes, i feel that white people are born more privelaged than I am and I also feel taht I have the right to use that as a reason to not give them money I have worked for because they are homeless.  

yes, i feel that white people are born more privelaged than I am and I also feel taht I have the right to use that as a reason to not give them money I have worked for because they are homeless. 

giving donations to people(humans) who are homeless has nothing to do with the color of their skin but the capacity of empathy inside you to feel for those suffering.

i feel you don't know how powerful YOU are as an individual.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Black people can't be racist though. Racism is an institutionalized, social, economic, legal, political control over others due to being a minority whether that's race or ethnicity. How can black people be racist when we're the minority? Black people do not have an economic, political, and/or legal hold to the extent where they can control others.

Especially and specifically in America.

It's obvious yall confusing prejudice with racism. Anyone can be prejudice.


Everyone is prejudice, though.
Breakyaneck3000 wrote:
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

ScarsOrScabs wrote:
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

ScarsOrScabs wrote:
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

oidreez wrote:
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

one side feels as strongly about their point as the other.

i'm with nat on the whole "black people can't be racist" though.
hate me if you want to.

i don't even believe in giving white homeless people money. there is no excuse for a white person to be homeless.

what is wrong with you man?
because, being born white in america is like playing a videogame against somebody and you got all the cheat codes and they've never played before. how in the world do you lose?

the %!@@ is served to you on a silver platter. of course there are exceptions to the rule, but for the majority. all you have to do is be average in school and you'll be alright.
What about those white children born to single-parent homes in poor neighborhoods, possibly to a drug addicted parent or within an abusive, neglectful family?  A white child that is not afforded the opportunity to have a quality education?  Or maybe even one who has a mental illness?

ALL white people are privileged?  That's just as absurd as saying ALL black people are (fill in the blank with whatever you see fit).

Racism, prejudging, stereotyping...none if it is fair.  You make of it what you want to but it is all ignorant.

note where i said "there are exceptions to the rule". Drugs are straying away from the foundation that's been handed to them on that silver platter. nobody forcing a needle into their parents arm, that was their parents conscious choice to do so. and black people make it out of neglectful homes everyday, again not an excuse. there is still no reason to be homeless!

honestly there's no reason for anybody to be homeless period, seek the necessary things provided and work for a better life. with that, this country does provide white people with more oppurtunities than the rest of us.

There's no doubt white people have more opportunities and sure, you added that there are exceptions to the rule.  There is nothing just about that.
My point is that it is reality...there are homeless people everywhere and it is not as easy or idealistic as you make it out to be.  But to say that you wouldn't give money to a white homeless person (YOU specified, you did not say ANY homeless person) because white people are living a video game life served on a silver platter is just wrong.

You're generalizing regardless of your simplistic exceptions to the rule statement and that is unjust. 

From what Nat Turner said earlier, my conclusion is  "I DON'T HAVE TO BE JUST, I'M BLACK. I CAN'T BE UNJUST."  

And the analogy wasn't meant to be used as a video game life, yall read it wrong. It was meant to be said as, if going in to something, you already have the upper hand. there's no reason you "should" lose." just like if I have never played a video game and you have AND you have cheat codes on, how do you not win?

and i agree with the reality of things, but in an argument. people rarely speak in reality, they speak in 100%'s to either prove their point or disprove another persons point. yes, i feel that white people are born more privelaged than I am and I also feel taht I have the right to use that as a reason to not give them money I have worked for because they are homeless.  

yes, i feel that white people are born more privileged than I am and I also feel that I have the right to use that as a reason to not give them money I have worked for because they are homeless. 

giving donations to people(humans) who are homeless has nothing to do with the color of their skin but the capacity of empathy inside you to feel for those suffering.

i feel you don't know how powerful YOU are as an individual.

I wake up everyday and realize my power. It's what drives/motivates me to get up and still come to class. It's what motivated me to not be content with my high school diploma. It's what makes me want to be the first person in my family to ever receive a college degree. 

Not attacking you by the statement above, but I'm well aware of my inner and outer power.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Black people can't be racist though. Racism is an institutionalized, social, economic, legal, political control over others due to being a minority whether that's race or ethnicity. How can black people be racist when we're the minority? Black people do not have an economic, political, and/or legal hold to the extent where they can control others.

Especially and specifically in America.

It's obvious yall confusing prejudice with racism. Anyone can be prejudice.
Where does this definition come from?
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

ScarsOrScabs wrote:
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

ScarsOrScabs wrote:
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

oidreez wrote:
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

one side feels as strongly about their point as the other.

i'm with nat on the whole "black people can't be racist" though.
hate me if you want to.

i don't even believe in giving white homeless people money. there is no excuse for a white person to be homeless.

what is wrong with you man?
because, being born white in america is like playing a videogame against somebody and you got all the cheat codes and they've never played before. how in the world do you lose?

the %!@@ is served to you on a silver platter. of course there are exceptions to the rule, but for the majority. all you have to do is be average in school and you'll be alright.
What about those white children born to single-parent homes in poor neighborhoods, possibly to a drug addicted parent or within an abusive, neglectful family?  A white child that is not afforded the opportunity to have a quality education?  Or maybe even one who has a mental illness?

ALL white people are privileged?  That's just as absurd as saying ALL black people are (fill in the blank with whatever you see fit).

Racism, prejudging, stereotyping...none if it is fair.  You make of it what you want to but it is all ignorant.

note where i said "there are exceptions to the rule". Drugs are straying away from the foundation that's been handed to them on that silver platter. nobody forcing a needle into their parents arm, that was their parents conscious choice to do so. and black people make it out of neglectful homes everyday, again not an excuse. there is still no reason to be homeless!

honestly there's no reason for anybody to be homeless period, seek the necessary things provided and work for a better life. with that, this country does provide white people with more oppurtunities than the rest of us.

There's no doubt white people have more opportunities and sure, you added that there are exceptions to the rule.  There is nothing just about that.
My point is that it is reality...there are homeless people everywhere and it is not as easy or idealistic as you make it out to be.  But to say that you wouldn't give money to a white homeless person (YOU specified, you did not say ANY homeless person) because white people are living a video game life served on a silver platter is just wrong.

You're generalizing regardless of your simplistic exceptions to the rule statement and that is unjust. 

From what Nat Turner said earlier, my conclusion is  "I DON'T HAVE TO BE JUST, I'M BLACK. I CAN'T BE UNJUST."  

And the analogy wasn't meant to be used as a video game life, yall read it wrong. It was meant to be said as, if going in to something, you already have the upper hand. there's no reason you "should" lose." just like if I have never played a video game and you have AND you have cheat codes on, how do you not win?

and i agree with the reality of things, but in an argument. people rarely speak in reality, they speak in 100%'s to either prove their point or disprove another persons point. yes, i feel that white people are born more privelaged than I am and I also feel taht I have the right to use that as a reason to not give them money I have worked for because they are homeless.  


but you are saying you refuse to give money to a homeless person because of his race and that sounds ok to you?
Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

Where does this definition come from?
Well when you just look at history you can see that it is true but I got this from college. Specifically in African American courses; majoring in A.A. history, literature, etc. I'd say any professor that knows the history would say something similar.

The basic idea of hating a group of ppl or the ill conceived notion that you're superior to them can only take you so far. What I just mentioned is the systematic way of keeping that control over them going above and beyond simple hate.
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Everyone is prejudice, though.
To an extent yeah but there are varying levels of it. Whether or not everyone is at a base level after realizing it that's when you're suppose to get rid of that mind frame.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Black people can't be racist though. Racism is an institutionalized, social, economic, legal, political control over others due to being a minority whether that's race or ethnicity. How can black people be racist when we're the minority? Black people do not have an economic, political, and/or legal hold to the extent where they can control others.

Especially and specifically in America.

It's obvious yall confusing prejudice with racism. Anyone can be prejudice.
the only minority that is relevant to me in america is the minority that holds most of the wealth.  and not just in america but in the international arena. 

who would've thought that the richest man in the WORLD today would be mexican born?

It's obvious yall confusing prejudice with racism. Anyone can be prejudice.

"Yes I believed it is learned but as we get older we have a choice whether to stay prejudiced.

Where Do Prejudices Come From?

Prejudice is a premature judgment--a positive or a negative attitude towards a person or group of people which is not based on objective facts.

These prejudgments are usually based on stereotypes which are oversimplified and overgeneralized views of groups or types of people.

Or, a prejudgment may be based on an emotional experience we have had with a similar person, sort of our own personal stereotype.

Stereotypes also provide us with role expectations, i.e. how we expect the other person (or group, like all Japanese) to relate to us and to other people.

Our culture has hundreds of ready-made stereotypes: leaders are dominant, arrogant men; housewives are nice but empty headed; teenagers are music crazed car-fanatics; very smart people are weird, and on and on.

Of course, sometimes a leader or housewife or teenager is somewhat like the stereotype but it is a gross injustice to automatically assume they all are."

lol @ black people being exempt from racism.....I would venture as far as to say I've heard more racist #@$# said by black people in my personal life than any other race.
[h2]A Black Teen Beats Up A White Man For Listening To Rap Music?[/h2]
Submitted by Scav on August 2, 2010 – 9:14 am19 Comments


The following story is almost too crazy to believe. But try and stay with me here.

In Palm Bay, Florida, a 14-year-old teenager is facing assault charges after he punched a 22-year-old man for—get this—listening to rap music. The incident occurred late last week when the juvenile, Joshuah Lamb, approached the white male, David McKnight, who was listening to Gucci Mane‘s hit song, “Wasted,
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

Where does this definition come from?
Well when you just look at history you can see that it is true but I got this from college. Specifically in African American courses; majoring in A.A. history, literature, etc. I'd say any professor that knows the history would say something similar.

The basic idea of hating a group of ppl or the ill conceived notion that you're superior to them can only take you so far. What I just mentioned is the systematic way of keeping that control over them going above and beyond simple hate.
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Everyone is prejudice, though.
To an extent yeah but there are varying levels of it. Whether or not everyone is at a base level after realizing it that's when you're suppose to get rid of that mind frame.
So...is it an "opinion-based definition"?  Something that takes over to justify the viewpoint of people when the conventional definition only takes others so far?
There are some really stupid people in this thread who are proud to me stupid.  Thinking white people have it so much easier just makes your failures easier to swallow and helps you sleep at night.
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Breakyaneck3000 wrote:
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

ScarsOrScabs wrote:
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

ScarsOrScabs wrote:
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

oidreez wrote:
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

one side feels as strongly about their point as the other.

i'm with nat on the whole "black people can't be racist" though.
hate me if you want to.

i don't even believe in giving white homeless people money. there is no excuse for a white person to be homeless.

what is wrong with you man?
because, being born white in america is like playing a videogame against somebody and you got all the cheat codes and they've never played before. how in the world do you lose?

the %!@@ is served to you on a silver platter. of course there are exceptions to the rule, but for the majority. all you have to do is be average in school and you'll be alright.
What about those white children born to single-parent homes in poor neighborhoods, possibly to a drug addicted parent or within an abusive, neglectful family?  A white child that is not afforded the opportunity to have a quality education?  Or maybe even one who has a mental illness?

ALL white people are privileged?  That's just as absurd as saying ALL black people are (fill in the blank with whatever you see fit).

Racism, prejudging, stereotyping...none if it is fair.  You make of it what you want to but it is all ignorant.

note where i said "there are exceptions to the rule". Drugs are straying away from the foundation that's been handed to them on that silver platter. nobody forcing a needle into their parents arm, that was their parents conscious choice to do so. and black people make it out of neglectful homes everyday, again not an excuse. there is still no reason to be homeless!

honestly there's no reason for anybody to be homeless period, seek the necessary things provided and work for a better life. with that, this country does provide white people with more oppurtunities than the rest of us.
There's no doubt white people have more opportunities and sure, you added that there are exceptions to the rule.  There is nothing just about that.
My point is that it is reality...there are homeless people everywhere and it is not as easy or idealistic as you make it out to be.  But to say that you wouldn't give money to a white homeless person (YOU specified, you did not say ANY homeless person) because white people are living a video game life served on a silver platter is just wrong.

You're generalizing regardless of your simplistic exceptions to the rule statement and that is unjust. 

From what Nat Turner said earlier, my conclusion is  "I DON'T HAVE TO BE JUST, I'M BLACK. I CAN'T BE UNJUST."  

And the analogy wasn't meant to be used as a video game life, yall read it wrong. It was meant to be said as, if going in to something, you already have the upper hand. there's no reason you "should" lose." just like if I have never played a video game and you have AND you have cheat codes on, how do you not win?

and i agree with the reality of things, but in an argument. people rarely speak in reality, they speak in 100%'s to either prove their point or disprove another persons point. yes, i feel that white people are born more privelaged than I am and I also feel taht I have the right to use that as a reason to not give them money I have worked for because they are homeless.  

yes, i feel that white people are born more privileged than I am and I also feel that I have the right to use that as a reason to not give them money I have worked for because they are homeless. 

giving donations to people(humans) who are homeless has nothing to do with the color of their skin but the capacity of empathy inside you to feel for those suffering.

i feel you don't know how powerful YOU are as an individual.

I wake up everyday and realize my power. It's what drives/motivates me to get up and still come to class. It's what motivated me to not be content with my high school diploma. It's what makes me want to be the first person in my family to ever receive a college degree. 

Not attacking you by the statement above, but I'm well aware of my inner and outer power.
you prove my point.  you are a complex character that can't be put inside of a box.   you're an individual who can't be defined by stereotypes or a certain group.

so why be so quick to oversimplify your racial attitudes/feelings and place them inside a box? 
Originally Posted by What up

There are some really stupid people in this thread who are proud to me stupid.  Thinking white people have it so much easier just makes your failures easier to swallow and helps you sleep at night.

White people do have it easier.....I mean this is clearly a generalization. But on average a white person in this country has it easier than a black person or other minorities. If you don't believe me I'll show you some stats correlating negative health outcomes with racism. Racism in this country is LITERALLY killing black people.

With that being said being black doesn't give anyone an excuse to be ignorant and stupid. The black struggle against racism is fraught with contradictions.
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

That's no excuse for comments like "White's know their time is up"
You're right. There's no excuse for the truth.
I've heard more than one white person say that their time is up (paraphrasing). It's not like I'm advocating violence or hate. Neither. I'm just stating what I heard from white people.

Stop being so sensitive...
  "My friend made  these comments so it's okay"

As for the "only whites can be  racist"  thing does this mean Mexicans and Blacks cannot be racist towards each other?
I'm not disagreeing but instead of pointing out how hard it is, do something productive that sets you ahead. Anyone in this country can go to school and do well. And with decents grades, you can advance your education. It all starts there and unfortunately for many, ends there too.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by What up

There are some really stupid people in this thread who are proud to me stupid.  Thinking white people have it so much easier just makes your failures easier to swallow and helps you sleep at night.

White people do have it easier.....I mean this is clearly a generalization. But on average a white person in this country has it easier than a black person or other minorities. If you don't believe me I'll show you some stats correlating negative health outcomes with racism. Racism in this country is LITERALLY killing black people.

With that being said being black doesn't give anyone an excuse to be ignorant and stupid. The black struggle against racism is fraught with contradictions.

Class divisions, the erosion of the Middle Class and an ever expanding gap between those who have and those who don't is killing more people than white privilege.
Originally Posted by ForeverDecember21

So whats going on here?

everyone can be racist/prejudice against each other.

but in the end,  it's up to the INDIVIDUAL to correct the ignorance inside them before telling others what the "truth" is or what it should be.
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

That's no excuse for comments like "White's know their time is up"
You're right. There's no excuse for the truth.
I've heard more than one white person say that their time is up (paraphrasing). It's not like I'm advocating violence or hate. Neither. I'm just stating what I heard from white people.

Stop being so sensitive...
As for the "only whites can be  racist"  thing does this mean Mexicans and Blacks cannot be racist towards each other?

Didn't you read what Nat Turner posted? I mean for crying out loud he even posted an article that says it is impossible for Black people to be racist against anyone!

everyone can be racist/prejudice against each other.

but in the end,  it's up to the INDIVIDUAL to correct the ignorance inside them before telling others what the "truth" is or what it should be.

Whoa! Wait a minute. Logic, is that you?
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by What up

There are some really stupid people in this thread who are proud to me stupid.  Thinking white people have it so much easier just makes your failures easier to swallow and helps you sleep at night.

White people do have it easier.....I mean this is clearly a generalization. But on average a white person in this country has it easier than a black person or other minorities. If you don't believe me I'll show you some stats correlating negative health outcomes with racism. Racism in this country is LITERALLY killing black people.

With that being said being black doesn't give anyone an excuse to be ignorant and stupid. The black struggle against racism is fraught with contradictions.

Class divisions, the erosion of the Middle Class and an ever expanding gap between those who have and those who don't is killing more people than white privilege.

What came first, the chicken or the egg?
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by What up

There are some really stupid people in this thread who are proud to me stupid.  Thinking white people have it so much easier just makes your failures easier to swallow and helps you sleep at night.

White people do have it easier.....I mean this is clearly a generalization. But on average a white person in this country has it easier than a black person or other minorities. If you don't believe me I'll show you some stats correlating negative health outcomes with racism. Racism in this country is LITERALLY killing black people.

With that being said being black doesn't give anyone an excuse to be ignorant and stupid. The black struggle against racism is fraught with contradictions.

Class divisions, the erosion of the Middle Class and an ever expanding gap between those who have and those who don't is killing more people than white privilege.

No I don't think u heard me right....racism is literally killing black people. Take a black guy and a white guy in the same social class, the health outcomes for the white guy are significantly better.

Health outcomes do correlate with socioeconomic status, but when you control for class it becomes obvious that there is something about the constant threat of racism that takes it's toll on your body. They hypothesize that it is higher cortisol (stress) hormone levels amongst blacks that makes them susceptible to a long list of chronic illnesses and poorer health outcomes.

For example an educated, black woman of upper middle class has a higher chance of having a premature baby than a white high school drop out. The research assumed it was something inherent about the "black race" but then they did a study on first generation African immigrants and their outcomes were a lot better. However second generation African immigrants suffered the same fate as their African American counterparts.

they did similar studies with other chronic diseases that are more prevalent in blacks and found the same thing (lung cancer, heart disease, etc etc etc).
Racism is simply a form of prejudice where once race believes they're intrinsically better than another. Being a racist is not defined as the act of suppressing another race. Those are actions. Racism is a belief. You can have a belief and not carry out the actions to go along with said belief for various reasons. You don't have the power to, the money to, fear of backlash because of societal norms, etc. So yes, black people can be racist.
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