White America Has Lost Its Mind

You might be knowledgeable but I don't see how any of these replies are helping your cause at all. All you do is belittle and berate. It's just sad...

Why are you on this message board? Your race thread to non-race thread post ratio is at least 25:1. There are better outlets for your obsession. 
 I bet that you don't see the irony there...
Originally Posted by quik1987

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Racism is also a system that must be put in place, in order to exist. Black people in America are product of a racist system, which makes us prejudiced, but not racist. The existence of the venue is a necessity.


Using your logic you can't argue that. It's not in the definition.

Institutionalized Racism? maybe.

Racism? No.
^I definitely belittle others on this site but its not all I do. I haven't ever seen you make a non-argumentative/non-racial post on this board. You exist only when these type of threads exist.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

You don't need "power" to be racist. 

That's the stupid excuse you keep reverting back to as if it actually means anything. You don't have to oppress anyone with your racists beliefs for them to be racist. The ideology is enough for you to be deemed one. Now, if you want to keep insisting power must be a factor, then we can talk about institutionalized racism (which is a more specific branch), but racism in it's simplest form is applicable to people of all backgrounds.
the prejudice that members of one race are intrinsically superior to members of other race
discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of another race
Straight from Princeton.edu, not factual enough for you?...

1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.

3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

Straight from Dictionary.com

You want to keep playing the "facts" and "power" game? Go right ahead. Anything to make you feel better about yourself, right?

Then you don't know what being a racist is, nor understanding the definition. You can continue to make yourself feel good by thinking that you actually know the difference between being prejudiced, then being a racist.

"Factual" enough for you?
Originally Posted by bijald0331

^I definitely belittle others on this site but its not all I do. I haven't ever seen you make a non-argumentative/non-racial post on this board. You exist only when these type of threads exist.

You only exist due to white privilege, so what's your point?
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

You don't need "power" to be racist. 

That's the stupid excuse you keep reverting back to as if it actually means anything. You don't have to oppress anyone with your racists beliefs for them to be racist. The ideology is enough for you to be deemed one. Now, if you want to keep insisting power must be a factor, then we can talk about institutionalized racism (which is a more specific branch), but racism in it's simplest form is applicable to people of all backgrounds.
the prejudice that members of one race are intrinsically superior to members of other race
discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of another race
Straight from Princeton.edu, not factual enough for you?...

1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.

3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
Straight from Dictionary.com

You want to keep playing the "facts" and "power" game? Go right ahead. Anything to make you feel better about yourself, right?

Then you don't know what being a racist is, nor understanding the definition. You can continue to make yourself feel good by thinking that you actually know the difference between being prejudiced, then being a racist.

"Factual" enough for you?
Multiple meanings........
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by bijald0331

^I definitely belittle others on this site but its not all I do. I haven't ever seen you make a non-argumentative/non-racial post on this board. You exist only when these type of threads exist.

You only exist due to white privilege, so what's your point?

Indians have that too? @$@# yeah. 
Nat Turner wrote:
quik1987 wrote:

Nat Turner wrote:

quik1987 wrote:

Nat Turner. I think you are confusing institutionalized racism with racism.

By your logic black people cannot be racist because they never had the power to institutionalize racism.

Just because black people don't have the power to institutional racism does not mean they are incapable of hating someone because the colour of their skin.

Racism (to me) = Hating, dislike, hostility, discrimination toward someone or group of people because the colour of their skin

Prejudice = preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience
You cannot make up your own definition of racism. I am using the definitive version, which is based upon fact, not opinion.

the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
• prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on such a belief : a program to combat racism.


but you're gonna ignore everything i said before that? i see.
Racism is also a system that must be put in place, in order to exist. Black people in America are product of a racist system, which makes us prejudiced, but not racist. The existence of the venue is a necessity.

Using your logic you can't argue that. It's not in the definition.

Institutionalized Racism? maybe.

Racism? No.

Again, it is not my "logic", it is based on fact.

But it seems that you refuse to read. I have posted definitions and historical facts, yet you continue to ignore them.

Maybe you'll listen to him up there...smh.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by bijald0331

^I definitely belittle others on this site but its not all I do. I haven't ever seen you make a non-argumentative/non-racial post on this board. You exist only when these type of threads exist.

You only exist due to white privilege, so what's your point?

Indians have that too? @$@# yeah. 

Doesn't matter, this country was created for White privilege. I didn't call YOU white. None of us would exist in this country if it weren't for that concept.

So, what is your point?
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Oh, trust me, I know your definition of racist:

White male, preferably a corporate figure
-Nat Turner

It's funny you pick 1 out of 5 definitions posted. You only use the information that works best for your dumb +@$ argument. I see right through your transparent trickery.

Play on playa.

And you cannot EXCLUDE one definition to make your argument either.

You can continue with your own "trickery" as well...

Originally Posted by bijald0331

^I'm for my existence.
Good, then it is advisable to be mindful of what it is that you do, just as I am mindful of what it is that I do. What I do is my business. 
Originally Posted by Th3RealF0lkBlu3s

Nat Turner vs. the World


I know that I have walked into the "lions den" with this post, especially with many of the non blacks here waiting to justify their own prejudices against people of color.

one side feels as strongly about their point as the other.

i'm with nat on the whole "black people can't be racist" though.
hate me if you want to.

i don't even believe in giving white homeless people money. there is no excuse for a white person to be homeless.
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Oh, trust me, I know your definition of racist:

White male, preferably a corporate figure
-Nat Turner

It's funny you pick 1 out of 5 definitions posted. You only use the information that works best for your dumb +@$ argument. I see right through your transparent trickery.

Play on playa.

And you cannot EXCLUDE one definition to make your argument either.

You can continue with your own "trickery" as well...

Why don't you heed your own advice?  It's not convenient and/or doesn't fit into what you'd like to believe?
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

And you cannot EXCLUDE one definition to make your argument either.

You can continue with your own "trickery" as well...
How am I excluding it when it's clear that I posted it in the quote ALONG with the other definitions (which you so conveniently didn't address)? You completely ignore the other definitions because there's no way for you to twist them for your benefit. Those other four definitions ARE applicable to ANY ethnic background whether they have the power to oppress or not. Tell me, what would have been your response if I actually had played your game and truly "excluded" that one definition that worked in your favor. I admit that definition #3 requires power, but it's only one definition of many. The other four are definitely expressing that racism is simply the belief of racial superiority.


  Can Black people be racist? No. Prejudiced? Yes. Racism is a system to prove white superiority, It was created by Whites, for whites. This why you must take the definition in its total context. It is your assertion that they can be be applicable to any "ethnic background", but ethnicity is NOT considered RACE. What you are speaking of is prejudice, not racism. 

Originally Posted by welcometothetonezone

I know everyone hates Nat Turner right now, but thank you for posting this article. It was entertaining and a great read.

You are welcome. I have more in store.....

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

at that video.

Whether you like Nat or not, put that aside and LISTEN to what this man in the video is saying.

I've tried so many times to explain this to people, but they just don't get it and it ties into what I wrote earlier, but if you can't make the connection and see that the economic situation in this country along with the racial divide and changing racial profile of this country is going to lead to a power shift (probably a bloody one) then you just aren't paying attention.
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

one side feels as strongly about their point as the other.

i'm with nat on the whole "black people can't be racist" though.
hate me if you want to.

i don't even believe in giving white homeless people money. there is no excuse for a white person to be homeless.

what is wrong with you man?
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