White America Has Lost Its Mind

Originally Posted by torgriffith

ya'll eat too much popcorn.

Washing it down with the kool-aid as well.

Why cause I'm black, I gotta drink kool-aid?

You're not from here.
You think Black people should move on from slavery------YES because it's creating a glass ceiling effect for us
You think Black people are lazy and want handouts---NO
You think Black people need to stop committing crimes-----YES especially petty crimes
You think people in Africa aren't lazy like the Black people over here----MAY BE(At least they don't have resources)

You think Black people are lazy and want handouts
I meant we lack initiative
by this i meant for financial security it would seem that US blacks are willing to take less risks business wise I mean how the hell is it that if you look at the stores in your area full of black people ..NO blacks own a business there ,I mean hell has your hood not produced one single black person whose ever made money and decided hey I'll open a corner store and employ people from my hood? my point is look at china town full of Chinese people who own and run businesses and employ Chinese people same thing with the Japanese ,the Indians ,middle eastern people but with black people we don't trust each other if someone make money its damn at least i made it out of the hood now i got all this money and my only problem is how to spend it instead of turning around and opening other avenues for other black people which is why i said we like to get cheques but we don't like to write them

Redlining takes away from black communities and the only way to get capital is through investment from outside individual investment ..now tell me who would take their own capital to invest in area full of blacks?that's why us black people must take initiative to invest in those areas because their full of other black people i mean even having a convenience store is a form of investment.

Actually redlining takes away from poor communities but i just said black communities because these communities are full of blacks
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

That's no excuse for comments like "White's know their time is up"
You're right. There's no excuse for the truth.
I've heard more than one white person say that their time is up (paraphrasing). It's not like I'm advocating violence or hate. Neither. I'm just stating what I heard from white people.

Stop being so sensitive...
As for the "only whites can be  racist"  thing does this mean Mexicans and Blacks cannot be racist towards each other?

Didn't you read what Nat Turner posted? I mean for crying out loud he even posted an article that says it is impossible for Black people to be racist against anyone!

if a black guy kill a Mexican specifically for being Mexican its called prejudice. It's different from racism. No matter how many times the black guy yells, "Die you dirty Mexican" whilst bludgeoning him to death he can't be racist.

Enh, I don't even know if that would constitute even being prejudice. I always grew up thinking that being prejudice is a prejudgment about whoever. So if the Black guy said "Hey you Mexican! Why can't you stop stealing our jobs!" (which really does happen in Cali from what i understand) and then killed him, that would be prejudice, no?

Let me ask you a question, is being Mexican considered a race, or is it an ethnicity?

Mexicans are a brown people.

So if it is indeed an ethnicity, how is it considered "racism", if you are not considered a race?

It would be a hate crime indeed, but not one based upon "race", it is prejudice.

Do you understand that? 

     I'd bet not.

    However, Mexicans can indeed be racists.

    Now ask me to explain that one to you.

I was being politically correct for the sake of not being banned. But for the hell of it, let me remove "Mexican" and inject the "S-word" or "Wet Back". Because "S-word" is equivalent to calling a Black person the "N-word". Both derogatory and both a RACIAL slur.
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

AntonLaVey wrote:
lol @ black people being exempt from racism.....I would venture as far as to say I've heard more racist #@$# said by black people in my personal life than any other race.
[h2]A Black Teen Beats Up A White Man For Listening To Rap Music?[/h2]
Submitted by Scav on August 2, 2010 – 9:14 am19 Comments


The following story is almost too crazy to believe. But try and stay with me here.

In Palm Bay, Florida, a 14-year-old teenager is facing assault charges after he punched a 22-year-old man for—get this—listening to rap music. The incident occurred late last week when the juvenile, Joshuah Lamb, approached the white male, David McKnight, who was listening to Gucci Mane‘s hit song, “Wasted,
Originally Posted by GRyPR33

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

AntonLaVey wrote:
lol @ black people being exempt from racism.....I would venture as far as to say I've heard more racist #@$# said by black people in my personal life than any other race.
[h2]A Black Teen Beats Up A White Man For Listening To Rap Music?[/h2]
Submitted by Scav on August 2, 2010 – 9:14 am19 Comments


The following story is almost too crazy to believe. But try and stay with me here.

In Palm Bay, Florida, a 14-year-old teenager is facing assault charges after he punched a 22-year-old man for—get this—listening to rap music. The incident occurred late last week when the juvenile, Joshuah Lamb, approached the white male, David McKnight, who was listening to Gucci Mane‘s hit song, “Wasted,
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

That's no excuse for comments like "White's know their time is up"
You're right. There's no excuse for the truth.
I've heard more than one white person say that their time is up (paraphrasing). It's not like I'm advocating violence or hate. Neither. I'm just stating what I heard from white people.

Stop being so sensitive...
As for the "only whites can be  racist"  thing does this mean Mexicans and Blacks cannot be racist towards each other?

Didn't you read what Nat Turner posted? I mean for crying out loud he even posted an article that says it is impossible for Black people to be racist against anyone!

if a black guy kill a Mexican specifically for being Mexican its called prejudice. It's different from racism. No matter how many times the black guy yells, "Die you dirty Mexican" whilst bludgeoning him to death he can't be racist.

Enh, I don't even know if that would constitute even being prejudice. I always grew up thinking that being prejudice is a prejudgment about whoever. So if the Black guy said "Hey you Mexican! Why can't you stop stealing our jobs!" (which really does happen in Cali from what i understand) and then killed him, that would be prejudice, no?

Let me ask you a question, is being Mexican considered a race, or is it an ethnicity?

Mexicans are a brown people.

So if it is indeed an ethnicity, how is it considered "racism", if you are not considered a race?

It would be a hate crime indeed, but not one based upon "race", it is prejudice.

Do you understand that? 

     I'd bet not.

    However, Mexicans can indeed be racists.

    Now ask me to explain that one to you.

I was being politically correct for the sake of not being banned. But for the hell of it, let me remove "Mexican" and inject the "S-word" or "Wet Back". Because "S-word" is equivalent to calling a Black person the "N-word". Both derogatory and both a RACIAL slur.

Ethnic slurs are not racial slurs, there is a difference. It is clear that you do not know this.
Originally Posted by GRyPR33

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

AntonLaVey wrote:
lol @ black people being exempt from racism.....I would venture as far as to say I've heard more racist #@$# said by black people in my personal life than any other race.
[h2]A Black Teen Beats Up A White Man For Listening To Rap Music?[/h2]
Submitted by Scav on August 2, 2010 – 9:14 am19 Comments


The following story is almost too crazy to believe. But try and stay with me here.

In Palm Bay, Florida, a 14-year-old teenager is facing assault charges after he punched a 22-year-old man for—get this—listening to rap music. The incident occurred late last week when the juvenile, Joshuah Lamb, approached the white male, David McKnight, who was listening to Gucci Mane‘s hit song, “Wasted,
AntonLaVey wrote:
Originally Posted by GRyPR33

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

AntonLaVey wrote:
lol @ black people being exempt from racism.....I would venture as far as to say I've heard more racist #@$# said by black people in my personal life than any other race.
[h2]A Black Teen Beats Up A White Man For Listening To Rap Music?[/h2]
Submitted by Scav on August 2, 2010 – 9:14 am19 Comments


The following story is almost too crazy to believe. But try and stay with me here.

In Palm Bay, Florida, a 14-year-old teenager is facing assault charges after he punched a 22-year-old man for—get this—listening to rap music. The incident occurred late last week when the juvenile, Joshuah Lamb, approached the white male, David McKnight, who was listening to Gucci Mane‘s hit song, “Wasted,
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey


Dude completely ignored the article and came up with a convoluted/ unrelated scenario just to blame white people for racism.

I've mentioned this to dude countless times, there is no difference between his way of thinking and white racist.
pretty much. 
"racism = discrimination + power + oppressive group effects. This means that racism concerns institutional and, more broadly, structural power and outcomes that systematically benefit one group to the disadvantage of another or other groups"...minorities do not fit that definition.
^ I watched the video where he describes what happened and it sounds nothing like a hate crime or incident of racism. He got into an argument with these people. When he said "I can listen to whatever I want", that's the start of an argument.

If I'm walking down the street and a white person says, "what is a Black person doing around here" and I say "I can walk where I want". I'm choosing to enter into "that life" and should be ready to throw down. If we get into a fight, that's not a hate crime.
Yo I don't doubt white people say the N word while listening to rap music,. I mean black people shouldn't be using it either but that's for another argument. My issue here is how quick you were to avoid the question by placing blame on the victim.

So based on the victim's race, you think he was probably at fault?

Hmm sounds like, white people who place the blame on black people who have suffered injury at the hands of law enforcement. Because he was black he probably stole or robbed someone. He probably deserved it.

Do you see????
"racism = discrimination + power + oppressive group effects. This means that racism concerns institutional and, more broadly, structural power and outcomes that systematically benefit one group to the disadvantage of another or other groups"...minorities do not fit that definition.
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Let me ask you a question, is being Mexican considered a race, or is it an ethnicity?

Mexicans are a brown people.

So if it is indeed an ethnicity, how is it considered "racism", if you are not considered a race?

It would be a hate crime indeed, but not one based upon "race", it is prejudice.

Do you understand that? 

     I'd bet not.

    However, Mexicans can indeed be racists.

    Now ask me to explain that one to you.

So if Mexicans' are brown are Americans' pink?
No, it isn't a race,  but clearly  when people  say Mexican they think of  Mestizo's.
And by  Zik's definition  we can't be racist either.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Yo I don't doubt white people say the N word while listening to rap music,. I mean black people shouldn't be using it either but that's for another argument. My issue here is how quick you were to avoid the question by placing blame on the victim.

So based on the victim's race, you think he was probably at fault?

Hmm sounds like, white people who place the blame on black people who have suffered injury at the hands of law enforcement. Because he was black he probably stole or robbed someone. He probably deserved it.

Do you see????

I don't agree with you, and I did not avoid the question.

You simply did not like the response.
Originally Posted by cwalk1950

"racism = discrimination + power + oppressive group effects. This means that racism concerns institutional and, more broadly, structural power and outcomes that systematically benefit one group to the disadvantage of another or other groups"...minorities do not fit that definition.
rac·ism/img.tfd.com/hm/mp3/R0007100.mp3">http://img.tfd.com/hm/mp3/R0007100.mp3" menu="false" width="13" height="21" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"> (r
1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.

2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

So yes racism is used by the dominant race to establish power, but other races can discriminate and prejudiced against one another based on race. That is still a form of racism.

Nat Turner if the races in that story were reversed how would you feel? Simple question, I want a simple straightfoward answer.
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Let me ask you a question, is being Mexican considered a race, or is it an ethnicity?

Mexicans are a brown people.

So if it is indeed an ethnicity, how is it considered "racism", if you are not considered a race?

It would be a hate crime indeed, but not one based upon "race", it is prejudice.

Do you understand that? 

     I'd bet not.

    However, Mexicans can indeed be racists.

    Now ask me to explain that one to you.

So if Mexicans' are brown are Americans' pink?
No, it isn't a race,  but clearly  when people  say Mexican they think of  Mestizo's.
And by  Zik's definition  we can't be racist either.

On the contrary, you can, and here is how,

You can denounce what you have in common with Black people, then embracing the theory that is presented by Whites, as stated by Tim Wise in the video. This means that you have embraced a racist belief in a racist system, in order to get ahead of those who are intentionally being left behind.

You'd feel entitled, due to not being "Black".

How's that?
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cwalk1950

"racism = discrimination + power + oppressive group effects. This means that racism concerns institutional and, more broadly, structural power and outcomes that systematically benefit one group to the disadvantage of another or other groups"...minorities do not fit that definition.

Nat Turner if the races in that story were reversed how would you feel? Simple question, I want a simple straightfoward answer.
If I'd try to dress like and then join the Klan, I'd be a fool.

There is a reason that one should avoid stereotypical behaviours, as it is insulting to those who know better.

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Essentially, but not accurate.

The young man beaten was a victim or prejudice, but let's look at the other side of this. I am not saying that it, the beating was just, but how many times have white people made fun of Black culture, simply by imitating it? Al Jolson comes to mind, as other forms of minstrelsy can be applied as well, like white Ivy league college kids having hip hop parties, doing a parody of what they think is "black culture". There are pics all over the web of this. Now, let's say a white kid walks up to me and then starts rapping, saying the "nword", then grabbing his crotch, while using affectations that are largely associated with hip hop culture. This has happened to me, but I am a Jazz man. My casual clothes fit, while not saggin'. I prefer Alden shoes, custom made shirts and then suits, I live well, and then travel well, then date exceptionally well. My model is more Miles Davis than Jay Z, so I am insulted when this clown comes to me trying to be "fly". Now, I will not kick his !#* for doing so, but I will suggest to him to tone it down. If he does not, then I may move away. If he follows, then I will be a bit more aggressive in my rejection of his bullcrap.

As I said, I do not condone the beat down of the white kid. However, I understand why  some will be insulted by his behaviour, especially while considering the history of White people and exploitation in this country.



Are you serious? I read the original article you posted. It's not like it's saying anything groundbreaking. The country is changing, and quicker than it has been in the past. The people that perceive themselves to be in the majority are going to be wary, probably more subconsciously than consciously, especially those who don't think they will be able to compete in a just society.  I don't understand though why you think the article is so great when all it is doing is
 lumping white people into groups. Do you think that every white person is scared of not being the minority? Do you think every white person identifies with Rush Limbaugh or Sarah Palin? Hell, most Republicans don't identify with either of those two. All they are are talking-heads who spew out a bunch of nonsense to get people fired up. Honestly, the article sucks. Lumping all white people together, even all republicans together = fail. Bottom line, people don't like change, and are going to resist it. It applies to pretty much everything in life, not just shifting demographics.
Originally Posted by thacamel

Honest question. How is it that there is a black history month, black colleges, Black Entertainment Television, etc, and no one is supposed to be offended? Black people would be up in arms if suddenly a white college opened somewhere, or it was declared that there would be a white history month, etc.
Shut up.

All the things you mentioned were counter cultures established to create venues for black media, and education.

Aside from that, BET, and Black colleges are both inclusive of white people, both ratings wise, as well as employment/enrollment goes.

As far as black history month- it was established by a white man- Richard Nixon. In an attempt to passify blacks following the movement in the 60's.

joegolfdad wrote:
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Essentially, but not accurate.

The young man beaten was a victim or prejudice, but let's look at the other side of this. I am not saying that it, the beating was just, but how many times have white people made fun of Black culture, simply by imitating it? Al Jolson comes to mind, as other forms of minstrelsy can be applied as well, like white Ivy league college kids having hip hop parties, doing a parody of what they think is "black culture". There are pics all over the web of this. Now, let's say a white kid walks up to me and then starts rapping, saying the "nword", then grabbing his crotch, while using affectations that are largely associated with hip hop culture. This has happened to me, but I am a Jazz man. My casual clothes fit, while not saggin'. I prefer Alden shoes, custom made shirts and then suits, I live well, and then travel well, then date exceptionally well. My model is more Miles Davis than Jay Z, so I am insulted when this clown comes to me trying to be "fly". Now, I will not kick his !#* for doing so, but I will suggest to him to tone it down. If he does not, then I may move away. If he follows, then I will be a bit more aggressive in my rejection of his bullcrap.

As I said, I do not condone the beat down of the white kid. However, I understand why  some will be insulted by his behaviour, especially while considering the history of White people and exploitation in this country.



Are you serious? I read the original article you posted. It's not like it's saying anything groundbreaking. The country is changing, and quicker than it has been in the past. The people that perceive themselves to be in the majority are going to be wary, probably more subconsciously than consciously, especially those who don't think they will be able to compete in a just society.  I don't understand though why you think the article is so great when all it is doing is
 lumping white people into groups. Do you think that every white person is scared of not being the minority? Do you think every white person identifies with Rush Limbaugh or Sarah Palin? Hell, most Republicans don't identify with either of those two. All they are are talking-heads who spew out a bunch of nonsense to get people fired up. Honestly, the article sucks. Lumping all white people together, even all republicans together = fail. Bottom line, people don't like change, and are going to resist it. It applies to pretty much everything in life, not just shifting demographics.

Deadly serious.

Someone behaving in a stereotypical fashion, is not a compliment to the culture that he is imitating. It is an insult, then can be perceived as a grave one at that, especially by someone who has been incredibly abused by a racist system, which leaves the person in a low tolerant state.

This person will view all white people as "racists", as all that person can see is how they've been abused and misused, by people with lighter complected skin.

So when viewing at your last sentence, everyone and their life experiences are different. For some, things change. But for others, everything looks exactly the same.

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by thacamel

Honest question. How is it that there is a black history month, black colleges, Black Entertainment Television, etc, and no one is supposed to be offended? Black people would be up in arms if suddenly a white college opened somewhere, or it was declared that there would be a white history month, etc.
Shut up.

All the things you mentioned were counter cultures established to create venues for black media, and education.

Aside from that, BET, and Black colleges are both inclusive of white people, both ratings wise, as well as employment goes.

As far as black history month- it was established by a white man- Richard Nixon. In an attempt to passify blacks following the movement in the 60's.


people wanna hop in race debates and not know the history.

What's crazy is that I hear white ask this question all the time and no one seems to do any further research after asking the question
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