Who Do You Pattern Your Game After? (BASKETBALL)

DWade, relentless at the basket, great finisher, great midrange game, at times can show flashes of great passing and defense, but I shoot the 3 a bit more thanhim. Am I saying I'm as good as DWade? Of course not. Hell nah! I'm just saying that with the people in my level of competition that's how I play.
I NaSmatic I:
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

i just sit at the arc and shoot 3s, and i dont play D

so i guess jason kapono? but i dont make my 3s
What? So you don't play D, you jack up 3s, and you don't make them.

But you're guessing Jason Kapono, like dude isn't a three-point contest CHAMPION.


There is no one in the NBA that plays no D, jacks up 3s, and bricks their 3s.

does brian cook ring a bell?
Damn! Good call.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I NaSmatic I:
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

i just sit at the arc and shoot 3s, and i dont play D

so i guess jason kapono? but i dont make my 3s
What? So you don't play D, you jack up 3s, and you don't make them.

But you're guessing Jason Kapono, like dude isn't a three-point contest CHAMPION.


There is no one in the NBA that plays no D, jacks up 3s, and bricks their 3s.
does brian cook ring a bell?
Damn! Good call.

@ Antoine Walker, dude is a nut..

Where is he this year? Timberwolves right?

Put him to shame, Mr. Miller.
Yall woofin when you say that you people said you play like so-and-so.

No one ever talks like that.

Nah, I here people make comparisons all the time.

Like, If your lightskinned w. Braids, you're Carmelo

If you're of asian descent...Regardless of hight...You're Yao Ming. Yes racist.
Oh, comparisons based on LOOKS? Bet that.

But based on game? "Son, you play just like Iverson, like exactly. Anyone ever told you that?'

That just never happens. I've played in hundreds of different gyms and playgrounds and parks with thousands of different people, and I can't rememberever hearing anyone talk about how someone plays just like some NBA player.

But yeah, "Who's this Shaun Livingston lookin' dude? Well, he makes 10, so let's shoot.' Something like that? Yeah, all the time.

On the topic of verbal comparisons, one of my proudest moments was a comparison. In '98, I was at this park in Texas visiting my grandma (rip), so I knewnobody. I just drove around and looked for a game somewhere, saw a bunch of people at this one court, and did the drill; you know, figure out who's gotnext, call next of no one else has, see if you can run next with whoever else has next.

So anyways, fast forward to me getting the ball midway between the elbow and the baseline this one time. I caught it, immediately spun towards the line like Iwas going to drive in diagonally, then pulled the dribble through my legs and backed up because my defender bit on the drive. But the tall guy (you know, theone that automatically plays center, because he's 9'14"
)stepped up to block my jumper... so I faded back, and hit it off the glass.

Long explanation, I know, but we all saw MJ do it countless times; basically a baseline fadeaway bank shot.

Someone... and I have no idea who, because I didn't know anyone to begin with, and I had my head down, running the other way anyway... said "I'llbe effed if that wasn't some g.d. Jordan bullshh.'


I couldn't help but let out a grin, 'cause I was happy as hell someone would even say that, even just one time, even for just one play. Know what Imean?
JJ Reddick/Reggie Miller/RIP..... aka I run around, cutting, getting open... love shooting J's/3's
flashy, really quick passes (see the floor really well).... not exactly sure what played that'd be though
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Oh, comparisons based on LOOKS? Bet that.

But based on game? "Son, you play just like Iverson, like exactly. Anyone ever told you that?'

That just never happens. I've played in hundreds of different gyms and playgrounds and parks with thousands of different people, and I can't remember ever hearing anyone talk about how someone plays just like some NBA player.

But yeah, "Who's this Shaun Livingston lookin' dude? Well, he makes 10, so let's shoot.' Something like that? Yeah, all the time.

On the topic of verbal comparisons, one of my proudest moments was a comparison. In '98, I was at this park in Texas visiting my grandma (rip), so I knew nobody. I just drove around and looked for a game somewhere, saw a bunch of people at this one court, and did the drill; you know, figure out who's got next, call next of no one else has, see if you can run next with whoever else has next.

So anyways, fast forward to me getting the ball midway between the elbow and the baseline this one time. I caught it, immediately spun towards the line like I was going to drive in diagonally, then pulled the dribble through my legs and backed up because my defender bit on the drive. But the tall guy (you know, the one that automatically plays center, because he's 9'14"
) stepped up to block my jumper... so I faded back, and hit it off the glass.

Long explanation, I know, but we all saw MJ do it countless times; basically a baseline fadeaway bank shot.

Someone... and I have no idea who, because I didn't know anyone to begin with, and I had my head down, running the other way anyway... said "I'll be effed if that wasn't some g.d. Jordan bullshh.'


I couldn't help but let out a grin, 'cause I was happy as hell someone would even say that, even just one time, even for just one play. Know what I mean?

I feel ya, ska.

I was just saying.

But, I honestly got my nickname because if the way I played. That's how I got my nickname at the park.
i just play, i dont really try to play like anyone. ive been called mike bibby a lot though.
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