Who else is afraid to unDS their kicks

Only thing I am scared of while storing I still haven't worn my 06 MET 5s and there is no yellowing yet, but soon there will be,Concords icy bottoms are already yellowing on both Pairs I own, also worried bout all my 4s with the white nets turning yellow, I tend to check on them day after day Jus to find the perfect time to UnDS.

Also look at it like this, any shoe u missed out on, or scuffed, or u are scared to wear, also tell your self these shoes are still available to buy from eBay if worst comes to worst or you really want the shoe
You have to wear them, even if it's inside the house. Let them breath or else they will just crumble. Shoe don't last forever so might as well enjoy them while you can.
I started UnDsing a lot of my jordans this year. Because I usually unds them a month or so before they reretro so i have some time to wear them with everyone and they mommas rocking the same thing. So I ended up wearing a lot, but im not mad. Im afraid the grape 5s are releasing next year though, because my 05s are still ds and icy.
Only thing I am scared of while storing I still haven't worn my 06 MET 5s and there is no yellowing yet, but soon there will be,Concords icy bottoms are already yellowing on both Pairs I own, also worried bout all my 4s with the white nets turning yellow, I tend to check on them day after day Jus to find the perfect time to UnDS.
Also look at it like this, any shoe u missed out on, or scuffed, or u are scared to wear, also tell your self these shoes are still available to buy from eBay if worst comes to worst or you really want the shoe
The nets on my classic green 4s from awhie back turned yellow. I used some RIT on them and they are white again
I am going to wear them sometime within the next 3 years.

What do you have a GANTT chart for wearing shoes?

Geez. Rubber and leather, people.

Nearly anything - especially Jordan-related - can be replaced. These shoes retro every few years.

I have older shoes (Jordans and otherwise) that are unwearable at this point because off their age. That's one thing. Holding on to a few things for collection purposes is understandable too. And, not getting around to wearing everything (I work an office job as well) it as well.

But, I hear some pretty lame "excuses" for people not wanting to wear their shoes. Don't want to look like everybody else... C'mon. One, if that's the case, why are you buying some of the most popular sneakers in the history shoes. Two, who cares what others are doing - wear what you like whether others are or not.
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cmon...my concords are still ds...i guess its probably a)because if i decide to sell them in the future(probably not but you never know) their value will fall b)to me they are a work of art,so i just like watching them fresh and ds in my room...probably stupid i know,but thats just me
I'll rock everything I have eventually. I just need to find time to wear them.
certain pairs i have are hard to unDS but i try to cop 2 of those that way i can feel more comfortable about wearing them. otherwise i just unDS pairs to go to events i deem worthy enough
What do you have a GANTT chart for wearing shoes?
Geez. Rubber and leather, people.
Nearly anything - especially Jordan-related - can be replaced. These shoes retro every few years.
I have older shoes (Jordans and otherwise) that are unwearable at this point because off their age. That's one thing. Holding on to a few things for collection purposes is understandable too. And, not getting around to wearing everything (I work an office job as well) it as well.
But, I hear some pretty lame "excuses" for people not wanting to wear their shoes. Don't want to look like everybody else... C'mon. One, if that's the case, why are you buying some of the most popular sneakers in the history shoes. Two, who cares what others are doing - wear what you like whether others are or not.
No I dont. 9 months to 2.5 years is how long it took me to unDS kicks when they had like 2-3 retros a year I cared to get. Now that there is one every month I am not sure when I will get around to some of these releases.

When I was a kid, as popular as these were, I never felt like everyone was wearing the shoes like I feel like now. And I start a suit job soon too man. Is that a good enough excuse for me not to wear them? Having a job?
No I dont. 9 months to 2.5 years is how long it took me to unDS kicks when they had like 2-3 retros a year I cared to get. Now that there is one every month I am not sure when I will get around to some of these releases.
When I was a kid, as popular as these were, I never felt like everyone was wearing the shoes like I feel like now. And I start a suit job soon too man. Is that a good enough excuse for me not to wear them? Having a job?

It's your money, I don't care how you spend it. So, take it all with grain of salt. But, you didn't say that you don't have time to wear your shoes. You initially said you were afraid to. Those are two entirely different statements.

Worn shoes are beautiful too. I guess what it comes down to that I feel that most people who don't wear their shoes are more concerned with their "value" than anything else. Those people often tell themselves and others lies to obscure that, but actions speak louder than words.

And, on the value issue, I don't even fully get that either. You don't want to wear a $160 retail shoe because in its present state it is worth $250 or something. And, if you wear it, it is only worth closer to retail or slightly above on the open market. Well, okay. But, if you are that worried about a $70 - 100 loss in your "portfolio," perhaps a hobby that consists of collecting $200 shoes and spending thousands per year isn't really something sensible for you to participate in. Just buy a few pairs a year like a normal consumer and enjoy them.
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^I didnt say I dont have time to wear the shoe. I am saying that seems to be the only valid reason. I like how worn shoes look, but then again most shoes I can go to the store anytime and get a a similar pair. Just Jordans and Nike SBs I am afraid to rock because I dont think they have reretroed one SB colorway and Jordans get reretroed every 5-12 years. If I had a pair still in great condition by the next release, I will rock one of them for sure. Value is not the issue for me. The ease of obtaining a new pair when I want one is. So I guess you could say value, cuz I dont want to hit up ebay for a $300 -$400 pair of shoes that retailed at $180 or less.
I wear all my kicks just gotta make sure the weather is right, can't walk in grass or dirt. I make sure I wear my shoes because what if I die tomorrow and then I never got around to wear them. But I still got about 6 Ds pairs in my closet but just haven't worn them yet need to buy a tee shirt first.
Those are the only true J's I'm afraid to wear. I wore mine once and then saw the horror stories online. Now I'm hesitant to wear them again.
I have many DS pairs of recently released kicks but these are the oldest. I don't resell or leave them DS for any reason, I just haven't found the right time to wear them. I wear a uniform (military) to work and don't go out much. Now I feel like crap because my V's are yellowing and I've never even wore them.
IDK why, but I like how the jordan V netting yellows.... *Kanye Shrug*
If I buy them they're getting worn. I don't get any enjoyment out of watching shoes that cost a decent amount of money rot in my closet.
I used to be hesitant putting on DS shoes, but have gotten over it since for me personally, shoes are meant to be worn.  It's nice to see a clean DS shoe out of the box, but I've realized it's an even better feeling to put them on your feet and wear them when you go out.  Of course, that brings the obsessive-compulsiveness in keeping them clean but hey, that's the name of the game.

But I definitely respect the guys that buy these shoes to collect them.  Just like someone said in this thread somewhere, people collect all sorts of stuff, what makes shoes any different?  The side benefit of that is when they get bored of keeping something in their collection, I've got an opportunity to pick up something older that I might have missed.
I work M-F and have to wear dress clothes for the past 5 years. I moved into my house 2 years ago and about 30 pairs of kicks arent even wearable due to me never getting around to rocking them. Nowadays if I buy a shoe, best believe Im wearing them.
hahaha i heard that, after a few cups and im feelin nice there is a chance some jordans might get taken out the Box!
I only rock my Js on special occasions, I'll take a pair of Air Max or Kobes to the grocery store or whatever...unDSing I gotta be going somewhere real special in that case...I usually wait a minimum of 3 months to unDS, or till everyone beats theirs up lol
I havent worn my last 3 Pickups:

-Olympic 6

-Olympic 7

-Nike SB Supreme Dunk
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