Who likes spicy food?????

GOAT.....on rice, pizza, burritos, eggs, ramen, etc

Been wondering if old people in cultures where spicy food is typical have issues with heart burn.
I would imagine not. Since its so cultural that group of ppl probably have adapted to that to not be susceptible to something like heartburn.
I love spicy food, but I don't like hot just to be hot... meaning if it doesn't have flavor snd just burns my mouth and makes my nose run then no go for me. I usually draw the line at habanero, which sometimes gives me the hiccups (a natural sign that something is too spicy). Ghost peppers, Carolina reapers... no thanks.
if it doesn't turn my ******* into a flamethrower the next morning, I don't want it
Been wondering if old people in cultures where spicy food is typical have issues with heart burn.

I know an Indian chef who has to take antacids for heartburn - always seemed kind of funny.

Although I'm not sure that's the issue - I've had trouble with heartburn since my 20s but it's not exacerbated by spicy food - I think you've either got something that causes it or you've not if it's happening regularly (different obviously if you only get it on Thanksgiving or something).
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