Who Told Dallas it was December???

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by jumpman23000

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by jumpman23000

They lost by 7 to a division opponent on the road. Big deal. Yall still butt hurt over their run in the 90's

Man most of us were younger than 10 years old when they won their last SB... People hate on yall because you dudes are still living in the 90's. Your team has been irrelevant for over a decade.

how many rings have ya won this decade?
Whats it matter? Were not talking about that, and i wasn't talking to you. Man you dudes are quick to defend any dumb %!#% that any one of your little henchmen have to say.

For the record though, the Packers have won 8 playoff games AND a superbowl since the last cowboys playoff W. 4 of those wins are from the last decade.

ahhh the irony coming from a Packers fan. That's why the Cowboys game thread is about 14 pages when they win and 30+ when they lose with everyone coming out of the woodwork to post pics and gifs from past seasons. This thread was made to hate on Dallas, no one started it up saying how great they were. Sure thing guy.
I wonder why that is?? Maybe cause dudes like you think that Aikman is still your QB. Yall are so pathetic that all you have to hang onto is how everybody hates you, and somehow think that entitles you to something... Keep winning that "Most Hated" trophy year after year, go ahead and put it where your Lombardi isnt.

Maybe you should do like your e-team captains and leave this argument alone...

Reading is fundamental son. I don't talk about 90's super bowls, I used it here cause that's why a majority of people on NT hate the Cowboys, noother team in the NFL draws as much attention on this board and it leads back to hating them, from what I think is their previous success from a long time ago.No one is hanging on to anything, Romo is our QB , I'm not entitled to say anything, and your talking lombardi trophy like Packers will win one anytimesoon. Your reaching hard.
jumpman23000 wrote:
Reading is fundamental son. I don't talk about 90's super bowls, I used it here cause that's why a majority of people on NT hate the Cowboys, no other team in the NFL draws as much attention on this board and it leads back to hating them, from what I think is their previous success from a long time ago. No one is hanging on to anything, Romo is our QB , I'm not entitled to say anything, and your talking lombardi trophy like Packers will win one anytime soon. Your reaching hard.
The reason the Cowboys draw so much hate on this board is because of the fans like you who constantly pop off at the mouth. Unlike the Yankees& Lakers, there are absolutely no cool Cowboys fans on nt. It's almost a gurantee everytime a Cowboys fan post on nt, it's straight idiotic horsemanure.
Romo overthrow the dice at the tables in Vegas last weekend?

They should go thru the lockeroom and put all the calendars back to November, plan a second thanksgiving and @#$%.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

jumpman23000 wrote:
Reading is fundamental son. I don't talk about 90's super bowls, I used it here cause that's why a majority of people on NT hate the Cowboys, no other team in the NFL draws as much attention on this board and it leads back to hating them, from what I think is their previous success from a long time ago. No one is hanging on to anything, Romo is our QB , I'm not entitled to say anything, and your talking lombardi trophy like Packers will win one anytime soon. Your reaching hard.
The reason the Cowboys draw so much hate on this board is because of the fans like you who constantly pop off at the mouth. Unlike the Yankees & Lakers, there are absolutely no cool Cowboys fans on nt. It's almost a gurantee everytime a Cowboys fan post on nt, it's straight idiotic horse manure.

I'm about to put FIRST BORN post in a frame
my man just kicked some knowledge
Cowboys lost and all these clowns celebrating like their team did something....i dont mind Giants or Eagles fans talking trash but Packers fans??lol give me abreak..,,,trying to bring up how we havent won a playoff game in a decade but when asked how many SBs they've won suddenly they're saying " Ohdont live in the past blah blah blah" lol....Oh ilove it lol..clowns
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

Originally Posted by you big dummy

Romo needs to be banned from taking trips/vacations during the season
Wasn't Romo's fault. He can't play defense and special teams too. Chalk the loss up to blown tackles/defensive assignments, blownspecial teams play, and a non holding penalty when Ny tight end was Holding Sensabaugh to allow Jacobs to get that 70 yard TD.

If I was a Giants fan I would be extremely happy about this win but worried that my team still can't consistently drive the ball down field. If your teamrelies hevily on big plays to win, you will not make it. So far the Giants rely on big plays to win games. Good win on their part, very necessary to stay inthe playoff picture.

Dallas will beat the Chargers next week.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

jumpman23000 wrote:
Reading is fundamental son. I don't talk about 90's super bowls, I used it here cause that's why a majority of people on NT hate the Cowboys, no other team in the NFL draws as much attention on this board and it leads back to hating them, from what I think is their previous success from a long time ago. No one is hanging on to anything, Romo is our QB , I'm not entitled to say anything, and your talking lombardi trophy like Packers will win one anytime soon. Your reaching hard.
The reason the Cowboys draw so much hate on this board is because of the fans like you who constantly pop off at the mouth. Unlike the Yankees & Lakers, there are absolutely no cool Cowboys fans on nt. It's almost a gurantee everytime a Cowboys fan post on nt, it's straight idiotic horse manure.

THIS right here is TRUTH. There's no other teams fans on here that are so delusional and unrealistic. If the Cowboys win, yall are one of the best teams inthe league and yall boast like there is no tomorrow. And when yall lose, yall get all mad and defensive that yall are all ganged upon by everyone else here.Add to the fact that yall continually blame your HC, OC and QB for every loss and make excuses on it
Yall act like I just come here every week and spit this and that, clearly I don't. Yall just continue to put words in my mouth and just cause some fans onhere say this and that you assume it's all Cowboys fans. Have yet to see a relevant response to what I'VE said. I'll just let the hate continue,yall have been waiting all season to make this post. 1 loss and a post is up about this and that. How dumb would it have been if I made a separate post sayingCowboys win? Hate on haters and take some reading comprehension classes while your at it.
Originally Posted by jumpman23000

Yall act like I just come here every week and spit this and that, clearly I don't. Yall just continue to put words in my mouth and just cause some fans on here say this and that you assume it's all Cowboys fans. Have yet to see a relevant response to what I'VE said. I'll just let the hate continue, yall have been waiting all season to make this post. 1 loss and a post is up about this and that. How dumb would it have been if I made a separate post saying Cowboys win? Hate on haters and take some reading comprehension classes while your at it.

But you didnt you lost, beat you at home, beat you at our house, just look forward to the playoffs buddy!
Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

Originally Posted by you big dummy

Romo needs to be banned from taking trips/vacations during the season
Wasn't Romo's fault. He can't play defense and special teams too. Chalk the loss up to blown tackles/defensive assignments, blown special teams play, and a non holding penalty when Ny tight end was Holding Sensabaugh to allow Jacobs to get that 70 yard TD.

If I was a Giants fan I would be extremely happy about this win but worried that my team still can't consistently drive the ball down field. If your team relies hevily on big plays to win, you will not make it. So far the Giants rely on big plays to win games. Good win on their part, very necessary to stay in the playoff picture.

Dallas will beat the Chargers next week.

Did Cowboy fans watch the 4th quarter or do they just look at the stat line and
? Romo blew the game...again. He had a chance to win the game or tie it when Terrel Thomas slipped and had Williams WIDE OPEN and threw it out ofbounds. Who cares about his stat line he lost, it's like it never happened. I would hope he has a game like that with the best TE in the game and playingagainst a mediocre secondary like we have.
Originally Posted by Los Yankees

Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

Originally Posted by you big dummy

Romo needs to be banned from taking trips/vacations during the season
Wasn't Romo's fault. He can't play defense and special teams too. Chalk the loss up to blown tackles/defensive assignments, blown special teams play, and a non holding penalty when Ny tight end was Holding Sensabaugh to allow Jacobs to get that 70 yard TD.

If I was a Giants fan I would be extremely happy about this win but worried that my team still can't consistently drive the ball down field. If your team relies hevily on big plays to win, you will not make it. So far the Giants rely on big plays to win games. Good win on their part, very necessary to stay in the playoff picture.

Dallas will beat the Chargers next week.

Did Cowboy fans watch the 4th quarter or do they just look at the stat line and
? Romo blew the game...again. He had a chance to win the game or tie it when Terrel Thomas slipped and had Williams WIDE OPEN and threw it out of bounds. Who cares about his stat line he lost, it's like it never happened. I would hope he has a game like that with the best TE in the game and playing against a mediocre secondary like we have.
I watched the whole game, Romo made a mistake at a bad time. Romo didn't give up the 70 yard pass play to Brandon Jacobs did he? Say thatagain 70 yard play to BRANDON JACOBS! Oh and the punt return for TD right??? By my count that's 14 points, how many did we lose by? 7 right? By your logicRomo needs to be perfect for the Boys to win, and if they keep playing like that on special teams and defense he just might.

One other note, I would like to say Marion Barber is a 3rd down back or he's not healthy. I would like to see Jones get the starting nod by seasons end, Ibelieve he is a better every down back with the offensive line we have. If our line was younger and better I might think different, but you gotta play withwhat you got. I think the Cowboys would be better off playing with Jones or even Choice as starter.
Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

I watched the whole game, Romo made a mistake at a bad time.

That seems to be a recurring issue with Tony Romo. Like I said in the game thread, Tony Romo is still Tony Romo.
If your team relies hevily on big plays to win, you will not make it. So far the Giants rely on big plays to win games

They haven't had big plays all season dude....sometimes big plays are all you need to win a game, especially in the playoffs.

They capitalized on all of their chances, the Cowboys didn't (missing FG's, fumbles, mistakes in key moments).
Im a Cowboys fan, not as obnoxious as most when it comes the Boys, but people want to keep claiming we are irrelevant but posts like these keep popping up, andour TV ratings are still high, and yall sure are quick to keep the Cowboys name is your mouths. Either way, yall continue to talk about the Cowboys.
Originally Posted by youngmoney

Originally Posted by GMSboy1

The joke ran its course.
this joke gets funnier every week though

It will be funny when the Saints run the Cowboys off the field next week, and this thread is bumped again.
The funny thing is the people waiting each week to post here are the same fans of teams that arent any better or even worse.
Bumping this thread really is running it past its course, though. But whatever, just don't cry, complain, and %$%*# when at the end of most
of ya'lls season Cowboy fans come through with their jokes.

Saw alot of that last year.
LOL @ fans getting butt hurt cause they fans of some chokers. I'm a mets fan, we choked two years straight, no denying that. When you choke, you get calledout for it, especially a franchise that sells themselves like the cowboys do. Some cowboys can pretend its not funny but this type of football has become astaple every season for a while.
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