Who was bigger when they were in the very prime of there career?

first you have to know what was the prime of each artist..... if its about making money its 50

if its about selling records its 50

if its about ending careers its 50

iif its about who helped other people careers more its wayne

if its who had more artist under them be successful its wayne

better mixtapes, its 50 earlier works.... wayne mixtape work was good in his prime.

outside ventures, gunit clothing/reebok did numbers compared to trukfit

better best song, 50 "in the club"
Ninjahood is going ham with the Weezy disrespect :lol:

Even though I've said 50 is my pick lets not act like Lil Wayne didn't give use hundreds of songs of free music. His work ethic matched the quality of the music and he def had the everybody's ear.
lloyd banks had a bigger prime then lil wayne
lil wayne wasn't even buzzing harder then JR writer
when 50 was poppin he was POPPIN...but that wasnt for long. all that beef killed him especially beefing with his own team(game). it was over after that

around my sophmore year(05-06) weezy D Riders were all over the place. i couldnt take it. what was suppose to be my senior year (08) wayne dropped that carter 3 and it was like he dropped an atomic bomb. everybody jocked that cd..everybody. i downloaded it a week before it came out and that joint still went platinum in like 5 days
At the time he was closely affiliated with Eminem and Dr. Dre.
Wayne had an indie documentary....50 had a blockbuster biopic.
G-Unit apparel vs Trukfit
Wayne has the longevity but at their respective peaks 50 was greater. He had the biggest splash of any Hip-Hop artist in history.


this sums it up
50 Cent.

I can see why this is a good debateable question. But it must be a lot of young people that are leaning towards Weezy. Ya'll do know when 50 was out, Wayne was too, right? Wayne wasnt even top 10 when 50 was in his prime. It's hard to deny the impact Wayne caused when he started buzzing. You couldnt turn the rado on without hearing him. However, as many "blinded" Wayne fans as there were in his prime... There were a lot of people that hated on Wayne and with good reason. Am I the only one that feels like Wayne brainwashed a generation of "new Hip Hop" listeners? Which is why I can say Wayne definetly changed** the game more than 50 did. 50 used a rehashed gangsta persona which eventually got played out. Weezy used more of a new and different method which is why I think it worked so well and it changed the game cause now we have dudes like Drake who can rap/sing. I sound like a Wayne hater, but I love Weezy when he's featured on a song or is on a remix and I even like No Ceilings. His albums just don't do anything for me nor does the singles he comes out with for his albums. 50 was an automatic hitmaker. Who changed the game more, Weezy. Who was bigger in their prime... 50 Cent.
money in da bank series >>>>>>>>>*

lil wayne wasn't even buzzing harder then JR writer of all people b.

i love da way people wanna re-write history.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


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50 Cent.

I can see why this is a good debateable question. But it must be a lot of young people that are leaning towards Weezy. Ya'll do know when 50 was out, Wayne was too, right? Wayne wasnt even top 10 when 50 was in his prime. It's hard to deny the impact Wayne caused when he started buzzing. You couldnt turn the rado on without hearing him. However, as many "blinded" Wayne fans as there were in his prime... There were a lot of people that hated on Wayne and with good reason. Am I the only one that feels like Wayne brainwashed a generation of "new Hip Hop" listeners? Which is why I can say Wayne definetly changed** the game more than 50 did. 50 used a rehashed gangsta persona which eventually got played out. Weezy used more of a new and different method which is why I think it worked so well and it changed the game cause now we have dudes like Drake who can rap/sing. I sound like a Wayne hater, but I love Weezy when he's featured on a song or is on a remix and I even like No Ceilings. His albums just don't do anything for me nor does the singles he comes out with for his albums. 50 was an automatic hitmaker. Who changed the game more, Weezy. Who was bigger in their prime... 50 Cent.
I don't see how the age thing would skew things in Lil Wayne's favor.  I was in my 20's when 50cent blew up and I chose Lil Wayne.

If anything, I'd think the younger guys are more likely to pick 50 because for a lot of guys it was one of their earliest forays into rap music

and it probably holds a more sentimental place with them

The argument 50 cent is very strong, so much so that I'm almost inclined to change my original answer

I just think the arguments against Wayne are steeped in a more negative bias...
I say 50 cause dude even had my pops bumpin' that in da club and he dont eem listen to hip hop
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you younger guys don't understand how big 50 was.  we was in HS and one of my hypebeast friends said "He's like Biggie and Pac combined" and son really was believing every word he said. 

When 50 hit it was like a something I've never seen before and this was pre-twitter, facebook, youtube too. 

Man them G-Unit mixtapes and then GRODT was like Mike Tyson or Obama type energy :lol:   It wasn't just good music but it was aggressive.  He was killing ja.  He was building a brand.  He had the "shot 9 times" mythology behind him.  50 had everybody from the prisons to the suburbs rocking with him

QFT. this is a really tough question, but the argument can go either way. a lot of good points and cases have been made in this thread already but i'm gonna have to go with 50 by a slight margin. like many have said on here already when 50 was on top at the time nobody was touching him. When GROTD dropped everybody was bumping that joint. I remember going to my grandma's house in the summer and the only thing my cousins were playing and all I heard on the radio was In the Club, GROTD, or a G-unit mixtape. Dude was unstoppable. I'm surpirsed nobody mentioned (except for one person) him ending Ja's career (he was responsible for his downhill as well but 50 played a major role). this is another main reason why I say 50 over Wayne because many people forget how big of an artist Ja Rule was around this time as well. Before 50 came out and destroyed Ja's career, Ja Rule was the hottest artist at the time. he was basically like Lil Wayne now 10-12 years ago. he was everywhere doing movies and pumping out radio hit after radio hit. and for 50 to come along and make everybody almost forget how successful Ja Rule was at the time is huge IMO. I always said it and i will say it again, Ja Rule's career has had the biggest and most disappointing rise and fall in hiphop by far. Just imagine if some new artist comes out now and start going at lil wayne hard dissing him left and right embarrassing him to the point where lil wayne starts losing a large portion of his fanbase and before you know it he becomes irrelevant. That's basically what 50 did to Ja Rule, so just for that reason alone I gotta go with 50 on this one.
I don't get some of the arguments in here.

People saying 50 was bigger because Wayne has a strong base of people who were annoyed by him. He was annoying because he was so damn huge.

How many times have you heard someone say "Damn 50 is everywhere, I'm sick of his face and his voice on every hot song"? Now replace 50 with Wayne. How many times have you heard that?
I say 50 cause dude even had my pops bumpin' that in da club and he dont eem listen to hip hop

this is why i think its fif too

i know foreign people/ old heads that know nothing about hip hop but know who 50 is :lol:

but have no idea who wayne is
This cant be real....
Come on Ninjahood REALLY?

cats in here love to think they know everything...when this video dropped, wayne was basically non existent

in da tri-state era, and 50 cent wit da rest of g-unit was RUNNING NYC & da rest of music along with dipset & d-block mixtapes

taking over da tristate JUELZ SANTANA was even in front of lil wayne..look at weezy's swag in da video, this was before da rock era jim

& juelz did and weezy was about to jack da dipset's swag like he did money from philly.
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I don't get some of the arguments in here.

People saying 50 was bigger because Wayne has a strong base of people who were annoyed by him. He was annoying because he was so damn huge.

How many times have you heard someone say "Damn 50 is everywhere, I'm sick of his face and his voice on every hot song"? Now replace 50 with Wayne. How many times have you heard that?

joints sold like jordans.
I just realized that my step father or my mother bought GRODT. That CD is in the row with classic artist like Parliment Funkadelics, Patti Labelle, LL Cool J, Queen Latifah, Luther Vandross, Prince, Micheal Jackson, Alicia Keys, Ice Cube

The only rap artist in that house is Pac, Rakim, LL Cool J, Ice Cube and 50. No Nas, No Biggie, No Jay-Z, No Lil Wayne, No Eminem, No Snoop Dogg. But they went and bought 50's album. Crazy :lol:
50, for basically all the same reasons stated already. I was in 7th grade at his height and he had white kids dyinggggg to be black like him, huge jerseys, wife beaters and all. And wayne just made kids want to get piercings.
Definitely disagree . . . To an extent people were already dressing like 50 before 50 . . . but while Kanye and Pharell made it generally more accepted for rappers to wear more fitted clothing, all the regular hood dudes at my school didn't start that **** until Wayne did . . .

From first-hand experience, Wayne is the reason why black kids wore piercings, chucks, Vans, and OD tight (not fitted, I'm dead *** talking skinnys, like form fitting) pastel jeans. Red, Blue, Orange. SMH looking back, that **** was sus as hell
. End of 2007, everyone at my school wore OD baggy ****. Soulja Boy was big around that time lmao. But end of 2008 . . . everyone had piercings, nappy hair, Vans, and skinnys.

Wayne did that.

It's hilarious to watch his style then and consider it tame compared to what he wears now.
Lil Wayne just started dressing like that tho. I don't think Lil Wayne has influenced anybody in terms of fashion. He's been a trend follower his whole life until now. and now he dresses like a clown. Regular kids don't even dress like him now because its so OD.
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