Why am I persecuted for NOT accepting homosexuality..

I didnt read the whole topic, BUT all of you guys not accepting it realise that it is much more than just a sexual act, right?
Just like straight people fall in live with the opposite gender, homosexuals fall in love with the same gender. Its much more than just a sexual attraction, cuz you can differenciate the sexual act from the whole emotional sphere. 
Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

I read the first 2 pages and I'm sure the other 19+ pages are full of sillyputty wearing out his keyboard , anton neglecting his studies to refute everyones point, and anti-gay people using arguments like incest to prove their point. Standard NT homosexuality thread

Good guess

Christianity isnt supposed to be taught in public schools, and homosexuality doesnt have to be either.
But, homosexuality isn't being taught in schools. It's actually being ignored and buried for the most part. Until I started college, I had no idea the impact gay people have had on this country's history. They 'gay' parts of history are ignored during K-12 almost as much as the things that America's ashamed of (save for the Slave Trade, which imo still isn't being taught to the extent it should).
Unfortunately a lot of this country's history is left out of school curriculum's. Thing about homosexuality is it is one of those subjects that will cause a ruffle with the parents and school board. Remember sex ed classes when we were younger? Or the pledge of allegiance issue with the word "God"? Or even people complaining that Christmas break should be changed to winter break? People make big deals out of things like this. I dont see why homosexuality, like religion, even needs to be taught in public schools.

People do make big deals out of trivial things like sex-ed or naming Christmas break. But civil rights is not a little trivial thing.
I think everything should be taught in school, honestly. Including religion, but in an objective way. Like the history of the different beliefs. Will we ever get to that point? Doubt it, but I learned a hell of a lot in one term taking a philosophy class centered on religion. And I think it'd be much easier to implement a section about gay rights at this point, or what the gay community has done to improve the country or fight for equal rights. Just like we teach history about the ways other minority groups have improved our country, or fought for equal rights.
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Originally Posted by Noskey

Good guess

But, homosexuality isn't being taught in schools. It's actually being ignored and buried for the most part. Until I started college, I had no idea the impact gay people have had on this country's history. They 'gay' parts of history are ignored during K-12 almost as much as the things that America's ashamed of (save for the Slave Trade, which imo still isn't being taught to the extent it should).
Unfortunately a lot of this country's history is left out of school curriculum's. Thing about homosexuality is it is one of those subjects that will cause a ruffle with the parents and school board. Remember sex ed classes when we were younger? Or the pledge of allegiance issue with the word "God"? Or even people complaining that Christmas break should be changed to winter break? People make big deals out of things like this. I dont see why homosexuality, like religion, even needs to be taught in public schools.
People do make big deals out of trivial things like sex-ed or naming Christmas break. But civil rights is not a little trivial thing.
I think everything should be taught in school, honestly. Including religion, but in an objective way. Like the history of the different beliefs. Will we ever get to that point? Doubt it, but I learned a hell of a lot in one term taking a philosophy class centered on religion. And I think it'd be much easier to implement a section about gay rights at this point, or what the gay community has done to improve the country or fight for equal rights. Just like we teach history about the ways other minority groups have improved our country, or fought for equal rights.

That would be ideal if all history was taught. You still have many states that have absolutely no recognition of the history of minorities. Many states dont even recognize cinco de mayo or even mlk day. And as far as gay history, it is a very fine line because whether ppl like it or not gay is associated with sex.

With that being said many ppl would argue that it borderlines on sexuality and they dont want sex being talked about/taught in school. To be honest i personally believe that the whole we want to be able to get married isnt about we feel oppressed etc... moreso of I dont care about it but since you got something I dont have I want it to, that and the whole tax/legal benefits involved with a govt. marriage.

And many ppl will argue that no they want it so the can express their love. But thing is its just a piece of paper, govt. recognition isnt needed to achieve this. That goes the same for heterosexual marriages as well. Its all about i wanna get benefits/money just like str8 folks. Nothing more nothing less.

I mean i respect all walks of life, but with so many discriminations against gays from sexual discrimination in workforce etc.. It seems like the focus is on maybe the most unimportant, trivial right being denied as a homosexual in america.

It would be like mlk/panthers etc main agenda was not integration, not eoe, a right to a fair and unbias trial, equal pay for same job so on and so forth. But we want our union of a life-long committed relationship recognized. Again not knocking their plight but I think if I were in their shoes, fair and equal treatment in the workplace. Not being denied/discriminated because of sexual preference would be at the top of the list.

And as ignorant as it may sound this reasoning, alot of ppl dissmay their struggles and plights because of the emphasis on marriage. i happen to just be out and oddly enough this subject came up and many ppl felt/were on the lines of, they only wanna get married for money and benefits and to have some over the top, flashy/grandiosity, spectacle.

Not saying i agree with those sentiments, but from the outside looking in esp.. from a society/media outlet point of view i can see why some would think this way.

Shows like rupaul drag race etc... arent helping, for lack of better words showing sincerity and the image of we just arent flamboyant individuals etc... It be like if all I saw was stereotypical images and media outputs of asians, or spanish speaking ppl, or blacks. I think if they did a little more shows on the serious topics like employment inequality, and discrimination in the workforce etc.. Many of the so called ignorant ppl might would take their cause a little more serious. And this isnt just with homosexuals. This also goes for other minorities to esp. blacks. I mean its kinda hard to convince ppl ok we more then just dancers and athletes, when thats all you put out there for ppl to see. Kinda hard to sell ppl on we are civil ppl when you are constantly showing uncivilized ppl on sites like wshh.
Originally Posted by Oe3x

I like to thank the OP for making this thread. Finally there are still people on this earth with some "sense"
I too noticed the media is shoving homosexuality more and more into our programming.
It's funny if you don't accept it you're called a "hater"
First thing first... dont try to compare racial inequality to homosexual rights because they are totally different.

I seriously can't fathom how a non-gay male can actually stick up for gays. Why? What's the gain?
BET won't show any uplifting black shows (word to menace to society on Christmas day)
On tv they show more and more women being usely objects of society
Students come out of college with huge debt and no job....

But oh wait, more important issue... a guy kissing another guy and you say "im ok with that... it's there life"

Welcome to the generation"i dont care" ...next stop "get over it" town on your left.
/end rant
yall dudes gettin real hurt over opinions

race is not equal to sexuality... i hate these dudes pointing minority rights like its the same thing.

my take on the whole situation : i really dont care, nor do i have hope for this country. i dont give a *@!+ what these fools marry now. @%#% they can get with bambi for all i care.

legalize weed and leave me the hell alone. gays/******s yall can marry each other. if your attracted to animals, go find a significant other at the spca. if your down to get down with your pops, get your johnson on.. 
i dont care anymore.   
Originally Posted by throwedyonasb

yall dudes gettin real hurt over opinions

race is not equal to sexuality... i hate these dudes pointing minority rights like its the same thing.

my take on the whole situation : i really dont care, nor do i have hope for this country. i dont give a *@!+ what these fools marry now. @%#% they can get with bambi for all i care.

legalize weed and leave me the hell alone. gays/******s yall can marry each other. if your attracted to animals, go find a significant other at the spca. if your down to get down with your pops, get your johnson on.. 
i dont care anymore.   
its not tho.. trust me, i dont wish anything other than happiness in peoples lives... and if being with another person of the same gender makes you happy, than by all means be gay.

but dont call it like sexuality = race
gays have never been used as slaves like blacks and other minorities. stop trollin b.. the whole gay community needs to stop trollin with that one. 

im not against their movement, id just rather not have them try to teach homosexuality like its normal. in my book, its just as normal as %*!%+!* animals.
Originally Posted by 6 got dem handlez

Why do you feel you're EVEN entitled to NOT "accept" homosexuality as if it's socially inferior?

So what ur sayin is homosexuality is socially SUPERIOR then...heh, guessThat kid that tossed himself over da GWB cuz he was filmed gettin it inWith another male did so cuz he lost his balance...
Originally Posted by 6 got dem handlez

Why do you feel you're EVEN entitled to NOT "accept" homosexuality as if it's socially inferior?
Pot calls kettle black. Weren't you the one who told their girlfriend that she was inferior to some girl that they saw on the street ? What gives you the right to tell someone that ?
You cannot force something on someone. If they dont agree with it they just  dont agree with it. They just have to be tolerant,  but dont go trying to push it in peoples face "like yeah eat that $@!%". People seem to have forgotten  "I disapprove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it". If you force it on people then America is longer what it suppose to be. These days more important issues which people should be worrying about they arent focusing on (like how America is becoming a police state).
Originally Posted by throwedyonasb

its not tho.. trust me, i dont wish anything other than happiness in peoples lives... and if being with another person of the same gender Blacks makes you happy, than by all means be gay with Blacks.

DO WE SEE WHERE WE"RE WRONG HERE?  What would be the difference? Both are out of the control of the individuals involved...

but dont call it like sexuality = race...

Yes they are two different struggles, NO +!#%.. Were the struggles of the Israelite the same as the struggles of the Koreans during Japanese Occupation...

NO but were they struggles on the strength of each.... YESSSSSS

gays blacks have never been used and religiously persecuted as slaves like white protestant were in Europe blacks and other minorities. stop trollin b.. the whole gay black community needs to stop trollin with that one.

Yeah it's never a big deal when you're the one doing the persecution

im not against their movement, id just rather not have them try to teach homosexuality   INTERACIAL MARRIAGE like its normal. in my book, its just as normal as %*!%+!* animals.

DO WE SEE NOW? How easily that can be flipped...

Until you come to grips with the fact that homosexuals are being discriminated against I don't know what to tell you..

What funny in your last statement is that there's people that say that if you have intercourse with black people it's the same as with animals too..

And in the next sentence they'll say what you said at the top and deny racism all day..


Who's the TROLL?
foxdawg2000 wrote:
Originally Posted by throwedyonasb

its not tho.. trust me, i dont wish anything other than happiness in peoples lives... and if being with another person of the same gender Blacks makes you happy, than by all means be gay with Blacks.

DO WE SEE WHERE WE"RE WRONG HERE?  What would be the difference? Both are out of the control of the individuals involved...

Well depending on who you ask. If your looking at sole purpose reasoning for sex then it is a huge difference. Sex/relationships ultimately is meant for procreation.  Its not about a religious belief its simply what it is. So ppl who believe relationships/sex is only suppose to be for procreation then yes it would be different.

but dont call it like sexuality = race...

Yes they are two different struggles, NO +!#%.. Were the struggles of the Israelite the same as the struggles of the Koreans during Japanese Occupation...

NO but were they struggles on the strength of each.... YESSSSSS

gays blacks have never been used and religiously persecuted as slaves like white protestant were in Europe blacks and other minorities. stop trollin b.. the whole gay black community needs to stop trollin with that one.

Yeah it's never a big deal when you're the one doing the persecution

Um thats not true the underlying tool to control the african slaves was taking away their teachings such as math/phonics/science and replacing it with force fed christianity.

im not against their movement, id just rather not have them try to teach homosexuality   INTERACIAL MARRIAGE like its normal. in my book, its just as normal as %*!%+!* animals.

DO WE SEE NOW? How easily that can be flipped...

Not really because the premise of relationships/marriage is to create life, according to some that is. So regardless of race two opposite sex ppl can create life. Whereas regardless of race two same sex ppl cannot. Same as a person and a animal cannot create life. But if ppl want to get away from the old and archaic ways then it should be done all across the board period. Anyone should be allowed to have a relationship with anyone so long as all parties are in agreement.

Until you come to grips with the fact that homosexuals are being discriminated against I don't know what to tell you..

I would hope no one is that ignorant to honestly believe homosexuals arent being discriminated against.

What funny in your last statement is that there's people that say that if you have intercourse with black people it's the same as with animals too..

But thats different because its just simply ignorance. But to state that same sex sex, and homosexual sex is the same is also ignorant. One can and is used for procreation/life the other is nothing more then pure enjoyment. Regardless of race the end results is it can be used as a means of procreation. Not saying that sex just for enjoyment is wrong, but as alot of ppl said why limit it to just homosexual sex.

And in the next sentence they'll say what you said at the top and deny racism all day..


Who's the TROLL?
Really the create life argument? With that logic women or men who can not have children shouldn't be allowed to get married either right? I mean why get in a relationship/marriage if you not creating life?

"According to some" is not according to ALL. You should see where that argument fails from the jump.
i find it to be disgusting ..... i believe that homosexuality should be ignored... if your gay , so what. I dont care for their supposed rights or desires. It means nothing to me.

If they want to marry go ahead.... Im not religious so the act wouldnt bother me.... If they do decide to get married i think they shouldnt be allowed to be divorced.

It aint like them getting married will stop my P flow or turn me gay... i just find it disturbing that gays always want to promote being gay while straight people just live straight...
Originally Posted by devildog1776

If they want to marry go ahead.... Im not religious so the act wouldnt bother me.... If they do decide to get married i think they shouldnt be allowed to be divorced.

Originally Posted by devildog1776

i just find it disturbing that gays always want to promote being gay while straight people just live straight...

at gays promoting being homosexual and straight people not doing the same.
No one's parents (including same sex couples) send their children to summer camp to turn them gay
Originally Posted by devildog1776

i find it to be disgusting ..... i believe that homosexuality should be ignored... if your gay , so what. I dont care for their supposed rights or desires. It means nothing to me.

If they want to marry go ahead.... Im not religious so the act wouldnt bother me.... If they do decide to get married i think they shouldnt be allowed to be divorced.

It aint like them getting married will stop my P flow or turn me gay... i just find it disturbing that gays always want to promote being gay while straight people just live straight...
I imagine that people that are "disgusted" by homosexuality aren't going to turn away in disgust if they see two beautiful girls going at it.

Once again, I am having trouble figuring out if people are being sincere or trolling, because I seriously don't believe that anyone can be earnest and have this line of thought.
Holy crap.... this is the most ignorant idiotic post I have EVER saw on NT. Literally left me speechless.

NT is turning into a cesspool of everyone's regrets, inner thoughts, etc. I blame the mods and admins for nitpicking on users who name call and post dumb gifs but leave these big 30+ page topics that promote hate, racism, sexism, ignorance, propaganda, etc.

If the OP is black I am truly baffled.

It's about civil rights. No one is flaunting homosexuality in your face. It's about the right to live your life the same as a staight man or woman. How this is lost on anyone is beyond me.

Ninjahood, +%* does a man throwing himself off a bridge because of the shame he had from filming a sextape with another man have to do with anything? That shows how oppressed gays really have it.
I'm black and agree with op, so what, FOH.

If my moral perception doesn't align with yours it doesn't make you right or me wrong.

At the end of the day, it's something everyone won't agree on and probably never will. Alot of people don't agree with interracial marriage but the world keeps turning. It is what it is.

Honestly, gay rights is much more comparable to women's rights than civil rights because I don't recall gays being chained, beaten, used for their labor then disposed of, considered 3/5 of a man, restricted to their schools/water fountains, told to get to the back of the bus, denied medical assistance, lynched, burned, sprayed with fire hoses, attacked by dogs, killed on sight etc...you get the point.
Originally Posted by AceBoogie

I'm black and agree with op, so what, FOH.

If my moral perception doesn't align with yours it doesn't make you right or me wrong.

At the end of the day, it's something everyone won't agree on and probably never will.

Honestly, gay rights is much more comparable to women's rights than civil rights because I don't recall gays being chained, beaten, used for their labor then disposed of, considered 3/5 of a man, restricted to their schools/water fountains, told to get to the back of the bus, denied medical assistance, lynched, burned, sprayed with fire hoses, attacked by dogs, killed on sight etc...you get the point.
Who cares about the extent, though. It's all about equality in the end, and not denying peoples' rights. If you want to hate gay people, go ahead, no one is trying to make you like them, but once you deny people rights, that is when people take issue.
Homosexuality has existed since man existed, there is evidence of it in the animal world. Just get over it. No one shoves it down your throat. If two people want to come together as a union, who cares if they term it marriage. People all deserve to be happy. If being committed thru a legal bond is available to one, it needs to be there for all.

Edit: Also this idea that it's immoral. Homosexuality pre-dates religion. According to hardline religion(s) sex should only be used as a vehicle to pro-create, not to gain enjoyment from. Therefore, homosexual acts are purely for pleasure. So each time you have sex with your GF using a contraceptive, you're not following your morals.
IMO homosexuality isn't for YOU to accept. Might as well open the flood gates with that thinking you have to ACCEPT what others choose to be or do. It's like saying I don't ACCEPT that you're black, mexican, etc.

ehh. let them boys and girls cook.
just by going off the title of thread, the issue isn't so much whether you accept gays or not, its the people with power who restrict their ability to live their lives the way they want, as opposed to just ignoring it and focusing on more relevant matters of society.
I have no problem with polygamy honestly as long as they're consenting adults...even though it would be legally unprecedented and would uproot the tax code...

I have no problem with incest as long as they're consenting adults and know the heightened genetic risks.

I have a problem with bestiality as other species have no verifiable way of granting consent.

BUT...Gays can't do ANY of these things.

which is ultimately why I don't understand the concept of marriage in the first place. I'm against ALL forms of marriage because its a stupid concept at the end of the day. Society is moving past it.
Originally Posted by AceBoogie

I'm black and agree with op, so what, FOH.

If my moral perception doesn't align with yours it doesn't make you right or me wrong.

At the end of the day, it's something everyone won't agree on and probably never will. Alot of people don't agree with interracial marriage but the world keeps turning. It is what it is.

Honestly, gay rights is much more comparable to women's rights than civil rights because I don't recall gays being chained, beaten, used for their labor then disposed of, considered 3/5 of a man, restricted to their schools/water fountains, told to get to the back of the bus, denied medical assistance, lynched, burned, sprayed with fire hoses, attacked by dogs, killed on sight etc...you get the point.
Gay rights and women rights both fall under the umbrella of CIVIL RIGHTS. Civil rights does NOT mean black rights. The civil rights movement was for EQUALITY for all and during MLK's time the biggest and most obvious inequality was along racial lines. You guys said it yourself, you can't HIDE the color of your skin. Don't get it twisted though, the civil rights movement was NEVER about just black people and maybe the faster you guys drop that ridiculous distinction the faster you guys realize this is about equality.

Look up Bayard Rustin.
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