Why aren't people buying the Verizon iPhone?

Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

Originally Posted by Bozo7000

Because if your coming from an android phone, the iphone feels like you've taken a step back in technology.

I've had 3 co-workers who admit this to me when they switched from the EVO to the iphone 4 for verizon. I just shurg them cause they are all followers, that buy cause of hype. I can't wait till Verizon really screws them over i just laugh in their faces.

what is this hype you guys keep mentioning? as if android phones arent hyped 
 "dont worry.. this next HTC is going to be the next iphone killer!!"
& you sit there and laugh at them because "they took a step back in technology"? boy, please.. these are just cellphones were talking about here.
Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

Originally Posted by Bozo7000

Because if your coming from an android phone, the iphone feels like you've taken a step back in technology.

I've had 3 co-workers who admit this to me when they switched from the EVO to the iphone 4 for verizon. I just shurg them cause they are all followers, that buy cause of hype. I can't wait till Verizon really screws them over i just laugh in their faces.

what is this hype you guys keep mentioning? as if android phones arent hyped 
 "dont worry.. this next HTC is going to be the next iphone killer!!"
& you sit there and laugh at them because "they took a step back in technology"? boy, please.. these are just cellphones were talking about here.
Originally Posted by freezuh

Usainbolt do you work for apple? srs
same tired comment over & over
yall get mad at him for posting up articles from the same website as boost.. 
*in b4 someone asks me if im usainbolt's coworker*
Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

Originally Posted by Bozo7000

Because if your coming from an android phone, the iphone feels like you've taken a step back in technology.

I've had 3 co-workers who admit this to me when they switched from the EVO to the iphone 4 for verizon. I just shurg them cause they are all followers, that buy cause of hype. I can't wait till Verizon really screws them over i just laugh in their faces.

what is this hype you guys keep mentioning? as if android phones arent hyped 
 "dont worry.. this next HTC is going to be the next iphone killer!!"
& you sit there and laugh at them because "they took a step back in technology"? boy, please.. these are just cellphones were talking about here.
no one on da android side even thinking about da iphone at this point
we too busy sharping sword against sword vs other android devices..

and just cellphones? i think we're way past that at this point.
Originally Posted by freezuh

Usainbolt do you work for apple? srs
same tired comment over & over
yall get mad at him for posting up articles from the same website as boost.. 
*in b4 someone asks me if im usainbolt's coworker*
Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

Originally Posted by Bozo7000

Because if your coming from an android phone, the iphone feels like you've taken a step back in technology.

I've had 3 co-workers who admit this to me when they switched from the EVO to the iphone 4 for verizon. I just shurg them cause they are all followers, that buy cause of hype. I can't wait till Verizon really screws them over i just laugh in their faces.

what is this hype you guys keep mentioning? as if android phones arent hyped 
 "dont worry.. this next HTC is going to be the next iphone killer!!"
& you sit there and laugh at them because "they took a step back in technology"? boy, please.. these are just cellphones were talking about here.
no one on da android side even thinking about da iphone at this point
we too busy sharping sword against sword vs other android devices..

and just cellphones? i think we're way past that at this point.
Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

Bozo7000 said:
Because if your coming from an android phone, the iphone feels like you've taken a step back in technology.

I've had 3 co-workers who admit this to me when they switched from the EVO to the iphone 4 for verizon. I just shurg them cause they are all followers, that buy cause of hype. I can't wait till Verizon really screws them over i just laugh in their faces.
If that were the case, it would be the other way around.
Originally Posted by Alchemist IQ

Bozo7000 said:
Because if your coming from an android phone, the iphone feels like you've taken a step back in technology.

I've had 3 co-workers who admit this to me when they switched from the EVO to the iphone 4 for verizon. I just shurg them cause they are all followers, that buy cause of hype. I can't wait till Verizon really screws them over i just laugh in their faces.
If that were the case, it would be the other way around.
Originally Posted by proper english

^ FTR.. yall hyped me intobuying the Atrix
.. had to burn $ for the restock fee after 2 days 
and what was your qualm with this atrix?
Originally Posted by proper english

^ FTR.. yall hyped me intobuying the Atrix
.. had to burn $ for the restock fee after 2 days 
and what was your qualm with this atrix?
the majority of the apps i dled werent in HD, browsing/scrolling/touchscreen was choppy/laggy, & videocalling/tango didnt work at the time amongst other things...
i wouldve probably stuck with it if my iphone4 wasnt jailbroken (drag down notifications
the majority of the apps i dled werent in HD, browsing/scrolling/touchscreen was choppy/laggy, & videocalling/tango didnt work at the time amongst other things...
i wouldve probably stuck with it if my iphone4 wasnt jailbroken (drag down notifications
Its funny how this thread was a clear hate thread based of 0 facts. Android fanboys never cease to amaze me. You guys literally are the dumbest fanboys I have ever encountered. Seriously you claim the iPhone isnt selling well on Verizon when it is the BEST selling phone on verizon right now. Than you have the arguments that the iPhone is "outdated" when in reality ALL THE BEST APPLICATIONS ARE ON THE IPHONE. If the iPhone is really so garbage why is everyone developing for iPhone and not for android? Seriously you guys lack simple logic and are so brainwashed beyond anything else. Its sad that you have to make thread just to tell yourself android is winning when android is clearly not.
Its funny how this thread was a clear hate thread based of 0 facts. Android fanboys never cease to amaze me. You guys literally are the dumbest fanboys I have ever encountered. Seriously you claim the iPhone isnt selling well on Verizon when it is the BEST selling phone on verizon right now. Than you have the arguments that the iPhone is "outdated" when in reality ALL THE BEST APPLICATIONS ARE ON THE IPHONE. If the iPhone is really so garbage why is everyone developing for iPhone and not for android? Seriously you guys lack simple logic and are so brainwashed beyond anything else. Its sad that you have to make thread just to tell yourself android is winning when android is clearly not.
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Its funny how this thread was a clear hate thread based of 0 facts. Android fanboys never cease to amaze me. You guys literally are the dumbest fanboys I have ever encountered. Seriously you claim the iPhone isnt selling well on Verizon when it is the BEST selling phone on verizon right now. Than you have the arguments that the iPhone is "outdated" when in reality ALL THE BEST APPLICATIONS ARE ON THE IPHONE. If the iPhone is really so garbage why is everyone developing for iPhone and not for android? Seriously you guys lack simple logic and are so brainwashed beyond anything else. Its sad that you have to make thread just to tell yourself android is winning when android is clearly not.

Until the iPhone gets Flash (which will never happen), it is outdated. Go ahead and play the HTML 5 card. Android supports that, too.
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