Why aren't people buying the Verizon iPhone?

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Its funny how this thread was a clear hate thread based of 0 facts. Android fanboys never cease to amaze me. You guys literally are the dumbest fanboys I have ever encountered. Seriously you claim the iPhone isnt selling well on Verizon when it is the BEST selling phone on verizon right now. Than you have the arguments that the iPhone is "outdated" when in reality ALL THE BEST APPLICATIONS ARE ON THE IPHONE. If the iPhone is really so garbage why is everyone developing for iPhone and not for android? Seriously you guys lack simple logic and are so brainwashed beyond anything else. Its sad that you have to make thread just to tell yourself android is winning when android is clearly not.

Until the iPhone gets Flash (which will never happen), it is outdated. Go ahead and play the HTML 5 card. Android supports that, too.
Can't wait for the Thunderbolt.
I don't have one because I'm waiting for the LTE version and one with talk/data simultaneous usage.
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Its funny how this thread was a clear hate thread based of 0 facts. Android fanboys never cease to amaze me. You guys literally are the dumbest fanboys I have ever encountered. Seriously you claim the iPhone isnt selling well on Verizon when it is the BEST selling phone on verizon right now. Than you have the arguments that the iPhone is "outdated" when in reality ALL THE BEST APPLICATIONS ARE ON THE IPHONE. If the iPhone is really so garbage why is everyone developing for iPhone and not for android? Seriously you guys lack simple logic and are so brainwashed beyond anything else. Its sad that you have to make thread just to tell yourself android is winning when android is clearly not.

Until the iPhone gets Flash (which will never happen), it is outdated. Go ahead and play the HTML 5 card. Android supports that, too.
What exactly do you need flash on your phone for? To play games? iPhone has better games than any Flash website out. To watch videos? iPhone has youtube app, Netflix app, Hulu app, VOD support should be coming from Comcast and others, websites like Adult Swim have already ported their video librarys to iphone apps. Which exact sites do you use Flash for?
I don't have one because I'm waiting for the LTE version and one with talk/data simultaneous usage.
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Its funny how this thread was a clear hate thread based of 0 facts. Android fanboys never cease to amaze me. You guys literally are the dumbest fanboys I have ever encountered. Seriously you claim the iPhone isnt selling well on Verizon when it is the BEST selling phone on verizon right now. Than you have the arguments that the iPhone is "outdated" when in reality ALL THE BEST APPLICATIONS ARE ON THE IPHONE. If the iPhone is really so garbage why is everyone developing for iPhone and not for android? Seriously you guys lack simple logic and are so brainwashed beyond anything else. Its sad that you have to make thread just to tell yourself android is winning when android is clearly not.

Until the iPhone gets Flash (which will never happen), it is outdated. Go ahead and play the HTML 5 card. Android supports that, too.
What exactly do you need flash on your phone for? To play games? iPhone has better games than any Flash website out. To watch videos? iPhone has youtube app, Netflix app, Hulu app, VOD support should be coming from Comcast and others, websites like Adult Swim have already ported their video librarys to iphone apps. Which exact sites do you use Flash for?
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Its funny how this thread was a clear hate thread based of 0 facts. Android fanboys never cease to amaze me. You guys literally are the dumbest fanboys I have ever encountered. Seriously you claim the iPhone isnt selling well on Verizon when it is the BEST selling phone on verizon right now. Than you have the arguments that the iPhone is "outdated" when in reality ALL THE BEST APPLICATIONS ARE ON THE IPHONE. If the iPhone is really so garbage why is everyone developing for iPhone and not for android? Seriously you guys lack simple logic and are so brainwashed beyond anything else. Its sad that you have to make thread just to tell yourself android is winning when android is clearly not.

Until the iPhone gets Flash (which will never happen), it is outdated. Go ahead and play the HTML 5 card. Android supports that, too.

and as far as developers "clamoring" over IOS vs android its pretty simple... financial incentive

there are alot more dumb people coppin crap on da itunes market so its pretty easy selling em stuff..its like shooting fish in da barrel...any savy phone user (basically most of da

android community) forgoes buying anything that they can either A. get for free B. get hacked or brewed from da xda community.

there's also a better system when it comes to ads on google which let's alot of apps with ad becomes free....and PAID apps are also cheaper on android VS iphone and are mirror

images of eachother.

once da apple iphone whorez itself out on all da providers, its mystique and exclusivity will be gone..leaviing it to stand on its technical specs legs.....and we all know apple

ain't about that life. 

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Its funny how this thread was a clear hate thread based of 0 facts. Android fanboys never cease to amaze me. You guys literally are the dumbest fanboys I have ever encountered. Seriously you claim the iPhone isnt selling well on Verizon when it is the BEST selling phone on verizon right now. Than you have the arguments that the iPhone is "outdated" when in reality ALL THE BEST APPLICATIONS ARE ON THE IPHONE. If the iPhone is really so garbage why is everyone developing for iPhone and not for android? Seriously you guys lack simple logic and are so brainwashed beyond anything else. Its sad that you have to make thread just to tell yourself android is winning when android is clearly not.

Until the iPhone gets Flash (which will never happen), it is outdated. Go ahead and play the HTML 5 card. Android supports that, too.

and as far as developers "clamoring" over IOS vs android its pretty simple... financial incentive

there are alot more dumb people coppin crap on da itunes market so its pretty easy selling em stuff..its like shooting fish in da barrel...any savy phone user (basically most of da

android community) forgoes buying anything that they can either A. get for free B. get hacked or brewed from da xda community.

there's also a better system when it comes to ads on google which let's alot of apps with ad becomes free....and PAID apps are also cheaper on android VS iphone and are mirror

images of eachother.

once da apple iphone whorez itself out on all da providers, its mystique and exclusivity will be gone..leaviing it to stand on its technical specs legs.....and we all know apple

ain't about that life. 

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Its funny how this thread was a clear hate thread based of 0 facts. Android fanboys never cease to amaze me. You guys literally are the dumbest fanboys I have ever encountered. Seriously you claim the iPhone isnt selling well on Verizon when it is the BEST selling phone on verizon right now. Than you have the arguments that the iPhone is "outdated" when in reality ALL THE BEST APPLICATIONS ARE ON THE IPHONE. If the iPhone is really so garbage why is everyone developing for iPhone and not for android? Seriously you guys lack simple logic and are so brainwashed beyond anything else. Its sad that you have to make thread just to tell yourself android is winning when android is clearly not.

Until the iPhone gets Flash (which will never happen), it is outdated. Go ahead and play the HTML 5 card. Android supports that, too.

iphone hasnt had flash in 4-5 years, and you're right, it never will. fact is, it hasnt been a breaking point stopping people from buying it. if anything, it causes flash to become the outdated platform being that companies on a promotional level don't want to miss out on reaching mobile consumers because they don't have flash on their phone. only people really mad are the flash developers, but they're still doing fine, they werent focused on mobile in the first place. 
the only flash sites people are missing are the promotional monsters featured on thefwa, flash streaming video sites, and flash gaming sites. besides that, theres really no other reason to have your site built in flash. developers know this, companies are learning this, and consumers are adjusting to this. certain experiences are better on the desktop than mobile, and flash is one of them. 

that being said, i wouldn't mind it at all if flash was on the iphone, especially the ipad. but its not a dealbreaker. 
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Its funny how this thread was a clear hate thread based of 0 facts. Android fanboys never cease to amaze me. You guys literally are the dumbest fanboys I have ever encountered. Seriously you claim the iPhone isnt selling well on Verizon when it is the BEST selling phone on verizon right now. Than you have the arguments that the iPhone is "outdated" when in reality ALL THE BEST APPLICATIONS ARE ON THE IPHONE. If the iPhone is really so garbage why is everyone developing for iPhone and not for android? Seriously you guys lack simple logic and are so brainwashed beyond anything else. Its sad that you have to make thread just to tell yourself android is winning when android is clearly not.

Until the iPhone gets Flash (which will never happen), it is outdated. Go ahead and play the HTML 5 card. Android supports that, too.

iphone hasnt had flash in 4-5 years, and you're right, it never will. fact is, it hasnt been a breaking point stopping people from buying it. if anything, it causes flash to become the outdated platform being that companies on a promotional level don't want to miss out on reaching mobile consumers because they don't have flash on their phone. only people really mad are the flash developers, but they're still doing fine, they werent focused on mobile in the first place. 
the only flash sites people are missing are the promotional monsters featured on thefwa, flash streaming video sites, and flash gaming sites. besides that, theres really no other reason to have your site built in flash. developers know this, companies are learning this, and consumers are adjusting to this. certain experiences are better on the desktop than mobile, and flash is one of them. 

that being said, i wouldn't mind it at all if flash was on the iphone, especially the ipad. but its not a dealbreaker. 
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Its funny how this thread was a clear hate thread based of 0 facts. Android fanboys never cease to amaze me. You guys literally are the dumbest fanboys I have ever encountered. Seriously you claim the iPhone isnt selling well on Verizon when it is the BEST selling phone on verizon right now. Than you have the arguments that the iPhone is "outdated" when in reality ALL THE BEST APPLICATIONS ARE ON THE IPHONE. If the iPhone is really so garbage why is everyone developing for iPhone and not for android? Seriously you guys lack simple logic and are so brainwashed beyond anything else. Its sad that you have to make thread just to tell yourself android is winning when android is clearly not.

Until the iPhone gets Flash (which will never happen), it is outdated. Go ahead and play the HTML 5 card. Android supports that, too.

and as far as developers "clamoring" over IOS vs android its pretty simple... financial incentive

there are alot more dumb people coppin crap on da itunes market so its pretty easy selling em stuff..its like shooting fish in da barrel...any savy phone user (basically most of da

android community) forgoes buying anything that they can either A. get for free B. get hacked or brewed from da xda community.

there's also a better system when it comes to ads on google which let's alot of apps with ad becomes free....and PAID apps are also cheaper on android VS iphone and are mirror

images of eachother.

once da apple iphone whorez itself out on all da providers, its mystique and exclusivity will be gone..leaviing it to stand on its technical specs legs.....and we all know apple

ain't about that life. 

So how do you explain the free Apps like Netflix, Skype (the real skype not that voip bs), and Hulu that are yet to be on Android marketplace? What financial incentive is android lacking?
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Its funny how this thread was a clear hate thread based of 0 facts. Android fanboys never cease to amaze me. You guys literally are the dumbest fanboys I have ever encountered. Seriously you claim the iPhone isnt selling well on Verizon when it is the BEST selling phone on verizon right now. Than you have the arguments that the iPhone is "outdated" when in reality ALL THE BEST APPLICATIONS ARE ON THE IPHONE. If the iPhone is really so garbage why is everyone developing for iPhone and not for android? Seriously you guys lack simple logic and are so brainwashed beyond anything else. Its sad that you have to make thread just to tell yourself android is winning when android is clearly not.

Until the iPhone gets Flash (which will never happen), it is outdated. Go ahead and play the HTML 5 card. Android supports that, too.

and as far as developers "clamoring" over IOS vs android its pretty simple... financial incentive

there are alot more dumb people coppin crap on da itunes market so its pretty easy selling em stuff..its like shooting fish in da barrel...any savy phone user (basically most of da

android community) forgoes buying anything that they can either A. get for free B. get hacked or brewed from da xda community.

there's also a better system when it comes to ads on google which let's alot of apps with ad becomes free....and PAID apps are also cheaper on android VS iphone and are mirror

images of eachother.

once da apple iphone whorez itself out on all da providers, its mystique and exclusivity will be gone..leaviing it to stand on its technical specs legs.....and we all know apple

ain't about that life. 

So how do you explain the free Apps like Netflix, Skype (the real skype not that voip bs), and Hulu that are yet to be on Android marketplace? What financial incentive is android lacking?
Originally Posted by neverflopped

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Crispy Cream

Originally Posted by JordanFean23

Because we have android phones =)

2 of my cousins on verizon have a droid X and droid 2...i asked them if they wanted da iphone 4..their response?

lol. I had a droid but when it broke 2 weeks ago (4th droid since last november ) but I was able to have them send me a droid x without upgrading or renewing my contract. I believe my contract ends in may. I might get the iphone or see if any new windows mobile phones drop. From having windows mobile smart phones for 4 years before getting the droid...there's no way I can consider android a "smartphone".
LMAO, are you really comparing windows mobile to android?  What do you consider it? 
Originally Posted by neverflopped

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Crispy Cream

Originally Posted by JordanFean23

Because we have android phones =)

2 of my cousins on verizon have a droid X and droid 2...i asked them if they wanted da iphone 4..their response?

lol. I had a droid but when it broke 2 weeks ago (4th droid since last november ) but I was able to have them send me a droid x without upgrading or renewing my contract. I believe my contract ends in may. I might get the iphone or see if any new windows mobile phones drop. From having windows mobile smart phones for 4 years before getting the droid...there's no way I can consider android a "smartphone".
LMAO, are you really comparing windows mobile to android?  What do you consider it? 
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Its funny how this thread was a clear hate thread based of 0 facts. Android fanboys never cease to amaze me. You guys literally are the dumbest fanboys I have ever encountered. Seriously you claim the iPhone isnt selling well on Verizon when it is the BEST selling phone on verizon right now. Than you have the arguments that the iPhone is "outdated" when in reality ALL THE BEST APPLICATIONS ARE ON THE IPHONE. If the iPhone is really so garbage why is everyone developing for iPhone and not for android? Seriously you guys lack simple logic and are so brainwashed beyond anything else. Its sad that you have to make thread just to tell yourself android is winning when android is clearly not.

Until the iPhone gets Flash (which will never happen), it is outdated. Go ahead and play the HTML 5 card. Android supports that, too.
What exactly do you need flash on your phone for? To play games? iPhone has better games than any Flash website out. To watch videos? iPhone has youtube app, Netflix app, Hulu app, VOD support should be coming from Comcast and others, websites like Adult Swim have already ported their video librarys to iphone apps. Which exact sites do you use Flash for?
stopped reading right there...

free flash games >> overpriced itune games

flash isn't going anywhere....and da more android phones come with flash da more iphone looks stupid for never having it.
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Its funny how this thread was a clear hate thread based of 0 facts. Android fanboys never cease to amaze me. You guys literally are the dumbest fanboys I have ever encountered. Seriously you claim the iPhone isnt selling well on Verizon when it is the BEST selling phone on verizon right now. Than you have the arguments that the iPhone is "outdated" when in reality ALL THE BEST APPLICATIONS ARE ON THE IPHONE. If the iPhone is really so garbage why is everyone developing for iPhone and not for android? Seriously you guys lack simple logic and are so brainwashed beyond anything else. Its sad that you have to make thread just to tell yourself android is winning when android is clearly not.

Until the iPhone gets Flash (which will never happen), it is outdated. Go ahead and play the HTML 5 card. Android supports that, too.
What exactly do you need flash on your phone for? To play games? iPhone has better games than any Flash website out. To watch videos? iPhone has youtube app, Netflix app, Hulu app, VOD support should be coming from Comcast and others, websites like Adult Swim have already ported their video librarys to iphone apps. Which exact sites do you use Flash for?
stopped reading right there...

free flash games >> overpriced itune games

flash isn't going anywhere....and da more android phones come with flash da more iphone looks stupid for never having it.
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