Why aren't people buying the Verizon iPhone?

Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by aepps20

Can't wait for the Thunderbolt.
not looking good

[h4]HTC Thunderbolt said to have terrible battery life, might explain delay?[/h4]
By Chris Ziegler posted Feb 25th 2011 7:42PM

We're hearing from... well, let's call them "people familiar with the matter" that HTC's Thunderbolt -- a phone that's supposed to be Verizon's first with LTE -- is experiencing positively miserable battery life that's making it difficult for testers to avoid carrying a second phone around as a backup. How bad? Two to three hours from full to empty in some cases. Of course, we wouldn't be surprised if battery life was really bad with the LTE radio left on -- the EVO 4G wasn't much different at launch with WiMAX lit up -- but the word on the street is that the power situation is largely responsible for the delays we've been seeing. In fact, our source tells us the phone is currently working on its sixth retail delay at the moment. More on this situation as we get it.

Update: We've just heard from another trusted tipster that there's definitely a new firmware in the works to address battery life and signal issues (which -- you guessed it -- are interrelated). Thanks, HTC Kid!

i guess usainboltisfast

forgets that android has N64, and PSX emulators that can do all that pretty bullish for free too huh

c'mon son....you know good and well you can't defeat a ARMY of android phones VS 1 iphone in various states of suckage (2g, 3g, 3gs, 4)

i guess usainboltisfast

forgets that android has N64, and PSX emulators that can do all that pretty bullish for free too huh

c'mon son....you know good and well you can't defeat a ARMY of android phones VS 1 iphone in various states of suckage (2g, 3g, 3gs, 4)

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Its funny how this thread was a clear hate thread based of 0 facts. Android fanboys never cease to amaze me. You guys literally are the dumbest fanboys I have ever encountered. Seriously you claim the iPhone isnt selling well on Verizon when it is the BEST selling phone on verizon right now. Than you have the arguments that the iPhone is "outdated" when in reality ALL THE BEST APPLICATIONS ARE ON THE IPHONE. If the iPhone is really so garbage why is everyone developing for iPhone and not for android? Seriously you guys lack simple logic and are so brainwashed beyond anything else. Its sad that you have to make thread just to tell yourself android is winning when android is clearly not.

Until the iPhone gets Flash (which will never happen), it is outdated. Go ahead and play the HTML 5 card. Android supports that, too.
What exactly do you need flash on your phone for? To play games? iPhone has better games than any Flash website out. To watch videos? iPhone has youtube app, Netflix app, Hulu app, VOD support should be coming from Comcast and others, websites like Adult Swim have already ported their video librarys to iphone apps. Which exact sites do you use Flash for?
stopped reading right there...

free flash games >> overpriced itune games

Well iono about that. I understand the need for Flash and all, but both are a tossup. There are free Flash games that are better than iPhone games and iPhone games that are better than Flash games.
No way there are any flash games competing with any top tier iphone game. they are porting FF III to iPhone, Marvel vs Capcom 3, Fight Night Champion, and a slew of other big name titles to iPhone.

I'm sorry, but because it's on an iPhone, the controls will suck, causing the gameplay to decrease dramatically. I mean, have you played SF4 on the iPhone?

Have heard mixed reviews on SF4 not a fighting game guy myself but that was literally Capcoms first real game on iOS and came out almost a year ago. The games have been getting a LOT better since then and control schemes have been getting better. The biggest thing that is messing with controls is the lack of screen space but a 4 inch iPhone would allow for more screen real estate.
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Its funny how this thread was a clear hate thread based of 0 facts. Android fanboys never cease to amaze me. You guys literally are the dumbest fanboys I have ever encountered. Seriously you claim the iPhone isnt selling well on Verizon when it is the BEST selling phone on verizon right now. Than you have the arguments that the iPhone is "outdated" when in reality ALL THE BEST APPLICATIONS ARE ON THE IPHONE. If the iPhone is really so garbage why is everyone developing for iPhone and not for android? Seriously you guys lack simple logic and are so brainwashed beyond anything else. Its sad that you have to make thread just to tell yourself android is winning when android is clearly not.

Until the iPhone gets Flash (which will never happen), it is outdated. Go ahead and play the HTML 5 card. Android supports that, too.
What exactly do you need flash on your phone for? To play games? iPhone has better games than any Flash website out. To watch videos? iPhone has youtube app, Netflix app, Hulu app, VOD support should be coming from Comcast and others, websites like Adult Swim have already ported their video librarys to iphone apps. Which exact sites do you use Flash for?
stopped reading right there...

free flash games >> overpriced itune games

Well iono about that. I understand the need for Flash and all, but both are a tossup. There are free Flash games that are better than iPhone games and iPhone games that are better than Flash games.
No way there are any flash games competing with any top tier iphone game. they are porting FF III to iPhone, Marvel vs Capcom 3, Fight Night Champion, and a slew of other big name titles to iPhone.

I'm sorry, but because it's on an iPhone, the controls will suck, causing the gameplay to decrease dramatically. I mean, have you played SF4 on the iPhone?

Have heard mixed reviews on SF4 not a fighting game guy myself but that was literally Capcoms first real game on iOS and came out almost a year ago. The games have been getting a LOT better since then and control schemes have been getting better. The biggest thing that is messing with controls is the lack of screen space but a 4 inch iPhone would allow for more screen real estate.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

i guess usainboltisfast

forgets that android has N64, and PSX emulators that can do all that pretty bullish for free too huh

c'mon son....you know good and well you can't defeat a ARMY of android phones VS 1 iphone in various states of suckage (2g, 3g, 3gs, 4)

Please tell how the performance of these emulators actually are....
Originally Posted by ninjahood

i guess usainboltisfast

forgets that android has N64, and PSX emulators that can do all that pretty bullish for free too huh

c'mon son....you know good and well you can't defeat a ARMY of android phones VS 1 iphone in various states of suckage (2g, 3g, 3gs, 4)

Please tell how the performance of these emulators actually are....
[h3]Verizon Says Short iPhone Lines Due to Strong Online Sales, Staggered Rollout[/h3]
Friday February 25, 2011 04:15 PM EST; Category: iPhone
Written by Eric Slivka

The Wall Street Journal reports on an interview with Verizon Wireless CEO Dan Mead, who claims that short lines for the public launch of the Verizon iPhone were the result of an intentional effort to push sales to online distribution and to stagger availability, not due to poor sales.
Verizon first offered pre-orders of the phone to existing customers on Feb. 3, and then began selling it in stores one week later. Mr. Mead said the company staggered the launch of the Apple Inc. device in phases so that customers would have a smooth purchasing experience. "It was a conscious decision to spread the launch over three phases," said Mr. Mead.

Mr. Mead said more than 60% of iPhone sales occurred online. That heavy activity online contributed to short lines on launch day, which were noted by many news outlets. "If we had not done online, you would have seen a much different flow in the pictures," he said. In a few days, the company will double the number of stores that sell the iPhone, going from 4,000 to 8,000.
Mead declined, however, to announce specific sales figures for the Verizon iPhone, choosing to wait for the company's next earnings release to share numbers.

Mead also reported that Verizon expects Apple to offer devices compatible with the carrier's new 4G LTE network, although he declined to offer information on which product lines they might be and when they might be released.
"You'll see more coming from Apple on LTE," he said. "They understand the value proposition of LTE and I feel very confident that they are going to be a part of it."
The interview comes just as Consumer Reports announces that the Verizon iPhone possesses an antenna issue similar to that found on the original iPhone 4, although the strength of Verizon's network makes the issue less noticeable to users.
Hell no SF4 on the iPhone wasn't a "real game"...

Watered down controls
Dramatically decreased roster
Everything on it was completely watered down that it turned from a real game into a time killer.
[h3]Verizon Says Short iPhone Lines Due to Strong Online Sales, Staggered Rollout[/h3]
Friday February 25, 2011 04:15 PM EST; Category: iPhone
Written by Eric Slivka

The Wall Street Journal reports on an interview with Verizon Wireless CEO Dan Mead, who claims that short lines for the public launch of the Verizon iPhone were the result of an intentional effort to push sales to online distribution and to stagger availability, not due to poor sales.
Verizon first offered pre-orders of the phone to existing customers on Feb. 3, and then began selling it in stores one week later. Mr. Mead said the company staggered the launch of the Apple Inc. device in phases so that customers would have a smooth purchasing experience. "It was a conscious decision to spread the launch over three phases," said Mr. Mead.

Mr. Mead said more than 60% of iPhone sales occurred online. That heavy activity online contributed to short lines on launch day, which were noted by many news outlets. "If we had not done online, you would have seen a much different flow in the pictures," he said. In a few days, the company will double the number of stores that sell the iPhone, going from 4,000 to 8,000.
Mead declined, however, to announce specific sales figures for the Verizon iPhone, choosing to wait for the company's next earnings release to share numbers.

Mead also reported that Verizon expects Apple to offer devices compatible with the carrier's new 4G LTE network, although he declined to offer information on which product lines they might be and when they might be released.
"You'll see more coming from Apple on LTE," he said. "They understand the value proposition of LTE and I feel very confident that they are going to be a part of it."
The interview comes just as Consumer Reports announces that the Verizon iPhone possesses an antenna issue similar to that found on the original iPhone 4, although the strength of Verizon's network makes the issue less noticeable to users.
Hell no SF4 on the iPhone wasn't a "real game"...

Watered down controls
Dramatically decreased roster
Everything on it was completely watered down that it turned from a real game into a time killer.
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

This thread does not deliver. iPhone is the best selling phone on Verizon how can you say people are not buying the iPhone?

BTW since you were on CNet why did you disregard this article?
Reports of underwhelmingiPhone sales on Verizon's network seem to have been exaggerated.

That's according to Verizon Wireless CEO Daniel S. Mead, who in an interview with The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) said that the carrier had sold more iPhone 4s during its launch period than any product so far.

Despite Verizon's announcement that it had its most successful first-day sales ever during a pre-order period prior to the phone's launch, alleged sales numbers from 5 of Apple's stores pointed at sales numbers in the mid triple digits. As CNET noted at the time, this was just 5 of more than 230 Apple Stores that had been selling theVerizon iPhone,and the numbers didn't include any hard data from Verizon's own retail stores, where iPhone 4s were also being sold. Mead also told the Journalthat 60 percent of Verizon's sales had been online, which would overshadow some of the reported numbers from the 2 different retail venues.

Along with the inside look at the company's sales, Mead also hinted to the Journal that Apple will bring a product to market that will work on Verizon's "4G" long-term evolution (LTE) network. "They understand the value proposition of LTE, and I feel very confident that they are going to be a part of it," he said.

Read more: http://news.cnet.com/8301-1035_3-20036634-94.html#ixzz1F56gi2kd


1. Article was emailed to me from a co-worker, I don't browse or been to Cnet site since G4 was TechTV.

2. The articleyou posted is titled, "Verizon CEO refutes claims of low iPhone sales", well, what did you expect, a man runs a million dollarcorporation, that he's going to agree?

3. This video was from 2 weeks ago, on a article from Engadget regarding Verizon iPhone 4 sales
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

This thread does not deliver. iPhone is the best selling phone on Verizon how can you say people are not buying the iPhone?

BTW since you were on CNet why did you disregard this article?
Reports of underwhelmingiPhone sales on Verizon's network seem to have been exaggerated.

That's according to Verizon Wireless CEO Daniel S. Mead, who in an interview with The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) said that the carrier had sold more iPhone 4s during its launch period than any product so far.

Despite Verizon's announcement that it had its most successful first-day sales ever during a pre-order period prior to the phone's launch, alleged sales numbers from 5 of Apple's stores pointed at sales numbers in the mid triple digits. As CNET noted at the time, this was just 5 of more than 230 Apple Stores that had been selling theVerizon iPhone,and the numbers didn't include any hard data from Verizon's own retail stores, where iPhone 4s were also being sold. Mead also told the Journalthat 60 percent of Verizon's sales had been online, which would overshadow some of the reported numbers from the 2 different retail venues.

Along with the inside look at the company's sales, Mead also hinted to the Journal that Apple will bring a product to market that will work on Verizon's "4G" long-term evolution (LTE) network. "They understand the value proposition of LTE, and I feel very confident that they are going to be a part of it," he said.

Read more: http://news.cnet.com/8301-1035_3-20036634-94.html#ixzz1F56gi2kd


1. Article was emailed to me from a co-worker, I don't browse or been to Cnet site since G4 was TechTV.

2. The articleyou posted is titled, "Verizon CEO refutes claims of low iPhone sales", well, what did you expect, a man runs a million dollarcorporation, that he's going to agree?

3. This video was from 2 weeks ago, on a article from Engadget regarding Verizon iPhone 4 sales
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Hell no SF4 on the iPhone wasn't a "real game"...

Watered down controls
Dramatically decreased roster
Everything on it was completely watered down that it turned from a real game into a time killer.

I get what you mean on "real game" but it was their first real offering in terms as a port. I wish their was more information on the Marvel vs Capcom port they are working on but their arent much details on it. A lot of people have been enjoying Devil May Cry on the iPhone so that is a start. I think so far the biggest issue with developers is transitioning from buttons to either touch screen buttons or gesture based controls. I think gesture based controls should be the future but most devs are just trying to fill up the outer parts of the screens with buttons these days.
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Hell no SF4 on the iPhone wasn't a "real game"...

Watered down controls
Dramatically decreased roster
Everything on it was completely watered down that it turned from a real game into a time killer.

I get what you mean on "real game" but it was their first real offering in terms as a port. I wish their was more information on the Marvel vs Capcom port they are working on but their arent much details on it. A lot of people have been enjoying Devil May Cry on the iPhone so that is a start. I think so far the biggest issue with developers is transitioning from buttons to either touch screen buttons or gesture based controls. I think gesture based controls should be the future but most devs are just trying to fill up the outer parts of the screens with buttons these days.
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

This thread does not deliver. iPhone is the best selling phone on Verizon how can you say people are not buying the iPhone?

BTW since you were on CNet why did you disregard this article?
Reports of underwhelmingiPhone sales on Verizon's network seem to have been exaggerated.

That's according to Verizon Wireless CEO Daniel S. Mead, who in an interview with The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) said that the carrier had sold more iPhone 4s during its launch period than any product so far.

Despite Verizon's announcement that it had its most successful first-day sales ever during a pre-order period prior to the phone's launch, alleged sales numbers from 5 of Apple's stores pointed at sales numbers in the mid triple digits. As CNET noted at the time, this was just 5 of more than 230 Apple Stores that had been selling theVerizon iPhone,and the numbers didn't include any hard data from Verizon's own retail stores, where iPhone 4s were also being sold. Mead also told the Journalthat 60 percent of Verizon's sales had been online, which would overshadow some of the reported numbers from the 2 different retail venues.

Along with the inside look at the company's sales, Mead also hinted to the Journal that Apple will bring a product to market that will work on Verizon's "4G" long-term evolution (LTE) network. "They understand the value proposition of LTE, and I feel very confident that they are going to be a part of it," he said.

Read more: http://news.cnet.com/8301-1035_3-20036634-94.html#ixzz1F56gi2kd

1. Article was emailed to me from a co-worker, I don't browse or been to Cnet site since G4 was TechTV.

2. The�article�you posted is titled, "Verizon CEO refutes claims of low iPhone sales", well, what did you expect, a man runs a million dollar�corporation, that he's going to agree?�

3. This video was from 2 weeks ago, on a article from Engadget regarding Verizon iPhone 4 sales


Do you really believe that there is an Android phone on Verizon outselling the iPhone?
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

This thread does not deliver. iPhone is the best selling phone on Verizon how can you say people are not buying the iPhone?

BTW since you were on CNet why did you disregard this article?
Reports of underwhelmingiPhone sales on Verizon's network seem to have been exaggerated.

That's according to Verizon Wireless CEO Daniel S. Mead, who in an interview with The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) said that the carrier had sold more iPhone 4s during its launch period than any product so far.

Despite Verizon's announcement that it had its most successful first-day sales ever during a pre-order period prior to the phone's launch, alleged sales numbers from 5 of Apple's stores pointed at sales numbers in the mid triple digits. As CNET noted at the time, this was just 5 of more than 230 Apple Stores that had been selling theVerizon iPhone,and the numbers didn't include any hard data from Verizon's own retail stores, where iPhone 4s were also being sold. Mead also told the Journalthat 60 percent of Verizon's sales had been online, which would overshadow some of the reported numbers from the 2 different retail venues.

Along with the inside look at the company's sales, Mead also hinted to the Journal that Apple will bring a product to market that will work on Verizon's "4G" long-term evolution (LTE) network. "They understand the value proposition of LTE, and I feel very confident that they are going to be a part of it," he said.

Read more: http://news.cnet.com/8301-1035_3-20036634-94.html#ixzz1F56gi2kd

1. Article was emailed to me from a co-worker, I don't browse or been to Cnet site since G4 was TechTV.

2. The�article�you posted is titled, "Verizon CEO refutes claims of low iPhone sales", well, what did you expect, a man runs a million dollar�corporation, that he's going to agree?�

3. This video was from 2 weeks ago, on a article from Engadget regarding Verizon iPhone 4 sales


Do you really believe that there is an Android phone on Verizon outselling the iPhone?
i just upgraded to one yesterday from a sammy fascinate. much better phone imo android still needs some work but its getting there.
i just upgraded to one yesterday from a sammy fascinate. much better phone imo android still needs some work but its getting there.
but we forget we are slaves to apple me included

the iphone has been or changed anything in the mobile world since the first iphone
ever since then its just a new future here and there and new look lets not be fools
what new little thing will the 5 have facetime able to work on 3g or 4g some bs but hey
ill still buy lol
but we forget we are slaves to apple me included

the iphone has been or changed anything in the mobile world since the first iphone
ever since then its just a new future here and there and new look lets not be fools
what new little thing will the 5 have facetime able to work on 3g or 4g some bs but hey
ill still buy lol
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