Why aren't you getting dimes?

Originally Posted by Zyzz

because im LAZY as hell, seriously
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Put em up

AntonLaVey wrote:

triplekrown wrote:


is this supposed to be a dime

ummm yes it is sir, if not shes pretty damn close.  
Y'all are saying she's a dime just based off looks alone correct? The term dime gets thrown around too freely. Yeah she looks good, but who's to say she has all her $$*% in order and is bringing something more to the table besides her looks? In my mind to be a dime she has to have the total package, both inside and out.

put this in the wealth thread for those tryna reach statuz
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by thebeaner99

Im scared to talk to dimes

But see, so is almost everyone else. So by that logic, the few people who talk to the dimes end up getting them, since so few people actually get to meet them.

For all my shy NTers, think this one over:

If a dime only gets approached once every week by a legit guy, and not some dude doing it cause he hits up every girl out of peer pressure, shes not going to get to meet many guys. So this increases your chances big time. Cause the percentage of guys who get to know her is and have a relationship is much higher than just your average 6-8 looking girl who probably gets approached far more often. This is exactly what I mean: you take that step and holler at a very attractive girl and your chances are much higher, just cause no one else has the balls to talk to her.

Keep that in mind the next time you see a dime. Just look at how many people approach her. You'll see a lot of guys turn their head and look, but almost none of them will make a move. You make a move, you automatically have a pretty good shot, and if you can seal it with your personality/swag/humor, it's a wrap.


Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by thebeaner99

Im scared to talk to dimes

But see, so is almost everyone else. So by that logic, the few people who talk to the dimes end up getting them, since so few people actually get to meet them.

For all my shy NTers, think this one over:

If a dime only gets approached once every week by a legit guy, and not some dude doing it cause he hits up every girl out of peer pressure, shes not going to get to meet many guys. So this increases your chances big time. Cause the percentage of guys who get to know her is and have a relationship is much higher than just your average 6-8 looking girl who probably gets approached far more often. This is exactly what I mean: you take that step and holler at a very attractive girl and your chances are much higher, just cause no one else has the balls to talk to her.

Keep that in mind the next time you see a dime. Just look at how many people approach her. You'll see a lot of guys turn their head and look, but almost none of them will make a move. You make a move, you automatically have a pretty good shot, and if you can seal it with your personality/swag/humor, it's a wrap.


Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Put em up

AntonLaVey wrote:

triplekrown wrote:


is this supposed to be a dime

ummm yes it is sir, if not shes pretty damn close.  
Y'all are saying she's a dime just based off looks alone correct? The term dime gets thrown around too freely. Yeah she looks good, but who's to say she has all her $$*% in order and is bringing something more to the table besides her looks? In my mind to be a dime she has to have the total package, both inside and out.

put this in the wealth thread for those tryna reach statuz
I'm starting to think the whole term of a "dime" is starting to get silly. Cats are appropriating it to the girls they can get with.

Man, there's girls out there who's looks are 10/10 with great personalities. Yall just can't pull those broads (mainly because some dude already has wifed that early).

So the only girls that look that good that are available, are the dimwits, gold diggers, conceited, boring, or crazy. So when you end up smashing those chicks, then it becomes "Dimes are overrated, I'll take a cute girl with a great personality, That's a real dime". And that's ok, but yall should realize not every extremely attractive woman has that weak of an overall package.

But whatever makes you sleep at night is fine. If you truly think your little flat butt having girlfriend is a dime, so be it. But just realize not every chick that looks better than your girl has a wack personality.
I'm starting to think the whole term of a "dime" is starting to get silly. Cats are appropriating it to the girls they can get with.

Man, there's girls out there who's looks are 10/10 with great personalities. Yall just can't pull those broads (mainly because some dude already has wifed that early).

So the only girls that look that good that are available, are the dimwits, gold diggers, conceited, boring, or crazy. So when you end up smashing those chicks, then it becomes "Dimes are overrated, I'll take a cute girl with a great personality, That's a real dime". And that's ok, but yall should realize not every extremely attractive woman has that weak of an overall package.

But whatever makes you sleep at night is fine. If you truly think your little flat butt having girlfriend is a dime, so be it. But just realize not every chick that looks better than your girl has a wack personality.
Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

I'm starting to think the whole term of a "dime" is starting to get silly. Cats are appropriating it to the girls they can get with.

Man, there's girls out there who's looks are 10/10 with great personalities. Yall just can't pull those broads (mainly because some dude already has wifed that early).

So the only girls that look that good that are available, are the dimwits, gold diggers, conceited, boring, or crazy. So when you end up smashing those chicks, then it becomes "Dimes are overrated, I'll take a cute girl with a great personality, That's a real dime". And that's ok, but yall should realize not every extremely attractive woman has that weak of an overall package.

But whatever makes you sleep at night is fine. If you truly think your little flat butt having girlfriend is a dime, so be it. But just realize not every chick that looks better than your girl has a wack personality.

I never understood that, it's not like every very attractive girl has a bad personality or is dumb or materialistic. A lot of them might be, but I've said it once and I'll say it again, those aren't dimes. They're just good looking women. A dime is excellent in every category.

If dimes are overrated and the person says they'd take a less attractive girl with a great personality, why wouldn't they just aim for the most attractive girl with the best personality? I'm sure they're out there
Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

I'm starting to think the whole term of a "dime" is starting to get silly. Cats are appropriating it to the girls they can get with.

Man, there's girls out there who's looks are 10/10 with great personalities. Yall just can't pull those broads (mainly because some dude already has wifed that early).

So the only girls that look that good that are available, are the dimwits, gold diggers, conceited, boring, or crazy. So when you end up smashing those chicks, then it becomes "Dimes are overrated, I'll take a cute girl with a great personality, That's a real dime". And that's ok, but yall should realize not every extremely attractive woman has that weak of an overall package.

But whatever makes you sleep at night is fine. If you truly think your little flat butt having girlfriend is a dime, so be it. But just realize not every chick that looks better than your girl has a wack personality.

I never understood that, it's not like every very attractive girl has a bad personality or is dumb or materialistic. A lot of them might be, but I've said it once and I'll say it again, those aren't dimes. They're just good looking women. A dime is excellent in every category.

If dimes are overrated and the person says they'd take a less attractive girl with a great personality, why wouldn't they just aim for the most attractive girl with the best personality? I'm sure they're out there
Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

I'm starting to think the whole term of a "dime" is starting to get silly. Cats are appropriating it to the girls they can get with.

Man, there's girls out there who's looks are 10/10 with great personalities. Yall just can't pull those broads (mainly because some dude already has wifed that early).

So the only girls that look that good that are available, are the dimwits, gold diggers, conceited, boring, or crazy. So when you end up smashing those chicks, then it becomes "Dimes are overrated, I'll take a cute girl with a great personality, That's a real dime". And that's ok, but yall should realize not every extremely attractive woman has that weak of an overall package.

But whatever makes you sleep at night is fine. If you truly think your little flat butt having girlfriend is a dime, so be it. But just realize not every chick that looks better than your girl has a wack personality.

false. i've stopped counting the # of chicks i've bagged and hooked up with that have already had a man. if you are interested in someone, never hurts to start a conversation cause you never know where things will go.

true on not every chick that looks good has a wack personality. dudes just coming up with excuses on trying to talk to a bad chick because the truth is that they are really scared to approach her and afraid of rejection
Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

I'm starting to think the whole term of a "dime" is starting to get silly. Cats are appropriating it to the girls they can get with.

Man, there's girls out there who's looks are 10/10 with great personalities. Yall just can't pull those broads (mainly because some dude already has wifed that early).

So the only girls that look that good that are available, are the dimwits, gold diggers, conceited, boring, or crazy. So when you end up smashing those chicks, then it becomes "Dimes are overrated, I'll take a cute girl with a great personality, That's a real dime". And that's ok, but yall should realize not every extremely attractive woman has that weak of an overall package.

But whatever makes you sleep at night is fine. If you truly think your little flat butt having girlfriend is a dime, so be it. But just realize not every chick that looks better than your girl has a wack personality.

false. i've stopped counting the # of chicks i've bagged and hooked up with that have already had a man. if you are interested in someone, never hurts to start a conversation cause you never know where things will go.

true on not every chick that looks good has a wack personality. dudes just coming up with excuses on trying to talk to a bad chick because the truth is that they are really scared to approach her and afraid of rejection
A dime to me, is not a dime to you. Brains and beauty for me, for you it may be a rake. Its all in ones own definitions. I am going on a date tonight with a girl that I think is beautiful, but y'all would say she is just, "ok" or "cute", but you have to know her, intellect. 
A dime to me, is not a dime to you. Brains and beauty for me, for you it may be a rake. Its all in ones own definitions. I am going on a date tonight with a girl that I think is beautiful, but y'all would say she is just, "ok" or "cute", but you have to know her, intellect. 
Originally Posted by neukicks

A dime to me, is not a dime to you. Brains and beauty for me, for you it may be a rake. Its all in ones own definitions. I am going on a date tonight with a girl that I think is beautiful, but y'all would say she is just, "ok" or "cute", but you have to know her, intellect. 

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. There's girls that I find absolutely beautiful that most people would just say "she's alright", or "pretty good looking", when I made this thread I was trying to get the point across that whatever a dime is to you, us NTers can get. We shouldn't have to or need to settle for anything less. Because at the end of the day, we can pull the girls we all want the most.
Originally Posted by neukicks

A dime to me, is not a dime to you. Brains and beauty for me, for you it may be a rake. Its all in ones own definitions. I am going on a date tonight with a girl that I think is beautiful, but y'all would say she is just, "ok" or "cute", but you have to know her, intellect. 

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. There's girls that I find absolutely beautiful that most people would just say "she's alright", or "pretty good looking", when I made this thread I was trying to get the point across that whatever a dime is to you, us NTers can get. We shouldn't have to or need to settle for anything less. Because at the end of the day, we can pull the girls we all want the most.
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by neukicks

A dime to me, is not a dime to you. Brains and beauty for me, for you it may be a rake. Its all in ones own definitions. I am going on a date tonight with a girl that I think is beautiful, but y'all would say she is just, "ok" or "cute", but you have to know her, intellect. 

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. There's girls that I find absolutely beautiful that most people would just say "she's alright", or "pretty good looking", when I made this thread I was trying to get the point across that whatever a dime is to you, us NTers can get. We shouldn't have to or need to settle for anything less. Because at the end of the day, we can pull the girls we all want the most.
Exactly, I've been trying to tell my friends about that quote but apparently nobody is about that business. There isn't a "universal dime" point blank. We can have common ground (or overlap) in terms of what we find attractive. But there's too much variation, therefore whatever you find most appealing and valuable may not be the same for the next person.
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by neukicks

A dime to me, is not a dime to you. Brains and beauty for me, for you it may be a rake. Its all in ones own definitions. I am going on a date tonight with a girl that I think is beautiful, but y'all would say she is just, "ok" or "cute", but you have to know her, intellect. 

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. There's girls that I find absolutely beautiful that most people would just say "she's alright", or "pretty good looking", when I made this thread I was trying to get the point across that whatever a dime is to you, us NTers can get. We shouldn't have to or need to settle for anything less. Because at the end of the day, we can pull the girls we all want the most.
Exactly, I've been trying to tell my friends about that quote but apparently nobody is about that business. There isn't a "universal dime" point blank. We can have common ground (or overlap) in terms of what we find attractive. But there's too much variation, therefore whatever you find most appealing and valuable may not be the same for the next person.
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