Why Can't Women Cook Anymore?

My shorty aint the best cook but she gets down... I aint no sloutch in the kitchen myself..... Gotta make sure she understands the concept of food and fire b4u wife it up....
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Always blame the parents....................lol
Real talk. Blame society and the gov for giving us such a hard working life style
parents are so burdened with having to pay bills work all the time theres hardly anytime to teach how to cook
America lives on such a fast paced lifestyle theres hardly any time for ourselves.

tru....but of course this wouldn't affect you....ha…4-5 cooked meals out of 7 days is not bad…not thatthey're 5 course meals or some big "Sunday" type dinner…but it beats fast-food…

BTW, I am not the typical chick you guys are referring to...my moms and grandmother taught me how to cook all types of food, from Jamaican, to Italian, alittle Asian style, Southern style…and I picked up Spanish on MY OWN (a lot of learning and knowing how to cook is how the girl looks at it,it may not be a biggie to them, shoes and clothes maybe…jk)…I originally wanted to become a chef…but I do give a lot of the credit to my family for teaching meto do for myself…(and of course to do for others…my mom would tell me, that no man want a woman who can't cook….I think I took it toheart)

Now my sister who is 10 years younger than me….smh….she better start watching the food network or take up somecooking classes, because idk…I feel bad for the dude who is gonna get with her…she lacks the motivation, and of course with the fact of our moms not beinghere…someone willing to show her (i'm 200 mi away, so i can't do it)

Bottom line, I say it depends on the chick…I wanted to learn…I like to cook, I like seeingothers enjoy what I can make, and I come from a fam that cook meals from "scratch" (no shortcuts)…some girls lack the motivation, and JUST Can'tCOOK…not everyone can do everything, or things that well…your girl may not know how to cook, but I'm sure she can compensate somewhere else for herdownfall?????
Originally Posted by Qpitfighter

i'm reading this stuff and totally agree with ebay and grizzy.
But think abt this...
If me and like 5 or 6 of my boys are lost on an island... best believe that by the end of the 1st daywe built a hut for shelter and fished and hunted for food.
But women? Rather than looking to do all that, they looking for the guys... or they starve.

I do somewhat agree. The women I've been with recently can't cook to save their life. Pancakes
Grilled Chicken

I can cook but jeez I like to be cooked for once in a while. I'm not going to get into this argument but I do agree on a certain level with the OP.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

It's SOMEWHAT our fault.. Too many simps are born each day. Because when T-Pain can put them in a log cabin somwhere in Aspen and buy em a drink... Why should they?
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

So 5 guys are stranded on an island, and at least one of them learns to build a hut and fish and survive.

And 5 girls are another island, and all of them are looking for a man to help them out.

Point blank, straight up, if you believe that's how it would go down, you're a chauvinist, immature, naive, disgrace to humanity.

Some of y'all really need to go ahead and step out of your 1950s views and see things more fairly, and less pig-headedly.
dude speaks the truth in every thread i have seen him in.
I agree. I can cook but my sister can't cook for @@**. She attempted but isn't any good at it.
Originally Posted by geminifly

Originally Posted by sekim2detcidda

my wife's (white chick) kitchen game is on point. She studied my mom's (blk lady) recipies. that was a deal breaker...truthspeak. Gotta love a wht grl that can cook dressing, greens, candied yams, gumbo, grits, etc WITH NO RECIPE PRESENT.

You are lookin in the wrong places.
I feel you fam, but I don't know if I want a white woman making me soul food, just dont seem right. BTW how old is your wife?
In any event, thats an isolated situation, Im referring to the greater majority.

What difference does it make? If you went to Georgia, Texas, Tennessee, South Carolina, Mississippi, N.O., etc you will find hundreds if not thousands ofWhite womens who can cook soul food quite well. Living there for a few years has proved this theory. It's not as uncommon as you think man.

Anyway, wife is 25 from Denver, CO. So you know she put in work to learn the tricks of the trade.
I just read through this entire thread and not one person said what i am about to say:


Most times this goes for women who live in the city. I'm sorry, but I can't defend these women who can't cook, clean, save money or satisfy yourman on the regular, because, at the end of the day, dude's gonna find someone who can.

3 years ago, I worked with this obese girl who had all the sass and attitude, can dress and went out a lot. One Friday I asked her what she was doing thisweekend, she then told me of how her weekend was planned out with men taking her out to dinner each night. I thought, ''so THATS y you're sofat.'' That's the biggest -no pun- problem with women not cooking, is that they all eventually get fat.

But anyways this is old news. I feel a lot of women have it easy nowadays, everything is given to them. Most corporate jobs entail a woman sitting at acomputer all day, and if she's cute, she gets a pass no matter what. If u wear 4 inch heels to work, ur not gonna be on ur feet too much. Then u got thesimps who will do anything for a woman, and worship them for the wrong reasons. Have u heard the songs on the radio this year? Even TI got soft on us!

But the biggest thing is accountability. Women get too many free passes. You gotta pull a woman's card if she can't pull her weight. That's theonly way u can bring a girl to her senses. Ask her if she's afraid to pick up a pan b/c she might break a nail, or how this other girl at work brought somehomemade food for lunch and let u taste it, I bet ur girl will get real mad, then a few days later start tryna throw down.....

Long story short, women can't cook cause we ALLOW it from them. No accountability is y our economys messed up, don't let it ruin ur household too!
I can cook...I just don't do it very often. I can't. it's hard with a career and 2 kids to cook all the time. My husband is a great cook too.
Ok I started thinking about the subject, and now I gotta vent.

First off, it's not about male/female differences, it's not about stereotypes and feminism, it's about SURVIVAL! In these bad economic times withmore obese ppl than ever, it's cheaper, safer and healthier to cook on your own. There are no excuses. The invisible violin plays for the working woman whocan't juggle work and keeping the house up at the same time. I been doin that on my own for years, and still had women in and out the crib, so what'sthe excuse.

But women are confused. Tv and the internet give them a false conception on how life works. Everybody's watching 'Real Housewives of Atlanta,'where five middle-aged women find new and original ways to spend thier man's hard earned money. You should have seen Eric Snow's face when his wifesaid she was throwing an auction for diamonds with no experience whatsoever with diamond pricing or auctions....

But once again, it comes to accountability, that's the big one. Men nowadays put women on pedastools, and for their bodies only. You should see one thesewomen when they wake up. It's supply and demand. They stopped making 175 dollar spiz'ike jordans when ppl stopped buying them. If men put womenaccountable, they would not carry it the way they do.
But women are confused. Tv and the internet give them a false conception on how life works. Everybody's watching 'Real Housewives of Atlanta,' where five middle-aged women find new and original ways to spend thier man's hard earned money.
agreed. i HATE that show, yet find it appealing...once i seen my lady of interest was watching it, i gave her a jaundiced eye
I'm the breadwinner

he can cook

I'm finding new and interesting ways to spend *MY* hard earned money.
Originally Posted by ebayologist

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Most corporate jobs entail a woman sitting at a computer all day, and if she's cute, she gets a pass no matter what.

You read that right.

So then what about non-corporate jobs. Are women in other fields subject to this "cute=pass", "ugly=fail" at the work placegeneralization. Furthermore, does this concept extend to society in general...be careful with this one...
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

It's SOMEWHAT our fault.. Too many simps are born each day. Because when T-Pain can put them in a log cabin somwhere in Aspen and buy em a drink... Why should they?

Well put.
Stop taking these chicks out to eat every damn week and hope that'll give her some inspiration to learn how to cook.

I'm in the process of trying to date this beautiful young lady who happens to make a mmmeeeeeeeaaan pot of gumbo...She's the only New Yorker I knowthat can whip up a pot of gumbo that'll make your heart melt.

She puts it down in the kitchen... I think I'm gonna have to keep her
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by ebayologist

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Most corporate jobs entail a woman sitting at a computer all day, and if she's cute, she gets a pass no matter what.

You read that right.
So then what about non-corporate jobs. Are women in other fields subject to this "cute=pass", "ugly=fail" at the work place generalization. Furthermore, does this concept extend to society in general...be careful with this one...

Jesus Christ, you honestly think I believe that? jokes.
Originally Posted by ebayologist

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by ebayologist

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Most corporate jobs entail a woman sitting at a computer all day, and if she's cute, she gets a pass no matter what.

You read that right.
So then what about non-corporate jobs. Are women in other fields subject to this "cute=pass", "ugly=fail" at the work place generalization. Furthermore, does this concept extend to society in general...be careful with this one...

Jesus Christ, you honestly think I believe that? jokes.

You tell me what to believe in. You are the same guy that uttered the following...
It's dumb, but most women never struck me as wildly smart to begin with so…
...and i would say "most women" is a lot of women for you to make such a remark towards...

So yeah, i honestly wouldn't know what to believe in with you. But that was a few pages so if it's really all jokes, then i apologize for missing thehumor. That's the funny thing about the internet, if you don't put a smiley face next to a moronic statement, like what you said, people might take itseriously...

**smiley face
*Noted* but both those comments are ++%@$!+ absurd notions. Where I'd have to be lunatic to actually believe. Other people seem to have got it was joke.I'm not saying there weren't others butt hurt by my commentary but seriously, that's so over the top, it boggles my mind how you or anyone couldthink I was serious. I'm not going to cue my every joke with a smiley face just so every idiot can pick up when I'm kidding. I would think in the 5years I've been here people would realize what a great deal of NT has, as I think Manguai (or however it's spelled) put best, I often "gohard" (be over the top) for no apparent reason, other than I think it's funny, a lot of NTer get that… you clearly don't.
The deal is though there are plenty who do believe that nonsense. And if people don't know you personally...
Originally Posted by ebayologist

*Noted* but both those comments are ++%@$!+ absurd notions. Where I'd have to be lunatic to actually believe. Other people seem to have got it was joke. I'm not saying there weren't others butt hurt by my commentary but seriously, that's so over the top, it boggles my mind how you or anyone could think I was serious. I'm not going to cue my every joke with a smiley face just so every idiot can pick up when I'm kidding. I would think in the 5 years I've been here people would realize what a great deal of NT has, as I think Manguai (or however it's spelled) put best, I often "go hard" (be over the top) for no apparent reason, other than I think it's funny, a lot of NTer get that… you clearly don't.

behind every joke, theres a bit of truth
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