Why Can't Women Cook Anymore?

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I wonder how many dudes complaining can do the typical guy stuff?

can you guys operate a circular & table saw and build a tree-house or bookshelves?
can you guys change your own oil and/or tune up your own car?
can you guys frame up a wall and then hang up drywall and mud & tape?
....the list goes on and on.

before you point fingers at what women can't do....maybe you should look at what YOU can't do

oh...and relax on the insulting generalizations or find yourself on the outside looking in.

To answer your questions.

Cause I think you're last comment was directed toward me even thought I'm reasonably sure all my comments fall within the code of conduct. Wholly asideall my more salacious and misogynistic comments clearly being in jest, and reading them otherwise would be ridiculous.

1. I've built multiple pieces of furniture so, yes, I can operate a saw.
2. I haven't driven a car in 5 years, so I don't own a car. (so kinda moot point)
3. Related to #2 I live in the city (Chicago) and have grown up in the city (Minneapolis) so I've never had the chance or opportunity to live in a"house" let alone build one.

I see where you're coming from but the tasks you mentioned a vastly different. I'm not saying we should go back to 1950. And if you read everything Isaid, I'm all about women being empowered, intelligent, etc. and having lives/careers that function outside the home/kitchen. I just think there are a lotof women (in my personal experience, as that's all I can really speak for) who moved out the kitchen and home but forgot about the being empowered,intelligent, etc. and having lives/careers and just want everything handed to them when they bring little to nothing to the table, other than being attractive,let alone something simple and domestic like cooking.
Originally Posted by Sorkoram

Thank God moms taught me how to at a young age, she knew what the hell she was doing

It was the same with me and my brother. Mom taught us to cook, clean, iron, wash clothes, etc. because, as she stated, "You may be with a woman thatcan't do those things or you may be living on your own. I'm going to make sure you at least know how to boil spaghetti so you wont starve".

Wisdom FTW!!!
I don't think its fair to assume a woman SHOULD be able to cook. Excuse me, but just as society once thought Black people didn't belong in CorporateAmerica, they also didn't believe that women did either. We all were victims of the same struggle, in one way or another. So as society advances andeveryone has an equal chance (compared, relatively to say, 50 years ago) then we're going to see more and more people going after it. And if we have womenworking in the once male-dominated workforce, its going to be less women sitting at home playing house. And thats not a knock on housewives, thats just sayingthat there are more opportunities now for women to get out and enter the professional workforce than before and thus the emphasis on a woman 'earning herkeep' via cooking, cleaning, etc are outdated. In my household coming up, and to this day, my father and mother both worked and they both did things aroundthe house as well. My dad took care of the outside and my mom handled the inside and they'd help if requested in the others 'domain'. But nothingwas ever, "OK, your the woman, you do this". It was just wherever they were each comfortable contributing in the house...
Look, we're not trying to devalue women, but what in essence, does a women stand for these days if we can't expecther to cook some if at all a little? We want someone to be on our level mentally and spiritually, so is it wrong for us to want them to be on par with us inthe culinary area?

I would love my future wifey to cook, but I wouldn't mind putting in work in the kitchen because its one of my passions. I understand that times havechanged and there's a great possibility that I won't find one with all the wanted qualities, word to Friday vol. Peanut Butter and No Jelly...butduring those special days and nights when you want her to cater to you (before people even get started its 50/50), can a +@%#% get some pancakes?
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I wonder how many dudes complaining can do the typical guy stuff?

can you guys operate a circular & table saw and build a tree-house or bookshelves?
can you guys change your own oil and/or tune up your own car?
can you guys frame up a wall and then hang up drywall and mud & tape?
....the list goes on and on.

before you point fingers at what women can't do....maybe you should look at what YOU can't do

oh...and relax on the insulting generalizations or find yourself on the outside looking in.

1&3 but whats Mud and tape?
thought I'm reasonably sure all my comments fall within the code of conduct.
no...they dont
most women never struck me as wildly smart to begin with so…

I'm all about women being empowered, intelligent, etc. and having lives/careers that function outside the home/kitchen. I just think there are a lot of women (in my personal experience, as that's all I can really speak for) who moved out the kitchen and home but forgot about the being empowered, intelligent, etc. and having lives/careers and just want everything handed to them when they bring little to nothing to the table, let alone something simple and domestic like cooking.
so you're mad at the fact they've adopted an attitude men have held since the dawn of time?
....b/c they're women...they HAVE to be able to function in the kitchen b/c that's what they've historically done?

who are you to determine what a skills woman should prioritize to develop in her life?

If you want a women that's up to your standards (since you have multitude of skills)...that's fine...but don't besmirch those who aren't astalented as you simply b/c they have adopted new roles and foresaken others.
they gotta go to the club with them sexy %#% outfits thats why....but i think southern girls can still cook.
Originally Posted by Sorkoram

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I wonder how many dudes complaining can do the typical guy stuff?

can you guys operate a circular & table saw?
can you guys change your own oil and/or tune up your own car?
can you guys frame up a wall and then hang up drywall and mud & tape?

the list goes on and on...

oh...and relax on the insulting generalizations or find yourself on the outside looking in.
Growing up in the boonies down south, each and everything you named, I can do -- including hunt and fishing for my food word to Survivorman

but I'm too damn lazy to do manual labor these days
thats funny because I was taught to do all these things too...hunting and fishing included....now I might not be the best at them, but I can dothem with satisfactory completion....The thing that gets me is that I can do all the typical guy stuff (being a man and all) and I can cook, clean, dolaundry.....these chicks got off the train in the 60's-70's and never picked up any of our stereotypical skills.

What have we gotten for that trade, more back talk, they think they run %$%, WNBA and no dinners........I am buying my wife...
sup wit these goons tryin to find a broad to cook them a meal

you ain't heard about the subway across the street holmes? or cook your own %@*!

if that's what you look for in a broad then why not hire a waitress as your girl?
what you think this is, burger king, have it your way? nahit's 2008

me personally all i need is someone cool to keep me laughing with their antics, honestly i'd be happier poor with 3 or 4 fine @!# broads to have my kidsthat know how to spray perfume, stay fly and twerk it, than looking for a chef as my wife
yea i'd be way happier, all the money in the worldcouldn't ammount to that... truth

seriously what's wrong with these goons
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

thought I'm reasonably sure all my comments fall within the code of conduct.
no...they dont
most women never struck me as wildly smart to begin with so…

I'm all about women being empowered, intelligent, etc. and having lives/careers that function outside the home/kitchen. I just think there are a lot of women (in my personal experience, as that's all I can really speak for) who moved out the kitchen and home but forgot about the being empowered, intelligent, etc. and having lives/careers and just want everything handed to them when they bring little to nothing to the table, let alone something simple and domestic like cooking.
so you're mad at the fact they've adopted an attitude men have held since the dawn of time?
....b/c they're women...they HAVE to be able to function in the kitchen b/c that's what they've historically done?

who are you to determine what a skills woman should prioritize to develop in her life?

If you want a women that's up to your standards (since you have multitude of skills)...that's fine...but don't besmirch those who aren't as talented as you simply b/c they have adopted new roles and foresaken others.

I don't think that's "derogatory" and more to the point I think it's pretty obvious within the context that was made in jest andclarified. But point noted.

I'm not saying I should prioritize what skills women should or shouldn't develop but they should have some skill and clearly a some do, but youcan't tell there aren't skill-less women who still think the world should be handed to them on a platter. That's all I'm saying.

Take it easy big cat.

But you lost me on the attitude of men thing, that doesn't make any sense.

But honestly you and a great deal NT is taking what I've said WAY too serious. Most of it was very tongue and cheek… And having a serious discussion onsomething I'm not even sure I really 100% believe in but was more just making a humorous and I felt somewhat apt comment is weird to say the least. so.umm. yeah.
i'd been hangin out with two different girls basically with a chance to go with either, and i wasn't really sure which i wanted to commit to, but wheni found out one girl is a good cook while the other doesn't really know how, that sealed the deal

that old proverb the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, spot on. pretty girl who can cook = damn sexy
Originally Posted by EnergeeGod

me personally all i need is someone cool to keep me laughing with their antics, honestly i'd be happier poor with 3 or 4 fine @!# broads to have my kids that know how to spray perfume, stay fly and twerk it, than looking for a chef as my wife
yea i'd be way happier, all the money in the world couldn't ammount to that... truth

seriously what's wrong with these goons
That's cool if thats what you look for, but just because its 2008, that doesn't take away from what amom or someone should know how to do. A mom who can just make easy mac son? for real

In order to appreciate to your wife's cooking you should know how to cook or vice versa. People are so used to thisready made/fast food that they are forgetting to learn to how cook. I mean damn do people just want to go out and pick up or order everything? You don'twant to be able to entertain people and show off your wife's skills in the kitchen? Personally, I'd like my wife to cook good enough for me to able toeat, no burnt biscuits, so I won't have to carry the load. I want my wife to be able to cook that Thanksgiving Meal and that have ya boy fiending.
Originally Posted by Sorkoram

Originally Posted by EnergeeGod

me personally all i need is someone cool to keep me laughing with their antics, honestly i'd be happier poor with 3 or 4 fine @!# broads to have my kids that know how to spray perfume, stay fly and twerk it, than looking for a chef as my wife
yea i'd be way happier, all the money in the world couldn't ammount to that... truth

seriously what's wrong with these goons
That's cool if thats what you look for, but just because its 2008, that doesn't take away from what a mom or someone should know how to do. A mom who can just make easy mac son? for real

In order to appreciate to your wife's cooking you should know how to cook or vice versa. People are so used to this ready made/fast food that they are forgetting to learn to how cook. I mean damn do people just want to go out and pick up or order everything? You don't want to be able to entertain people and show off your wife's skills in the kitchen? Personally, I'd like my wife to cook good enough for me to able to eat, no burnt biscuits, so I won't have to carry the load. I want my wife to be able to cook that Thanksgiving Meal and that have ya boy fiending.
I don't think its what a 'mom' should do anymore as much as it is just what a parent in general should be able to do. The family-unitin America has changed over the years and people need to start adapting to it. Its the reality of the situation. Sitting back and reminiscing on the old daysis fine but its a new day, for many reasons, so time to get with the program...
Originally Posted by Mdotte

they gotta go to the club with them sexy %#% outfits thats why....but i think southern girls can still cook.

I know mine can. Thick Dallas girls who can throw down in the kitchen FTW.
Originally Posted by EnergeeGod

if that's what you look for in a broad then why not hire a waitress as your girl?
what you think this is, burger king, have it your way? nah it's 2008

think you meant chef, waitress just brings the food son
I hope that all of you complaining about women not cooking are also getting your learn on regarding busted plumbing and vehicle maintenance.

And I don't want to hear any excuses like 'My dad ain't teach me that' or 'Psh... I don't have time to learn about all that crap.I've got a job and I'm a full-time student.'

Those types of excuses don't seem to be running across your minds regarding females that can't cook or sew or whatever other stereotypical rolesthey're supposed to fill, so those excuses shouldn't be good enough for you.

So Mr. Full Time Student With a Job, how are you with the whole home maintenance + vehicle maintenance stuff?
its because of the babies making babies trend, many women have kids too early, and dont have the mentality,maturity or even the knowledge to past down womanlytraditions to their daughters any more. its like the blind leading the blind. Im grateful that my granny taught my mom, and she taught me, but today thatsrare....Im capable of cooking for myself... but theres rarely ever a man worthy of me cooking for him
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I hope that all of you complaining about women not cooking are also getting your learn on regarding busted plumbing and vehicle maintenance.

And I don't want to hear any excuses like 'My dad ain't teach me that' or 'Psh... I don't have time to learn about all that crap. I've got a job and I'm a full-time student.'

Those types of excuses don't seem to be running across your minds regarding females that can't cook or sew or whatever other stereotypical roles they're supposed to fill, so those excuses shouldn't be good enough for you.

So Mr. Full Time Student With a Job, how are you with the whole home maintenance + vehicle maintenance stuff?

Home and vehicle maintenance are functions of non-urban life (i.e. suburban). I live in an apartment building that as has a maintenance staff (literallyit's in my lease about not reporting problems like plumbing etc. and fixing them yourself as there is a trained probably licensed plumber on staff) andeven my mom's condominium in Minneapolis has a maintenance staff. And unlike yourself evidently I'm not ruining the environment driving around a carthat gets 20+ miles a gallon. I take the train (runs on electricity) or walk to school/work/etc. So try again. Those aren't comparable. And like I said Ican cook for myself quite well, probably better than most. And I'm learning to sew. I just think a number of women (not all) are forgetting these sortthings without adopting new skills. I can't install a ceiling fan, but I can fix a computer. Times change, we adopt new skill sets as people (male, femaleor otherwise). I still firmly believe there is a populous notably of women who lack any real skill set though and think because they're attractivethat's acceptable.
Originally Posted by ebayologist

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I hope that all of you complaining about women not cooking are also getting your learn on regarding busted plumbing and vehicle maintenance.

And I don't want to hear any excuses like 'My dad ain't teach me that' or 'Psh... I don't have time to learn about all that crap. I've got a job and I'm a full-time student.'

Those types of excuses don't seem to be running across your minds regarding females that can't cook or sew or whatever other stereotypical roles they're supposed to fill, so those excuses shouldn't be good enough for you.

So Mr. Full Time Student With a Job, how are you with the whole home maintenance + vehicle maintenance stuff?

Home and vehicle maintenance are functions of non-urban life (i.e. suburban). I live in an apartment building that as has a maintenance staff (literally it's in my lease about not reporting problems like plumbing etc. and fixing them yourself as they there is trained probably licensed plumber on staff) and even my mom's condominium in Minneapolis has a maintenance staff. And unlike yourself evidently I'm not ruining the environment driving around a car that gets 20+ miles a gallon. I take the train (runs on electricity) or walk to school/work/etc. So try again. Those aren't comparable. And like I can cook for myself quite well, probably better than most. And I'm learning to sew. I just think a number of women (not all) are forgetting these sort things without adopting new skills. I can't install a ceiling fan, but I can fix a computer. Times change, we adopt new skill sets as people (male, female or otherwise). I still firmly believe there is a populous notably of women who lack any real skill set though and think because they're attractive that's acceptable.

Ebay tells the truth. As times change so do our skill sets. But being a professional shopper and Project Runway expert is not a skill set.
I hope that all of you complaining about women not cooking are also getting your learn on regarding busted plumbing and vehicle maintenance.

And I don't want to hear any excuses like 'My dad ain't teach me that' or 'Psh... I don't have time to learn about all that crap. I've got a job and I'm a full-time student.'

Those types of excuses don't seem to be running across your minds regarding females that can't cook or sew or whatever other stereotypical roles they're supposed to fill, so those excuses shouldn't be good enough for you.

So Mr. Full Time Student With a Job, how are you with the whole home maintenance + vehicle maintenance stuff?
Home and vehicle maintenance are functions of non-urban life (i.e. suburban). I live in an apartment building that as has a maintenance staff (literally it's in my lease about not reporting problems like plumbing etc. and fixing them yourself as there is a trained probably licensed plumber on staff) and even my mom's condominium in Minneapolis has a maintenance staff. And unlike yourself evidently I'm not ruining the environment driving around a car that gets 20+ miles a gallon. I take the train (runs on electricity) or walk to school/work/etc. So try again. Those aren't comparable. And like I said I can cook for myself quite well, probably better than most. And I'm learning to sew. I just think a number of women (not all) are forgetting these sort things without adopting new skills. I can't install a ceiling fan, but I can fix a computer. Times change, we adopt new skill sets as people (male, female or otherwise).
What a convenient little package you've wrapped up there for yourself.

I don't know whether you're in a relationship or not, and if you're not, I don't know if you're looking to be or not, so I'll keep thatin mind.

If you're not in a relationship and you're looking to be, realistically, you're probably going to be dating women that either work, go to school,or both. I assume you do one of those two as well. So you're over there either working or going to school (or both), not worrying about home maintenance orvehicle maintenance... looking for someone who is also working/going to school/both, and can also cook for you? Because she's a female?
Oh, but then when she asks for help with the car, because you're the guy,and you're supposed to know the deal, you hit her with 'Nah, I'm not about that car stuff. I take the bus.'


Yep, sounds completely fair to me.


I still firmly believe there is a populous notably of women who lack any real skill set though and think because they're attractive that's acceptable.
And there is an ever-growing populous of guys that think that all they have to do is bring home the bacon, and that's the end of theircontribution to the home. In a dual-income family, he just brings home his paycheck and plops on the couch and flips on the game, while she brings home herpaycheck, picks up the kids from soccer, grabs dinner on the way home, takes care of the newborn, and cleans up whatever messes are lying around the house.

And if she doesn't do those things, they don't get done. And if they don't get done and other people notice, who do they point the finger to? Both?When someone sees a dirty house or unkempt kids, do they primarily find fault with both parents? Nope; they fault the mother, even in the families dual-incomesituation.
Originally Posted by Grizzlyboy

Originally Posted by ebayologist

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I hope that all of you complaining about women not cooking are also getting your learn on regarding busted plumbing and vehicle maintenance.

And I don't want to hear any excuses like 'My dad ain't teach me that' or 'Psh... I don't have time to learn about all that crap. I've got a job and I'm a full-time student.'

Those types of excuses don't seem to be running across your minds regarding females that can't cook or sew or whatever other stereotypical roles they're supposed to fill, so those excuses shouldn't be good enough for you.

So Mr. Full Time Student With a Job, how are you with the whole home maintenance + vehicle maintenance stuff?

Home and vehicle maintenance are functions of non-urban life (i.e. suburban). I live in an apartment building that as has a maintenance staff (literally it's in my lease about not reporting problems like plumbing etc. and fixing them yourself as they there is trained probably licensed plumber on staff) and even my mom's condominium in Minneapolis has a maintenance staff. And unlike yourself evidently I'm not ruining the environment driving around a car that gets 20+ miles a gallon. I take the train (runs on electricity) or walk to school/work/etc. So try again. Those aren't comparable. And like I can cook for myself quite well, probably better than most. And I'm learning to sew. I just think a number of women (not all) are forgetting these sort things without adopting new skills. I can't install a ceiling fan, but I can fix a computer. Times change, we adopt new skill sets as people (male, female or otherwise). I still firmly believe there is a populous notably of women who lack any real skill set though and think because they're attractive that's acceptable.

Ebay tells the truth. As times change so do our skill sets. But being a professional shopper and Project Runway expert is not a skill set.

^^^^^ AMEN to that......
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