Why Can't Women Cook Anymore?

^Nah, you're not getting. I'm not talking about the girls I know that go to school or have careers or hold a dude down. I'm not asking for a womanto cook for me. That's secondary, we've moved beyond that we're talking about the idea… The idea of people having a something, this is what I do.And having that being meaningful. Literally, I meet girls all the time that are on this $+++, of they working like part time at the gap and can't do $+++domestically. Yet want me to take them out shopping or to bars or restaurants (mind you, have me pay cause they spend their meaningless money already on somedumb #$!# they don't need) Give me a break… The 21st century is the century of the golddigger, I swear. It's not quite an epidemic, but it's close.
What's the difference between a girl working at GAP and can't do crap domestically... and a guy working at Hollister and can't do crapdomestically?

To me, nothing, and I would respect them both the same (very little).

Doesn't sound to me like you would hold them in equal standing.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I hope that all of you complaining about women not cooking are also getting your learn on regarding busted plumbing and vehicle maintenance.

And I don't want to hear any excuses like 'My dad ain't teach me that' or 'Psh... I don't have time to learn about all that crap. I've got a job and I'm a full-time student.'

Those types of excuses don't seem to be running across your minds regarding females that can't cook or sew or whatever other stereotypical roles they're supposed to fill, so those excuses shouldn't be good enough for you.

So Mr. Full Time Student With a Job, how are you with the whole home maintenance + vehicle maintenance stuff?
Home and vehicle maintenance are functions of non-urban life (i.e. suburban). I live in an apartment building that as has a maintenance staff (literally it's in my lease about not reporting problems like plumbing etc. and fixing them yourself as there is a trained probably licensed plumber on staff) and even my mom's condominium in Minneapolis has a maintenance staff. And unlike yourself evidently I'm not ruining the environment driving around a car that gets 20+ miles a gallon. I take the train (runs on electricity) or walk to school/work/etc. So try again. Those aren't comparable. And like I said I can cook for myself quite well, probably better than most. And I'm learning to sew. I just think a number of women (not all) are forgetting these sort things without adopting new skills. I can't install a ceiling fan, but I can fix a computer. Times change, we adopt new skill sets as people (male, female or otherwise). I still firmly believe there is a populous notably of women who lack any real skill set though and think because they're attractive that's acceptable.
What a convenient little package you've wrapped up there for yourself.

I don't know whether you're in a relationship or not, and if you're not, I don't know if you're looking to be or not, so I'll keep that in mind.

If you're not in a relationship and you're looking to be, realistically, you're probably going to be dating women that either work, go to school, or both. I assume you do one of those two as well. So you're over there either working or going to school (or both), not worrying about home maintenance or vehicle maintenance... looking for someone who is also working/going to school/both, and can also cook for you? Because she's a female?
Oh, but then when she asks for help with the car, because you're the guy, and you're supposed to know the deal, you hit her with 'Nah, I'm not about that car stuff. I take the bus.'


Yep, sounds completely fair to me.



I think you missed the point. I see what you are saying. But if I clean, I cook, I do car maintenance, yard work, fix this and fix that. While sherelies on me to do that in the house, but she can't cook or bring other skills to the table she is a looser. Point Blank.

It all boils down to women relying on men to do so much in the household these days and then bringing nothing to the table to barter with.
...i f I clean, I cook, I do car maintenance, yard work, fix this and fix that. While she relies on me to do that in the house, but she can't cook or bring other skills to the table she is a looser. Point Blank.

It all boils down to women relying on men to do so much in the household these days and then bringing nothing to the table to barter with.
Nah, I completely agree with that.
I think grizzly finally got to the bottom of this. I think there are a lot of "loser" women out there that society has yet to consider"losers" and actually holds in reasonable standing because they're attractive.
I'm just put off by the title. "Why can't women cook anymore?" It sounds like you're implying that women who can't cook are stillwomen. Let me just say that a woman who can't cook goes by a different name: FAILURE

[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]jk but seriously, women should know how to cook rice at least...[/color]
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I wonder how many dudes complaining can do the typical guy stuff?

can you guys operate a circular & table saw and build a tree-house or bookshelves?
can you guys change your own oil and/or tune up your own car?
can you guys frame up a wall and then hang up drywall and mud & tape?
....the list goes on and on.

before you point fingers at what women can't do....maybe you should look at what YOU can't do

oh...and relax on the insulting generalizations or find yourself on the outside looking in.
I've built treehouses, houses, doghouses, bird houses, built derby cars, and once a small catapult
I've replaced transmissions, radiators, differentials, bearings, brakes, drive shafts, drilled out a broken spark plug and retapped the hole, and helpedput in a new engine.
I can weld, work on electrical problems, cook, iron, clean, build with wood and metal, survive in the wild, and say the wrong thing at the wrong time.
Meanwhile, like the OP, I rarely meet chicks that can cook...or really do anything. Come to think about it scratch the chick thing, most people I meetcan't really do anything of use.
Oh, and I agree that most women are stupid because most people are stupid, which goes on to say that most men are stupid as well. Damn mouthbreathers
Originally Posted by the coolness

I'm just put off by the title. "Why can't women cook anymore?" It sounds like you're implying that women who can't cook are still women. Let me just say that a woman who can't cook goes by a different name: FAILURE

[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]jk but seriously, women should know how to cook rice at least...[/color]
You are young so I will give you a pass...It has to be a give-give situation. For instance, I cook very well due to my granny's teaching. Sowhen I cook she can wash dishes. On Sat morning when I get up to cut the grass and wash the cars, the house should be clean. Now on the other hand, if shecomes home and cooks dinner, I will wash the dishes. That is how a mature relationship works. But these girls can't do that or at least they think theirlooks give them a pass.
I wonder how many dudes complaining can do the typical guy stuff?

can you guys operate a circular & table saw and build a tree-house or bookshelves?
can you guys change your own oil and/or tune up your own car?
can you guys frame up a wall and then hang up drywall and mud & tape?
....the list goes on and on.

before you point fingers at what women can't do....maybe you should look at what YOU can't do

oh...and relax on the insulting generalizations or find yourself on the outside looking in.
I've built treehouses, houses, doghouses, bird houses, built derby cars, and once a small catapult
I've replaced transmissions, radiators, differentials, bearings, brakes, drive shafts, drilled out a broken spark plug and retapped the hole, and helped put in a new engine.
I can weld, work on electrical problems, cook, iron, clean, build with wood and metal, survive in the wild, and say the wrong thing at the wrong time.
Meanwhile, like the OP, I rarely meet chicks that can cook...or really do anything. Come to think about it scratch the chick thing, most people I meet can't really do anything of use.
Oh, and I agree that most women are stupid because most people are stupid, which goes on to say that most men are stupid as well. Damn mouthbreathers

Now see, of all the guys in the thread that might feel like 'Dammit, why can't I find a woman that cook and clean and keep house?!It's so frustrating!', I feel, personally, like you have every right to be frustrated (that is, if you doactually feel like that).
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I wonder how many dudes complaining can do the typical guy stuff?

can you guys operate a circular & table saw and build a tree-house or bookshelves?
can you guys change your own oil and/or tune up your own car?
can you guys frame up a wall and then hang up drywall and mud & tape?
....the list goes on and on.

before you point fingers at what women can't do....maybe you should look at what YOU can't do

oh...and relax on the insulting generalizations or find yourself on the outside looking in.
I've built treehouses, houses, doghouses, bird houses, built derby cars, and once a small catapult
I've replaced transmissions, radiators, differentials, bearings, brakes, drive shafts, drilled out a broken spark plug and retapped the hole, and helped put in a new engine.
I can weld, work on electrical problems, cook, iron, clean, build with wood and metal, survive in the wild, and say the wrong thing at the wrong time.
Meanwhile, like the OP, I rarely meet chicks that can cook...or really do anything. Come to think about it scratch the chick thing, most people I meet can't really do anything of use.
Oh, and I agree that most women are stupid because most people are stupid, which goes on to say that most men are stupid as well. Damn mouthbreathers

Now see, of all the guys in the thread that might feel like 'Dammit, why can't I find a woman that cook and clean and keep house?! It's so frustrating!', I feel, personally, like you have every right to be frustrated (that is, if you do actually feel like that).
Nah, I don't get mad as long as she brings something...just anything...into the relationship.
And that's pretty freaking mature of you, my man.

*wonders if we had a LOT more women on NikeTalk, would they be making threads wondering where all the mature guys are?* Me thinks so.
i'm reading this stuff and totally agree with ebay and grizzy.
But think abt this...
If me and like 5 or 6 of my boys are lost on an island... best believe that by the end of the 1st daywe built a hut for shelter and fished and hunted for food.
But women? Rather than looking to do all that, they looking for the guys... or they starve.
So 5 guys are stranded on an island, and at least one of them learns to build a hut and fish and survive.

And 5 girls are another island, and all of them are looking for a man to help them out.

Point blank, straight up, if you believe that's how it would go down, you're a chauvinist, immature, naive, disgrace to humanity.

Some of y'all really need to go ahead and step out of your 1950s views and see things more fairly, and less pig-headedly.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

So 5 guys are stranded on an island, and at least one of them learns to build a hut and fish and survive.

And 5 girls are another island, and all of them are looking for a man to help them out.

Point blank, straight up, if you believe that's how it would go down, you're a chauvinist, immature, naive, disgrace to humanity.

Some of y'all really need to go ahead and step out of your 1950s views and see things more fairly, and less pig-headedly.
I think we are speaking over their heads. But I see your argument. I think we are saying the same thing just taking different routes.

You're coming from a 'give some, take some' state of mind, where 100 things need to get done, and it shouldn't be that one person knocks out 99of those things while the other person knocks out 1. I completely agree with that. I mean, things don't have to be split perfectly down the middle @ 50/50,but they shouldn't be 90/10, either.
There has been interesting points brought up on both sides not being able to do these tasks that seemed the norm in previous generations. What's good withthis generation not knowing how to do these things? Whether it be a woman knowing how to cook, or a man knowing how to be a handyman.
@ myself, I need tostep up my game, but hey at least I can cook.
My ex used to make pastelitos and some gooood sancocho.. I think you're looking in all the wrong places. PS I'm glad you can cook though
Originally Posted by AC4Three

I know! Times have changed...

Met this girl at work who cooks very well. one of the rare ones out there. im pretty sure its because theyre being spoiled to much, therefor now thinks theyshould always be catered all the time.
Fundamentals with the game = dribbling before you shoot


Cooking before you tossing the jelly

I was talking about the specific fundamentals that women have lost. Anyway, I assume you were talking about basic living skills. In this case, this should beapplicable to both men and women, because everyone should have some.

When looks ain't working for you, what do you do to please a man?
Now c'mon. If you're dealing with a girl who relies solely on her looks to get her through any and everything, what else do you reallyexpect? I'm not talking about those type of women, but let me just say that that's a two-way street, and as long as there are enough men around toentertain them, there will always be some women who think that being attractive is the only asset they'll ever need. What about women who actually havesubstantial qualities? Are some guys really holding on to this antiquated ideal of what a woman should do or be, that the ability to cook becomes adealbreaker? I mean, it's not like she lost the ability to learn.
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