Why do women love to cuddle after sex?

Originally Posted by GreenEyes83

Cuddling leads to round 2, 3, etc...

It sucks when your after sex cuddling ends up in sex again. You end up doing it again after you already skeeted in there. Your own juices falling back on youFTL
JOs are not even a option when it comes to cuddling!!!!! y'all should know that, but i don't mind cuddling wit the wife!!! Thats some of the bestrelaxation I get!!
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Because they want to know that you care about them and that you didn't just get done using them for sex.

Odds are you did just get done using them for sex, so therein lies the ongoing dilemma.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

real life is just like pron, when Im done, I just wanna minimize the windows and not see it again

Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

I usually play some ps3 afterwards while she is laying on my chest or we both go to sleep.

I don't cuddle
The minute my seed escapes me I'm filled with an overwhelming sense of disgust.
Meaningless sex FTL
you cuddle with your boo after a sub par session.............but when you put in that work! .......shiieeet, it aint gone be no cuddlin because you gone haveto change the sheets and get in the shower asap!!!

theres no way im layin back down in all of that wetness, skeet, and sweat..
...that stuff gets cold once the air gets to it..

then once both of yall are done gettin clean and refreshened...you either get back at it cuz you didnt get enough the first time around, even though u just gotclean and swapped sheets...or go your !!%es to sleep!

repeating that process.....ftl..&..ftw...
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

I don't cuddle
The minute my seed escapes me I'm filled with an overwhelming sense of disgust.
Meaningless sex FTL
This thread about cuddling with JO's or Mains mayne?
Dont really cuddle. More like i reach down there an keep her going until im ready for round 2
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