Why do women...??? Vol. 1

I actually had a fight with one of my girls yesterday because I didn't give a correct answer to a HYPOTHETICAL question.
I HATE the hypothetical situations

"So what if you were dating a girl and you liked her and she liked you but....................."

I just say "I take it how it comes". They get mad...

whenever a girl asks me something like that, i assume she has nothing better to do or her friend told her to ask me that dumb *!@.
I stopped asking myself why women do what they do a long time ago. because you will go crazy.

just nod your head, add a couple "oh i see", "yup i agree", " i see what your talking about" and try to keep it moving. sometimes i just look at their forehead and think about something else. god im horrible but thats how you survive.

sometimes women will have a conversation with you even when you don't say anything.
Originally Posted by Vidasman

WOW.. this isnt gonna end well... All I can say to this is "WHY DOES GRASS GROW GREEN" idk...

I feel you alot of this because at times it seems when arguing MEN always want to make a VALID POINT and when youre doing so, the women just argues,,, BECAUSE she just wants to ARGUE regardless if a points made, she always has to be right I guess..

So true. Sometimes they dont care about any point, they just want to argue. I hate when they just runnin their mouth to try and pull you in deeper. But myfriend and his girl stay doin that. I kno she just tryin to argue too cuz sometimes i gotta play mediator and she acutally listens to my points and be likeyou right, you right and calms down after a second lol. So i kno she just wanna argue with him more then any real problem.
that ex BF thing is outta pocket in most cases to me. I gotta make sure the girls i talk to HATE their ex bfs guts lmao
Originally Posted by flight23air

I stopped asking myself why women do what they do a long time ago. because you will go crazy.

just nod your head, add a couple "oh i see", "yup i agree", " i see what your talking about" and try to keep it moving. sometimes i just look at their forehead and think about something else. god im horrible but thats how you survive.

sometimes women will have a conversation with you even when you don't say anything.
QFT. Gotta keep your sanity.
Originally Posted by eleet1

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

* Play games with your head like if they been holding out on sex a few days and you say something, they act like they gave you some obvious hint and you passed on it, so you lost the game and didn't get to smash? example: "Remember last night when I went to bed early cause I said I was sooooo tired.... I wanted to get freaky with you, but you just sat on the couch watching TV, so you didn't want to." me: "It was 7:00pm and you shot me down for sex at 6:45pm." her: "Well, it's your fault you didn't come to bed." me: "how about now?" her: "No, it's too late, you had your chance..."
I hate this.

In the morning.
Her: I wanted to do it in the middle of the night last night.
Me: Well how about now?
Her: No im not in the mood.
Me: Then why didnt you wake me up last night to do it.
Her: Its not my fault you were sleeping.
why do women get so angry if you dont argue back with them? id rather just avoid n argument ill forget about it 10 minutes later anyway but chicks seem to getpleasure from arguing
Originally Posted by MrBluPrint

Because women LOVE to COMPLAIN...

Word. Any chick can ALWAYS find something to complain about, no matter how big or small the problem
Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Why do women:

* Try their hardest to stay in touch with every ex-boyfriend they've ever had?
this is funny bring in the T.I gif cause i make sure allties get cut or somebody get cut, but on another note my girl be checkin my phone but i kno she do but i act like i dont kno
Peep this... happened to me this morning...

My girls calls me while I'm sleep & i wake up & get the phone...

Me: can you please lower your voice.
Her: fine i just won't talk to you at all then

Mind bottling

Peep this, so I tell me GF I probably go to my homeboys cookout this weekend. She says "are any of your ex boo's going to be there? (Just randomquestion
) I respond back "noooooo, where the hell did that come from?" Her answer to that is " I mean you can tell me, I won't get mad,I promise."

Women are just random and out of this world sometimes, I swear.
Females are strange as hell.

Were on the phone making plans for tomorrow, going to the amusement park. She says we'll meet up at 2:00. I said cool I'll be there early. Then shegoing on about don't be late. I'm thinking to myself "this chick is always late" She was looking for an argument so I kept my mouth shut.Asking me "why you not saying anything?" "Are you listening?" I was having a good day, listening to old school hip-hop and a Fela Kutisongs just bumping sounds in my room. My tranquility was cool before I picked up the phone.

She def gonna get a cold-stone dude tomorrow.
come on dirty , 99.9% of women at one point or another throw some silly
test our way , especially aroundHS - college age

ive gotten the 'omg so and so actor is SO hot' a bajillion times . its such a ploy for the girl to gauge how confidentyou are in yourself . completely disregard it or lightheartedly tease her for being 'so middle school' for her celebrity crushes
Originally Posted by eleet1

I hate this.

In the morning.
Her: I wanted to do it in the middle of the night last night.
Me: Well how about now?
Her: No im not in the mood.
Me: Then why didnt you wake me up last night to do it.
Her: Its not my fault you were sleeping.

I love women and their attitudes, games, complaining, etc. My advice learn to like it because some things dont change.
I gave up trying to get my woman to think logically like me. Nowadays, I just try my best to speak two languages at once...

* why does she NEVER get how her "revelations" about me apply to her own faults as well?!
* why does she take everything I say with a grain of salt, but thinks her preacher, family, or self is above the same scrutiny?!
* why do I have to continue to ask for things she knows I expect when she knows I'm gonna get it anyway?!
I swear it makes me not want it anymore... I hate asking... she knows my signs...
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

* Get mad at hypothetical situations.
nah, my girl is the opposite, i'll say a hypothetical situation for the sake of an argument or example...

i dunno how she gets mad, but she somehow takes hypothetical situations as like "you wouldn't have thought about it if you didn't want to do it,or were thinking about doing it"

$@$! is ridiculously frustrating...
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