Why do women...??? Vol. 1

Originally Posted by imsojayded

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Her: im going out with my friends tonight
Me: ok have fun
Her: your not gonna ask me where im going?
Me: where are you going?
Her: you dont care about me
Me: yes i do. I just said have fun and enjoy urself
Her: you dont care about anything i do. You dont love me. SMH

In reverse

Me: im going out tonight
Her: where, with who?
Me: with the boys
Her: where?
Me: a club
Her: what club?
Me: (insert club)
Her: what time u Coming back. U gonna dance with anyone?
Me: im just going out to have fun. (proceeds to walk out).
In the car phone rings
Her: you dont love me. You only care about urself and ur friends

I really dont get it.
i am guilty of this
Hate this.
Originally Posted by MetroKid26

Why do women......

1) Secretly hate each other? I'll be talking to a girl, then her quote "friend" comes along and they hug and kiss each other on the cheek...only to hear five seconds late "I can't stand that broad" after she leaves....WTH??

I learned that early. I think all their friends are expendable.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by Thugnificence

Peep this... happened to me this morning...

My girls calls me while I'm sleep & i wake up & get the phone...

Me: can you please lower your voice.
Her: fine i just won't talk to you at all then

Mind bottling
i let it slide cause i aint wanna waste the post...

keeping with Iiceman post....

Why is that they don't want us to go out at all, but its cool when they have girls night out? Chris Rock spoke on this topic before.

I love when she go out with her friends, but she hates it when I kick it with my boys.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by Thugnificence

Peep this... happened to me this morning...

My girls calls me while I'm sleep & i wake up & get the phone...

Me: can you please lower your voice.
Her: fine i just won't talk to you at all then

Mind bottling
i let it slide cause i aint wanna waste the post...


Actually a reference to "Blades of Glory", if I'm not mistaken.
Yep. Same old, same old on Niketalk.

Thugnificence is still complaining about his girlfriend on the internet where she can read it. Talk about passive aggressive, feminine ways to handleconflict...
Enphan is still using his psychotically dysfunctional relationship with his girlfriend as a barometer for normal relationships.
The wise ones are still acting like they can't possibly find a woman that can contend with their staggering intellect. Maybe you're just not asconfident as you think.
And I'm on a high horse.
my girl and i hardly fight...but she's definitely guilty of a lot of stuff that was posted.
i don't even pay it attention. its mad annoying and makes me not even wanna be around, honestly. but i love her, so...
What about this one

Her: Hey im going out with the girls tonight!
aight thas wasup...
Her: Yeah we going to (insert club)
Me: Oh word?
Her: yeah (insert names) are all going. Its ladies night out!
Me: aight see you when u get back

Me trying to go out

Me: yeah im finna go out with some of the boys.
Her: Where at?
Me: (insert place of interest)
Her: Ok im going too.
Me: No you're not, you went out with ya girls let me chill.

Her: well if im not going then you aint goin either.

So i can see where you guys are coming from, I use to act like this towards my bf all the time... We're Girls!! Let us make it!
Originally Posted by wuSHUMast3r

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by Thugnificence

Peep this... happened to me this morning...

My girls calls me while I'm sleep & i wake up & get the phone...

Me: can you please lower your voice.
Her: fine i just won't talk to you at all then

Mind bottling
i let it slide cause i aint wanna waste the post...


Actually a reference to "Blades of Glory", if I'm not mistaken.
glad somebody picked up on it...
why do women always want to kiss you right after they go down on you?

i mean, damn... what makes you think i wanna do that?

Because they don't want to feel like a *%%%%.

As far as finding a better class of women, etc... I'm actually happily married. I wasn't really talking about stuff I deal with on a day to day basiswith my wife, it was more a combination of past experiences, etc... My wife does some of the smaller stuff that doesn't make sense to me, but I don'tthink there's a woman on this planet that doesn't do a few or all of the things people are talking about.
Originally Posted by NYelectric

Yep. Same old, same old on Niketalk.

Thugnificence is still complaining about his girlfriend on the internet where she can read it. Talk about passive aggressive, feminine ways to handle conflict...

some people are a lil too concerned about me & my life...

get off my tip... it aint a good look... just a suggestion
My comments obviously were not completely serious. It wasn't an insult. It was purely observational. I know nothing of your relationship, but it seems tome that if you expect to have an honest straight forward relationship it should start with you. It may have sounded confrontational, but I didn't mean forit to. Just a suggestion.

I haven't been here in a while. I hope you're all in good places. Even Enphan.
I was listening to z100 (ny radio station) and they had this same topic.
And whem some of the "why women" questions came up the women laughed.
It bugs me out cause most of them know they're doing these things that
Make no logical sense.

Ive even tried to play their game.

(im laying on the couch watchin tv)
Her: u coming in the room?
Me: nah im not sleepy yet

Next morning
Her: how come you dont wanna have sex with me that much
Me: what are you talking about, yes i do
Her: no, i want sex more than u. I have a higher sex drive anyway
Me: no you dont. You dont even initiate it.
Her: yes i do. I asked if your coming in the room
Me: what? Why dont you just say i wanna *@%@

So i took notes NT and decided to trade places like usher

She goes to sleep and im up watchn tv
Next morning
Me: what happened last
Her: what r u talking about
Me: i wanted to have sex
Her: you didnt say anything. I. Cant read your mind

Can yall ladies explain this please?
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

I was listening to z100 (ny radio station) and they had this same topic.
And whem some of the "why women" questions came up the women laughed.
It bugs me out cause most of them know they're doing these things that
Make no logical sense.

Ive even tried to play their game.

(im laying on the couch watchin tv)
Her: u coming in the room?
Me: nah im not sleepy yet

Next morning
Her: how come you dont wanna have sex with me that much
Me: what are you talking about, yes i do
Her: no, i want sex more than u. I have a higher sex drive anyway
Me: no you dont. You dont even initiate it.
Her: yes i do. I asked if your coming in the room
Me: what? Why dont you just say i wanna *@%@

So i took notes NT and decided to trade places like usher

She goes to sleep and im up watchn tv
Next morning
Me: what happened last
Her: what r u talking about
Me: i wanted to have sex
Her: you didnt say anything. I. Cant read your mind

Can yall ladies explain this please?
Why is that they don't want us to go out at all, but its cool when they have girls night out?

Honestly, it depends on trust levels and insecurity issues. Girls who continuously ban their bf's from hanging out with the boys don't trust them toomuch or they don't trust the friends, or other girls. Either that or they just don't feel the relationship is secure enough. I think that's ahorrible quality for a girl to have. Both parties are entitled to enjoy nights out with their friends. Overruling in a relationship causes tremendous conflictand in many cases, unsuccessful relationships.
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