Why does Jay-Z think hes so cool?

Originally Posted by Club27

Jay-Z IS cool. you know how long ive been trying to pull off the bucket hat? aint happenin
lmaooo, when you're in a R.Kelly video, its imperaive that you dress like your blind...but damn if he didnt go out with that bucket.
Originally Posted by Mickey Moss

Jay-Z is 38 and has hideous facial features....His nose is a monstrosity, his teeth are crooked, he has the Morgan Freeman freckles, gargantuan lips that look deformed.....

I mean Jay got the whips, the cribs, the jewels, the chick and everything...but put it like this...

How can you look up to a dude if it wasn't for the cash and fame wouldn't be getting#%*! or brain?
All I'm saying is this.... I'm handsome and broke.. Apparently that ain't Beyonce's type. Call it what you want but that __'sattracted more women that are better looking w/ his "camel appearance".
IM Just saying he prob has alot of STDs from superhead and alot of vixens....he can buy alot of things but he cant buy his health bc hes also obese and being fat is the worst thing in the world
doggie that has NOTHING to do with your question, you getting desperate now because you feel stupid
Don't mention my name Jape . . . You scared to post your picture. You're 100% pure coward . . . And a broke one too . . . Everyone always wanna knowwhy he so mad . . . Its cause he's broke & pathetic . . . Wouldn't you be mad too?? Don't address me . . . EVER
what you gonna do put on your girl socks and have another countdown?
you look like ashy larry
This Post > The thread stater...


Seem's like Harlem is straving....

Either Love him or leave him alone...
Originally Posted by Starvin Harlem

Don't mention my name Jape . . . You scared to post your picture. You're 100% pure coward . . . And a broke one too . . . Everyone always wanna know why he so mad . . . Its cause he's broke & pathetic . . . Wouldn't you be mad too?? Don't address me . . . EVER

Dude, you callin dudes out for being a coward, just because they don't wanna show you their pic? Why are you so interested in what another manlooks like? And how you gonna give another man "orders" not to ever speak to you again on an internet forum? And you askin for dudes addresses? You asexual predator? Come on now, you make arguments like an 8th grade female. Besides, even though we've given proof that he does charity work, you ignore it.

Gucci Bucket Hat > Carrying Buckets of Water to people in Africa
Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

And how you gonna give another man "orders" not to ever speak to you again on an internet forum? And you askin for dudes addresses? You a sexual predator? Come on now, you make arguments like an 8th grade female.

Aww man... ya'll a mess...
Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

Originally Posted by Starvin Harlem

Don't mention my name Jape . . . You scared to post your picture. You're 100% pure coward . . . And a broke one too . . . Everyone always wanna know why he so mad . . . Its cause he's broke & pathetic . . . Wouldn't you be mad too?? Don't address me . . . EVER

Dude, you callin dudes out for being a coward, just because they don't wanna show you their pic? Why are you so interested in what another man looks like? And how you gonna give another man "orders" not to ever speak to you again on an internet forum? And you askin for dudes addresses? You a sexual predator? Come on now, you make arguments like an 8th grade female. Besides, even though we've given proof that he does charity work, you ignore it


Scare to post pics? WTF you tying to do relyon pics to determine if they are "cool" or not up to your standards or something?
that's it im out the effin music forum. This issh is mad lame.
Originally Posted by Mickey Moss

Jay-Z is 38 and has hideous facial features....His nose is a monstrosity, his teeth are crooked, he has the Morgan Freeman freckles, gargantuan lips that look deformed.....

I mean Jay got the whips, the cribs, the jewels, the chick and everything...but put it like this...

How can you look up to a dude if it wasn't for the cash and fame wouldn't be getting$+@% or brain?

From this point onward, NT views you as gay. If you're cool with it, then ok. But if thats not what you are, then its time to dead this s/n and get anew one. You *#*!#@ up. Its one thing to call a dude ugly....but to go as far as to describe his facial features is beyond suspect.......... I'm gonna backoff cause I dont wanna get banned, but i dont think too many nters are gonna let your comments slide.........This s/n is DONE.
^No, everything I said was a fact. You got a problem with that, send me your phone number and address via PM, and I'll do meet up, no kicks tho.
Jay Z suffers from what I like to call the "high school syndrome" ,meaning he always wants to be mr. popular and be in tuned with pop culture.He's only getting older, and you would think with all this maturity talk he would relax, but i guess he can't control it. I believe thats one of themain reasons why his last couple of albums have been weak or just descent. (Aside from black albums). Reasonable Dought and In My Lifetime are my last goodimpressions of Jay.
The man is getting his paper, when it's all said and done that's what people respect and make him seem "cool"...

Or maybe he's cool because of this...
this thread is crazy.
his money = his prerogative to do whatever he wants with it
dudes is hatin on him for not being philanthropic enough, why arent you out doing community service and donating your net income to charity?
thats what yall want him to do...
the reason why our communities arent getting anywhere is because the people that are in the position to do something spend all their time trying to blame thenext guy...
arguing and finger pointing is always the easiest thing to do.
Originally Posted by Buddha JAPE

like i said dude is gay.
his favorite rappers are LL cool J and 50 cent...
thats not a coincidence SMH
and he wears GIRL SOCKS

theres really no more that can be said.
you and bad N fluenz should go get an e-room.


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