Why don't sportcasters keep it real about Lebron?

That's fine man. I'm not a hater, so if a person disagrees with my "theory" then it's okay by me. Like I said, I still love TMAC and will forever be a fan. It's just certain flaws that I saw in his game.

And yes - he abused AK47. But that was my point. There are certain players TMAC knew he had the ability to beat. AK47...Glenn Robinson, Tim Thomas. These are the same type of players I coincidently see that Lebron likes to feast on given the chance. But you can go back and look at all the games you might still have from the years of McGrady in his prime and see the similarities. I'm not saying he can't beat his man...just not consistently. The defense schemed to stop TMac wasn't that threatening. The problem with Tracy is that he used a lot of picks and that's why when teams tighten up he wasn't that dependable. Tracy had a more consistent outside shot though, so sometimes that his his weakness.

I put importance on this ability because secretly - it is what turns a good player into a great player. Your ability to destroy your man one on one without any help, schemes, or mismatch strategies opens up so much more for your teammates. It's hard for me to properly explain by just typing about it...

If I was building a team, I would want a player in a system that can destroy his defender but have a "system" with the right players that other players can work around that man's ability. People think the triangle offense is a "team oriented" offense. The triangle offense is a isolation offense that makes the other 4 players play in a system to keep the defender who's defending the primary scorer in isolation honest. The same way stars win championships is the same way isolation ball is very underrated if done right. I have seen some exceptions like the Detroit Pistons...but their team was just a different type of beast...so even I admit that my theory has flaws and exceptions.

I use Coach K as an example...because I dissect Coach K's coaching down to a T. This dude builds his teams the same way to play in his system. He finds one or two guys who can destroy their man off the dribble, and he concentrates on teaching the other players to use the "step advantage" they have from the penetration to keep the defense off balance. This is in part why so many of his players are great in college but look so average in the pros. A "step advantage" is like a player spotting up for a three...and catches the ball after a penetrator has drived and dished with the defense collapsing...now that player spotting up has a step advantage because a defender is running out to him. He has a great advantage of beating that guy by purely on the fact that the defense is one or two steps behind. Every team utilizes this strategy, but Coach K emphasizes this strategy as the main focus of beating opposing teams. Year in and year out he creates his teams this way. He's an excellent coach who has mastered what a lot of other coaches haven't.

But this is all of my opinion of what I find important.
T-Mac played SG during his prime and if the opposing team wanted to throw a slower SF at him, that is their problem. I don't expect T-Mac to be quicker than SGs that are smaller than him. So then your argument is pretty pointless in that regards because his first step might be quicker and slower relative to different positions and players. I see no problem in taking advantage of slower SFs and posting up on shorter SGs like he did during his prime.
T-Mac played SG during his prime and if the opposing team wanted to throw a slower SF at him, that is their problem. I don't expect T-Mac to be quicker than SGs that are smaller than him. So then your argument is pretty pointless in that regards because his first step might be quicker and slower relative to different positions and players. I see no problem in taking advantage of slower SFs and posting up on shorter SGs like he did during his prime.
I can understand how you think that is logic but the problem is that in a scoring/dependability matter...this way of scoring suffers if you are the go to guy in a offense. "If u are taller than him, take advantage of of your height...if smaller, beat him on the dribble" is a poor way of being able to score because when a team tries to concentrate on making you a passer...they can. Its just not that simple..

I'm on my phone so I can't embedd, but ill post tmacs 62 points for evidence.


Look at the way tmac scored. Tmac scored within the offense solely because he was having a hot hand. Pay attention to his first two baskets...this dude needed a mismatch to excel. The shots he took throughout the game was the repitore of his scoring ability every game. He made a living off of pull up 3s and quick Js off of picks. You can even see the time he drives to the basket...he had to beat jefferies before he set up. This is not dependable scoring...especially when a team smartly stops you.

Just really focus on what I'm saying dude. Lebron...other than being a much better transitional player than mac (though tracy shot better from the outside) scores just like this. The reason I can't make up my mind about KD is because his outside shot might constitute him as a shooter because its so good. Sometimes you outside shot is dependable. Tracy, Lebron...they were streaky rythem scorers.
I can understand how you think that is logic but the problem is that in a scoring/dependability matter...this way of scoring suffers if you are the go to guy in a offense. "If u are taller than him, take advantage of of your height...if smaller, beat him on the dribble" is a poor way of being able to score because when a team tries to concentrate on making you a passer...they can. Its just not that simple..

I'm on my phone so I can't embedd, but ill post tmacs 62 points for evidence.


Look at the way tmac scored. Tmac scored within the offense solely because he was having a hot hand. Pay attention to his first two baskets...this dude needed a mismatch to excel. The shots he took throughout the game was the repitore of his scoring ability every game. He made a living off of pull up 3s and quick Js off of picks. You can even see the time he drives to the basket...he had to beat jefferies before he set up. This is not dependable scoring...especially when a team smartly stops you.

Just really focus on what I'm saying dude. Lebron...other than being a much better transitional player than mac (though tracy shot better from the outside) scores just like this. The reason I can't make up my mind about KD is because his outside shot might constitute him as a shooter because its so good. Sometimes you outside shot is dependable. Tracy, Lebron...they were streaky rythem scorers.
this dude just coming up with excuses to why Bron cant beat his man in the iso... Hes A WALKING MISMATCH. No matter who you put on him, he'll have some sort of an advantage on the defender. You act like hes never knocked a jump shot down or beat someone off the post. He just uses what the mismatch gives him. Hes a natural scorer off the mismatch and yes it does still take skill to do so. I dont get what you expect the man to do to be considered a "natural scorer." Im a LBJ fan, and I know his offensive skill is not like Kobe nor KDs but he still pours in buckets just as much as they do. I feel like youre just nit picking his game finding a reason to hate IMO
this dude just coming up with excuses to why Bron cant beat his man in the iso... Hes A WALKING MISMATCH. No matter who you put on him, he'll have some sort of an advantage on the defender. You act like hes never knocked a jump shot down or beat someone off the post. He just uses what the mismatch gives him. Hes a natural scorer off the mismatch and yes it does still take skill to do so. I dont get what you expect the man to do to be considered a "natural scorer." Im a LBJ fan, and I know his offensive skill is not like Kobe nor KDs but he still pours in buckets just as much as they do. I feel like youre just nit picking his game finding a reason to hate IMO
Originally Posted by DaComeUP

His first step right here was kinda slow.............
Originally Posted by 4Shoposite

I can understand how you think that is logic but the problem is that in a scoring/dependability matter...this way of scoring suffers if you are the go to guy in a offense. "If u are taller than him, take advantage of of your height...if smaller, beat him on the dribble" is a poor way of being able to score because when a team tries to concentrate on making you a passer...they can. Its just not that simple..

I'm on my phone so I can't embedd, but ill post tmacs 62 points for evidence.


Look at the way tmac scored. Tmac scored within the offense solely because he was having a hot hand. Pay attention to his first two baskets...this dude needed a mismatch to excel. The shots he took throughout the game was the repitore of his scoring ability every game. He made a living off of pull up 3s and quick Js off of picks. You can even see the time he drives to the basket...he had to beat jefferies before he set up. This is not dependable scoring...especially when a team smartly stops you.

Just really focus on what I'm saying dude. Lebron...other than being a much better transitional player than mac (though tracy shot better from the outside) scores just like this. The reason I can't make up my mind about KD is because his outside shot might constitute him as a shooter because its so good. Sometimes you outside shot is dependable. Tracy, Lebron...they were streaky rythem scorers.
T-Mac at his prime was a walking mismatch so what is your point? Dependable scoring? He led the league in scoring at his prime. You want him to drive on Iverson?

So because Durant is known for his shooting, he don't need a quick first step to be a dependable scorer? I would like to know who is a dependable scorer on your list with a quick first step that is above 6-6 as well.  
Originally Posted by 4Shoposite

I can understand how you think that is logic but the problem is that in a scoring/dependability matter...this way of scoring suffers if you are the go to guy in a offense. "If u are taller than him, take advantage of of your height...if smaller, beat him on the dribble" is a poor way of being able to score because when a team tries to concentrate on making you a passer...they can. Its just not that simple..

I'm on my phone so I can't embedd, but ill post tmacs 62 points for evidence.


Look at the way tmac scored. Tmac scored within the offense solely because he was having a hot hand. Pay attention to his first two baskets...this dude needed a mismatch to excel. The shots he took throughout the game was the repitore of his scoring ability every game. He made a living off of pull up 3s and quick Js off of picks. You can even see the time he drives to the basket...he had to beat jefferies before he set up. This is not dependable scoring...especially when a team smartly stops you.

Just really focus on what I'm saying dude. Lebron...other than being a much better transitional player than mac (though tracy shot better from the outside) scores just like this. The reason I can't make up my mind about KD is because his outside shot might constitute him as a shooter because its so good. Sometimes you outside shot is dependable. Tracy, Lebron...they were streaky rythem scorers.
T-Mac at his prime was a walking mismatch so what is your point? Dependable scoring? He led the league in scoring at his prime. You want him to drive on Iverson?

So because Durant is known for his shooting, he don't need a quick first step to be a dependable scorer? I would like to know who is a dependable scorer on your list with a quick first step that is above 6-6 as well.  
Lebron has a long and explosive first step, but  If  Granger is the worst
The thing with Lebron is that his first step has to eat up the space that his frame and realative lack of shooting ability creates between himself and the defender. In addition to the fact that he rarely uses the proper footwork and it usually looks like an average step. Tmac never had a great first step, nor was he ever a great finisher. Lebron despite being left handed was not able to finish with his left since he has gained that ability and is explosive at finishing in the lane. Lebron however knows that his 2nd and 3rd steps are better than his first and you thus got him dribbling to half court in iso switch situations.  His first step has slowed in the past 2 seasons, and losing 10lbs didnt help it. But half of a good first step is knowing when to use and having the dribbling ability to get a defender off balance often enough to do so.
Lebron has a long and explosive first step, but  If  Granger is the worst
The thing with Lebron is that his first step has to eat up the space that his frame and realative lack of shooting ability creates between himself and the defender. In addition to the fact that he rarely uses the proper footwork and it usually looks like an average step. Tmac never had a great first step, nor was he ever a great finisher. Lebron despite being left handed was not able to finish with his left since he has gained that ability and is explosive at finishing in the lane. Lebron however knows that his 2nd and 3rd steps are better than his first and you thus got him dribbling to half court in iso switch situations.  His first step has slowed in the past 2 seasons, and losing 10lbs didnt help it. But half of a good first step is knowing when to use and having the dribbling ability to get a defender off balance often enough to do so.
no post game. no killer instinct. doesnt drive to the basket hard despite his physical attributes. jumpshots a suspect. king but doesnt have rings. maybe will have a ring but a roleplayer on his team (i.e.not the first option on offense).

*waits for dhalsim
no post game. no killer instinct. doesnt drive to the basket hard despite his physical attributes. jumpshots a suspect. king but doesnt have rings. maybe will have a ring but a roleplayer on his team (i.e.not the first option on offense).

*waits for dhalsim
See man this is the problem with message boards... no one would say such outlandish %$%$ if they weren't hiding behind a computer screen.
See man this is the problem with message boards... no one would say such outlandish %$%$ if they weren't hiding behind a computer screen.
^ I say this all time time in the real world. I've turned non believers into believers right in ntof my tv screen. I break it down and show people what I'm talking about during games. If you really pay attention to how he plays - you will see it for yourself. People need to stop getting excited about nondependable plays. Those pull up threes, transitional dunks, and backdoor alleyoops are great in a sense that yes...that's why he's super talented and in the NBA because he can make shots like that...but they aren't dependable basketball shots. Lebron, TMac, etc. are/were the Kings of scoring the ball like this.  

The thing with Lebron is that his first step has to eat up the space that his frame and realative lack of shooting ability creates between himself and the defender. In addition to the fact that he rarely uses the proper footwork and it usually looks like an average step.
At the end of the day...use physics, use his lack of footwork, outside shot, or whatever as an excuse...but at the end of the day, dude just can't consistently get by his man, and that's what hurts his halfcourt offensive scoring the most.

T-Mac at his prime was a walking mismatch so what is your point?
And my point is the way Tracy scored was not dependable. That's why this dude dissapeared Allllllll the time. All the time! I used to deny it when I wanted to be stubborn and show my affiliation to him as a fan, but this dude would go ghost because being a walking mismatch means nothing to me. Nothing. The only time it is valuable is if you play out of the post. If you're game is geared for mismatches and you're a perimeter player - it's very easy to see your weaknesses.

Dependable scoring? He led the league in scoring at his prime. You want him to drive on Iverson?
Once again people are jaded by the stats. Him leading the league in scoring and being a dependable scorer do not equal in my standards. I showed you how David Robinson averaged nearly 30 points a game one season and dude was not a dependable scorer.
^ I say this all time time in the real world. I've turned non believers into believers right in ntof my tv screen. I break it down and show people what I'm talking about during games. If you really pay attention to how he plays - you will see it for yourself. People need to stop getting excited about nondependable plays. Those pull up threes, transitional dunks, and backdoor alleyoops are great in a sense that yes...that's why he's super talented and in the NBA because he can make shots like that...but they aren't dependable basketball shots. Lebron, TMac, etc. are/were the Kings of scoring the ball like this.  

The thing with Lebron is that his first step has to eat up the space that his frame and realative lack of shooting ability creates between himself and the defender. In addition to the fact that he rarely uses the proper footwork and it usually looks like an average step.
At the end of the day...use physics, use his lack of footwork, outside shot, or whatever as an excuse...but at the end of the day, dude just can't consistently get by his man, and that's what hurts his halfcourt offensive scoring the most.

T-Mac at his prime was a walking mismatch so what is your point?
And my point is the way Tracy scored was not dependable. That's why this dude dissapeared Allllllll the time. All the time! I used to deny it when I wanted to be stubborn and show my affiliation to him as a fan, but this dude would go ghost because being a walking mismatch means nothing to me. Nothing. The only time it is valuable is if you play out of the post. If you're game is geared for mismatches and you're a perimeter player - it's very easy to see your weaknesses.

Dependable scoring? He led the league in scoring at his prime. You want him to drive on Iverson?
Once again people are jaded by the stats. Him leading the league in scoring and being a dependable scorer do not equal in my standards. I showed you how David Robinson averaged nearly 30 points a game one season and dude was not a dependable scorer.
Originally Posted by Bruce Waynee

Who cares?

Dude averages 27-7-7 for his career.

No, really though.  Why does it matter if his first step isn't "elite"? 
basically...thats like getting mad superman isn't as fast as da flash...
Originally Posted by Bruce Waynee

Who cares?

Dude averages 27-7-7 for his career.

No, really though.  Why does it matter if his first step isn't "elite"? 
basically...thats like getting mad superman isn't as fast as da flash...
he's partially correct... Bron has the speed but his dribbling is a bit slower than his body movement which slows him down a nit. He really doesnt have an explosive first step but his size and strength makes up for it that you dont even notice it .....

good thread OP
he's partially correct... Bron has the speed but his dribbling is a bit slower than his body movement which slows him down a nit. He really doesnt have an explosive first step but his size and strength makes up for it that you dont even notice it .....

good thread OP
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