Why don't sportcasters keep it real about Lebron?

YoungTriz wrote:
you asked for it...


Stop it 5. Who you arguing for?

Look at every shotthis dude took.He couldn't even beat HEDO off the dribble consistently. Look at the type HEDO forced him to take. You comfortable with this dude taking those shots when the game is on the line? Ofcourse not...and he isn't either. Please rewatch that clip and honestly listen to what I am saying.
Originally Posted by Futuristic

Originally Posted by Juice2352

His J is weak
 People still believe this nonsense 
I've never heard him regarded as a player with a good jump shot. The form isn't great, he's not known for having a mid-range game really, and he's always been below avg from the perimeter. A great measure for a player's jump shot is FT%...LeBron in his 8 years:








These are very very average %'s and there has been a lot of variability. In game, his shot isn't consistent.
Originally Posted by Futuristic

Originally Posted by Juice2352

His J is weak
 People still believe this nonsense 
I've never heard him regarded as a player with a good jump shot. The form isn't great, he's not known for having a mid-range game really, and he's always been below avg from the perimeter. A great measure for a player's jump shot is FT%...LeBron in his 8 years:








These are very very average %'s and there has been a lot of variability. In game, his shot isn't consistent.
Originally Posted by 4Shoposite

And yes - I uploaded a video from earlier in the season, but there isn't much difference from then to now in the way Lebron choses to score. If you'd like...post a recent video of his individual scoring ability in the halfcourt and I'm confident I can sit here and hold the same type of argument. All I'm asking is for people to just pay attention to the way he scores. I honestly don't think Lebron has that pure of an offensive ability to score.
Originally Posted by 4Shoposite

And yes - I uploaded a video from earlier in the season, but there isn't much difference from then to now in the way Lebron choses to score. If you'd like...post a recent video of his individual scoring ability in the halfcourt and I'm confident I can sit here and hold the same type of argument. All I'm asking is for people to just pay attention to the way he scores. I honestly don't think Lebron has that pure of an offensive ability to score.
Originally Posted by SneakerFr

OP, Lebron agrees with you about his first step. "My first step ain’t never been that great. It’s my second step, that’s where I’ll get you.â€
Originally Posted by SneakerFr

OP, Lebron agrees with you about his first step. "My first step ain’t never been that great. It’s my second step, that’s where I’ll get you.â€
What laughable about this thread is that people actually DO count the numbers for one's play in "crunchtime", and LBJ is at the top if the list. In the last possession of games over his career, he's above the league average.

Not that this is all important anyway, because clutch data relies on paltry sample sizes. It ALSO isnt more important than a player who is better throughout the 48 minutes of a game. Those players win you more games, plain and simple.
What laughable about this thread is that people actually DO count the numbers for one's play in "crunchtime", and LBJ is at the top if the list. In the last possession of games over his career, he's above the league average.

Not that this is all important anyway, because clutch data relies on paltry sample sizes. It ALSO isnt more important than a player who is better throughout the 48 minutes of a game. Those players win you more games, plain and simple.
Originally Posted by YoungTriz

Originally Posted by 4Shoposite

And yes - I uploaded a video from earlier in the season, but there isn't much difference from then to now in the way Lebron choses to score. If you'd like...post a recent video of his individual scoring ability in the halfcourt and I'm confident I can sit here and hold the same type of argument. All I'm asking is for people to just pay attention to the way he scores. I honestly don't think Lebron has that pure of an offensive ability to score.

But look at the toughness of the shots he took. C'mon man! If you can't see what I'm talking about in the video YOU posted, you are just chosing to ignore what's obvious imho.

In that video - which I see consistently in the games I watch - Lebron takes outside jumpers, 3s, and ridiculous shots after being forced to change his direction. That, putbacks, fastbreak dunks, and fts make up much of his offense. To me, that's not a pure sense of scoring. We might have different opinions about what that is tho.
Originally Posted by YoungTriz

Originally Posted by 4Shoposite

And yes - I uploaded a video from earlier in the season, but there isn't much difference from then to now in the way Lebron choses to score. If you'd like...post a recent video of his individual scoring ability in the halfcourt and I'm confident I can sit here and hold the same type of argument. All I'm asking is for people to just pay attention to the way he scores. I honestly don't think Lebron has that pure of an offensive ability to score.

But look at the toughness of the shots he took. C'mon man! If you can't see what I'm talking about in the video YOU posted, you are just chosing to ignore what's obvious imho.

In that video - which I see consistently in the games I watch - Lebron takes outside jumpers, 3s, and ridiculous shots after being forced to change his direction. That, putbacks, fastbreak dunks, and fts make up much of his offense. To me, that's not a pure sense of scoring. We might have different opinions about what that is tho.
Originally Posted by 4Shoposite

Originally Posted by YoungTriz

Originally Posted by 4Shoposite

And yes - I uploaded a video from earlier in the season, but there isn't much difference from then to now in the way Lebron choses to score. If you'd like...post a recent video of his individual scoring ability in the halfcourt and I'm confident I can sit here and hold the same type of argument. All I'm asking is for people to just pay attention to the way he scores. I honestly don't think Lebron has that pure of an offensive ability to score.

But look at the toughness of the shots he took. C'mon man! If you can't see what I'm talking about in the video YOU posted, you are just chosing to ignore what's obvious imho.

In that video - [color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]which I see consistently in the games I watch - Lebron takes outside jumpers, 3s, and ridiculous shots [/color]after[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)] being forced to change his direction.[/color] [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]That, putbacks, fastbreak dunks, and fts make up much of his offense. To me, that's not a pure sense of scoring.[/color] We might have different opinions about what that is tho.
im done with you... you asked me to post a vid of lebron in a half court and score... so i did... he had 1 or 2 shots that he had to change direction... you asked i provided..
take a step back and think about what you just typed... READY im gonna high light if for you...
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]those are ways of scoring, and those are the ways you think he can only score.. [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]what other ways do you want him to score?[/color]
you just said in the same damn sentence... that putbacks, fastbreaks dunks, and ft is how he scores, and in the vid you see him shoot 3's, outside jumpers, and shots while changing direction... i dont know what else you asking for.. .case closed... 
Originally Posted by 4Shoposite

Originally Posted by YoungTriz

Originally Posted by 4Shoposite

And yes - I uploaded a video from earlier in the season, but there isn't much difference from then to now in the way Lebron choses to score. If you'd like...post a recent video of his individual scoring ability in the halfcourt and I'm confident I can sit here and hold the same type of argument. All I'm asking is for people to just pay attention to the way he scores. I honestly don't think Lebron has that pure of an offensive ability to score.

But look at the toughness of the shots he took. C'mon man! If you can't see what I'm talking about in the video YOU posted, you are just chosing to ignore what's obvious imho.

In that video - [color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]which I see consistently in the games I watch - Lebron takes outside jumpers, 3s, and ridiculous shots [/color]after[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)] being forced to change his direction.[/color] [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]That, putbacks, fastbreak dunks, and fts make up much of his offense. To me, that's not a pure sense of scoring.[/color] We might have different opinions about what that is tho.
im done with you... you asked me to post a vid of lebron in a half court and score... so i did... he had 1 or 2 shots that he had to change direction... you asked i provided..
take a step back and think about what you just typed... READY im gonna high light if for you...
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]those are ways of scoring, and those are the ways you think he can only score.. [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]what other ways do you want him to score?[/color]
you just said in the same damn sentence... that putbacks, fastbreaks dunks, and ft is how he scores, and in the vid you see him shoot 3's, outside jumpers, and shots while changing direction... i dont know what else you asking for.. .case closed... 
This thread...is just...crazy.

Lets use some simple logic, if I accept that Lebron is a poor shooter, accept that he has no post up game, and accept he has no first step, what on earth does he have? How the !%+% did he score 30 points a game how on earth did he win a scoring title. Who did it? Was it a phantom scoring all those points? Explain.

Also how many people at his size and weight are as explosive as he is off the dribble, it's like Brandon Jacobs a 4.6 40 yard dash, that is fast as hell if your given the fact he's like 245.

This thread...is just...crazy.

Lets use some simple logic, if I accept that Lebron is a poor shooter, accept that he has no post up game, and accept he has no first step, what on earth does he have? How the !%+% did he score 30 points a game how on earth did he win a scoring title. Who did it? Was it a phantom scoring all those points? Explain.

Also how many people at his size and weight are as explosive as he is off the dribble, it's like Brandon Jacobs a 4.6 40 yard dash, that is fast as hell if your given the fact he's like 245.

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

This thread...is just...crazy.

Lets use some simple logic, if I accept that Lebron is a poor shooter, accept that he has no post up game, and accept he has no first step, what on earth does he have? How the !%+% did he score 30 points a game how on earth did he win a scoring title. Who did it? Was it a phantom scoring all those points? Explain.

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

This thread...is just...crazy.

Lets use some simple logic, if I accept that Lebron is a poor shooter, accept that he has no post up game, and accept he has no first step, what on earth does he have? How the !%+% did he score 30 points a game how on earth did he win a scoring title. Who did it? Was it a phantom scoring all those points? Explain.

It's not about the way I want him to score.

You can just see a pure scorer from a mile away. It's just an innate ability someone has that others just don't.

The way Lebron scores imho is a form of bailout scoring. Those putbacks, fastbreak dunks, and difficult shots while being stopped are VERY rare for Lebron to take when the game gets serious. It's hard to explain, but every person who has played basketball acknowledges that there are subliminal skills that certain players have that you just can't explain properly.

That's why people feel Wade should be the one scoring when the team needs a basket. Wade just has a higher sense of scoring than Lebron. He can force the type of shots he wants...while Lebron gets forced to take the type of shots the opposing team wants. But I agree with you...it sounds ridiculous, but it's not.
It's not about the way I want him to score.

You can just see a pure scorer from a mile away. It's just an innate ability someone has that others just don't.

The way Lebron scores imho is a form of bailout scoring. Those putbacks, fastbreak dunks, and difficult shots while being stopped are VERY rare for Lebron to take when the game gets serious. It's hard to explain, but every person who has played basketball acknowledges that there are subliminal skills that certain players have that you just can't explain properly.

That's why people feel Wade should be the one scoring when the team needs a basket. Wade just has a higher sense of scoring than Lebron. He can force the type of shots he wants...while Lebron gets forced to take the type of shots the opposing team wants. But I agree with you...it sounds ridiculous, but it's not.
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