Why is Popeyes so slow

I barely eat chicken breast because I think it's bland and dry unless it's cooked perfect which no one does and plus they are the size of a steak which is gross.

turkey is even worse to me.
I know y’all be trashing their fries but I’d say Popeyes fries is in my top 5 of fast food fries

I knew someone that preferred checkers fries over Popeyes and had to stop being cool with dude. Checkers makes me feel like I’m eating a bag of grease

I never heard of Popeyes fries slander. They too 5 of any kind of fast food fry.
turkey shouldnt be dry
they just don't know what they are doing

but even still im grabbing that popeyes before anybody's turkey

Yea, that's why I can't even say I'm mad at him (or anyone) for not messing with turkey because MOST people are probably eating Bad TUrkey on a YEarly basis.

They shouldn't have faith in IT.

But yes, you are right. People don't know what they are doing.

What y’all doing if this happens when you bite into a chicken sandwich?

If they serving Yakamien there - it’s legit.

*Edit* I remember this place - chicken is aight. I rather McKenize - however I’ll try it again next week, I’m going back home anyway.
The purple Manchu is ok, orange Manchu used to be better but We never close used to be the spot for wings. When I go home I go to MidCity but that’s just me. McKenzies is alright, you have to catch them at the right time though
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