Why is Popeyes so slow

What culture? Is this a you thing a whole culture thing? Just curious. Seems wild to me but every culture is different so I can appreciate it. I know my white country *** does things that some would look sideways at.

Such as
Yeah, ketchup on chicken (fried, baked, grilled) is a staple in the Caribbean.

Once it comes off the grill, unless there is a special sauce prepared it is getting hit with ketchup.

Is the ketchup usually spicy and smokey. Or like heinz ketchup which can be bitter or bland at times ?
What culture? Is this a you thing a whole culture thing? Just curious. Seems wild to me but every culture is different so I can appreciate it. I know my white country *** does things that some would look sideways at.

Jamaican, of course not everyone but pretty prevalent for "roadside" jerk.
Best jerk chicken I ever had was from my boys pops who used to mix ketchup with his homemade jerk sauce and brush it on the chicken while it was grilling. Man's is an official yardie so I know is #cultural
Who says they are serving more people? I concur this new item is drawing business but first, I would think if that was the case, there wouldn’t be these absurd lines. Second, you would need to know if this potential increase in customers for a $4 sandwich outweighs what customers were previously ordering. Finally, without knowledge of their infrastructure, I find it ha d to believe they added a popular, new offering with the same equipment and staff levels and this wouldn’t cause a rubberneck in their process flow. I don’t think it’s as simple as “Oh, they added this $4 item that they are selling out of early in the day. Their revenues went up drastically.” If they were able to fill all the orders, throughout the day, in a timely manner than my sentiments would be different.
They literally had to shut the item down bc the demand was too high for them to keep up with and you think their revenue went down. They are doing everything they can to keep up, still can't, and you think they had more revenue when they had 30 people through the store on a Tuesday. Have you ever been to a Popeyes and had to wait long? The answer is no. Now they have traffic jams to get in the parking lot. Stop and think about that for a second.
They're ALL sold out wth?

Nothing in the supply chain I guess.

I don’t think this is necessarily a scarcity play but I don’t think it’s far fetched to believe they are taking a break to re-evaluate their supply chain to right-size distribution, process flow and potentially equipment. It’s not a good look to routinely have customers driving to multiple locations to leave empty handed.

(not my pic) But yeah tell me more about my culture.

I’m bajan and have family members who’s also Jamaican and trini.... never have I seen ketchup on jerk chicken lol.

What culture? Is this a you thing a whole culture thing? Just curious. Seems wild to me but every culture is different so I can appreciate it. I know my white country *** does things that some would look sideways at.

Yeah, ketchup on chicken (fried, baked, grilled) is a staple in the Caribbean.

Once it comes off the grill, unless there is a special sauce prepared it is getting hit with ketchup.


Who is to believe here? :emoji_thinking::emoji_thinking::emoji_thinking:
They literally had to shut the item down bc the demand was too high for them to keep up with and you think their revenue went down. They are doing everything they can to keep up, still can't, and you think they had more revenue when they had 30 people through the store on a Tuesday. Have you ever been to a Popeyes and had to wait long? The answer is no. Now they have traffic jams to get in the parking lot. Stop and think about that for a second.

I am saying I don’t know how the revenue was affected because it would require you to know how many sandwiches they were selling out of per day which none of us know. Yes the supply couldn’t keep up with the demand but without knowing quantities or the effect it had on other sales, it is speculation.

I also don’t know how many people were ordering before but I do know that I’ve never been to an empty Popeyes and I have had to wait. Not the 30-40 minutes some claim but for family chicken orders, I’ve waited. The fact that folks are waiting that long for a chicken sandwich just goes to show you they weren’t equipped to add this menu item. I don’t believe it to be as black and white as you make it seem as there are many intricacies, particularly in this case.
You lived in Jamaica and bought jerk chicken after the dance at the side of the road on a Friday night?

Nah never been to Jamaica but from family actually from the islands, I’ll have to ask them if this common because this is mind blowing to me lol. I’ve seen people use pepper sauce to go with it but never saw ketchup paired with it.
Hey I was only joking when I said Popeyes is losing money from the sandwiches
Of course they are banking
But for real tho I can’t just order a chicken sandwich
I gotta have some sides with it that’s for sure
Man said they are losing money because they have so many customers .

Fam it's a basic business model.

I am not saying they are losing money. I am saying they added a popular low price menu item. Yes, it has attracted new customers but they may also take a hit on customers who would have otherwise gotten a higher priced item. Furthermore, they aren’t even serving all of these additional customers so while you may be right, the revenues increased at their previous supply levels but it was done in horrible fashion.

I would have to imagine they will need to look at supply, equipment and staffing levels which will require increased capital expenditures so hopefully you would have to expect revenues and margins to go up but they clearly aren’t there yet.

Tell Nike that.

If you don’t get retros from multiple footlockers because they are sold out, you go to to resale market. If you don’t get a chicken sandwich from multiple Popeyes because they are sold out, you go to Chik-Fil-A. Apples and oranges.
I’m bajan and have family members who’s also Jamaican and trini.... never have I seen ketchup on jerk chicken lol.

I'm from Grenada but my father married a Jamaican, and we took several trips to JA back in the day. I've never saw it with ketchup which is why I asked if it was personal thing or the norm. From the pics, it does look good though. I'm just used to having them with festivals.
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