Why is the Divorce rate so high?

Maybe if people realized:

Being single > taken but feeling trapped > loving somebody who doesn't love you back
Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Neither do I. One of the original claims was that the lack of religion has caused the increase in the divorce rate. Another claim was that the lack of religion is a contributing factor to the decline in society. I am looking for evidence that supports those claims because I've yet to see any research that supports them.
When you decrease police presence, does crime not rise?

Police presence decreases as a result of a lack of religion?

Dude screw it.
Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Neither do I. One of the original claims was that the lack of religion has caused the increase in the divorce rate. Another claim was that the lack of religion is a contributing factor to the decline in society. I am looking for evidence that supports those claims because I've yet to see any research that supports them.
When you decrease police presence, does crime not rise?

Police presence decreases as a result of a lack of religion?

Dude screw it.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by RKO2004

When you decrease police presence, does crime not rise?

Police presence decreases as a result of a lack of religion?

Dude screw it.

O I GET IT. You're trying to imply that a lack of religion leads to moral decline. Am I wrong? If so, this goes back to where I asked you to proof that no religion = moral decline in society.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

Originally Posted by RKO2004

When you decrease police presence, does crime not rise?

Police presence decreases as a result of a lack of religion?

Dude screw it.

O I GET IT. You're trying to imply that a lack of religion leads to moral decline. Am I wrong? If so, this goes back to where I asked you to proof that no religion = moral decline in society.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Thanks. Like I said before So Nyuh Shi Dae, I'm not even going to get into that.

The stat is 50% of marriages end in divorce. I would love to see the stats on how many Under God marriages do compared to those without.

Are you counting those that do it for religious purposes?

Yes its still a illogically reason for getting married. Seriously I ask women this all the time and ppl in general and can never get a logical reason for getting married ie, church house papers, or even big top dress and ring marriage. What difference is in it and just being with a person solely forever. What does being on public records/paper make vs just being with a person? I mean outside of the govt entities like tax-breaks etc... or religious reasons which again would be an illogical reason.
How is it illogical Lewis Dix Jr?

Because from a bioLOGICal standpoint man (meaning ppl not just the anatomy) we from a dna standpoint arent created for marriage. The reason we have practice this is from a social praccticee that has been conditioned and basically trained into going against what is bioLOGICally inside our dna. And as far as your comment about religion it isnt logical because logic means: a the relationship between independent series of events and unbais truths and facts. Religion has no unbias truths and it isnt a fact therefore it isnt logic, besides that religion is a faith not an truth nor an absolute. So by definition religion is a faith/hope not a fact/logic.

As society grows/expands and we head towards a society of truths/absolutes/logic things that are illogical or have no reason began to grow old and well become archaic.

Example at a time we had no logic/proofs/factual evidence of the shape of the world. So someone just said it was flat, and without reason purely based on faith and using no logic/reason/facts/truths everyone just went along with it and said,... well i dont know why or how or even if it is true the earth is flat, everyone else says so and everyone else has a belief/faith that it is so therefore it is.

As we evolved and applied reasoning,research etc logic we discovered the truths purpose facts and now it is widely accepted as not being flat and anyone who believe so would be seen as thinking... you guessed it illogical.

Though many dont realize it, subconciously ppl are evolving and are understanding there is no purpose, logic behind wearing a dress tux etc getting on one knee a ring etc... = fidelity, truth, honesty, undying love.

A piece of paper has no logically sense in determining a life long relationship. It has no logical correlation with the commitment a person makes to another.

The whole sign paper etc is illogically if you think about it. How can you say you have an undying love care etc for a person no matter what under any circumstances aka vows, then turn around and sign a marriage liscence (which is a pact/contract) The mere term contract means a oath a path of certain terms/circumstances. So how do you say ok i love you no matter what, then sign a piece of paper that says the opposite. How LOGICally is that?

As time progress things ppl once did illogical if serve no purpose, or havent been determined to have a logic reason behind it, they will eventually go away and be a thing of the past. With the exception of some certainties like racism, classism, sexism etc.. Those illogically thoughts will be here I believe until the day mankind demise.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Thanks. Like I said before So Nyuh Shi Dae, I'm not even going to get into that.

The stat is 50% of marriages end in divorce. I would love to see the stats on how many Under God marriages do compared to those without.

Are you counting those that do it for religious purposes?

Yes its still a illogically reason for getting married. Seriously I ask women this all the time and ppl in general and can never get a logical reason for getting married ie, church house papers, or even big top dress and ring marriage. What difference is in it and just being with a person solely forever. What does being on public records/paper make vs just being with a person? I mean outside of the govt entities like tax-breaks etc... or religious reasons which again would be an illogical reason.
How is it illogical Lewis Dix Jr?

Because from a bioLOGICal standpoint man (meaning ppl not just the anatomy) we from a dna standpoint arent created for marriage. The reason we have practice this is from a social praccticee that has been conditioned and basically trained into going against what is bioLOGICally inside our dna. And as far as your comment about religion it isnt logical because logic means: a the relationship between independent series of events and unbais truths and facts. Religion has no unbias truths and it isnt a fact therefore it isnt logic, besides that religion is a faith not an truth nor an absolute. So by definition religion is a faith/hope not a fact/logic.

As society grows/expands and we head towards a society of truths/absolutes/logic things that are illogical or have no reason began to grow old and well become archaic.

Example at a time we had no logic/proofs/factual evidence of the shape of the world. So someone just said it was flat, and without reason purely based on faith and using no logic/reason/facts/truths everyone just went along with it and said,... well i dont know why or how or even if it is true the earth is flat, everyone else says so and everyone else has a belief/faith that it is so therefore it is.

As we evolved and applied reasoning,research etc logic we discovered the truths purpose facts and now it is widely accepted as not being flat and anyone who believe so would be seen as thinking... you guessed it illogical.

Though many dont realize it, subconciously ppl are evolving and are understanding there is no purpose, logic behind wearing a dress tux etc getting on one knee a ring etc... = fidelity, truth, honesty, undying love.

A piece of paper has no logically sense in determining a life long relationship. It has no logical correlation with the commitment a person makes to another.

The whole sign paper etc is illogically if you think about it. How can you say you have an undying love care etc for a person no matter what under any circumstances aka vows, then turn around and sign a marriage liscence (which is a pact/contract) The mere term contract means a oath a path of certain terms/circumstances. So how do you say ok i love you no matter what, then sign a piece of paper that says the opposite. How LOGICally is that?

As time progress things ppl once did illogical if serve no purpose, or havent been determined to have a logic reason behind it, they will eventually go away and be a thing of the past. With the exception of some certainties like racism, classism, sexism etc.. Those illogically thoughts will be here I believe until the day mankind demise.
Divorce rate is so high here in the US because it is so easy to get divorced. Instead of working out marital problems, a divorce seems to be a quick fix to end the problems.

In other countries, divorce does not exist. Instead there are marriage annulment processes that makes it hard to make a marriage invalid and very costly.
Divorce rate is so high here in the US because it is so easy to get divorced. Instead of working out marital problems, a divorce seems to be a quick fix to end the problems.

In other countries, divorce does not exist. Instead there are marriage annulment processes that makes it hard to make a marriage invalid and very costly.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by LDJ

Yes its still a illogically reason for getting married. Seriously I ask women this all the time and ppl in general and can never get a logical reason for getting married ie, church house papers, or even big top dress and ring marriage. What difference is in it and just being with a person solely forever. What does being on public records/paper make vs just being with a person? I mean outside of the govt entities like tax-breaks etc... or religious reasons which again would be an illogical reason.
How is it illogical Lewis Dix Jr?

Because from a bioLOGICal standpoint man (meaning ppl not just the anatomy) we from a dna standpoint arent created for marriage. The reason we have practice this is from a social praccticee that has been conditioned and basically trained into going against what is bioLOGICally inside our dna. And as far as your comment about religion it isnt logical because logic means: a the relationship between independent series of events and unbais truths and facts. Religion has no unbias truths and it isnt a fact therefore it isnt logic, besides that religion is a faith not an truth nor an absolute. So by definition religion is a faith/hope not a fact/logic.

As society grows/expands and we head towards a society of truths/absolutes/logic things that are illogical or have no reason began to grow old and well become archaic.

Example at a time we had no logic/proofs/factual evidence of the shape of the world. So someone just said it was flat, and without reason purely based on faith and using no logic/reason/facts/truths everyone just went along with it and said,... well i dont know why or how or even if it is true the earth is flat, everyone else says so and everyone else has a belief/faith that it is so therefore it is.

As we evolved and applied reasoning,research etc logic we discovered the truths purpose facts and now it is widely accepted as not being flat and anyone who believe so would be seen as thinking... you guessed it illogical.

Though many dont realize it, subconciously ppl are evolving and are understanding there is no purpose, logic behind wearing a dress tux etc getting on one knee a ring etc... = fidelity, truth, honesty, undying love.

A piece of paper has no logically sense in determining a life long relationship. It has no logical correlation with the commitment a person makes to another.

The whole sign paper etc is illogically if you think about it. How can you say you have an undying love care etc for a person no matter what under any circumstances aka vows, then turn around and sign a marriage liscence (which is a pact/contract) The mere term contract means a oath a path of certain terms/circumstances. So how do you say ok i love you no matter what, then sign a piece of paper that says the opposite. How LOGICally is that?

As time progress things ppl once did illogical if serve no purpose, or havent been determined to have a logic reason behind it, they will eventually go away and be a thing of the past. With the exception of some certainties like racism, classism, sexism etc.. Those illogically thoughts will be here I believe until the day mankind demise.
This post made no sense at all.  The marriage contract states that you pledge half your wealth and your whole life to the betterment of one another no matter the circumstances that may come.  That is why most states have implemented joint partnership clauses in separation cases where two individuals separate with a kid between them.  As I stated previously, the LOGIC of marriage is most evident in the finances and well being of children once they come.  Is is not a coincidence that the wealth of average Americans and Europeans has decreased significantly in the past 30 years?  This has been caused by in large by divorce.  In contrast, married couples have been proven to build wealth at a far faster rate than single people as is evidenced by the drastic wealth increase in post-war America. 

There are multiple fallacies to the subconscious argument, but I will save that for another time when I have more time to write a more in depth analysis.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by LDJ

Yes its still a illogically reason for getting married. Seriously I ask women this all the time and ppl in general and can never get a logical reason for getting married ie, church house papers, or even big top dress and ring marriage. What difference is in it and just being with a person solely forever. What does being on public records/paper make vs just being with a person? I mean outside of the govt entities like tax-breaks etc... or religious reasons which again would be an illogical reason.
How is it illogical Lewis Dix Jr?

Because from a bioLOGICal standpoint man (meaning ppl not just the anatomy) we from a dna standpoint arent created for marriage. The reason we have practice this is from a social praccticee that has been conditioned and basically trained into going against what is bioLOGICally inside our dna. And as far as your comment about religion it isnt logical because logic means: a the relationship between independent series of events and unbais truths and facts. Religion has no unbias truths and it isnt a fact therefore it isnt logic, besides that religion is a faith not an truth nor an absolute. So by definition religion is a faith/hope not a fact/logic.

As society grows/expands and we head towards a society of truths/absolutes/logic things that are illogical or have no reason began to grow old and well become archaic.

Example at a time we had no logic/proofs/factual evidence of the shape of the world. So someone just said it was flat, and without reason purely based on faith and using no logic/reason/facts/truths everyone just went along with it and said,... well i dont know why or how or even if it is true the earth is flat, everyone else says so and everyone else has a belief/faith that it is so therefore it is.

As we evolved and applied reasoning,research etc logic we discovered the truths purpose facts and now it is widely accepted as not being flat and anyone who believe so would be seen as thinking... you guessed it illogical.

Though many dont realize it, subconciously ppl are evolving and are understanding there is no purpose, logic behind wearing a dress tux etc getting on one knee a ring etc... = fidelity, truth, honesty, undying love.

A piece of paper has no logically sense in determining a life long relationship. It has no logical correlation with the commitment a person makes to another.

The whole sign paper etc is illogically if you think about it. How can you say you have an undying love care etc for a person no matter what under any circumstances aka vows, then turn around and sign a marriage liscence (which is a pact/contract) The mere term contract means a oath a path of certain terms/circumstances. So how do you say ok i love you no matter what, then sign a piece of paper that says the opposite. How LOGICally is that?

As time progress things ppl once did illogical if serve no purpose, or havent been determined to have a logic reason behind it, they will eventually go away and be a thing of the past. With the exception of some certainties like racism, classism, sexism etc.. Those illogically thoughts will be here I believe until the day mankind demise.
This post made no sense at all.  The marriage contract states that you pledge half your wealth and your whole life to the betterment of one another no matter the circumstances that may come.  That is why most states have implemented joint partnership clauses in separation cases where two individuals separate with a kid between them.  As I stated previously, the LOGIC of marriage is most evident in the finances and well being of children once they come.  Is is not a coincidence that the wealth of average Americans and Europeans has decreased significantly in the past 30 years?  This has been caused by in large by divorce.  In contrast, married couples have been proven to build wealth at a far faster rate than single people as is evidenced by the drastic wealth increase in post-war America. 

There are multiple fallacies to the subconscious argument, but I will save that for another time when I have more time to write a more in depth analysis.
Originally Posted by imsleepy1234

Divorce rate is so high here in the US because it is so easy to get divorced. Instead of working out marital problems, a divorce seems to be a quick fix to end the problems.

In other countries, divorce does not exist. Instead there are marriage annulment processes that makes it hard to make a marriage invalid and very costly.

   That only proves/states that ppl in other countries marry/stay married because they are trained and conditioned to do so. Coupled with the difficulties both in the process/financial aspect to get a divorce. So thats no different then our old archaic ways of staying/getting married because of god/kids/conditioning by society, the shame/disparringly view divorce had at that time.

Even by that reasoning ppl arent really married, they just ppl who live together and bonded by reasons outside of what traditionlly marriage is all about.
Originally Posted by imsleepy1234

Divorce rate is so high here in the US because it is so easy to get divorced. Instead of working out marital problems, a divorce seems to be a quick fix to end the problems.

In other countries, divorce does not exist. Instead there are marriage annulment processes that makes it hard to make a marriage invalid and very costly.

   That only proves/states that ppl in other countries marry/stay married because they are trained and conditioned to do so. Coupled with the difficulties both in the process/financial aspect to get a divorce. So thats no different then our old archaic ways of staying/getting married because of god/kids/conditioning by society, the shame/disparringly view divorce had at that time.

Even by that reasoning ppl arent really married, they just ppl who live together and bonded by reasons outside of what traditionlly marriage is all about.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by LDJ

Yes its still a illogically reason for getting married. Seriously I ask women this all the time and ppl in general and can never get a logical reason for getting married ie, church house papers, or even big top dress and ring marriage. What difference is in it and just being with a person solely forever. What does being on public records/paper make vs just being with a person? I mean outside of the govt entities like tax-breaks etc... or religious reasons which again would be an illogical reason.
How is it illogical Lewis Dix Jr?

Because from a bioLOGICal standpoint man (meaning ppl not just the anatomy) we from a dna standpoint arent created for marriage. The reason we have practice this is from a social praccticee that has been conditioned and basically trained into going against what is bioLOGICally inside our dna. And as far as your comment about religion it isnt logical because logic means: a the relationship between independent series of events and unbais truths and facts. Religion has no unbias truths and it isnt a fact therefore it isnt logic, besides that religion is a faith not an truth nor an absolute. So by definition religion is a faith/hope not a fact/logic.

As society grows/expands and we head towards a society of truths/absolutes/logic things that are illogical or have no reason began to grow old and well become archaic.

Example at a time we had no logic/proofs/factual evidence of the shape of the world. So someone just said it was flat, and without reason purely based on faith and using no logic/reason/facts/truths everyone just went along with it and said,... well i dont know why or how or even if it is true the earth is flat, everyone else says so and everyone else has a belief/faith that it is so therefore it is.

As we evolved and applied reasoning,research etc logic we discovered the truths purpose facts and now it is widely accepted as not being flat and anyone who believe so would be seen as thinking... you guessed it illogical.

Though many dont realize it, subconciously ppl are evolving and are understanding there is no purpose, logic behind wearing a dress tux etc getting on one knee a ring etc... = fidelity, truth, honesty, undying love.

A piece of paper has no logically sense in determining a life long relationship. It has no logical correlation with the commitment a person makes to another.

The whole sign paper etc is illogically if you think about it. How can you say you have an undying love care etc for a person no matter what under any circumstances aka vows, then turn around and sign a marriage liscence (which is a pact/contract) The mere term contract means a oath a path of certain terms/circumstances. So how do you say ok i love you no matter what, then sign a piece of paper that says the opposite. How LOGICally is that?

As time progress things ppl once did illogical if serve no purpose, or havent been determined to have a logic reason behind it, they will eventually go away and be a thing of the past. With the exception of some certainties like racism, classism, sexism etc.. Those illogically thoughts will be here I believe until the day mankind demise.
I fall into line with this kind of thinking. 
But I have one question; are you the real Lewis Dix Jr. ?
I listen to Foxxhole occasionally and I don't understand why anyone would make that their Profile Name/Pic LDJ. 
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by LDJ

Yes its still a illogically reason for getting married. Seriously I ask women this all the time and ppl in general and can never get a logical reason for getting married ie, church house papers, or even big top dress and ring marriage. What difference is in it and just being with a person solely forever. What does being on public records/paper make vs just being with a person? I mean outside of the govt entities like tax-breaks etc... or religious reasons which again would be an illogical reason.
How is it illogical Lewis Dix Jr?

Because from a bioLOGICal standpoint man (meaning ppl not just the anatomy) we from a dna standpoint arent created for marriage. The reason we have practice this is from a social praccticee that has been conditioned and basically trained into going against what is bioLOGICally inside our dna. And as far as your comment about religion it isnt logical because logic means: a the relationship between independent series of events and unbais truths and facts. Religion has no unbias truths and it isnt a fact therefore it isnt logic, besides that religion is a faith not an truth nor an absolute. So by definition religion is a faith/hope not a fact/logic.

As society grows/expands and we head towards a society of truths/absolutes/logic things that are illogical or have no reason began to grow old and well become archaic.

Example at a time we had no logic/proofs/factual evidence of the shape of the world. So someone just said it was flat, and without reason purely based on faith and using no logic/reason/facts/truths everyone just went along with it and said,... well i dont know why or how or even if it is true the earth is flat, everyone else says so and everyone else has a belief/faith that it is so therefore it is.

As we evolved and applied reasoning,research etc logic we discovered the truths purpose facts and now it is widely accepted as not being flat and anyone who believe so would be seen as thinking... you guessed it illogical.

Though many dont realize it, subconciously ppl are evolving and are understanding there is no purpose, logic behind wearing a dress tux etc getting on one knee a ring etc... = fidelity, truth, honesty, undying love.

A piece of paper has no logically sense in determining a life long relationship. It has no logical correlation with the commitment a person makes to another.

The whole sign paper etc is illogically if you think about it. How can you say you have an undying love care etc for a person no matter what under any circumstances aka vows, then turn around and sign a marriage liscence (which is a pact/contract) The mere term contract means a oath a path of certain terms/circumstances. So how do you say ok i love you no matter what, then sign a piece of paper that says the opposite. How LOGICally is that?

As time progress things ppl once did illogical if serve no purpose, or havent been determined to have a logic reason behind it, they will eventually go away and be a thing of the past. With the exception of some certainties like racism, classism, sexism etc.. Those illogically thoughts will be here I believe until the day mankind demise.
I fall into line with this kind of thinking. 
But I have one question; are you the real Lewis Dix Jr. ?
I listen to Foxxhole occasionally and I don't understand why anyone would make that their Profile Name/Pic LDJ. 
Originally Posted by firered18

Originally Posted by s dubl

because people take marriage as a joke...

THIS. People fall in love and just do it instead of using the whole courtship process to investigate whether they are compatible enough to spend the rest of their life with the one whom they marry.  Its all glamour, most girls now just want their "movie scene" memory. People these days are also quick to back out of something once it gets difficult instead of working together to solve it on common ground. Needless to say, I've decided that whichever girl I one day would like to marry, we will date for no less than 2 years before I even consider proposing.

I would wait 3-4 years till i make my decision.  

You gotta KNOW who you're marrying.

You learn something new about your partner every day.  Communication is key.
Originally Posted by firered18

Originally Posted by s dubl

because people take marriage as a joke...

THIS. People fall in love and just do it instead of using the whole courtship process to investigate whether they are compatible enough to spend the rest of their life with the one whom they marry.  Its all glamour, most girls now just want their "movie scene" memory. People these days are also quick to back out of something once it gets difficult instead of working together to solve it on common ground. Needless to say, I've decided that whichever girl I one day would like to marry, we will date for no less than 2 years before I even consider proposing.

I would wait 3-4 years till i make my decision.  

You gotta KNOW who you're marrying.

You learn something new about your partner every day.  Communication is key.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

People are getting married for the wrong reasons and they're not actually ready to be married in the first place.

blackngold1z wrote:
Unrealistic expectations.

aepps20 wrote:
1. People marry too soon instead of really getting to know a person.
2. People tend to believe the lie that they'll always feel the same way about a person their entire lives. Do you really think your heart will skip a beat every time you see your husband or wife for the next 15+ years? 

3. People are quitters. When the going gets tough so many people would rather run get a divorce than truly work things out.

4. People let others decide when they should get married instead of making that choice for themselves.

5. People tend to focus on temporary things (money, looks, etc) when choosing a mate instead of the things that strong relationships are built on (honesty, responsibility, stability, commonality, trust).
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

People are getting married for the wrong reasons and they're not actually ready to be married in the first place.

blackngold1z wrote:
Unrealistic expectations.

aepps20 wrote:
1. People marry too soon instead of really getting to know a person.
2. People tend to believe the lie that they'll always feel the same way about a person their entire lives. Do you really think your heart will skip a beat every time you see your husband or wife for the next 15+ years? 

3. People are quitters. When the going gets tough so many people would rather run get a divorce than truly work things out.

4. People let others decide when they should get married instead of making that choice for themselves.

5. People tend to focus on temporary things (money, looks, etc) when choosing a mate instead of the things that strong relationships are built on (honesty, responsibility, stability, commonality, trust).
Originally Posted by crcballer55

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by RKO2004

How is it illogical Lewis Dix Jr?

Because from a bioLOGICal standpoint man (meaning ppl not just the anatomy) we from a dna standpoint arent created for marriage. The reason we have practice this is from a social praccticee that has been conditioned and basically trained into going against what is bioLOGICally inside our dna. And as far as your comment about religion it isnt logical because logic means: a the relationship between independent series of events and unbais truths and facts. Religion has no unbias truths and it isnt a fact therefore it isnt logic, besides that religion is a faith not an truth nor an absolute. So by definition religion is a faith/hope not a fact/logic.

As society grows/expands and we head towards a society of truths/absolutes/logic things that are illogical or have no reason began to grow old and well become archaic.

Example at a time we had no logic/proofs/factual evidence of the shape of the world. So someone just said it was flat, and without reason purely based on faith and using no logic/reason/facts/truths everyone just went along with it and said,... well i dont know why or how or even if it is true the earth is flat, everyone else says so and everyone else has a belief/faith that it is so therefore it is.

As we evolved and applied reasoning,research etc logic we discovered the truths purpose facts and now it is widely accepted as not being flat and anyone who believe so would be seen as thinking... you guessed it illogical.

Though many dont realize it, subconciously ppl are evolving and are understanding there is no purpose, logic behind wearing a dress tux etc getting on one knee a ring etc... = fidelity, truth, honesty, undying love.

A piece of paper has no logically sense in determining a life long relationship. It has no logical correlation with the commitment a person makes to another.

The whole sign paper etc is illogically if you think about it. How can you say you have an undying love care etc for a person no matter what under any circumstances aka vows, then turn around and sign a marriage liscence (which is a pact/contract) The mere term contract means a oath a path of certain terms/circumstances. So how do you say ok i love you no matter what, then sign a piece of paper that says the opposite. How LOGICally is that?

As time progress things ppl once did illogical if serve no purpose, or havent been determined to have a logic reason behind it, they will eventually go away and be a thing of the past. With the exception of some certainties like racism, classism, sexism etc.. Those illogically thoughts will be here I believe until the day mankind demise.
This post made no sense at all.  The marriage contract states that you pledge half your wealth and your whole life to the betterment of one another no matter the circumstances that may come.  That is why most states have implemented joint partnership clauses in separation cases where two individuals separate with a kid between them.  As I stated previously, the LOGIC of marriage is most evident in the finances and well being of children once they come.  Is is not a coincidence that the wealth of average Americans and Europeans has decreased significantly in the past 30 years?  This has been caused by in large by divorce.  In contrast, married couples have been proven to build wealth at a far faster rate than single people as is evidenced by the drastic wealth increase in post-war America. 

There are multiple fallacies to the subconscious argument, but I will save that for another time when I have more time to write a more in depth analysis.
And thosee things can still be achieved without being married, by todays standards of marriage. And again you mentioned wordly, materialistic things, which i stated is some of the benefits. Im talking about from a pure aspect of love and the unification/bond love of one another.

Again i ask outside of fiscal gain, and things that deal with material/wordly goods. How does todays version of marriage=a undying life long bond unification of two individuals. 

Also all those things you mentioned about todays marriage are you guessed it they are terms and conditions. 

Good example is there is no ceremony no pact terms/agreements signed when you give birth to a child. Yes you sign a birth certificate but it isnt a contract or a pact, it doesnt have terms agreements condtions involved. Because its a logically assumption that no matter what in any condition circumstance you will forever love your child. You have a unconditional, undying love/bond with that child. If ppl were to take that logic and applied it to relationships we wouldnt have divorce.

Thing is for the longest ppl in general for the most part didnt marry a person they have an unconditionally undying love for. If you child lies cheats decieve you, do you leave them never forgive them hate them.... in most parts No. If a mate does the same then its adios.

And before anyone says one is different one is your child and the other is a mate. But the real difference is that one you swore to love undying unconditionally and the other you didnt. Yet the one you made the promise to you can renig on that promise aka divorce. The other you cant.

So as many of you said ok you didnt follow whats under the liscence aka contract pact then the deal is off. If ppl applied the undying unconditionally love sense of logic that they have for the child with the person that helped create the child, marriage/relationships in general would be better. But that isnt going to happen cause ppl have been conditioned trained not to logically think this way.

Im not married but i been with my old lady like forever, and i dont place or have an hierchy of unconditional/undying love for my kids or her. I view love care for them all the same. The same way id love bee with by the side of my kids the same way i am with my old lady. i didnt need a ring a tux gown etc a piece of paper to achieve this.
Originally Posted by crcballer55

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by RKO2004

How is it illogical Lewis Dix Jr?

Because from a bioLOGICal standpoint man (meaning ppl not just the anatomy) we from a dna standpoint arent created for marriage. The reason we have practice this is from a social praccticee that has been conditioned and basically trained into going against what is bioLOGICally inside our dna. And as far as your comment about religion it isnt logical because logic means: a the relationship between independent series of events and unbais truths and facts. Religion has no unbias truths and it isnt a fact therefore it isnt logic, besides that religion is a faith not an truth nor an absolute. So by definition religion is a faith/hope not a fact/logic.

As society grows/expands and we head towards a society of truths/absolutes/logic things that are illogical or have no reason began to grow old and well become archaic.

Example at a time we had no logic/proofs/factual evidence of the shape of the world. So someone just said it was flat, and without reason purely based on faith and using no logic/reason/facts/truths everyone just went along with it and said,... well i dont know why or how or even if it is true the earth is flat, everyone else says so and everyone else has a belief/faith that it is so therefore it is.

As we evolved and applied reasoning,research etc logic we discovered the truths purpose facts and now it is widely accepted as not being flat and anyone who believe so would be seen as thinking... you guessed it illogical.

Though many dont realize it, subconciously ppl are evolving and are understanding there is no purpose, logic behind wearing a dress tux etc getting on one knee a ring etc... = fidelity, truth, honesty, undying love.

A piece of paper has no logically sense in determining a life long relationship. It has no logical correlation with the commitment a person makes to another.

The whole sign paper etc is illogically if you think about it. How can you say you have an undying love care etc for a person no matter what under any circumstances aka vows, then turn around and sign a marriage liscence (which is a pact/contract) The mere term contract means a oath a path of certain terms/circumstances. So how do you say ok i love you no matter what, then sign a piece of paper that says the opposite. How LOGICally is that?

As time progress things ppl once did illogical if serve no purpose, or havent been determined to have a logic reason behind it, they will eventually go away and be a thing of the past. With the exception of some certainties like racism, classism, sexism etc.. Those illogically thoughts will be here I believe until the day mankind demise.
This post made no sense at all.  The marriage contract states that you pledge half your wealth and your whole life to the betterment of one another no matter the circumstances that may come.  That is why most states have implemented joint partnership clauses in separation cases where two individuals separate with a kid between them.  As I stated previously, the LOGIC of marriage is most evident in the finances and well being of children once they come.  Is is not a coincidence that the wealth of average Americans and Europeans has decreased significantly in the past 30 years?  This has been caused by in large by divorce.  In contrast, married couples have been proven to build wealth at a far faster rate than single people as is evidenced by the drastic wealth increase in post-war America. 

There are multiple fallacies to the subconscious argument, but I will save that for another time when I have more time to write a more in depth analysis.
And thosee things can still be achieved without being married, by todays standards of marriage. And again you mentioned wordly, materialistic things, which i stated is some of the benefits. Im talking about from a pure aspect of love and the unification/bond love of one another.

Again i ask outside of fiscal gain, and things that deal with material/wordly goods. How does todays version of marriage=a undying life long bond unification of two individuals. 

Also all those things you mentioned about todays marriage are you guessed it they are terms and conditions. 

Good example is there is no ceremony no pact terms/agreements signed when you give birth to a child. Yes you sign a birth certificate but it isnt a contract or a pact, it doesnt have terms agreements condtions involved. Because its a logically assumption that no matter what in any condition circumstance you will forever love your child. You have a unconditional, undying love/bond with that child. If ppl were to take that logic and applied it to relationships we wouldnt have divorce.

Thing is for the longest ppl in general for the most part didnt marry a person they have an unconditionally undying love for. If you child lies cheats decieve you, do you leave them never forgive them hate them.... in most parts No. If a mate does the same then its adios.

And before anyone says one is different one is your child and the other is a mate. But the real difference is that one you swore to love undying unconditionally and the other you didnt. Yet the one you made the promise to you can renig on that promise aka divorce. The other you cant.

So as many of you said ok you didnt follow whats under the liscence aka contract pact then the deal is off. If ppl applied the undying unconditionally love sense of logic that they have for the child with the person that helped create the child, marriage/relationships in general would be better. But that isnt going to happen cause ppl have been conditioned trained not to logically think this way.

Im not married but i been with my old lady like forever, and i dont place or have an hierchy of unconditional/undying love for my kids or her. I view love care for them all the same. The same way id love bee with by the side of my kids the same way i am with my old lady. i didnt need a ring a tux gown etc a piece of paper to achieve this.
I usually don't complain about grammar mistakes on the internet.
But LDJ, your grammar mistakes make what you're trying to say difficult as hell to read and understand.
I kinda see what you want to say tho...
I usually don't complain about grammar mistakes on the internet.
But LDJ, your grammar mistakes make what you're trying to say difficult as hell to read and understand.
I kinda see what you want to say tho...
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