Why is there so much disgusting obesity in this country?

I was in Puerto Rico one time, this fat woman was trying to get onto a bus. She was in a wheelchair, not because she was handicapped, but because she was so fat. She couldn't even fit through the door of the bus.

You know how kids say stuff like "your mom couldn't fit through that door"? This broad literally got stuck trying to get through the bus doors, had people pushing her from behind and pulling her arms from the front until she gave up and sat back down in the power wheelchair.

I was in Puerto Rico one time, this fat woman was trying to get onto a bus. She was in a wheelchair, not because she was handicapped, but because she was so fat. She couldn't even fit through the door of the bus.

You know how kids say stuff like "your mom couldn't fit through that door"? This broad literally got stuck trying to get through the bus doors, had people pushing her from behind and pulling her arms from the front until she gave up and sat back down in the power wheelchair.

As for people saying I'm superior, yes I am. I've actually educated myself and have made life choices. Have studied various Asian and Euro diets as well as traveled.

But why are you superior?
As for people saying I'm superior, yes I am. I've actually educated myself and have made life choices. Have studied various Asian and Euro diets as well as traveled.

But why are you superior?
Originally Posted by JPZx

As for people saying I'm superior, yes I am. I've actually educated myself and have made life choices. Have studied various Asian and Euro diets as well as traveled.

But why are you superior?

because of the same reasons a non-smoker is superior, they educated themselves on taking care of the bodies they were given. Why are you an apologist?
Originally Posted by JPZx

As for people saying I'm superior, yes I am. I've actually educated myself and have made life choices. Have studied various Asian and Euro diets as well as traveled.

But why are you superior?

because of the same reasons a non-smoker is superior, they educated themselves on taking care of the bodies they were given. Why are you an apologist?
People are @$*@%$% lazy and fast food is everywhere. But mostly people are @$*@%$% lazy.

europe there isn't @%%% on every @$*@%$% corner, plus they don't have as extensive roads in a lot of places which doesn't allow for fast food to show up everywhere. It's not our fault our country is huge, but their is a lot more room for people and food.
People are @$*@%$% lazy and fast food is everywhere. But mostly people are @$*@%$% lazy.

europe there isn't @%%% on every @$*@%$% corner, plus they don't have as extensive roads in a lot of places which doesn't allow for fast food to show up everywhere. It's not our fault our country is huge, but their is a lot more room for people and food.
Originally Posted by SCuse7

People are @$*@%$% lazy and fast food is everywhere. But mostly people are @$*@%$% lazy.

europe there isn't @%%% on every @$*@%$% corner, plus they don't have as extensive roads in a lot of places which doesn't allow for fast food to show up everywhere. It's not our fault our country is huge, but their is a lot more room for people and food.

Originally Posted by SCuse7

People are @$*@%$% lazy and fast food is everywhere. But mostly people are @$*@%$% lazy.

europe there isn't @%%% on every @$*@%$% corner, plus they don't have as extensive roads in a lot of places which doesn't allow for fast food to show up everywhere. It's not our fault our country is huge, but their is a lot more room for people and food.

How can his Mother attest to your Greek God physique and dashing good looks though? 
How can his Mother attest to your Greek God physique and dashing good looks though? 
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

You know how long an American will circle a parking lot to save 15 feet of walking?
Oh my god that pisses me off so much. I got in a big fight with my ex a while back over that. Various family members do it too. It's incredibly annoying. If you go to the mall saturday afternoon, don't circle the damn lot 50 times when there isn't any spots at the front.
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

You know how long an American will circle a parking lot to save 15 feet of walking?
Oh my god that pisses me off so much. I got in a big fight with my ex a while back over that. Various family members do it too. It's incredibly annoying. If you go to the mall saturday afternoon, don't circle the damn lot 50 times when there isn't any spots at the front.
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Xtapolapacetl wrote:

The reason people get overweight is because they don't have control over their will. They like unhealthy food that tastes good too much and they eat it in oversized portions.
its a given that some ppl have no will over what they eat but actually ive noticed that the food in america is diff than in other countries. I havent lived in the US for a minute and I have lost mad weight by eating the same kinds of food. Im not even talkin about fast food, normal food - like chicken, bread etc. There is something in the food in the US and i should prob write this in the theories thread but i first started suspecting this when i saw that doc movie Food Inc. The food in america is highly processed and engineered to get people to keep consuming by adding things like msg, benzoate nitrate etc. Let's not forget that all food in the US is also corn-based and all corn in the US is gm. 

yes yes. The food outside the US, I'm gonna make an uneducated guess as I have no research behind this, is natural in all aspects. Its gunny when you go to a different country everybody is skinny and fit because their lifestyle requires more physical activity, but you once you come back everybody is overweight and riding cars for a 5 min walk
. Hell, I'm gonna assume a lot places in the states barely have people walking on the sidewalks. Shiiieeet. Then y'all ask yourselves why those Hispanic mamis always fit with a kid. It's all that walking. An old age tradition to move on foot if possible
. Make an American mom do that and watch what their facial expression. Haha. Ps. Typing on phone. Sorry for mistakes. Loulz.
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Xtapolapacetl wrote:

The reason people get overweight is because they don't have control over their will. They like unhealthy food that tastes good too much and they eat it in oversized portions.
its a given that some ppl have no will over what they eat but actually ive noticed that the food in america is diff than in other countries. I havent lived in the US for a minute and I have lost mad weight by eating the same kinds of food. Im not even talkin about fast food, normal food - like chicken, bread etc. There is something in the food in the US and i should prob write this in the theories thread but i first started suspecting this when i saw that doc movie Food Inc. The food in america is highly processed and engineered to get people to keep consuming by adding things like msg, benzoate nitrate etc. Let's not forget that all food in the US is also corn-based and all corn in the US is gm. 

yes yes. The food outside the US, I'm gonna make an uneducated guess as I have no research behind this, is natural in all aspects. Its gunny when you go to a different country everybody is skinny and fit because their lifestyle requires more physical activity, but you once you come back everybody is overweight and riding cars for a 5 min walk
. Hell, I'm gonna assume a lot places in the states barely have people walking on the sidewalks. Shiiieeet. Then y'all ask yourselves why those Hispanic mamis always fit with a kid. It's all that walking. An old age tradition to move on foot if possible
. Make an American mom do that and watch what their facial expression. Haha. Ps. Typing on phone. Sorry for mistakes. Loulz.
Smh @ some of the responses. And I guess "Live and Let Live" is only applicable to one's own life or certain situations you agree with.

OP, the first lady has a campaign that directly deals with this epidemic that is focused on children: http://www.letsmove.gov/ . Additionally, there have been other movements that directly deal with obesity in general. Some have been successful in small towns; while others have failed on a national level, does anyone recall Jamie Oliver's campaign?

Your comments are no different than someone who proclaims to hate minorities. FYI, just because someone is skinny it doesn't mean they're healthy.

Think about it.

Am I mad or overweight? Not in the least, but I do recognize ignorance.
Smh @ some of the responses. And I guess "Live and Let Live" is only applicable to one's own life or certain situations you agree with.

OP, the first lady has a campaign that directly deals with this epidemic that is focused on children: http://www.letsmove.gov/ . Additionally, there have been other movements that directly deal with obesity in general. Some have been successful in small towns; while others have failed on a national level, does anyone recall Jamie Oliver's campaign?

Your comments are no different than someone who proclaims to hate minorities. FYI, just because someone is skinny it doesn't mean they're healthy.

Think about it.

Am I mad or overweight? Not in the least, but I do recognize ignorance.
If people wanna be fat let them be fat. .
If people wanna smoke let them smoke. .
It isnt your business in the first place.
No one looks over your shoulder when youre fappin to bbw, and saying "Yo brah, that's disgusting you shouldn't be doing that"
Get over yourselves, we all have an expiration date regardless if you live to 30 or if you live to 110.
One will never realize the value of life until one can free him/herself of their ego. I can tell that a lot of people on NT have this problem.
If people wanna be fat let them be fat. .
If people wanna smoke let them smoke. .
It isnt your business in the first place.
No one looks over your shoulder when youre fappin to bbw, and saying "Yo brah, that's disgusting you shouldn't be doing that"
Get over yourselves, we all have an expiration date regardless if you live to 30 or if you live to 110.
One will never realize the value of life until one can free him/herself of their ego. I can tell that a lot of people on NT have this problem.
Originally Posted by scshift

I was in Puerto Rico one time, this fat woman was trying to get onto a bus. She was in a wheelchair, not because she was handicapped, but because she was so fat. She couldn't even fit through the door of the bus.

You know how kids say stuff like "your mom couldn't fit through that door"? This broad literally got stuck trying to get through the bus doors, had people pushing her from behind and pulling her arms from the front until she gave up and sat back down in the power wheelchair.


The look of defeat when she sat back down had to be priceless.
Originally Posted by scshift

I was in Puerto Rico one time, this fat woman was trying to get onto a bus. She was in a wheelchair, not because she was handicapped, but because she was so fat. She couldn't even fit through the door of the bus.

You know how kids say stuff like "your mom couldn't fit through that door"? This broad literally got stuck trying to get through the bus doors, had people pushing her from behind and pulling her arms from the front until she gave up and sat back down in the power wheelchair.


The look of defeat when she sat back down had to be priceless.
Originally Posted by DallasSneakerHead08

Originally Posted by scshift

I was in Puerto Rico one time, this fat woman was trying to get onto a bus. She was in a wheelchair, not because she was handicapped, but because she was so fat. She couldn't even fit through the door of the bus.

You know how kids say stuff like "your mom couldn't fit through that door"? This broad literally got stuck trying to get through the bus doors, had people pushing her from behind and pulling her arms from the front until she gave up and sat back down in the power wheelchair.


The look of defeat when she sat back down had to be priceless.
It was actually more gross than priceless. She was wearing a tank top showing the rolls and since it's Puerto Rico it's pretty hot out, on top of that she's sweating like Lamar Odom from the effort
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