Why take off your hat? After all these years, I've never discussed this on here

The beanie thing, I never associated with cold weather until I moved out of CA.
I'm still perfectly fine wearing a beanie in 90 degree weather, because that's how I grew up. But because of where I live now (tri-state area of OH/WV/KY), where people only wear beanies when it's cold, I do the same... but only because I don't want to deal with people questioning me all day. "Damn, did you read the weather wrong today?" No, I like beanies. Why are you wearing jeans? It's 93 outside. But that's for another topic.

So Persia, if it were you and me and a bunch of our friends out to eat and a couple of us had on baseball hats, worn forward, you'd be... what? Offended? Bothered? Curious? Or when you said if I were to sit down and eat with you w/ a hat on, were you just meaning if it were you and me only?
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

The beanie thing, I never associated with cold weather until I moved out of CA.
I'm still perfectly fine wearing a beanie in 90 degree weather, because that's how I grew up. But because of where I live now (tri-state area of OH/WV/KY), where people only wear beanies when it's cold, I do the same... but only because I don't want to deal with people questioning me all day. "Damn, did you read the weather wrong today?" No, I like beanies. Why are you wearing jeans? It's 93 outside. But that's for another topic.

So Persia, if it were you and me and a bunch of our friends out to eat and a couple of us had on baseball hats, worn forward, you'd be... what? Offended? Bothered? Curious? Or when you said if I were to sit down and eat with you w/ a hat on, were you just meaning if it were you and me only?
I think it's definitely a case by case situation, and I think the worst I would be would be "annoyed" in any situation, not offended. Maybe older folk would be offended but to me it would literally be an issue of being annoyed that I can't see someone's face.

You're definitely right that it would be much less of a deal if it was a group than a one-on-one, because you spend less time looking at any particular person. And it'd also depend on where we were going. If I invited you out for a meal and drinks to celebrate something, then I'd probably be annoyed if I had to stare at a hat. But if we were working out or something and stopped somewhere to grab a bite and sat down for a few minutes, I definitely wouldn't care.

Basically, if it's a "quality face time" situation (nh), then I think a hat is sort of out of place and can be annoying to the conversation. If we just happen to be sitting across from each other for a few minutes, no big deal at all.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

The beanie thing, I never associated with cold weather until I moved out of CA.
I'm still perfectly fine wearing a beanie in 90 degree weather, because that's how I grew up. But because of where I live now (tri-state area of OH/WV/KY), where people only wear beanies when it's cold, I do the same... but only because I don't want to deal with people questioning me all day. "Damn, did you read the weather wrong today?" No, I like beanies. Why are you wearing jeans? It's 93 outside. But that's for another topic.

So Persia, if it were you and me and a bunch of our friends out to eat and a couple of us had on baseball hats, worn forward, you'd be... what? Offended? Bothered? Curious? Or when you said if I were to sit down and eat with you w/ a hat on, were you just meaning if it were you and me only?
I think it's definitely a case by case situation, and I think the worst I would be would be "annoyed" in any situation, not offended. Maybe older folk would be offended but to me it would literally be an issue of being annoyed that I can't see someone's face.

You're definitely right that it would be much less of a deal if it was a group than a one-on-one, because you spend less time looking at any particular person. And it'd also depend on where we were going. If I invited you out for a meal and drinks to celebrate something, then I'd probably be annoyed if I had to stare at a hat. But if we were working out or something and stopped somewhere to grab a bite and sat down for a few minutes, I definitely wouldn't care.

Basically, if it's a "quality face time" situation (nh), then I think a hat is sort of out of place and can be annoying to the conversation. If we just happen to be sitting across from each other for a few minutes, no big deal at all.
I can definitely understand the face time logic, wanting people to take off their hat to open them up.

But disrespecting the judge by keeping my beanie on or my backwards hat? I guess I'll take the ignorance I have towards that request to my grave, because I'm definitely ignorant towards that request.
If I'm ok with wearing something indoors that the judge feels is outside attire, and he can see my face and we can carry on a convo, what's the problem? My backwards Angels hat dosen't take away from the years he put in towards being where he is, doesn't make him any less of a man. How is that disrespectful?

I can definitely understand the face time logic, wanting people to take off their hat to open them up.

But disrespecting the judge by keeping my beanie on or my backwards hat? I guess I'll take the ignorance I have towards that request to my grave, because I'm definitely ignorant towards that request.
If I'm ok with wearing something indoors that the judge feels is outside attire, and he can see my face and we can carry on a convo, what's the problem? My backwards Angels hat dosen't take away from the years he put in towards being where he is, doesn't make him any less of a man. How is that disrespectful?

I feel you on that. With judges it's more of a power trip thing I think. Have you seen My Cousin Vinny?

Within the legal world judges have so much control over everything that a lot of them develop legitimate god complexes.
I feel you on that. With judges it's more of a power trip thing I think. Have you seen My Cousin Vinny?

Within the legal world judges have so much control over everything that a lot of them develop legitimate god complexes.
I dont get it either. I never take my fitted out, not to be a rebel but because I don't care about fulfilling some custom for someone else.
I dont get it either. I never take my fitted out, not to be a rebel but because I don't care about fulfilling some custom for someone else.
in high school they never made us take our hats off. come to think of it even on sunday church they never made us take it off
in high school they never made us take our hats off. come to think of it even on sunday church they never made us take it off
whatever happened to being a good person?

i don't take my hat off for anyone

either you rock with me or you don't

just like i never understood why strip clubs have dress codes

really, i have to dress up to see random scally's dress down? (i don't even go to strip clubs ftr)
whatever happened to being a good person?

i don't take my hat off for anyone

either you rock with me or you don't

just like i never understood why strip clubs have dress codes

really, i have to dress up to see random scally's dress down? (i don't even go to strip clubs ftr)
"In the days of knight errantry, every one meeting a stranger had to
suppose him an enemy; ten to one he was. And the sign and proof of
friendly intention was raising the right hand without a weapon in it.
The hand was raised high, to be seen as far as they could shoot with a
bow, and a further proof was added when they raised the vizor and
exposed the face. The danger of the highway continued long after
knights ceased to wear armour; so, with the same meaning, the same
gesture was used, but with a lifting of the hat. If a man did not do
it, he was either showing contempt or hostility for the other, or
proving himself an ignorant brute. So, in all civilized countries,
lifting the hat is a sign of mutual confidence and respect."
"In the days of knight errantry, every one meeting a stranger had to
suppose him an enemy; ten to one he was. And the sign and proof of
friendly intention was raising the right hand without a weapon in it.
The hand was raised high, to be seen as far as they could shoot with a
bow, and a further proof was added when they raised the vizor and
exposed the face. The danger of the highway continued long after
knights ceased to wear armour; so, with the same meaning, the same
gesture was used, but with a lifting of the hat. If a man did not do
it, he was either showing contempt or hostility for the other, or
proving himself an ignorant brute. So, in all civilized countries,
lifting the hat is a sign of mutual confidence and respect."
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