Will they stay or will they go? - Juniors to the NFL

one had 9 yards the other 6 per ....

and one is an All American kick returner ...

PS - Kevin Smith is not in the equation.
PS - Kevin Smith is not in the equation.
Meaning you don't think he's on the same level as Jamaal Charles or those other guys?

Got damn I didn't even realize JC threw up almost 1700 and 18 scores...
I can't really chime in but so much on both of them as I have not seen as much of them as other have... But the question I have is....is the difference inYPC due more to the fact that Felix is that much better than 'Maal...or is it a product of how the two offenses operate....or the fact that Jamaal is astarter

Has Felix even declared for the Draft??? I just saw that Run-DMC did....

And yeah Dirk, Jamaal had a quiet 1600....
IMO Felix is a better football player.
as far as offenses go, texas was a much better situation to be in for a RB. I'd say, If Felix played in texas, he woulda had more than 1600. He's amore natural RB.

thats just me tho, Ive seen alot of Charles but Im positive Nowitness has seen far more of Charles than I have
That's what up....I would like to see what Nowitness has to say on it as well since he is a Texas fan....

Where do y'all think Percy Harvin will go should he repeat this years sucess come out next year...1st rounder??? Dude may be small, but he is aplaymaker....might be the '09 Ted Ginn when he gets drafted (This year it will prolly be D-Jax )
Jamaal made steady progress throughout the year in terms of being a more complete RB, but he's still a work in progress. He's still more of a speed guythat'll rip off a huge run and seriously inflate his YPC, though... He's got a TON of work to do in terms of running between the tackles, he stilltries to bounce far too many runs outside where he can just kick on the afterburners. Ain't gonna work on the next level. He's too much East/West formy liking, but he did get better about that throughout this year. And to me, Jamaal is fast as hell, but he doesn't seem very shifty. I can't think ofa play that stands out off hand where he shook somebody and just left em...

I don't think Texas was a great situation for a RB to be in this year, as they were fielding a VERY young offensive line and Colt McCoy was Jekyll and Hydeall damn year, but it was clearly a better situation than Arkansas. The work McFadden and Jones put in up at Arkansas this year is nothing short of amazing.You've got your QB split out in the slot on 75% of your snaps, teams know you're running the ball every single time, and you're still ripping off 6and 9 YPC respectively... Bananas.

I agree with Gunna that I think Felix is a better RB at this point. I just think he sees and reads the field better, seems like he makes decisions quicker andhits the hole harder, doesn't dance as much, doesn't have the fumble bug, he's fast in his own right... But Felix has his own questions that'llneed to be answered as well. Coming out, though, I don't think there's any question who the better prospect is.
Jamaal is fast as hell, but he doesn't seem very shifty. I can't think of a play that stands out off hand where he shook somebody and just left em...
he won't completely break dudes down, but his cutback is something serious. He has pretty good field vision and lateral movement. Obviouslyhe's a better North/South threat, but I think alot of people are really sleeping HARD on his cutback/vision. His main thing is like u mentioned runningbetween the tackles and his size.

Sucks he came out this year. I'm gonna guess it aint just the draft grade, cuz nobody would be that silly to come out when you can be alot more likely togo in the 2nd round next year.

and nah TX def wasn't a good place for a RB situation. Texas isn't a good place for any offensive situation outside of maybe a lineman. The playcalling is horrible. For one, they are still in Vince Young mode, and to try to compensate for that offense, they have some silly plays and its all VERYpredictable and very systematic. Very scoutable which is why I feel like Colt had such a decrease this year. Last year, after Colt started showin heart andmaking a few plays on his own they kinda let the reigns loose, but he started off bad from the jump and they kept on with the conservative playcalling. Onlygame I can remember where Texas called a good game offensively was probably against OU and in the Holiday Bowl. It's too much talent for Texas tocontinuously fall short
for yall saying Texas aint a good place for RB, compare that to Arkansas where there were no other weapons in the offense but RB. U think thats not a betterplace to be if you play RB ?
U think thats not a better place to be if you play RB ?
No, I completely agree, and I said so in my first post. What those two did at Arkansas in that whack%+!@@@@ offense is absolutely crazy. No doubtTexas is a better situation, but it's by no means a great one.
Malcolm was sayin in the press release he wanted his entire class to come back. He said he has a lot to accomplish..his degree, B10 title, Thorpe award, andthe SEC championship
Malcolm was lookin at being a Top 10-15 lock...I guess you can't really question the kid wanting to go back, but I always wonder why you'd wanna takethat chance...
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Malcolm was lookin at being a Top 10-15 lock...I guess you can't really question the kid wanting to go back, but I always wonder why you'd wanna take that chance...

Unless it was for his degree or some other reason, I don't see why in the heck he'd go back... turn down that top 15 money for a chance to get injured,or to slip up, in a senior season?
Both the VT boys had good seasons this year...

I think that Flowers is slightly > Macho Commacho...

Macho could've stayed and been the man....But then they would have thrown to his side less than they did this year....
I read somewhere that Malcolm Jenkins is staying at OSU for another year. I think I saw that on Rivals. I don't know if that's been said in here yet,but I just thought I'd throw that out there.
^its been said a couple times in this thread.

Marcus Freeman is also returning
Jonathan Stewart is going to be a STUD, IMO
Ehh. I use to be high on this guy but then I started to watch some stuff on him more closely and I wasnt to impressed with his natural runningback skills. And I am not seeing that 4.4 speed but we will see that at the combine.

But he is to talented to not be productive at all but I have cooled on him in the last couple of months.
Ehh. I use to be high on this guy but then I started to watch some stuff on him more closely and I wasnt to impressed with his natural running back skills. And I am not seeing that 4.4 speed but we will see that at the combine.

But he is to talented to not be productive at all but I have cooled on him in the last couple of months.
My thoughts exactly.
if he wasnt so soft he could do work in the NFL, he will go 1st round on speed and foot work for a RB but dude will be a soft bum in the NFL
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